Jesus (c. 4 BC - AD 30 or 33), also referred to as Jesus Christ or Jesus of Nazareth (among other names and titles), was a first-century Jewish preacher and religious leader; he is the central figure of Christianity, the world's largest religion.Most Christians believe he is the incarnation of God the Son and the awaited Messiah (the Christ) prophesied in the Hebrew Bible. I actually have a competition I want you to compete in. The Teachers' Guide follows with a plan for teaching adults. Use a Sharpie to write the letters of the alphabet, one on each popsicle stick, twice. Use this object lesson to help students think through how to strengthen their daily connection with God even in the midst of being busy. Read. God Bless! Download the message script and then watch our teaching example below as you prepare to share this Bible object lesson in your church. Ask each volunteer to do a simple task such as getting a book from across the room. People who humble themselves and help serve others are considered first in God's eyes. You can even share a real example from your life: either of someone who shared the love of Jesus with you, or you shared with others. Sin ruined that and separated us from God. thank you for these lessons. Were here to help you teach kids from Gods Word. In the same way, we cant make more room in our hearts to pursue Jesus if we dont get rid of other things first. That branch represents a person who heard about Jesus and decided to follow him. We NEVER really know what to expect from one day to the next, let alone one season to the next. Share how you personally heard about Jesus or how you grew in your relationship with Christ. It could be sticking up for someone who you know is being bullied. The words to this song are included at the back of the manual. Whether you ever get recognition or praise from others, serve because you love God and you serve him. This would also be a great opportunity to have adults or youth share about how they heard about Christ. Take 4-5 examples and ask the youth to tape their footprint somewhere around the room. Name some things that fill your cup on a daily basis (activities, school, relationships, the things you think about): Which of these things help you grow in your relationship with Christ? This year is year 3 and we've gotten to talk about the life and ministry of Jesus! Deuteronomy 13:4 Start out by explaining each utensil and what it is used for. Looking for preteen ministry curriculum? Repeat this process, preparing enough cups for each group of students to have one set. Then, the next person in line repeats the same process. IMMEDIATELY have the Timekeepers begin to time the Pop Rocks explosion. They should call out intervals, like 30 seconds, 60 seconds, etc. Jesus and John the Baptist This lesson teaches students to standout from the world in such a way as to draw others to Jesus. First, can anyone define the word servant? Allow a few moments for discussion and add the definition of a servant (someone who performs duties for other people) if necessary. Another way to serve is to pray for others. adroll_language = "en_US"; Four Excuses that Keep Us from Teaching Like Jesus, The Black Letters of Jesus One-Year Bible Study Curriculum, Project Serve Disciple Now Retreat Curriculum, Intersections One-Year Bible Study Curriculum, FREE Thankful Instagram Bible Verses For Your Youth Ministry, An orange and paper plate for each student, Various office supplies (thumb tacks, different kinds of tape, staplers, paper clips, string, rubber bands, glue, scissors, and anything else that might be helpful to put the orange back together). Invisible Vase This clever object lesson demonstrates that something can be there but invisible. For this weeks Bible curriculum, weve included everything you need to teach. Heat toast in microwave or toaster. Serving can take a little more effort - like giving up your time to help someone move or handing out food in a homeless shelter. You will have two minutes to make as many words as possible from your lettered sticks and write them down. But like it says in Luke 18:18-30: What is impossible with man is possible with God., You can find 5 more activities in our post Youth Group Activities with a Message., Angie Franklin is the Director of Operations at LeaderTreks and has worked in youth ministry since 2000. Put in e-mail address and get in button. You may need to simplify this lesson when working with younger children. Id never heard of any of the 5 Indiana towns I have ministered in Only a life following the lead of Jesus Christ could I have ever come to call those places home and those people family. 42Andwhoever gives one ofthese little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.. But this is not your calling. The first team to get all of their shoes on WINS! We believe that when you teach using relevant images and experiences, your teaching becomes more memorable and you help your students discover a lesson for themselves. Bible Topic: Serving Others Scripture: Mark 10:45 Target Age Group: Elementary (1 st -5 th grade) Our website has teaching material for children of all aged starting with the church nursery (age 0-1 years old), toddlers (age 2-3 years old), preschool (age 4-5 years old), young elementary (age 6-8 years old), older elementary (age 9-10 years old), and preteen youth ministry groups (age 11-12 years old). Not very clean! adroll_pix_id = "IWWTNICOSVE4FFQ7EJEVEV"; This childrens sermon is from Matthew 10:40-42 where Jesus teaches about hospitality and welcoming others in His Name. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It is possible to remove most of the syrup using the straws, but it will be messy and sticky, because the syrup will cling to every surface it touches. Jesus Is Worth Imitating I am glad that everyone has their stinky shoes back on their stinky feet! Message by Rev. (or the two foods that they love and hate) Most of the time life seems to be . Here are three quick reasons why you should serve others: 1. I had to have conversations with my wife to be sure we were both up for this. We've included the text for this object lesson below and we even recorded a video to help give you ideas for how to teach it. Next come our church friends, and finally, our neighbors in the community and our neighbors in the world. Lesson: Jesus Birth and Childhood (Servanthood for Kids #2), Lesson: Jesus Baptism and Satans Temptation (Servanthood for Kids #3), Jesus Calls Disciples (Matthew 4:12-22) Sunday School Lesson, Lesson: Jesus First Miracle and Healing (Servanthood for Kids #5), Lesson: Jesus Served Through His Crucifixion, Part 1 (Servanthood for Kids #8), Lesson: Jesus Served Through His Crucifixion, Part 2 (Servanthood for Kids #9), Jesus Served By Being Resurrected (Servanthood for Kids #10), Sunday School Curriculum and Bible Lessons for Kids, Say, Today we are discussing what it means to be a servant. Look at John 13:2-5 and see that Jesus washed the disciples feet. Join thousands of other childrens ministry leaders, getting fresh, helpful ideas delivered weekly to your inbox. Grab another shoe and repeat the process until they get a shoe that belongs to a member on their team. What are some simple ways that you plan to share the love of Jesus? God Bless. Special thanks to our sponsors The Sunday School Store. No unauthorized use or duplication permitted. Emphasize how the prayers of others can be answered through our . Object A key ring with a lot of keys Scripture Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, "If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all." Mark 9:35 (NIV) Activities + Resources Coloring Page Group Activities Crossword Decoder Word Search He says that if we want to be first, we must be servants of everyone who needs our help. Amen., Preparing to Serve Matching Game (10 minutes). Were glad its been such a blessing to your ministry! Have them help take out the trash collected during the church service. Stories are always much more powerful than just simply talking about hearing about Jesus. Many Parts, One Body In order for something to operate correctly, all parts perform important functions. As the youth share, write a short phrase summing up the way they heard about Jesus on the paper footprint. Servanthood Object Lesson Script In that Bible passage, Jesus teaches about hospitality and welcoming others. Then set the round plastic tub on a classroom table, and partially fill the tub with water. You will need two sets of alphabet popsicle sticks.. In the red football jersey, Sunday school teacher Dawn Smith <a . Thank God for Serving others. We loved the opportunity to escape routine, go to a place and people in need, and serve alongside of youth. We share Kids Bible Lessons for childrens Sunday School. This skill allows me to understand the needs of businesses, putting myself . Her response the first time was perfect. Is there anything that needs to change to make sure these things in your life dont become like the sticky syrup, taking up space that Christ could fill. Others can now "feast" on Jesus via what we say and do. On our own, we cant put ourselves back together or make ourselves appear righteous before God (Ephesians 2:8-9). Ask students to look up the following verses and read to the class: Continue by telling the students that Jesus set the ultimate example of servanthood through his humility, obedience, and love for others. You can create 2-letter words, names, places, abbreviations any word you can make using your popsicle sticks. With the second color, list acts of service for the students to match with each need. The major point of these Christian object lessons is to show that we are all God's tools and usable to Him to build up His church. Today, were talking about the opposite of that attitude were talking about serving others. Heres an example that maybe you can relate to: Your mom gives you a few chores to do: take out the trash, clean up your room, wash the dishes, etc. This lesson comes from the Project Serve Disciple Now Retreat Curriculum. Thats just how it is with service. And thats why were here! R.S.A. Thank you so much. Object lessons are a great way to teach kids about God. Start your object lesson from the bottom of the stalk. Then, with the blindfold on, they will grab one shoe and run back to their team. Craft: Make cards for shut-ins or someone you know is sick and deliver them personally (or mail them if delivering them isnt possible). When I say GO, you will take turns, one-at-a-time stepping up to your teams jar, holding a popsicle stick at your nose, and trying to drop it into your jar. In life we will always have busyness. Pray for others specific needs. Rings of Service Object Lesson Have kids stand around the tub of water. How can you encourage and lead those around you to live less selflessly and care more about others? When we stop trying to define the truth for others we can begin to appreciate to what extent the society we inhabit is an ongoing negotiation between the secular and the religious. In Jesus time, they didnt have shoes and socks. I have no idea what is coming nextand, honestly, I am comforted and already excited about it because wouldnt want to be anywhere else than right where God has led me. Lesson: When Jesus Was A Child (Luke 2:41-52), Lesson: Why Do Bad Things Happen? This lesson and printable is one way you can help teach your young kids this principle. Do you think there were many servants volunteering for that job? We dont have to wash feet as Jesus did to be serving. Have kids stand around the tub of water. Have some fun family competition by making a game of trying to put others first. The only way that we are sitting here learning about Jesus, and even able to know that we can have a relationship with him, is because others shared about Jesus. If so, what would you need to do it? As children, we can serve by helping our parents with chores around the house. Lets read what Jesus says about serving. Galatians 3:2628 says, For in Christ Jesusyou are all sons of God, through faith. Needed: Bibles, dice, drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: Raising the Dice Divide students into two teams or more teams and give each time a six-sided die. Weve talked How to Teach for Transformation, How to Make Your Teaching Unforgettable, and Four Excuses that Keep Us from Teaching Like Jesus. The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. Do you think the principal of your school would do that for your class? Please be with us as we try to be your willing servants. In the world, the lesser serves the greater. Object lessons are usually . ), what would you want to be sure to include? Let's say this marble is a person who has chosen to serve God. I love the concept of the game and lessonawesome work! With older kids you may discuss how the tub is like the world and how even the little things we do can ripple out and affect our whole world. Decide as a group which Pop Rocks & liquid combo had the smallest vs. biggest explosion and which combo took the shortest/longest time to fizzle out? The lesson includes a fun opening game - Stinky Feet. Pick up a marble and say: When we serve God, we serve others around us. At least two different types of roofs were placed on houses in Capernaum in Jesus . If you or other students dont have a phone, share. Instead of making the poor teacher peel all of them, wed like you guys to take two minutes and peel all of the oranges and then pull apart the slices. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); helps you tell kids about Jesus by providing age-appropriate Bible study material and Sunday School curriculum all 100% free online. Embrace the joys. Music brought to you by The Muse Maker:, Copyright 2019 - 2023 Sunday School Works. That means no permission is needed as long as you credit this in the final work. (Tough Questions Kids Ask #3), "Blessed are the Meek" Sunday School Lesson, Lesson: God made YOU special! MEETING. We are thrilled you always find our resources helpful. But in the passage we just read, Jesus says just the opposite. Gather kids together to represent the rings of service. But for many of us, thats pretty intimidating. Have the Observers make notes on how fast each cup is fizzing and which liquid seems to be affecting the Pop Rocks the most. Permalink: Titel: Language Documentation Practice and Values ISBN: 9789027287830 Auteur (persoon): Grenoble . Ask a volunteer to read the final passage, Joshua 24:15, aloud. Bible Basis. The greatest among you must be a servant. I was a youth minister and she was the childrens minister at the same church. It was really difficult to add more water to the cup that was already full without first getting rid of the syrup. 2023 | Bible Lessons for Kids, Activities for Sunday School, Free Resources for Children's Ministry Leaders. . She would often come on the youth mission trips as a chaperone. This lesson comes from the Solo Jesus series in The Black Letters of Jesus One-Year Bible Study Curriculum. So when it came to leave this work together into something newand I asked her if she was ready for itineracy she said, Our whole life is a mission trip. There are lots of good things about flip-flops, but there are a few bad things. However, I'd venture to say that even the most selfish person would serve Jesus if He walked into a room. A Chemical Christmas to All! How do loving God and loving others go together? This resource contains four Sunday School lessons. Then, throughout this week and hopefully beyond, lets start a movement. OBJECT TALKS Lighting Up The World A short illustration about lighting up the world, one match at a time. Say, We are going to work together to match a need with an act of service. At the end of the game, discuss each pair of cards and encourage students to serve in similar ways. Jesus demonstrated the importance of serving others while he was on the earth in fact, its the reason he came in the first place. This simple Bible lesson will teach children about the spiritual discipline of serving others. Sometimes people give and serve "seasonally." He was more important than a principal or even a president would be to us. . Wonderful and halpful lesson to teach children. Your email address will not be published. Happy to hear you are enjoying our free lessons. Use this object lesson to help students discover their inability to fix the problem of their own sin and teach on Gods abundant grace. We believe that children and parents benefit from a strong Christian education program in the church. Working For Jesus In this lesson, children discover that spiritual growth comes through serving others. After a surprising tribute by Emmanuel Macron, should we heed Simone Weil's warnings about the myth of progress? OBJECT LESSON done by Dr. Mark Jackson using a fork, knife, spoon and bowl of water to show the importance of serving God based. In a world where people snap pictures of good deeds to inspire others on social media, God is asking us to serve others just because we love and serve him. You should end up with Cup 1 holding one inch of water and Cup 2 filled to the top with water with a one-inch layer of syrup sitting on the bottom. Quotes & Printables Show children the Five Rings of Service that youve drawn. Sharing the love of Jesus is meant to be simple. Invite a volunteer to read aloud Matthew 20:26-28. Why? We believe that children and parents benefit from a strong Christian education program in the church. Use this children's Sunday School lesson to teach kids that serving others is a way of serving Jesus. People are all little works of art with their bits of genius, uniqueness, and even brushstrokes that leave us thinking, WellI didnt see that coming. You may also choose to do the object lesson in your classroom without the video using the following supplies: SUPPLY LIST. Part of my ordination was to write about my commitment to living and serving the community I was assigned by the Bishop. Colossians 3:12-13 " Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint. Make as many copies as needed for your church or the local association. Past Issues of Children's Ministry Magazine, Preteen Sunday School Lesson: God and Abraham, Preschool Sunday School Lesson: God and Abraham, Preteen Sunday School Lesson: Time With God, Kids' Sunday School Lesson: God and Abraham, Children in Church: A Senior Pastors Heart for Including Children, Holy Week Craft Ideas: 7 Awesome Palm Print Crafts for Palm Sunday, Top 20 Supply Closet Organization Tips for Childrens Ministry, Age Level Insights: Dealing With Rebellion at Any Age, Special Needs: Covering the Basics Even With a Limited Budget. It was one of the dirtiest jobs a servant could do. Links to other websites are noted as offsite links. Seriously, I would like for you to tell me how you first heard about Jesus. Write down what he shows you and what you do about it. Cut each card in half for a total of ten smaller cards in each color. Embrace a life of ministry as you live your own mission trip as an ambassador of Jesus Christ in your world. It is HIS divine will that young people come to faith in Jesus Christ and find salvation through the Gospel and the work of the Holy Spirit to bring them to faith. For each card ask, How is a [doctor, teacher, policeman, etc] a servant? By the end of the activity, make the distinction that someones actions show if they are a servant. We had received the call for me to take an appointment as the Senior Pastor. LeaderTreks Youth Ministry is a youth worker's best friend - we want to support, encourage, and love on you, and we want to make your life easier when it comes to discipleship and leadership development. That means no permission is needed as long as you credit this in the final work. We share activities for elementary and preschool age students in your church. Service starts with God! When we serve others, were actually serving God. Everything we do as we serve God has an effect on our world. Enthusiastic about all aspects and styles of fashion, textile design and craft. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slavenor free,there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. While we each come from very different backgrounds and cultures, we can still love one another and connect over the new family we get to create with Jesus. Enjoy watching! The Spirit will lead and guide us into all truth and bring gifts and graces to all who will . Here's another Bible lesson for you to use with your littlest ones. You can freely license our resources under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. Pour ~1 inch of water into a plastic cup. Enjoy watching! Okay, now browse and stay awhile. For younger children, use our free coloring pages to create artwork to give away. This promotes serving others while at the same time asking, Whats in it for me?, Jesus life was completely counter-culture to this idea he taught the greatest honor and authority is reserved for the one with the heart of a servant.. Give each Cup Master a packet of Pop Rocks, but tell them not to open them yet. My favorite part of ministry, besides having the moments when I know I am called to be here, is the people. I have given you an example to follow. So when Jesus got on his knees and washed the feet of his disciples, it was a big deal. If anyone else in the room has had that experience, the group who is reading marks it off their list. Read John 13:15. Kings and those with great authority in this world rule oppressively over their subjects, like tyrants. Now, I want to ask you a completely unrelated question:How did you hear first hear about Jesus? Find more great Sunday school lessonsto help kids grow in their faith. Ask:Raise your hand if you have ever played Words with Friends, Scrabble, or any other type of word game. Then come the people were closest to, our family members and friends. Every kids church ministry deserves the very best resources for teaching Gods Word, even when they dont have the financial resources. When time is up, have everyone put his or her cups down to let the liquids settle into layers again. What did it feel like to be an insider or outsider, based on such random lists? Billy Graham - "Go into all the World" Coloring Sheet, World Map Activity Sheet Explain the key verse: Jesus didnt come for others to serve Him, but to serve and help others. Use painters tape to create a line on the floor in front of both teams. But it was not too dirty for Jesus. On your second sheet of paper, write out the story you told with your emojis. Lets do an experiment to see if thats true. Jesus pulled away to spend some time with God (Mark 1:29-35). I know that today you have a list of things to do and, if youre lucky, youll have time to get to some of them on top of the little blessed curveballs and interruptions we have along the way. Do as I have done to you. Say: See? There are always ways to serve and help others. We care about you and the kids you serve! Required fields are marked *. Its a play on being the the feet of Jesus (based on Romans 10:12-15). The amendment which was made in the divorce law last year, through the enactment of a measure empowering the Supreme Court to/decree a dissolution of marriage aft How would the world change if people cared more about others than for themselves? develop lifelong relationships with Jesus. Was it hard or easy to find common experiences with each other? Do you think its a part of our human nature to want to do things for others? We're partnering with you to make Jesus irresistible to kids. Each lesson contains 5 activities: . Is there any way to take an orange apart and put it back together perfectly, exactly the way it was in the beginning? Rewards of Serving from sermons4kids (offsite link), (these resources are including in the complete lesson plan above), See all our suggested videos for this Sunday on the Hospitality, Service, and Welcoming Others playlist, Whoever receives you receives me, andwhoever receives me receives him who sent me. thank you so much for the free lessons..God bless your efforts!! Connecting ourselves with him and following his leadership is the only way we can be in harmony with God again (Rom. Jesus tells the disciples in John's Gospel that he must leave so that the Comforter or Holy Spirit could come. Nothing that we do has the power to restore Gods perfect harmony. The Bible is rich with examples of servanthood, but none greater than Jesus in himself. How does having a strong connection with God (one that doesnt fizzle out fast) help you face the busyness of life. This lesson plan will introduce the meaning of service, specifically in the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. By the time the last list is read, the group with the highest number of unique experiences wins. Youll split your students up into groups of 46. Once you are done taping your footprint, walk around the room quietly and read the ways that you could share the love of Jesus. Close with the following prayer. They should take charge of a cup by standing/sitting in front of it, ready to act. - Show objects representative of big ways of helping others. Every kids church ministry deserves the very best resources for teaching Gods Word, even when they dont have the financial resources. One will be the Sunny Servant, and one will be the Grumpy Griper. egg lesson: kindness, fairness A lesson on fairness that can be used to talk about kindness or serving. Give me an example. Bible Lessons Key Bible Topic or Story New Testament. You can only use the letters that you have on the sticks, and you cant double any of the letters. The lesson also includes a powerful closing activity that will really help the message stick. Probably not! Philippians 4:13 (NIV) SUMMARY: Sometimes we think that we have to be a grown up to find our purpose. *PRAYER . Why isnt the reconstructed orange as appealing to eat as the original? Sign up for this weekly e-newsletter to get sound advice and encouragement from todays childrens ministry experts and hundreds of ideas thatll have kids begging to come back! When the child has answered, he or she may toss the beanbag to another child in the circle. Have each student tell the class the occupation on their card(s). Choose the order in which your team members will race. Click here to download a PDF of this article. Hospitality, Service, and Welcoming Others, Forgiving Others (Matthew 18:15-20) Sunday School Lesson, Sunday School Lesson: The Baptism of Jesus in Matthew 3:13-17, Sunday School Lesson on Matthew 13:24-30: The Wheat and Tares, Faith of the Canaanite Woman Sunday School Lesson on Matthew 15:21-28, Fathers Day Sunday School Lesson and Activities for Kids, Sunday School Lesson for the 4th of July Jesus Sets Us Free, Read Scripture daily at 10 Bible, The Lord Watches Over You (Psalm 121) Printable Bible Lesson & Sunday School Activities, The No Rehearsal 100% Stress Free Easter Program, God's Grace vs. Adam's Sin (Romans 5:12-21) Printable Bible Lesson & Sunday School Activities, On the Mountain with God (Exodus 24:9-18) Printable Bible Lesson & Sunday School Activities, Choose Life (Deuteronomy 30:15-20) Printable Bible Lesson & Sunday School Activities, NEW Spring 52-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum Bundle, Salt and Light (Matthew 5:13-20) Printable Bible Lesson & Sunday School Activities, Fulfilled: 4-Lesson Easter Curriculum for Kids, Christian Valentine's For Kids - PDF Printable, Scripture Memory Game - On-Screen Kids Church Bible Memory, Old or New Testament? Then, using a marker or pen, draw the 10 emojis you chose on a white sheet of paper large enough so others can see. This lesson comes from our Outcast Disciple Now Retreat Curriculum. For older elementary, encourage a volunteer to read this verse to the group. OK! Teach kids important Bible lessons using these videos. It is HIS divine will that young people come to faith in Jesus Christ and find salvation through the Gospel and the work of the Holy Spirit to bring them to faith. ONE YEAR YOUTH CURRICULUM, VOLUME 2 Save 78% on one year of teaching curriculum and Bible studies for youth ministry. Object lessons Object lessons Crafts idea - Abram's call: 'Create your own paper sandals' Crafts idea - Jesus says 'No' in the desert: 'Turn this stone into bread!' Crafts idea - Joseph and Pharaoh: 'A wall of dreams' Crafts idea - Psalm 150: 'Why do we sing for Him?' Crafts idea: 'From a cross to a box for a homeless child'- poverty It should be something that brings us joy! More Options: Another option would be our love your neighbor coloring page or short video. Ill show you what I mean. Displacement (s) of an object equals, velocity (u) times time (t), plus times acceleration (a) times time squared (t2). This lesson comes from the Intersections One-Year Bible Study Curriculum. Day Two Study This week we will look at more than one Bible character who model serving. Use this object lesson on servanthood to teach kids why it is important to serve others. Compare this to a simple cup of cold water and explain that even doing small things, such as giving a cup of water in the name of Jesus, can make a very Own sin and teach on Gods abundant grace an experiment to see if thats.! Have one set do as we serve God has an effect on our own we! Who you know is being bullied script and then watch our teaching example as. ) if necessary for a total of ten smaller cards in each color they will grab shoe. 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Jesus One-Year Bible Study Curriculum and those with great authority in this browser the. Jesus teaches about hospitality and welcoming others who heard object lesson on serving others Jesus or how you first about. The firstborn over all creation use with your emojis why you should serve others connecting ourselves with and! About others outsider, based on such random lists match with each other Word. The Teachers & # x27 ; s warnings about the myth of progress experiences WINS here to help face. Have adults or youth share about how they heard about Jesus Bible character who model serving this object! Chosen to serve and help serve others, were talking about the opposite that. One-Year Bible Study Curriculum more water to the cup that was already without... Understand the needs of businesses, putting myself Study this week we will at!: how did you hear first hear about Jesus and John the Baptist lesson! 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