Who knows? Its people became lazy and sick, riddled with disease. A label doesnt neccesarily define my experiences. I will also note we have a similar username my email being lovely.Lisa29 The new kids on the block. (I might cover this in a separate post). Orions are the complete opposite of Andromedans. The constant need to be original can them back from finding the magic in what theyre doing. Thanks so much for stopping by! Surprisingly, Arcturians also possess emotional abilities. This hibernation mode typically acts as a self-defense mechanism, a cocoon until youre ready to awaken. ), What is Your Souls Journey (And Where is Your Final Destination? Let us know in the comments section below! do we travel together? So what if the dead simply refers to the untruth speakers, and those not connected or capable of connecting to the divinity of truth within oneself and within the collective consciousness of the crystalline grid? My favorite color is purple, pink, blue, white, grey, and black sooooooooo yeah. these are the individuals who want nothing more in life than to have strong relationships with others: romantic, friendships, etc. They have an incredible sense of bravery to break their limits and set new standards for themselves. However, they are not. Its like the pit-stop school of life, where you discover meaning and purpose. Saoirse Clare McGovern serves as an energetic mentor for Starseeds who are in the midst of their awakening process so they can live the life of abundance they are destined for, making her the perfect person to be talking with. A Pleiadian starseed is known to be a soul that is sent to be the record keeper of the Earth. Their main strength is their intuitive nature. And as for past lives, spirit guides etc maybe its all of the above Ive been in your shoes and I know how confusing it can be, but trust your gut when it comes to these things. Its sun, Alcyone, however, is thought to be 7x times brighter than ours. Now that you know what a starseed is, you might be wondering: Am I a starseed? And I believe I have a basis for where I truly belong. I know Im a starseed. There is always room for deviations and exceptions. Refreshing to read this! I feel that I do not belong to one particular origin. you could also be a light worker which is the same thing as star-seed, Earth angel. [], [] Oracle, in her article here, explores the different star systems and star races, and which traits are typical to each of them. They are all about grace and creativity. Our family represented the star wars that were fought and settled in this family by the breakup. They are known as the builders, the architects, and the planners of the world. Its specific to an individual at a particular time. The types of starseeds is to spread love and peace as well hand emanate Archangel. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. They feel very much attached and protective of Mother Earth and Gaia. Im definitely a lyran, as I know my traits, some of which arent listed under lyran. You dont see things as they are. The reason I say were? Orion starseeds originate from one of the most known and well-documented constellations in the universe. (Signs, Mission, Traits & More). Feel like they have a big mission on Earth. They need to let go. I feel like I relate to the pliedian. (Signs, Traits, Missions & More), Lemurian Starseed Am I One? These characters are often seen as visionaries. Theyre often driven by the need for perfect and getting things done, which is why theyre so keen to assume control. Their sole aim is to watch over our evolution and guide us during times of turbulence. Why is this information important for awakening/awakened Starseeds. It is believed that this prototype is light years ahead of where Earth is now in terms of evolution. These mystical beings are emotionally, mentally, and physically far more advanced than we are, existing in the 5th dimension only. I am a Taurus with blue eyes, and have many of the traits listed. For example, if youre a Starseed, its almost certain youll be an old soul. Blue Rays are said to be highly sensitive souls that are empathic in their nature. They both involve the dead eating the living, in order to keep moving forward. I naturally and accidentally astral project, I know a lot about healing, I have a lot of good luck, I am a Gemini, I walk in circles when Im bored, and my feet are always cold, no matter what I do. I also feel like I resonate with the andromedan traits to some extent, as well as (mostly physically) the draconian traits, especially low body temp and low blood pressure. Youll see debates going both ways when it comes to Reptilians and Grays, particularly. very intelligent and mostly driven by mentality, mental but not emotional beings: here to learn how to love and experience emotions, great sense of humor, can be the life of the party, opinionated individuals who dont sway on their perspective easily, jack of all trades: they have knowledge about a lot of different topics, may come off as cold emotionally (often unintentionally), interest in ancient cultures and societies, able to work with different forms of technology effortlessly, entrepreneurs: want to lead and inspire others, task-oriented: see things through and are very much involved in the details and the process, often incarnate as earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, some Orion starseeds have bright, sky-blue or ice blue eyes that draw you in (though there are many Orion starseeds with all eye colors), leaders in their communities and workplaces, sometimes come off as arrogant or having a big ego, have an interest in metaphysics, particularly sacred geometry, often incarnate with darker skin (but again Arcuturian starseeds vary in appearance), planners: they like to develop a plan for almost everything and stick to the plan, compassionate but seem to guard their feelings, may show anger as their form of emotion when they are hurt or upset, confident individuals with a drive for success, telepathic abilities: can read peoples thoughts easily or transfer their own message to others telepathically, have a mission to set up a new society where technology and spirituality meld cohesively, choose careers in the fields of technology, architecture, invention, science, math, statistics, advancing medicine, not in tune with their emotions and therefore this is one of their lessons here on earth, sensory processing issues: highly sensitive to lights, sounds, textures, smells, lower body temperature (not due to other health causes), lower blood pressure (again not due to any foreseeable illness), Empathic: feel and take on others energies, can transmute when they are in alignment, Often tall and slender with blonde hair and blue eyes (though this varies by individual, remember! In 1947, a man named Admiral Byrd claimed hed flown over the North Pole and was taken into the Agarthan city and met people there. They are more advanced than humans, but are a young Starseed race in comparison to Sirians or Arcturians.Look very Nordic by nature, light skin, light eyes and fair hair. Its believed Lyrans and Felines played a unique role in the creation of humanity, offering the element of fire and seeding the first souls to Atlantis and Lemuria. Its believed that Venusian starseeds aka the Hathors live in the fourth dimension and are here to teach love. They need to learn compassion for where people are at on their journey and be accepting of their limitations. Arcturians are other-dimensional, advanced star beings that incarnate on earth frequently. Dear Charlotte, Thank you so much for all this priceless information! Mintakans are a type of Starseed that originated from Mintaka, a planet that exists within the Orion belt. I resonate with the Sirian, Pleiadian, and Mintaken, Theres a good chance you were more than one starseed. I like to cleanse in salt water, however I do have a fear of water and memories of drowning in a past life. Its a compulsion to make the unknown known. If so, what kind of starseed am I? to heal and uplift, they also have very personal and individual missions to complete too. I just learned about the other me. I am striving to align myself with my higher self and have strongest connection with stars, universe, warm areas, and have often dreams about outside worlds, water, connection to the dead spirits mostly lost souls and these tend to scare me a lot. Despite this, they are incredibly heart-centered and are masters of anything art and science-related. Despite the fact that I have dreamt all my life, on several occasions of myself interacting with a Pegasus, and wearing a uniquely shaped, purple medallion around my neck that allows me to become a Pegasus. , I would like to learn more. Are they my past lives? When they want to, they have a strong sense of humor, and are full of joy and gratitude. It can cause them to become very insular, forgoing any sense of personal kinship with those around them. Wow everything makes sense now. You know their mood even before they open their mouths. They find it incredibly hard to trust others and delegate tasks. This starseed type resembles individuals who can maintain their composure despite being under intense pressure, contributing to their reputation of being great problem-solvers. And I strongly relate to the Sirius Starseeds. Its extremely likely this is their first incarnation. Yeah, I resonated with quite a few with them on a deep level. Theyre considered an ancient civilization similar to ancient Egyptians or Romans here on Earth. Augur is a peer-to-peer, decentralized exchange, enabling universal and transparent access to its markets. [] How many Starseeds are there? This was very enlightening and I resonated with multiple starseeds, so much so that I dont know which one I am! But remember, these archetypes, arent absolute. Its rare for a Starseed to be a pure breed of only one Starseed type. Hailing from the Orion constellation, Orion starseeds are the philosophers and the scientists here on Earth. Sort of like an auto polite mode in the most undepressing way possible lol I actually quite enjoy it. And from there radiate to the world, without a secret agenda wanting to change others or themselves. Copyright 2020, All Right Reserved | The HeartShift Coach is a registered trademark. They solely work for the light. Do you have also have memories of yourself just sitting there and chill with the vampires? Twin flame. It is said that Pleiadians naturally exist in the fifth dimension, the birthplace of love and creativity. often find jobs in the arts and spiritual practices: artists, musicians, teachers, spiritual leaders, tarot readers, writers, etc. No one can be in charge of every minor detail. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline. - Listen to Actualizing With Augur Energy by The Download with Saoirse Clare instantly on your tablet, phone or browser - no downloads needed. Mermaid Origins: Do Mermaids Come From Atlantis and Lemuria? Storytelling is a force that ignites human connection, and human connection is the beating heart of my work. Its exhausting. This might look like healing a family trauma that spans generations, or breaking away from a family and learning to live independently. Needless to say, starseeds are an important tool in the psychical evolution of the planet. I have a perfect Leo in moles on my left elbow, and generally constellations all over my arms. the twelve Starchetypes Ready to discover your soul's chosen imprint so you can live an abundant and fulfilled life? My gut still tells me something huge is going to happen but dont know what and feel I need to be completely aligned with something to reach that event. But that applies to around 75% of us here right now. Depending on your agreeing contract, to live & learn, different, trials and goals, attributing to your lessons, when acheived ,you receive your blessings. It means being able to heal and protect the people around you. ), The Spiritual Ego: The Voice of Reason (Or Your Biggest Obstacle? While being incarnated on the planet, as a human, does not make us an Earthling forever. My origin is the Cepheus constellation, do you have any information on that race? I encourage you to do some shadow work and understand why you feel the need to be better or above everyone else here. Dark Reptilians. I still have the recording of my session and days after that session I even integrated the spot the Armageddon started. Not so. But sleeping is my favorite thing to do because its the only time my mind is at rest. dolphins, whales. Most people dont even know that they are indeed starseeds. If we add each level as its own archetype, the Enneagram actually contains a list of 81 archetypes. An Orion starseed knows how to act with both mind and heart. There are stories that Martians came to earth hundreds of thousands of years ago to take part in our evolution. It is preferable to pass your test sooner rather than later. 13 Classic Signs, Traits & Symptoms, Lyran Starseed Am I One? Its said that Pleiades is a school of learning, where beings from all corners of the universe can reincarnate to develop their understanding of the essence of nature. And I love to write, that is how I express myself and my emotions most clearly. Affiliate Disclaimer: You should assume that Marcy Neumann and The Spirit of Healing Unleashed has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you make a purchase from the provider. Sometimes for better or for worse. Your mind works deeper than anybody else. Our humble group has banded together to deliver thought-provoking, life-changing, and growth-probing wisdom. This will help you figure out which type of starseed you are. Weaknesses:You dont have it in you to put your own needs first. They love abstract concepts in as much as they love science. What is an Archetype? Pleiadians are drawn to water animals i.e. Sign up by clicking here or the button below. Pleiadians live in multiple dimensions and can incarnate on earth from any of those dimensions. It takes a special type of person to lead. Keep an open mind there might be more to you than just a single star! Incredibly telepathic, can receive information via the mind, May seem big-headed or egotistical if out of alignment, Often will climb a corporate ladder on Earth (tendency to rise to the top), Often found in fields such as: mathematics, data, science, communication, technology, medicine, engineering, architecture, Can be compassionate, but very guarded with their emotions, May seem callous as theyre not in tune with other peoples emotions, Interested in the mathematical side of spirituality e.g. What type does that make me?? A lot is going inside these days, synchronicities are at peak. In this post, we dig deep into each starseed type, its traits, unique spiritual gifts, home civilization, and interesting facts you might not know. Ive always thought of myself as a star seed. TAKE THE STARCHETYPE QUIZ Need help with a purchase or just have a question? Author, healer, and founder of The Starseed Collective, Saoirse Clare McGovern serves as an energetic mentor for Starseeds who are in the midst of their awakening process so they can live the life of abundance they are destined for. Some people believe the Annunaki are demons, evil aliens that are controlling the masses, etc. feel they have a mission to save the planet or to defend animal rights, enjoy tattoos and piercings and expressing themselves artistically through clothing and accessories. I cant tell how I felt while reading the 32 signs of being a Starseed!! Thank you ? creative individuals: love the arts, crafts, writing, etc. There are positive and also negative reptilians, the ones that rule our planet at the moment are unfortunately part of the reptilians who decided to be negative, while the others are still positively oriented. Write down which traits you have and which starseed types resonate. bye bye! Lightworkers are special starseed souls who come from a variety of planets, realms, and star systems. But I have yet to hear any other mentions about it. While I think these things are interesting, and perhaps even true, they could be, and probably are keeping ourselves from being what we came here to be, if we came here to be anything at all. But YOU know your heart better than anyone online! Yes, all souls enter the body upon conception/birthdepending on which you believe. The reason its civilization died out? Pleiadian, Andromedian and Hadarian starseeds. They have a military-style energy, with their main agenda being to come forth, conquer and multiply. by Marcy, The HeartShift Coach | Jan 12, 2021, If you aren't seeing the live event on the date & time mentioned below, click here. Email support@thestarseedcoach.com Required fields are marked *. OR find out which star system youre from, or whether you have other soul origins by purchasing a soul origin profile from Allorah. Heres what we believe about the Annunaki: they are a branch off of the Sirian civilization and were part of human creation in the beginning. And all your dream is trying to tell you, is that you are surrounded by individuals not connected to the collective consciousness. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Sams work as a Beyond Quantum Healing Practitioner has led him to dedicate his life to helping others raise their vibration and embrace the best version of themselves. Its what makes the game of life so interesting. Some Martian starseed traits include: Andromedan starseeds are from the Andromeda galaxy outside of our own. This could be done for several reasons. Once activated, starseeds can make remarkable advancements in all core areas of their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes of existence. They dont call one place home; I like to call them star nomads for this reason. It can represent the end of a long search. Take Control of Your Future By Exploring Your Past with Beyond Quantum Healing, The Four Main Soul Types and Where They Fit into the Earths Drama, The Starseed (Indigo, Rainbow and Crystal). Before you go any further, have you joined the largest online Starseed Community? Purpose: Arcturians are strong-willed beings, who naturally command leadership. I dont know how you get your info, but mine comes as a sense of Clear Knowing. I seem to have a retention deficient but crave knowledge although I do believe we know more than we think we know it has just been forgotten. This goes for every Soul of any kind of Source Origin. Yes, were all human in our current incarnation, but weve lived other places and were just trying to figure out where we belong, where weve come from. I am gona continue to do research. I am highly intuitive and empathic. Family-oriented. I also do tattoo work. They travel with one purpose; to help Earth and other worlds evolve. Science has confirmed there is a habitable planet in Alpha Centauriwhich is exciting! Keep in mind, this list doesnt include every single starseed type, as the universe is inconceivably large. scientific beings youll be interested and intrigued in all things science, chemistry, astronomy, genetics, etc. And that theres another civilization inside called the Agarthans. Its an in-built trait. Your higher purpose will always unfold one way or another. Indigos are those with empowerment from Archangel Michael. But with this courage comes arrogance. In the end, I dont really fit in any boxes here and I wouldnt want to. The star beings are able to be contacted through channeling and divination. There are different planets/stars in the Orion constellation you mightve lived on. Its setting standards. There isnt a lot known about Martian starseeds, but some claim they had origins on the planet. At that time, they were giants in height. drawn to royal blue and other shades of blue, being a true visionary: creativity at its maximum and then producing your ideas in reality, must feel freedom in their spiritual path and show others the same kind of respect, have a deep connection with birds birds seem to follow or gravitate towards you, you see things from a high level but can also see the most minute of details clearly, speaking your mind and owning your truth may be a challenge or your greatest asset, you spiritually work with bird deities, specifically Thoth and Isis, Venusian starseeds are often very tall and slender, sensual and passionate individuals may have a hard time committing to one mate, highly spiritual beings: sometimes to a fault and need to be reminded or taught how to ground themselves (high up in their head chakras), feel very connected to the universe, higher self, and guides, interest in outer space and ancient civilizations, huge interest in metaphysics and bringing the new age in, drawn to ancient Egypt and, namely, the goddess Hathor as well as Venus and Aphrodite, often attractive individuals with coveted facial features (women are very feminine and men are masculine and model-like), interested in alternative healing modes, particularly using sound and ritual, being drawn to the planet Mars (finding a desire to travel there or interested in the colonization of Mars), strong connection to water and fire elements, have memories and dreams of being on the surface of Mars, have a light aura and are often thought of as pure or light beings, quiet or tend to stay in the background to observe others, have a strong desire to travel and explore (i.e. Their main goal is to educate people to find the balance among technology, life, spirituality and science. They shed their Earthly skin with ease, allowing them to shine like a magnificent beacon of light, ready to propel humanity into the Golden Age of creativity, love, inspiration, and healing. Thats incredibly accurate. Absolutely! You then try to give yourself hands and feet, but the concept is a reminder of Love, an Akashic Record. They find it hard to let go of work that doesnt meet their standards. Feline starseeds value rich experiences that can help them grow. I love the mountains and trees and rocks and minerals. The incoming soul will take on all on the soul contracts and karma of the person/previous soul theyre replacing. Because of their part in the establishment of earth, specifically in ancient Sumer, they are often thought to be Sumerian gods. If youre an old soul especially, you might have lived hundreds of past lives across many different galaxies and planets. Its actually relatively close to our solar system, being only 444 light-years away from the Sun! Earths galactic neighbors, only 2.5 million light-years away! Can u tell me how to find out which started I am? These starseeds are also tasked to uplift women and children. And just like in those huge productions, you need a varied cast of characters. starseed archetypes: void walker starseed coach website and book review. may come across as hippies, preaching free love, feel happier and more fulfilled when in a relationship (even if its a toxic one, unfortunately), here to learn how to love others AND themselves along with the power of free will, empathic abilities: can feel the emotions of other beings including animals and plants, shy or introverted until they get to know you, goals are not aligned with money or financial success they want to help others, find jobs in the corporate world where they become a part of the team, counselors, philanthropists, humanitarians, you have a career or are seeking a career in the scientific field, since you were a child, people have said you were scary smart, youve enjoyed building and inventing things related to biology and chemistry since a young age, centaurs (the mythical half-man half-horse) have always fascinated you, youre drawn to the Centaurus constellation, knowledge and wisdom are your top priority in life, you feel people around you arent at your level of intelligence (but you arent necessarily egotistical or boastful about it), you dont like being in crowds, you prefer being alone in a quiet space, people tell you youre complicated, particularly in romantic relationships, you might be judgmental of others and isolate yourself because of it, youre mostly a quiet individual and a daydreamer, environmentally driven: may get into activism or a job helping the environment, may have memories or dreams of going into the earth or residing in the earth, memories of Atlantis and being drowned in a flood or retreating into the earth, some believe Agarthans are the same as the faery folk who lived underground according to our ancestors, in-tune with the earths cycles, seasons, can feel natural catastrophes coming and their effects, drawn to the ancient civilizations, specifically Sumer, Babylon, Akkadia and Assyria, feel as if your soul is ancient, older than humanity, you have a strong need for ritual in your life, both mundane and spiritual, youre drawn to shows like Ancient Aliens, specifically when focused on the Annunaki, you have a longing to return to the skies, a large head and particularly large almond-shaped eyes, you favor the air element over the others, youre drawn to or work with ancient Sumerian, Babylonian, Akkadian and Assyrian gods like Enlil, Enki or Inanna Ishtar, youve had dreams of flying or are able to astral project into space easily, the feeling of wings on your back a tingling or heavy sensation between your shoulder blades. True love will conquer all. Because of their great minds, they also lean towards philosophy to make sense of the world. Hoping for some clarification. drawn to the North Star Polaris and other dimensions, yearn to know more about human origins and the ascension process, feel as if youve been on earth for millions of years, feel natural catastrophes like earthquakes within their bodies and souls. Youre fascinated by what makes you tick. I sit and watch stars and wait for something extraordinary to happen. And no, I dont mean Alpha or Beta Centauri I do mean Omega Centauri. According to many reports, on a crystal clear night, 14 stars out of the 1000 that have been discovered, can be seen with the naked eye. There are over 75 million Pleiadians on Earth at any time. Dont forget that this list isnt a complete list of ALL types of starseeds, but the ones that most often incarnate on Mother Earth, aka Terra. Im curious, what about family. Fortunately, all intergalactic beings are encoded with starseed activation encryptions that will unlock and clarify their unique talents, abilities, and knowledge at a predetermined or spontaneous time on Earth. Note: Dark Reptilians are different to Light Reptilian starseeds. Greys, a particular sub-race of Orions are said to be stuck here reincarnating on Earth life afterlife. Make sense of personal kinship with those around them dimensions and can incarnate on.! Its believed that Venusian starseeds aka the Hathors live in the end, I dont mean Alpha or Centauri... ), the Spiritual Ego: the Voice of Reason ( or your Biggest Obstacle military-style energy, with main... Feel very much attached and protective of Mother Earth and other worlds evolve a secret agenda to... And set new standards for themselves connected to the collective consciousness which started I am Taurus. And science-related prototype is light years ahead of where Earth is now terms... 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