Read more about sexual initiation as a theme. Following the First World War, the French government and military officials feared another war with Germany would occur sometime in the future. They were also accommodated in complexes of wooden housing adjacent to each fortress, which were more comfortable than living inside, but were not expected to survive wartime bombardment. Rosemary Villanucci Pauline describes the first steady job she landed, working as a housekeeper for an ungenerous and pretentious white family. Built between 1930 and 1940, France 's Maginot Line was a massive system of defenses that became famous for failing to stop a German invasion. Beyond that, the French were well aware of the contribution of Britain and its dominions to the victory of 1918. High-voltage Transmission Lines, initially above-ground but then buried, and connected to the civil power grid, provided electric power to the many fortifications and fortresses. She has not yet learned the self-hatred that plagues her peers. Nonetheless, in 1927, the Inter-Allied Commission, which was responsible for ensuring that Germany complied with Part V of the Treaty of Versailles, was abolished as a goodwill gesture reflecting the "Spirit of Locarno". Pauline makes a little extra noise while delivering, to let the doctors know that she's no horseand she also points out to us that if you look into a mare's eyes, you realize that even a horse feels pain. She lies to Claudia and Frieda, claiming that the prostitutes give her pretty dresses and shoes, take her to the movies, and that China is going to take her to Cleveland to see the square and Poland is going to take her to Chicago to see the Loop. Because she is closer to adolescence, Frieda is more vulnerable to her communitys equation of whiteness with beauty. Heavy rail artillery was hauled by locomotives to planned locations to support the emplaced artillery in the fortresses, which was intentionally limited in range to 1012km (67mi). He goes from being the young lover to the naked black boy, forced to go on with sex while two bigger and stronger men watch. The original construction did not cover the area ultimately chosen by the Germans for their first challenge, which was through the Ardennes in 1940, a plan known as Fall Gelb (Case Yellow), due to the neutrality of Belgium. The third-person narrator returns to fill in details about Pauline Breedlove's life, in a section that also has passages narrated first-person by Pauline. Artillery was coordinated with protective measures to ensure that one fort could support the next in line by bombarding it directly without harm. The Maginot Line was a series of fortifications built by France between 1929-34 and subsequently enhanced until 1939. This logical but mistaken chain of reasoning adds a rare note of humor to the story that is unfolding. An independent and strong-minded nine-year-old, Claudia is a fighter and rebels against adults tyranny over children and against the Black communitys idealization of white beauty standards. 16. $24.99 Patreon: https://www.patr. China, Poland, and Miss Marie Character Timeline in The Bluest Eye The Maginot Line was built to fulfil several purposes: Maginot Line fortifications were manned by specialist units of fortress infantry, artillery and engineers. She makes fun of Claudia and Frieda and tries to get them into trouble, and they sometimes beat her up. Soaphead Church, whose real name is Elihue Whitcomb, is a man of mixed race from the Caribbean. They say they aren't allowed to be around her. Struggling with distance learning? [12], The great conclusion that was drawn in Paris after the Ruhrkampf and the 1924 London Conference was that France could not make unilateral military moves to uphold Versailles as the resulting British hostility to such moves was too dangerous to the republic. These anti-tank obstacles extended from end to end in front of the main works, over hundreds of kilometres, interrupted only by extremely dense forests, rivers, or other nearly impassable terrains. They had found that the question of the cou- When France withdrew from NATO's military component in 1966, much of the line was abandoned, with the NATO facilities turned back over to French forces and the rest of it auctioned off to the public or left to decay. The officers' corps by no means acknowl-edged defeat. After examining the conditions of Pauline's life, her misery seems a foregone conclusion. Origin of Marie. [49][42], When the French Army failed in Belgium, the Maginot Line covered their retreat. (including. The community knows. Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. Answer (1 of 4): To piggyback on the Merrimac theory, I found the following on @lordofkingz: The Real Scope on nursery rhyme Miss Mary Mack #DailyBlackHistory and I think it is interesting enough to share here: Slave children were taught corn ditties (the original name for Negro spirituals) to t. It may be, though, that such an accusation coming from girls she thought might be innocent only makes the accusation more painful for Miss Marie. Renews March 8, 2023 She finds meaning not in her own family but in romantic movies and in her work caring for a well-to-do white family. French strategy, therefore, envisioned a move into Belgium to counter a German assault. Narrow Gauge Railway System: A network of 600mm (.mw-parser-output .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}1ft11+58in) narrow gauge railways was built to rearm and resupply the main fortresses (ouvrages) from supply depots up to 50km (31mi) away. For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! 5. The rejection by Samson Fuller is a turning point in Cholly's life: "Abandoned in a junk heap by his mother, rejected for a crap game by his father, there was nothing more to lose." He is capable of both tenderness and rage, but as the story unfolds, rage increasingly dominates. The section closes with Pauline talking about her failed marriage, and how once he was capable of making her happy, in life and in bed. She returned with her parents to the house, but Henry was gone. Subsequently the Line was of minimal military importance, and many of the fortress divisions surrendered without even fighting. Ultimately, any tender feelings Cholly has for Pecola are transformed into a desire to consume her. What does the word "festers" mean? You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at She depends upon their interpretation of what has taken place in order to understand it herself. This moment is something to bear in mind later on, when we learn what happens to Pecola under similar circumstances. The Schoenenbourg Maginot Line fort (Ouvrage Schoenenbourg) was the largest of the Maginot Line forts, a series of forts built in the 1920s and 30s by the French government to deter invasion from Germany. Then another neighbor, Miss Dunion, came in and suggested that they take Frieda to the doctor because she might be ruined, a fear that now makes Frieda weep. They had such features as electric generators, ventilation systems, water supplies, kitchens and heating, which allowed their occupants to hold out in the event of an attack. The infantry manned the lighter weapons of the fortresses and formed units with the mission of operating outside if necessary. The 1st Army also conducted two attacks against the Maginot Line further to the east in northern Alsace. Her love she saves for the Fishers' daughter, while she becomes quick-tempered and abusive with her own children. These women are prostitutes. [clarification needed] The line stretched from Switzerland to Luxembourg and a much lighter extension was extended to the Strait of Dover after 1934. PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. Get Annual Plans at a discount when you buy 2 or more! Pecola, not knowing that the meat is poisoned, brings it to the dog. The Maginot Line took 10 years to build, starting in 1929. creating and saving your own notes as you read. In contrast, Pecola spills blackish blueberries all over the floor, underlining the connection between blackness and mess. She learns that Mr. MacTeer has beaten up Mr. Henry and kicked him out of the house. The Maginot Line by Bryan J. Dickerson,, Military installations established in 1930, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from February 2011, Articles with French-language sources (fr), Articles with Czech-language sources (cs), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Mostly intact, through the preservation of the French Government, To save manpower (France counted 39 million inhabitants, Germany 70 million), To cover the mobilisation of the French Army. 6. [18] The British and Italian governments refused in subsequent diplomatic talks to define "flagrant violation", which led the French to place little hope in Anglo-Italian help if German military forces should reoccupy the Rhineland. Ouvrage Rochonvillers was retained by the French Army as a command centre into the 1990s but was deactivated following the disappearance of the Soviet threat. [17] With the United States isolationist and Britain stoutly refusing to make the "continental commitment" to defend France on the same scale as in World War I, the prospects of Anglo-American assistance in another war with Germany appeared to be doubtful at best. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. After a long series of failures in his studies and migration, Elihue has settled in Lorrain and become the local fortune teller/sorcerer. Maureen is light-skinned and wealthy. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! He tortures the family cat and harasses children who come to the nearby playground. Flood Zones were natural basins or rivers that could be flooded on demand and thus constitute an additional obstacle in the event of an enemy offensive. The Maginot Line laughs and throws her root-beer bottle at them. They argue had those troops been moved north, "it is possible that Heeresgruppe A's advance could have been blunted, giving time for Groupe d'armees 1 to reorganise". The French had been building state-of-the-art fortresses and fortified cities along the German border for centuries. The specification of the defences was very high, with extensive and interconnected bunker complexes for thousands of men; there were 45 main forts (grands ouvrages) at intervals of 15km (9.3mi), 97 smaller forts (petits ouvrages) and 352 casemates between, with over 100km (62mi) of tunnels. Frieda's parents believe her without question, and their reaction is to protect their daughter. Somewhat like "line in the sand" it is also used in non-military situations, as in "Reagan's budgetary Maginot Line."[56]. The theme of love's scarcity can be seen in the treatment of Marie and the other prostitutes, whose names recall their vulnerable status. Keep in mind, says Kirchubel, that the French didn't believe that the Maginot Line alone could win another war with Germany. Ouvrage Hochwald is the only facility in the main line that remains in active service as a hardened command facility for the French Air Force known as Drachenbronn Airbase. Humiliated but also powerless, Cholly keeps at it until the hunters grow bored and leave. They merely waited for a chance to launch a counterattack. sfn error: no target: CITEREFJacobsen1994 (, repeat of their First World War battle plan, British hardened field defences of World War II, Commission for Organising the Fortified Regions, "What's the stupidest thing a nation has ever done? And like any trench, it belonged to the . Frieda says that they can't because Marie is a ruined woman. Line of fortifications along the French/German border, 1927: Allied Control Commission abolished. In contrast, the propaganda about the line made it appear far greater a construction than it was; illustrations showed multiple storeys of interwoven passages and even underground rail yards and cinemas. [46] Historians have pointed to numerous reasons for the French defeat: faulty strategy and doctrine, dispersion of forces, the loss of command and control, poor communications, faulty intelligence that provided excessive German numbers, the slow nature of the French response to the German penetration of the Ardennes and a failure to understand the nature and speed of the German doctrine. Rgiments d'artillerie mobile de forteresse (RAMF) consisted of mobile artillery.[11]. Behind an imposing line of pop-up gun turrets, tank traps and 12-foot (3.6-meter) concrete walls were fully equipped subterranean military bases complete with mess halls, hospitals, recreation facilities and railway lines. -Graham S. The girls misunderstanding of what their parents mean by the word "ruined" speaks to their naivet with regard to sexual matters. [45], Jackson commented that "it has often been alleged that the Maginot Line contributed to France's defeat by making the military too complacent and defence-minded. As a. . Under the Treaty of Versailles, France was to occupy the Rhineland region of Germany until 1935. He feels that is right for a black girl like Pecola to long to "see the world with blue eyes," but a thoughtful reader will note that eye color does not have an effect on vision. A quiet, elderly woman who serves as a doctor in the community where Cholly grows up. The location of the Siegfried Line lies on the border of Germany and France. The white neighborhood in which Mrs. Breedlove works is beautiful and well kept, demonstrating the connection between race and class. You go around it. for a customized plan. In the following days, infantry divisions of the 1st Army attacked fortifications on each side of the penetration, capturing four petits ouvrages. The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. [23] Germany had the largest economy in Europe but lacked many of the raw materials necessary for a modern industrial economy (making the Reich vulnerable to a blockade) and the ability to feed its population. [14], In 1926, The Manchester Guardian ran an expos showing the Reichswehr had been developing military technology forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles in the Soviet Union. Free trial is available to new customers only. The serpent is the largest remaining artifact from World War II. | Kaufmann added that before construction in October 1927, the Superior Council of War adopted the final design for the line and identified that one of the main missions would be to deter a German cross-border assault with only minimal force to allow "the army time to mobilise. In response, The Maginot Line throws glass bottle at the girls and laughs at them as they run away. Frieda equates being "ruined" to being like the Maginot Line, because she heard her mother say that the Maginot Line was a "ruined" woman. [20] The drop in the birth rate during and after the war, resulting in a national shortage of young men, created an "echo" effect on the generation that provided the French conscript army in the mid-1930s. During the German offensive Operation Nordwind in January 1945, Maginot Line casemates and fortifications were utilised by Allied forces, especially in the Bas-Rhin department in Grand Est, and some German units had been supplemented with flamethrower tanks in anticipation of this possibility. The way the content is organized, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in. Theylive above the Breedlove apartment and befriendPecola. Frieda and Claudia walk to the lakefront houses, in a beautiful neighborhood with a park that is for white children only. The infantry casemates often had one or two "cloches" or turrets located on top of them. To put this geography into perspective, Germany is not much bigger than the state of Wisconsin. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. A third-person omniscient narrator describes Cholly's life. A co-worker and friend of Chollys during his boyhood. (one code per order). The fights become more and more violent. The ninth of eleven children, as a child she is all but ignored by her family. PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. Free trial is available to new customers only. [23], The Maginot Line was intended to block the main German blow if it should come via eastern France and divert it through Belgium, where French forces would meet and stop the Germans. Both of the girls think that being ruined means becoming fat like Marie, and believe that Poland and China aren't fat only because they drink whiskey. Ace your assignments with our guide to The Bluest Eye! Frieda narrates the whole story to Claudia: Mr. Henry made sexual advances at Frieda, who ran to tell her parents. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. He was opposed by modernists such as Paul Reynaud and Charles de Gaulle, who favoured investment in armour and aircraft. Complete your free account to request a guide. Did you know you can highlight text to take a note? Although we are told that Cholly has no sense of fatherhood because he never knew his own parents (a statement which emphasizes social forces rather than Cholly's choices), we are also told repeatedly that Cholly is dangerously free. The Maginot Line, an array of defenses that France built along its border with Germany in the 1930s, was designed to prevent an invasion. From front to rear (east to west), the line was composed of: 1. 20% The Maginot Line was invulnerable to aerial bombings and tank fire; it featured underground railways as a backup. Mr. MacTeer chased Mr. Henry off, beating him first and then firing a gun at him. [52] The article portrayed vulnerability by showing a rocket being transported through a marshy area atop an ox. "The Maginot Line was never meant to fight the war by itself. The main fortifications of the line were still mostly intact, many commanders were prepared to hold out, and the Italian advance had been contained. The Maginot Line tells them she works at a big white lakefront house. [17] Versailles did not call for military sanctions in the event of the German military reoccupying the Rhineland or breaking Part V, while Locarno committed Britain and Italy to come to French aid in the event of a "flagrant violation" of the Rhineland's demilitarised status, it did not define what a "flagrant violation" would be. Frieda is more knowledgeable about the adult world and sometimes braver than Claudia. Look like I just didn't care no more after that. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. Continue to start your free trial. She is surprised to see them, and they ask her why she is not afraid of the Maginot Line. "The Maginot Line fit perfectly with this kind of thinking." All these troops wore distinctive uniform insignia and considered themselves among the elite of the French Army. 9. Complete your free account to request a guide. The serpent, constructed over a period of 11 years at a cost of some seven billion prewar francs, was France's last, best hope to avert another German invasion, another devastating war. However, Frieda is crying now because Miss Dunion's words have taken hold; she's worried now that she's "ruined." Principal line of resistance: This line began 10km (6mi) behind the border. She becomes pregnant. ", Frieda notices a deep-dish berry cobbler, and Pecola goes to see if the cobbler is still hot. Mary, Jean-Yves; Hohnadel, Alain; Sicard, Jacques. "The Maginot Line was meant to stop a World War I-style attack of infantry and artillery, and it did what it was supposed to do," says Kirchubel, who's written multiple books on World War II military campaigns. The elephant in the rhyme is said to be a reference to the original Republicans, party of Abraham Lincoln and abolitionism, jumping the fence, or crossing the Mason-Dixon Line, to help free the slaves. How much did the Construction of the Maginot line cost? This section shows the powerful deterministic forces that have shaped Pauline. [16] When the Control Commission was dissolved, the commissioners in their final report issued a blistering statement, stating that Germany had never sought to abide by Part V and the Reichswehr had been engaging in covert rearmament all through the 1920s. Pecola, already showing signs of pregnancy, comes to him and asks for blue eyes. Despite its monumental concrete glory, which was the pride of interwar France, the Maginot Line ultimately wasn't able to stop Adolf Hitler's Nazi war machine from quickly overwhelming and occupying France in World War II. As a mature women, she has a different understanding of the word from that of the innocent girls, which makes it more painful and triggers her violent reaction. In the interval between world wars, several European countries built elaborate permanent fortifications. This chapter emphasizes the ignorance and confusion that accompany Friedas experience of becoming a sexual being. The Maginot Line is upstairs on the porch drinking root beer, and she tells the children that Pecola is helping her mother at her workplace. [17] As long as the French occupied the Rhineland, it served as a type of collateral under which the French would annex the Rhineland in the event of Germany breaching any of the articles of the treaty, such as rearming in violation of Part V; this threat was powerful enough to deter successive German governments all through the 1920s from attempting any overt violation of Part V.[18] French plans as developed by Marshal Ferdinand Foch in 1919 were based on the assumption that in the event of a war with the Reich, the French forces in the Rhineland were to embark upon an offensive to seize the Ruhr. "The Maginot Line fit perfectly with this kind of thinking.". The two begin to have sex, but are interrupted by two white hunters, who shine a light on them and, snickering, tell Cholly to finish up. He goes on to live a life of alcoholism, marries Pauline but refuses to be faithful to her, and, we are told in an offhand manner, murders three white men. Read an in-depth analysis of Claudia MacTeer. You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. When Joffre, Maginot and others conceived of the Maginot Line, Germany was under tight military restrictions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles. It turns out that Henry touched Friedas breasts. The prejudice and treatment that Pecola receives because of her skin color is called "colorism," a sister type of discrimination that has only recently been studied and researched. The pie that should become a pleasant memory for Pecola will only be a pleasant memory for the little white girl"Polly" exerts all her effort in trying to make the house of the white folks feel like a home. This section presents a powerful contrast between the MacTeers and the Breedloves. His active response contrasts with Pecolaspassivity. [20] Faced with a manpower shortage, French planners had to rely more on older and less fit reservists, who would take longer to mobilise and would diminish the French industry because they would leave their jobs. While most of the giant underground fortresses of the Maginot Line were abandoned or destroyed, you can visit a few of them, still in working order. He has a gruff manner toward little Blackgirls. Maginot Line. 7. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. A neighbor, Mr. Buford, arrived and gave Mr. MacTeer a gun. [31] Stephen Ambrose wrote that in January 1945, "a part of the line was used for the purpose it had been designed for and showed what a superb fortification it was." It was a series of bunkers, forts, turrets, and obstacles that spanned more than 450 miles of France's border with Germany. [18], France had an alliance with Belgium and with the states of the Cordon sanitaire, as the French alliance system in Eastern Europe was known. Contact us [4], Postwar assessment of whether the Maginot Line served its purpose has been mixed. When she is getting ready to give birth to her second child, the doctor tells a group of students that with black women, there is never any trouble, because black women deliver right away and with no pain, just like horses. The houses are sturdier, literally because they are better constructed than the houses in the black section of town, and symbolically as the families that live in them are more stable than the black families in the story. During peacetime, fortresses were only partly manned by full-time troops. [26] Germany had to import most of its iron, rubber, oil, bauxite, copper and nickel, making naval blockade a devastating weapon against the German economy. These outposts covered the main passages within the principal line. When the British Expeditionary Force landed in France in September 1939, they and the French reinforced and extended the Maginot line to the sea in a flurry of construction from 1939 to 1940, accompanied by general improvements all along the line. He knows his father's nameSamson Fullerand he finds him gambling in an alley, but his father has long since forgotten that he had a son. Her desire to disavow her daughter is proved when the white girl asks who the black children were and Mrs. Breedlove avoids answering her. You'll also receive an email with the link. Their crew consisted of between 100 and 200 men. after World War 1, the French had built a line of concrete bunkers and fortifications called.. Battle of Britain. Want 100 or more? Spring arrives, and Claudia associates this event with being whipped with a switch instead of a strap. The Maginot Line was the brainchild of Marshal Joseph Joffre, a French WWI general, but it was hardly a new idea. Winston Churchill. The Maginot Line: Actually a Good Idea. Morrison Deconstructs White Standards of Beauty in The Bluest Eye, The Unexamined Other: Confronting the Social Hypocrisy of Maureen in The Bluest Eye. Frieda likewise demonstrates her love for her father by hitting Rosemary. How did this happen? We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. On your tree as germany there is a focus that takes 28 days called around the maginot. His mother vanishes, and his father had already skipped town before Cholly was born. The local grocer, a middle-aged white immigrant. A white, comparatively wealthy girl who lives next door to the MacTeers. When she touches it, the cobbler falls off the counter and onto the floor, blueberry juice splattering everywhere. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. A period of sustained Francophobia broke out in Britain, with Poincar being vilified in Britain as a cruel bully punishing Germany with unreasonable reparations demands. In discussion with General Brousseau, the commander of the Metz sector and other officers, the general outlined the French problem in extending the line to the sea in that placing the line along the Belgian-German border required the agreement of Belgium, but putting the line along the French-Belgian border relinquished Belgium to the Germans. The Treaty of Versailles: Did the End of WWI Cause the Start of WWII? In 1940, France deployed about twice as many men, 36 divisions (roughly one third of its force), for the defence of the Maginot Line in Alsace and Lorraine. Built at a cost that possibly exceeded $9 billion in. The Maginot Line is upstairs on the porch drinking root beer, and she tells the children that Pecola is helping her mother at her workplace. French military chiefs were dubious about their ability to win another war against Germany on its own, especially an offensive war. Having light eyes marks a character as different. [9], Full-time Maginot Line troops were accommodated in barracks built close to the fortresses. She invites the girls upstairs for a soda, but Frieda tells her that they are not allowed to visit her because she is "ruined." This was impossible elsewhere as the other parts of the line were located in civilian areas.[10]. One Saturday afternoon in spring, Cholly, while totally drunk, rapes his daughter. Rosemary Villanucci came out and told Frieda that her father would go to jail, and Frieda hit her. This section opens with a long description of his character and ancestry. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! After an afternoon of relaxing in a field, splitting milkweed stems. Purchasing Gros Ouvrages: These fortresses were the most important fortifications on the Maginot Line, having the sturdiest construction and the heaviest artillery. 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