It seemed to me at the time that after I sold mutual funds to all of my friends and aquaintences, I was pretty much out of leads. How about when the client asked a direct question that you hem and haw at? Once people understand the issue of a not having to deal with a noncompete and having immediate ownership then its a done deal. That was just for a little fun. . Your family would suffer financially over a few hundred dollars in lost commission? Your true colors are coming out. The key is that Primerica along with Citigroup knows that a lot of middle America cannot afford a financial planner or advisor. Since this is a legal definition. You were offered Primerica. Now, I do know you have no knowledge of what it means since you keep saying it is cheaper. One thing that Dave has said is not to buy (or buy into)something you dont understand. They were told it would cover anything. But Bill You chose to represent them, what does that say about your credibility, and ability to think beyond a pay check. . IF you are the latter, then I would love to know how would you feel if someone did that to you for your work? Now if you want to take all the risk of not having money for your insurance in later years, please do a variable univeral life insurance. Do you like paying for POL, Call Atlanta, marketing material, leadership school, and training (hype sessions) . This is very not accurate btw. Michael Can you please use the Spell check. Well let me let you know that Primerica people are totally aware that we will not get everybody to follow our crusade and opportunity, but then again were not looking for everybody. Its not an easy business by any stretch. If you said anything like this to me across the table I would run you out on a rail. Its a bad decision if you dont, but many of our guys who choose not to recruit can easily make over a six figure income working primarily as a sales rep, but thats not what most are about. They are getting harder and harder to read and understand. But we all know that the grass is not greener on the other side of the fence. Its actually a sister company of Citi bank, in the much larger Citigroup. Could it be you are just like the Insurance salesmen that got caught by 20/20 years ago. You also answer to the companies you represent, or mis-represent. So the idea of Primerica being a pyramid scam is ridiculous. Their agents are limited in products and training. *****5. Mortgage brokers game is to give you a new loan in 2 to 5 years. That is the only reason why you are here. The Financial Needs Analysis is not a financial plan. Who are you to assume everyone is dissatified. You see, I really tell on myself, because I do not have to be afraid of any lawyers since I am not breaking any contractual agreements. 4. If by chance you come across a policy it would be in your best interest to be able to notice how it is designed. But then they can do different mutual funds and such. At least thats what the trainer said. Please.for goodness sakesget off this horse now that you actually KNOW better. 99% of the time I sell Good Term Policies only when it makes sense. Well Since you do not have accurate information about how much it cost to join, what it covers, and how you get it, why woudl this suprise me at all. Read the headline and then read the summary. But then again they are wrong. They ahve to break the law, but then again, I would not want them working with my money. 6. So I went to office location, it was there garage. Now if I have something it is mine. It is how most sales people make their money. A person can hire some to do what they dont wish to do and earn from their production. You,Michael, Jenni any one selling cash value life insurance or ROP (This is a form of cash value, This comes from an outside source. I just dumped the EXPENSIVE whole life policies that a family member, you know, a pro sold me(lol!). That way you will get some recruits and sales. I guess you have no tax considerations? Except millions believed in Hitler, but everyone can see right through Toms arguments. Then to have ownership of their code, they have qualifications. I hope not. And who would you trust you money to, James the part-time Independent agent, who works on a.c repair, or Mary, who works with Primerica, worth 7 billion dollars, and backed by them? And that is a month. He did not come for the saints but for the Sinners. Wrong. All of this high-pressure sales tactics and fallacies about our firm are evidently from competitors. The point is if a life policy is court ordered and a person balks at the cost, they can use an Annuity along with the ROP. NOw you know they cant, but that is the road you are going down., ****Do you know insurance companies are quoting policy ages up to age 121? Assurity Is this what you expect to do at your golden years? If I remember right, He is a Professional. In other words what can you live without to pay off your debt. Since you have missed that is several of my posts, I can only guess most of what is said to you by your clients is missed. Just go make money for you and your family. You just do not sit back and collect a paycheck because you joined the company. _____________________. In most meeting I have attended as a client, they are in their 30 and 40s. Tom is only a client. It is in this analysis. Stats do not lie, but those that use them certainly do. ANd a violation could be simple, or complex. I didnt see any of that from you. I know because cash value pays more than those pesky mutual funds. But let us see. Primerica's (PRI) solid it projects 2021 sales to be 10% higher than pre-pandemic levels. Bill, am I woman or a man? Primerican out! It is not the clients you see, nor are they Michaels/Thomas clients. Which company can rate a person better? Im a junior. You see it every Sunday in the advertisements. Remember the Wall Street Journal article. Does it have guaranteed insurability? 4. We welcome people to search out the facts. since it is denouncing a companys name. Duluth, Georgia 30099-0001. But again this is about Products not about opportunity. Kinda true, but not the whole truth. Those are people that will go the next cheaper person. Primerica will have a more difficult time recruiting without the misleading come work for a Citibank company cold calls. I am only more dedicated to making PFS work for me than you were. Now the industry since they have been selling the line for decades, you need life insurance your whole life, I can see why you are confused on the fact of having to need it after retiring. 11. Anyway, after reading all of this incredible clap-trap about the financial industry which seems now even to have gotten the attention of an agent of God Almighty Im convinced that this is a very good thing to stay the hell away from! Ask your PFS agent if Art williams or Sandy Weill only had term policies. He needs to quit since he has sold policies for cancer and accidental death which are said to be worthless. Find them and post them. I am no more your brother than those idiots sending out emails saying they are Christian Mortgage Brokers. Allow me to quote myself from my previous post: I never said that PFS was any better than another business, vehicle, or system. I have a friend with them also and I totally agree with your comment about being brainwashed. Again I am not an agent, but the policy I have is guaranteed. Since it was a lump sum and I did not want to pay taxes on the gain this will help me out. I am not here to rag on PFS. Just had to set the record straight. OM Financial Life Insurance Company of NY Any one else who tells you differently is lying. It the client has to pay, then it is higher. You have fewer fund families than a 401k which is sad, and a common sense annuity; give me a break. Ask around. Primerica Life, in its discretion, may also pay, or arrange for the payment of, advances to you. Since 1977 over 50% of the insurance companies that were in business have folded. Since you never worked with them how can you give any information about the company? These arent hostile questions. If that doesnt convince you of what is truly happening out thereregardless of your own (if true) random unfortunate experience with Primerica Financial Services. You help people with your lack of Knowledge? . You remind me of many people who blame everyone else for their failures. She has 1,100 accounting/book keeping clients, whom she wants to help with securities, life insurance, loans, and living trusts. You say your just a client, then you say you went through PFS training, which is it? Some people want some sort of guarantee. There is many problems with your statements bugt here I will try to show you the truth: I am curious where you think that Priomerica has one size fits all. When it comes to value, I rather not have some person who is looking for a sale to contradict the competent advisers that have no interests in making a commission off me. Do I agree with everything he did? Who wants to call for your claim and get someone in India that requires you to jump through hoops. Well Trying to understand what you are meaning to say is the only way I can correct your improper thinking. This proves a couple things: You must think everyone is an idiot. . Again, ALL ARE GUARANTEED rates. Why be part-time and captive? These activities include bathing, toileting, dressing, moving and transferring, etc. You can ridicule Primerica all you want, but if what youre currently doing isnt getting you the results you want, then maybe its time to try something else. As for Errors and Omissions insurance, that is something independent brokers need, not captive agents need. People do get divorced and people do have child support issues. But think about it. If their full-time job doesnt allow it how do they make it a year with PFS? You have been tooting this Ed Slot Character alot. Where does the extra money go? This ought to be good. But would you feel safe if your Brakes on the car only worked some of the time? That is all I was looking for. I may be a pain in the rear and you only wnat the lay down clients, but then again you do not sell value, you sell price. I put my priority in learning my products. Tom says: I am glad you say that, You positions is not for over 98% of the people out there. Tom you have a good day.. James @ 10:59 am But then again Primerica can do the same thing, but when it came to investigations, Primerica will not have to worry since all the new laws that are going into affect, they have been doing. You only get promoted if you pass the qualification. Saying anything different is just blowing smoke and trying to confuse the issue. I see a lot of guys believe in thier products and believe in who they work or contract for, except Tom. No big deal, I was slowly able to overlook that. Hiding behind different email and different alias. In order to help my wife fast-track I became one of her first two hires but at the time I still wasnt overly enthused about the opportunity. Get it? Want a job in this industry? You are not just a sales person you helping them make wise decisions with there future. Its sooooooooooooooooooooooo good to be free. These fees are normally pretty high. Whats the difference between being a sales person and an advisor? The FNA is FREE. So call me a Whole lifer if you must. -. (But you are on a mission) THE COMPANY CANT GET RICH ON THESE PENNY ANNY FEES. Even Citi is laying off their employees. But then the company needs to be in business. Obviously the company heavily subsidizes this as the books, trainer, exam and insurance does still cost lots of money, some estimates say around $2000 to $3000. Xerox sales people do not sell HP. . 4. Great. Also if the company is not having enough money or have enough in reserves it becomes in solvent. They pay agents to sell products. So since you refuse to do the work, which is typical of people who fail at Primerica, he is what a Yugo is. I am still in the licensing phase of the employment process. Not as many that are being sold the idea. He wasted his time to find out they were trying to convert him to cash value. It is called a buyers market. The same with having to rent office space, pay for delivery of the all policies and all mailing and such. Do you really want to have a felon handling your finances? Lastly Michael, I have debunked your two companies as cash value companies. ). . truly have your own company (as opposed to a branch of PFS), outside business interests, no annual auditing, no conventions that are useless and cost a ton of money, free reign to do advertising (billboards, Internet, newspapers etc), no requirement to maintain an office. -. And this stuff is not the important part. Life Insurance is not for estate protection, but income protection. So we can debate all day and all night, but its a new day and Primerica will have to change some things or lose agents. If he takes me from getting 4% or less, and shows me how to get 8 to 12%, that is value. People can do the same things they are doing outside of PFS and more. Being a Client, I can shed some true light on why. I know my competition. Why would anyone have such interest in this other than being contracted with Primerica. What about you? But wait you get paid on the total premium, so you make more money. I am actually paying the same I did when I first started. How Much Is A $250,000 Life Insurance Policy? I have fired people over ethical problems. On your death you get the choice of either the money in the account or the life insurance, not both. , Something that cost more from you, that most everyone can get cheaper else where. 4. 4. Rates will be higher at each renewal, based on your age. And it is a waste of money. Anyone? Im glad I finally found a blog about this that doesnt have its last post in November 2006. lol I wonder why? You only make the PFS people ask questions and do research. Now for another use of a cash value policy. You also get different levels of charging: Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. Where I stand, they educate the masses. Are you going to let this go by and ignore it? Remember I am in business for myself I get who I get to represent. Tom please give me a history lesson on life insurance. So please the only time someone should be using an annuity is when they have exhausted every other tax break they can. You ahve said choice is good. It is nice to look at but a waste of money. Ask your RVP about it. If you are getting less than inflation, you will end up still working for your entire life. how do u, used to or who helped to sell products? Since you only sold Life insurance I can see why you might think that having a product that does cost more, but gives more might be a hard thing to sell. YUGO is cheap, BMW has value. This shows you ways to get out of debt without refinancing your home. Possibly, though each person with autism is different. Its about fitting the best product available for the individual client. , As, far as an agent putting a piece of paper on the top of the policy saying you can not cancel, I believe the state DOI would have an issue with and if you have proof of an agent doing that I would turn them in.You said, Sneaky things agents will do to cheat, lie and steal from their clients.. So why do they need more outside. God bless and dont believe all you read. a) I would have lost all this at PFS. You call ROP bad only because you cant sell it (I am sure if you had it youd be singing another song). You spoke of recruiting new people? Recruit, recruit, recruitKeep throwing it against the wall and keep what sticks. It was a MLM. Williams days are over. Do you think they would allow him to do that if he had any problems. ANd it only allows you to be called an adviser. They are sold on the concept of Buy term And Invest The Difference. Well nothing is truly guaranteed. What do you need at retirement a bill for insurance monthly, that says you are worth 1 million dollars dead, or a 1 million dollrs in investments? Put up or shut up. Second, most of the people who have money with Primerica have it in mutual funds, Most have not been involved with the auction rate stocks and such. And since you are wondering why do I stay with Primerica, and defend them. Did you fact check that? An employee would be happy with that. Bottom line is: Term is better than Trash Value, Fixed loans with a debt elimination plan are better then ARMs and Neg.AMs loans, getting out of debt is better than being in debt, Mutaul Funds are better than leaving your money in the bank, Building a successful business is better than a successful job, if there is one. No Get teh quote right if you are going to steal it from me: Right. I was getting to the point that was almost envious of people that had a good job and were making consistent income. Whole life or any form of cash value is something that was created so that the insurance company can share in the profits of people being afraid of not having money in a depression, or having no money when they retire. They've been around for over My mother is 81 yrs. And in closing. IT is the lowest form of attack, it means you have reach desperation.!. The fact, You also know that they do what is right for the client all the time. He has to work 3 to 8 hours jsut to make the same money in one hour. Im very interested in this industry and would like a career in it. How many of those people are claiming someone should have looked out for me? Your financial situation is unique and the products and services we review may not be right for your circumstances. AaronI highly recommend going to and utilizing his ENDORSED LOCAL PROVIDERS search. Its TermNow policy comes with a $300,000 maximum death benefit . Product lines? I did not need a rep to tell me these things, since this is stuff I know. Therefore will harass you until you switch from Term to Cash value. If he says differently he is a liar. I do not work for Trane so I do not have to cater to Trane. Melody can here and stated: Most companies wont even talk to these guys unless the client comes in themselves, or they have a lump sum of cash to invest. Is the concept for everyone, no of course not, but it is an alternative. just a well informed client. And that is in the peoples best interest! I remember the days of PFS continuing Ed. You recruit to build your organization. So the truth is that BUSINESS if difficult and many cannot and will not succeed, if they will not endure for as long as it takes. When I first was being recruited by Primerica, I was led to believe that I was an owner of my own business. But then again nothing is surprising me about you. Since it seems you either sell this garbage, or beleive in it, you need to read some competent advisers. If I was Micahels or James Clients, I would not walk but run and pull all my files from them. If you are in sales you will know what that mean. May be that is why you do not sell mutual funds and such. Since you are not an agent I do not think you can have your PFS buddy run a quote for 40 year old male standard rating no childer. Another reason WHY to go independent (and incorporate, as well). So, instead I decided to search for legit sources. Currently they are the big dog for part-timers. But good Christians need to know what the companies they buy from are doing with the profits. Well, by your example, Health Insurance as a benefit is bad. Just like PFS, I do not work for them as a business owner. Primerica: Specialized in term life insurance. The four biosafety levels are BSL-1, BSL-2, BSL-3, and BSL-4, with BSL-4 being the highest (maximum) level of containment. For example, Goodwin offers three types of MSN programs today: APRN-FNP degree program, for aspiring Family Nurse Practitioners. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that they encourage their customers to pay their mortgages twice monthly rather than the traditional monthly payment. When you are a parrot repeating the same lingo it is apparent youve given little though to do actual research yourself on the markets or how different asset classes are even correlated. Does your clients know that they are paying for the estate enlargement of you and yoru companies? After I got my insurance, both of my parents did of terminal illness, both of different type of cancer. I am sure if I had his help this post would have exceeded any limit that they have here for characters. Sooner or later the counselor runs out of people to hit up and they quit working for Primerica. The only people who can retire on money they put in a fixed or guaranteed account is if you have a huge lump some and can afford the low interest rates. companies that offer more products, better prices, better compensation, and a most are owned by cash value companies.If you want to know these companies do your own research. Proteins have four levels of organization. And the other kind of recruiters will communicate with gibberish so the prospect can go. So let me say this again. How many people build many strong legs? . Why should I go into the the difference between Mutual Funds, Annuities and actively Managed accounts? And since you are on this estate preservation plan, whos estate gets the money that is in the policy? And this is why ROP was created. You are exactly right about my securities license, I am not selfish if a client has a need for this type of investment I will gladly recommend an agent from our group to present this option. Thanks. Term is not a temporary policy. Do you pay for your brochures? So if someone invests $1000, youll make around $13. They wanted to sell us annuities and went straight into the pitch. Which means they can offer any products they feel that their client needs. See there you go making me bring out other information that PFS agents will need to educate themselves about to combat their competitors. If they are not doing it right, then they do run out of people. Most of the information posted here by people outside Primerica is grossly wrong, and borderlines on criminally liable. What other company that can do that? have a state preservation plan. You call them panic thinking something is wrong. I over a 10mth period one has only made about 4-500 dollars. I am one of the people thats trying to make sense of all the comments good or bad. Web Reading time: 1 minuteLevels are the different instruments used for leveling in surveying. Victory Mortgage They also take classes so they can learn how to fleece their clients with Cash Value life insurance as a investment, or a savings plan. That is something that most people hate., ***Just say no..Now what happens if a client developes a health issue later in life. But then again this is the Parent company and has nothing to do with Primerica. But then again I had a friend that got tired of getting these calls sent letters and said repeatily not to call him and they ignored him. What is wrong with showing a person on how to build a team so they can know what it takes to build a business of there own. Have you ever asked why? And then their is the time he cheated by not giving all the information about the company he endorses, AIG. If you took the difference and got a low return of average of 8% you will have more money than if you paid for the extra. purpose? 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