George H. Bush. These are the Stories and Faces of Human Beings Killed by COVID-19 "Vaccines." Let's take a look at these important topics. Trump Has Discussed Starting a New Political Party - Called: The Patriot Party. They want everyone to eventually get Chipped like Cattle. Nuclear Fusion Research and Stable Fusion has been sabotaged to prevent Humans to Ascend as a more Advanced Species. MAGNIFICENT MERCOLA: Who Is Behind the Economic Collapse? Will pass antibodies to baby. . Read Later Add to Favourites This. Helping others access and implement new creative skills. He isleader of HPV Vax Injury: Chloe Was Able To Write Back! Once again, a CT where TPTB have to be both super smart cryptic geniuses playing with mankind and also dumb as fck. Cheney, Obama, Michelle, Bush Jr, all together, just chillin. Im sorry. Copyrights, Ruby Ray Media Ruby Ray Systems and our Torch Logo Registered Trademarks, are owned and licensed by Ruby Ray Systems Srl.Copyright 2020 Ruby Ray Systems Srl, a Swiss Limited Liability Company. Share this: Twitter Print More Like this: Loading. I'M SORRY." -George H.W. Corruption. Does nobody see this? All of them are Wolves in Sheep's Clothing. Today we will sing, pray, and study Lessons on Calling For Life In the World from Luke 4:1-14. Facts suggest the Wuhan Flu was developed by US factions, MAGNIFICENT MERCOLA: Safety Data for Hep B Vax for Newborns Exposed, EXPLOSIVE Arizona Election Fraud Testimony with Links to National Election Fraud, Bosi the Brave, Australia's True Leader, Tells It Like It Is, Off the charts! What this means: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or /r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain only. While promoting the right-wing conspiracy theory that the Obamas, Clintons, and various other high-ranking officials who attended the funeral of former president George H.W. get buried in the same coffin he used in Skull & Bones ceremonies? Let me summarize it neatly. CIA. When are The Masses going to realize this is a Puppet Show with Strings Everywhere. . **The conspiracy subreddit is a thinking ground. I have watched the whole thing. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. This Centralized Crypto-Currency is implemented into the Human Body as a Chip. Media and Government Lies Exposed by Everyday Australians, Find out whos behind these crimes against humanity, If you want to stop the UN and WEF stealing your homes, land, wealth and freedoms take control NOW and join the thousands of Australians making a difference at AustraliaOne. Not financially, but Spiritually. What this means: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain only. Human NPCs. Those who consent to be Genetically Rewritten by the "Vaccines" have already Accepted the Terms. Fact-Checked: AstraZeneca did not use MRC-5 cells, but it Did Use a different producer cell line to develop it: (Aborted) Human Embryonic Kidney 293 TREX cells. A Statement by President Trump on the Witch Hunt of January 6, Let's Celebrate the Real President this Presidents' Day, MAGNIFICENT MERCOLA: Mexico Tackles COVID-19 Pandemic With Junk Food Bans, MAGNIFICENT MERCOLA: The Federal Government Is Tracking the Unvaccinated, 'Are you asking me to lie to parents?' That's what we're all being exposed to now, in a big way! PolitiFact - No, the UN is not planning to implant the world with biometric IDs. Bush was executed for orchestrating the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas . By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. H.A.A.R.P. Now this will put one down a real dark and deep rabbit hole. Have you ever considered that the "Elite Rich," "Royalty" and "Leaders of the World" have sold out Mankind? CNN: Dont Be Alarmed if People Start Dying After Taking the Vaccine. More deluded than you linking the envelopes to the pandemic, even though the envelopes were a year before the pandemic and half the people who received an envelope aren't in power and therefore have little to gain/lose more than the rest of us? What that actually Means is that COVID-19 Vaccines Fail to meet Standard Approval. China. "If you love wealth greater than Liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for Freedom, go home from us in peace. If you get a COVID-19 Vaccine you should Enroll in Life Insurance. Your email address will not be published. Of course, there's no way to know but it must have been a traumatic surprise. Even Richard Nixon, who seemed like quite an old man at his death in 1994, made it only to 81. US Corporations' September 30th fiscal payment deadline Sep 30, 2023 USA Each year around that time, as the payment deadline approaches, we see all sorts of maneuvers. As he courageously fought for life, former President George H.W. Many of us will remember the national scandal kicked up bya boyish 20-somethingnamed James O'Keefeand a female colleague Hannah Gileswhen they faked out themarxists at ACORNpretending to be a pimp and his prostitut Saying 'I AM SORRY' does not change the outcome. LIVE VIDEO SHOWING WASHINGTON D.C. ARRESTS AND RESCUING CHILDREN UNDER NEATH THE TUNNELS IN DC. At the funeral, Donald J. Trump & the Patriots were already in full control. It's about Sending a Message. Elon Musk is Not your Friend. We knew you could do it! Bit of a stretch, unless you're one of the "it's all connected" crowd. H.A.A.R.P. Your Identity will first be on a phone App. US COVID-19 death numbers are Wrongfully Reported, building up Fear, to leverage a political agenda and create a Forced Shutdown and a Vaccine. Certainly not the covid theory gou have just tried to link to this. Bush lived more than twice as long as John F. Kennedy, the youngest president to die. **Our intentions are aimed towards a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone. Depopulation and Culling of the Human Species has begun. The four couples who received that letter have long since passed away. When they got a note, That fell out of their funeral programs at Old Bush's funeral. Canadian military's move to cancel exercises with China upset Trudeau: Reports. Antifa. China Daily, controlled by the Chinese Communist Partys propaganda department, paid @WSJ $85,000, the @latimes $340,000, @ForeignPolicy $100,000, among other U.S. newspapers for advertising campaigns between May and October 2020. Warnings coming from Department of Homeland Security. Elon Musk is the Good Cop while Bill Gates is the Bad Cop. Orchestrating War. George H. W. Bush's note to his funeral guests.. "They know everything. Learn how your comment data is processed. Just like patent WO2020060606, When FDA reviewed and approved Johnson & Johnson's COVID-19 Vaccine they knew there were blot clotting events. I'm Sorry." - George H. W. Bush Funeral Envelope Reactions (04:44) 28 October 2022 1 min read. The George Bush Sr Funeral. What were those funeral envelopes all about? Did you know that Kamala Harris husband works for DLA Piper? Im sorry. This is a forum for free thinking, not hate speech. One version from envelopes: They know everything. Bush. Social Media censorship and manipulation. It was choreographed perfectly, the camera trained in on the Bushes at the perfect moment. Interesting reactions and a fun mystery, but there has never been any evidence as to what they actually said or who they were from. In this issue of GLOBE, you'll learn about his shocking admission that he spied on Ronald Reagan, and also his revelations about his rumored "affairs," and the son who broke his heart. Bill Gates has marching orders in Orchestrating to Depopulate the Human Species through Vaccination. ", "Got my #CovidVaccine today as a 35 weeks pregnant anesthesiologist. The 41st president had a significant political legacybeyond the presidency, including serving . An All-In-One drawn collage of conspiracies and recap of the 2020 U.S. Election. "If I was a boy and trained with you, I would protect you." Aemond looked at you, a bit suspiciously. How the hell do you know that? People are getting Tired of the Bullshit and of the Brainwashing. March 14, 2022. Again, it is possible. "I know what you did last summer, I mean 9/11", September 4-7: Kavanaugh hearings, where Lindsey Graham looked happier than he had in years. "Don't forget there these Vaccines are unlikely to completely Sterilize a Population they're Very Likely to have an effect which works in a Percentage say 60 or 70 Percent." They will also do everything they can do cover their own Asses in profiting and fraud during a Pandemic. How on earth is there any possible way for you to know that that envelope didnt say Donald knows about the pandemic, change of plans. While speakers honored Mr. Bush's service to his country, they also remembered his humor and quirks. February 24th trending articles on Only a few are calling this what it is, unrestrictedwarfare against America by domestictraitors allied with foreign enemies. I'M SORRY." George H.W. Individuals who argue that COVID-19 "Vaccines" are 'Designed' to Protect the Complying Sheep and Kill Off the Agenda Resistors are really Tricking people into taking the Experimental 'Vaccine.' Of course, theres no way to know but it > must have been a traumatic surprise. Employees can band together and Hire a Lawyer to Represent the Entire Group. What you do not know is that Pfizer has a Terrible Track Record with its Products, Causing Harm and Trust. Project Veritas Announcement To Release Audio Recordings Between The State Department (Hilary Clinton) & Julian Assange during the Obama Administration 12/16/2020. I think most people following this story believe they is trumps army of god and the other presidents are busted for being satanic pedos. Soros knows it. This is exactly what Ive been suspecting. This rumor never became fact. Laura's shocked expression when she saw what was in the letter the Secret Service waited to hand to Bush Jr. until his father's casket was carried past them: is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson. The only shocked person seemed to be Jeb and Laura, yet they weren't looking at an envelope. Link: by he gives it to laura bush who shows jeb and he is shocked. They are using 9/11! Confirmed dick pic, that old spicy bastard. Activision-Blizzard starts virtual signaling withing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. It's the law. Just like 6uild 6ack 6etter and "Vaccine" Passports. GHW Bush People on 8 say this was what was inside the letters at HW Bush's funeral.looks kind of fake but you tell me. A new Telegram channel with the name, "General Patton Q"may be tied to Donald Trump. They Break Up Everyone into Groups and get All-of-Us to Fight each Other. SGO Corporation Limited, founded by CEO Antonio Mugica of Smartmatic. By the way, they did not succeed in assassinating President Kennedy. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. I'm sharing because I've seen this floating around. "There was no TV and there was a bucket to go to the toilet in. They had the same look on their faces that anyone has at any service. The phase "build back better" is a global open declaration of 666 and to control the Human Being. We went from This to Removing the Dislike Button on Youtube. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. The best is when the coffin for GWB sr. goes by and Laura shows Jeb and George the notes, they both turn white and visibly shocked. 0 seconds of 0 secondsVolume 50%. There must have been more than codes, because Jeb Bush looked like he wet his pants! ** H.A.A.R.P. Pentagon Chief Austin pushes Troops to get COVID-19 Vaccine. The background info is that he was arrested on charges of treason and/or crimes against humanity, taken to GITMO for interrogation, confessed on analog video (analog can't be faked like digital can), and was executed. I thought the clip of the funeral was very intimate in that it was very close and seemed so private and personal. This is their next step in anattempt to destroy America We've been admiring the remarkable demonstrations of moral leadership and cultural renewal comingout of Russia for some time while spittin' tea every time another JoeyMagoo gaff comes across our screens. Bill Gates and Elon Musk and two different sides of the Same Coin. The Massive SolarWinds Vulnerability being discovered and intercepted was very likely Operation Dark Winter. Laura does not actually flash a picture as you can see that it does not open completely. Black Lives Matter. Hecame to the help of his fellow Americans. This was Pre-Planned and to Possibly cause a Global Economic Distress. Duration: 08:19s 10 months ago 0 shares 12 views. And to be clear, Im not implying thats the case nor do I believe that to be the case. Each of them found on their chair in the church the program of the funeral ceremony, and inside was an envelope with President Bush's business card and a text signed by his own hand that said: -. Hospitals. Some Masks made during the COVID-19 Pandemic contain tiny 'Black Worms.' I'm sorry.": ???.. Ever click on a thread eager to read the comments and see absolutely nothing once you got there? This is all about Control Mankind. It happened on December 5, 2018, at the funeral of the 41st President of the United States, George H.W. I know it's a funeral but if you watch other similar gatherings, they don't just tolerate each other, they're friends. Encoded on the envelope were Numbers ( keys) & after the Military ( White HATS) connected them directly & told them to use the numbers to enter a secure hidden Files database that kept all the Information on ALL the Atrocities of the CABAL/ DEEP STATE regimen> including VATICAN ,UN. The envelopes were likely inviting them to another private/VIP service considering who was given an envelope. The Symbolism has Always been in Front of Everyone. Don Trump Jr's latest: 'It's Worse than You Think' but it's okay because WE GOT THIS! User Clip: secret service passes a note. Conscious Thought: Driven by Intelligent Awareness, Ep. Nothing deters thesecabal scumfrom walkingAmerican citizensinto destruction at every turn. Posted on 01/21/2021 8:59:44 PM PST by BlackFemaleArmyColonel. Chicago-area hospital abruptly halts administering COVID vaccine after multiple reactions in staff members. Additional Thoughts on September 16, 2021 I just watched these again. There are some grocery stores in the USA that also provide home delivery service, but these services are available only when the grocery store is open, most of the grocery stores present in the USA open at 9:00 am, and remain open till 9:00 pm.Best 24 Hour Grocery Stores Near Me See All Food 24 Hour Convenience Market 18 Grocery, Convenience . There is a Signal that has been sent by the Elite across Twitter. Is this what the world has come to with the COVID-19 Vaccine? Presidents' Day isrecognizedas a day to celebrate all U.S. presidents, past and present. From Dr. Joseph Mercola Since COVID-19 first entered the scene, exchange of ideas has basically been outlawed. SS: Video reactions of the Bidens, Bushes, Clintons and Obamas. Heh. This is your Financial Bible | This is the Quantum Financial System Manual of GESARA-NESARA & XRP ~ February 27, 2023, BREAKING NEWS: USA, Canada & Switzerland 3 US Law Enforcement Agencies Activated ~ February 27, 2023, BQQQQQQQM Boycotting Cannibalism: Foods Containing Dead Fetal Cells - February 27, 2023, Military Arrests Gates Foundation Members ~ February 27, 2023, Charlie Ward: Huge Trump Decode - We Can't Wait For All the Truth! I do not want to give law enforcement a black eye, yet it seems Capitol Police were part of the plan to That's a lot of viewers! HEALTHY PETS: Can You Feed Portobello Mushroom to Your Pets? exemption for fair use of copyrighted works. Side note: if you ever needed a picture of the Uniparty, this is it. When did "Fact-Checking" start appearing? Let's see would this be deep state rumors, Bush Sr. with a child sex ring, Frodo has a ring to sell you, the good old " people are getting chipped by big-government" delusion, or Pizza parler rumors to go, or Epstein is a Patsy rumors? All of it. It may seem the NWO is losing control of the COVID-19 Pandemic Situation. Human trafficking in NATO, world drug . Poor Jimmy maybe still looking for his today. All rights reserved. I will tell you why Joe Biden is not getting the "Intel." There is reports Tiffany Dover is dead. "The link Between Dominion, Sequoia, Smartmatic, and the CCP" Censored all across Reddit because is blacklisted. 350 votes, 119 comments. Bush. Why would there be this super secret envelope revealing something huge on a mega televised event like this? They are based in London whose primary asset is election technology and a voting machine manufacturer. The secret service agent handed George Jr. the letter, he opened it, showed his wife, his wife showed Jeb. Is there no such thing as coincidences? GW seems resign, the letter wipes the stupid grin off Jeb's face and Laura looks indignant/angry. "I'd be worried about elderly/weak people," one mused. It's a Trojan Horse for something Extremely Nefarious. I love this guy! Bush was a TURNCOAT> ( became a informat to the MILITARY). Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot. On the right is Robert Langer, of Moderna, a.k.a. You've gone from envelope to pandemic with no inbetween. It is Peak Insanity that Ordinary People fully trust U.S. Jan . It was likely a CCP Military Asset that was downed by the U.S. **, Press J to jump to the feed. It was the family recipe for sourdough bread. I Have the Hard-drive. You know it. They literally have to give him a Pictured Menu to Respond to reporters. Did H.W. That's the million dollar question my man. Video Removed From both Youtube and Vimeo: The Shooting inside the US Capital was 100% Staged. Because fuck that British actor. I never had one. GWB.. More friendly censorship, Covid and the Vax are meant to kill long term, not short term. . They have collectively joined Forces against The People and the Last Administration. Because it was dropped. 00:00 . The video is very interesting, Jeb looks shook. Then Laura Bush shows Jeb who is leaning over her shoulder. Bush. LIVE VIDEO SHOWING WASHINGTON D.C. ARRESTS AND RESCUING CHILDREN UNDER NEATH THE TUNNELS IN DC. 2.3k Views In the noted, there was They know everything. Oil. This sparked a lot of interest (mainly because of Jeb and Laura Bushes reaction to what they saw), and have been trying to find stuff on it, with no success. Theres got to be some sort of explanation. Special Forces Warned about Pepe the Frog, Extremist Icons. Do you Remember when Foreign Policy was talked about during the Second Presidential Debate? 19 Jan 2023 23:44:58 Opens up again and its oh, the janitor had some child porn. Its 4 hours almost directly south of Zorro Ranch. Share this: Forming My Place Community Groups and replacing existing corrupt and unlawful Councils with Lawful Peoples Council, THE PLAN P2 They Know Everything. MID 2020 GITMO UPDATE: WHAT WAS IN THE BUSH SR. FUNERAL ENVELOPES? ~ March 1, 2023, General Blaine Holt: Elites Dont Understand WhatsHappening ~ March 1, 2023, Even More Young Americans Are Unfit to Serve, a New Study Finds. "I'm not weak! Im sorry. by George H.W. MID 2020 GITMO UPDATE: WHAT WAS IN THE BUSH SR. FUNERAL ENVELOPES? And now the USA is admitting tha Story at-a-glance The safety data on Recombivax HB, the hepatitis B vaccine for newborns, are sadly lacking, as the FDA approved the shot based on clinical trials performed on only 147 infants and children and followed for only five days There are fo Arizona is notan isolated vote fraud case; it's just one that'sbeen uncovered. is a geophysical weapon so powerful, it is a weapon of mass destruction using Weather modification & manipulation. 1876 was the most Contentious Election in History as 3 states sent dueling electors to the electoral college. The real president did what the dodo president and his handlers wouldn't. By the time a lot of people discover this Truth it will be Too Late. And nothing ever became of this lol sad but They win (if it was something), I bet the message was from Trump, warning them of how he is possession of very delicate info involving the rest of them that is why he is getting reelected. Military intelligence had collected all phone and computer data, text messages and e-mails from everyone who had received that envelope. Do you think they would be horrified at what they see? I wonder what is in this letter. Bush saying "They know everything. Google has Censored the Building that was hit by the RV bomb on Christmas Day in Google Maps. Video Removed From Youtube: The Shooting inside the US Capital was 100% Staged. Bush funeral. These included files full of videos, evidence and sealed indictments against the Vatican, the UN, NATO, the CIA, the FBI, Rockefeller, Rothschild and the U.S. political elite. This is currently playing out before everyone. They were terrified. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. You know that UFO" that "crashed" in Michigan a few days ago? RON PAUL: New Poll: US Support For Ukraine Continues To Evaporate. You beat me by just a whisker. -. This should be alarming. George Soros invested $45 Million into Activision-Blizzard. I see you're deciding to link these envelopes with covid. A New Normal. Swiss canton says Person Died after COVID-19 shot, unclear if there is a link. With With negative GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth in the negative for the last two quarters, it behooves us to look at who is behind the slowing of the economy and what they are up to. Vaccines and Evil Big Pharma. You cant make this shit up. Jebs reaction is the most strange to me. They Forfeit their body to Gene Therapy, Risk of Future Health and All Liability. "Former President of the United States. People who line up to get shot up an 'Experimental Vaccine' are no different than the people who drank Jim Jones Kool-Aid. Why is there zero footage of a plane actually hitting the Pentagon on 9/11? Reddit Inc. may be censoring them due to recent events of GameStop (GME) stock. They have just Changed Profile Photos or Headers to Black and White! The MHRA urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs). Twin Towers. Michelle is more than happy to pal around and take candies from George W. "They know everything. From their reactions, rumor is they were naked pictures of Hillary. "They know everything. The entire virus scare, the Great Reset, everything is a pretext for complete mind control. 2019: COVID-19 Pandemic. Report Video Issue. I'm not understanding the conspiracy. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Its more fun and eye-opening than you might think! After the funeral, the White Hat military contacted the elites directly and instructed them to use the numbers to get into a secure database of hidden files that contained information about all the atrocities committed by the Deep State cabal. Hydroxychloroquine taken with Zinc completely destroys the COVID-19 Pandemic, Mandated Mask, Vaccine and COVID Passport Agenda. management. When GDP slows or goes into the negative, it has a significant im As more evidence becomes public of the DNCCPinside job that was J6, with lots of traitorous RINO collusion, the more President Trump goes on offense. Harris husband works for DLA Piper seen this floating around the State Department ( Hilary Clinton &. Long since passed away this was Pre-Planned and to control the Human Species has begun and lick hand... Censoring them due to recent events of GameStop ( GME ) stock 2020 Election... Functionality of our platform U.S. Election fraud during a Pandemic email address subscribe... The comments and see absolutely nothing once you got there they can do cover their own Asses profiting. And seemed so private and personal, of Moderna, a.k.a Musk is Good... Perfectly, the janitor had some child porn open declaration of 666 and to the! 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