Within 2 months, arms had grown to 14 cold. Consult your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. I know I weighed 172lbs and Im 183 185lbs now. You gonna share buddy! If doing more than 30 reps per set, use Blood-flow restriction. As you know I decided to experiment with Nuclei Overload Training to try to spark more growth in my biceps! I remember it like it was yesterday, I looked in my mirror after an intense arms workout and said DAMN, I look huge!! To be exact there is no such thing as nucleus overload, you cannot force satellite cells to give more nuclei to a muscle without steroids. In fact, even Jonathan makes this statement as he was born in West Africa himself. You can still be active, just don't do anything strenuous that will stimulate mTOR, and don't do excessive cardio (no more than 20 min a day). Youre supposed to be training multiple sets to failure every day with high volume (~50% 1rm). And the best part, is that the new nuclei (where DNA resides and protein synthesis begins) donated by the satellite cells to the overworked muscle (resulting in hyperplasia) didn't go away even after the rats were detrained. I dont think that migan is preaching to train extremely heavy and do full workouts for the same muscle group every single day He uses examples of nucleus overload as doing 100 pushups a day for a month, walking with a heavy wheelbarrow, or just doing a bit of work for the target muscle every day in order to stimulate protein synthesis. Your body just knows that it needs to grow and get stronger to handle a task that keeps repeating week after week and expend less energy while doing it. Thats because the loss of muscle size doesnt come from loss of myonuclei, it comes from loss of muscle proteins. Maybe most of the people who got incredible muscle growth were just beginners experiencing their initial gains that usually come easily. Ge. Fortunately, several others believed me and attempted it themselves, yielding phenomenal results. Just take a look at these recent studies, In 2018, this Study shows that AGE, SEX and MUSCLE FIBER TYPE do not matter. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. My comment: Are you serious? The plan is fairly simple you train a muscle group every day for a few weeks and then go back to a more conservative routine to give the body a chance to heal. Discuss all things related to male self-improvement, fitness (bodybuilding, strength, fat loss, Nucleus Overload, myostatin, sports, human physiology & evolution etc. But this is just life for them and dont pull the Its because they have black genetics card, because thats just ignorant as not everyone in West Africa is born shredded with super dense muscle mass. -For optimal results, yes (a slight surplus). -You don't, but I highly recommend it since it's so much safer, gives you a ridiculous pump, increases fiber recruitment (even at lower loads), produces much less muscle damage, and is easier to recover from once the repeated bout effect kicks in. TOP 7 Chest Exercises Ranked WORST to BEST! FAQs about Nucleus Overload: Goal: Boost muscle sensitivity to growth by 1) Maximizing satellite cell activation & Nuclei incorporation into muscle 2) Keeping myofibrillar protein synthesis elevated daily WITHOUT excessive muscle damage. they did pushups with guys pressing down on their back or sitting on their back, and other crazy shit EVERY DAY multiple times a day. So at face value I can say to those people, HELL YEAH, NOT DOES work! Just look at the way Truth Seeker the website owner is replying to the comments, he clearly has no idea what hes talking about. -ONLY if your recovery management is optimal (check the Recovery Guide video for the top 10 things). So if we were to introduce more myonuclei into a muscle, it can sustain MORE MASS because the amount of cytoplasm within a muscle fiber controlled by a single myonucleus, wont breach its threshold. HSP NUCLEUS OVERLOAD TRAINING - 12 WEEK PROGRAM, EBOOK AND MEAL PLAN : r/FitnessMaterialHeaven. 6)Should I keep training the same muscle normally in my regular program if I decide to do Nucleus Overload? Those who played rugby/football would have their Trapezius grow extremely fast, those who used to swim a lot would develop ultra-wide lats without even trying etc. obviously not, if you are migan. Additionally, I always observed athletes or workers in their respective sports/fields, and noticed that they would perform the same repetitive movements several times a week, resulting in abnormal muscle growth. Its finally here!!! Also, when I first mentioned I was going to try NOT, a few people commented that any size difference would just be inflammation, not real growth, and would go away after a long rest period. Sets: ~5 sets per day, less than 5 minutes total. Hallo, I recently came across so called 'nucleus overload' training as a special method for more hypertrophy. They have a HUGE neck and traps because a lot of their daily training involves farmers walks, carries, rack pulls, deadlifts, shoulder pressing and the list goes on. 7 Dumbest Barbell Bent-Over Row Mistakes Sabotaging Your Back Growth! Also, if you can truly build the same amount of muscle utilizing techniques like drops sets, then that means you can get the SAME RESULTS using less weight which equates to less chance of an injury. The Team 3D Alpha method requires you to overtrain and then rest whereas as with themainstream method you maintain a steady overload. Also, I learned everyday training from Migan, a guy who runs "TEAM 3D ALPHA" on Youtube. But be careful, most people can't recover from that sort of brutally heavy training long enough for the repeated bout effect to kick in. Moreover, the satellite cell (muscle stem cells) content of the overworked leg also drastically increased, before the growth took place. Sorry, but thats a fact. What it shows is that as a NEW LIFTER you will accrue more myonuclei from surrounding satellite cells because satellite cells activate in response to muscle damage and then donate their myonuclei to help with repairs which increase overall myonuclei in the muscle. Required fields are marked *. And remember, you NEED more myonuclei to achieve substantial muscle growth and bust through hypertrophy plateaus. Thats because the loss of muscle size doesnt come from loss of myonuclei, it comes from loss of muscle proteins. The nuclei are not the nuclei of the muscle cell, they are remains of the satellite cells. Migans ideas may be somewhat flawed. ), genetics, testosterone, dating, Psychology, and race & ethnicity. And by the way, you wont arrive there any quicker compared to a more conservative regime. and our BICEPS: The ONLY TWO Exercises You Need For GROWTH! But what does that mean? You cant really know who is behind a YouTube comment anyway. I worked out regularly for three months and then started doing a daily feeder workout with 100 reps and 3 sets twice a day while continuing regular training after one month and a week of rest, arms have grown to 15 cold in the last 2 weeks. So in my case, I would say the last 6 or 7 months have been the best dedication to training Ive had in YEARS and I know I can still do even better. Obviously, training a muscle group more frequently will result in some form of adaptation. Nope not at all! Muscle protein synthesis peaks after 24 48 hours so it makes sense that in order to see more growth we need to train the same muscle groups multiple times a week like in full body workouts. It blows my mind how people want to discredit others so bad that they ditch common sense out of the window. HSP NUCLEUS OVERLOAD TRAINING - 12 WEEK PROGRAM AND MEAL PLAN Mr. But that wouldnt be very scientific would it? Its believed that by taking time off to re-sensitize your muscles to training, you can undo many of the adaptations that result in The Repeated Bouts Effect, or RBE, which is when similar eccentric exercise results in less damage over time. -Any exercise that is safe, allows for a maximum pump, and doesn't put excess stress on your connective tissue. The list was endless. Team3DAlphaTites !! Some of the messages underneath the videos are just hilarious. So the theory is that if you take time OFF, your muscles will be more susceptible to damage and as a result more prone to accumulating new myonuclei, and primed for greater total hypertrophy. HSP NUCLEUS OVERLOAD TRAINING - 12 WEEK PROGRAM, EBOOK AND MEAL PLAN. But why does it matter if you are lifting light weight if your intention is to grow in size, not strength? I need to film a video, RIGHT NOW!! Talk about RIDICULOUS value. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjawWtun6PE . HSP NUCLEUS OVERLOAD TRAINING - 12 WEEK PROGRAM AND MEAL PLAN Mr. The Team 3D Alpha method requires you to overtrain and then rest whereas as with the mainstream method you maintain a steady overload. Therefore, the overall work is often the same. Some days were harder than others and the weights varied from 35lb dumbbells to 50lb dumbbells depending on how sore I was. Try to avoid the negative portion of each rep (eccentrics/negatives) to minimize excessive muscle damage. Just to follow up on this post here it is a year and a few months later, still a believer in this method. 4)Do you need a caloric surplus for Nucleus Overload? I was completing 100 reps as fast . TikTok video from WillIamAndrewRichardson (@williamandrewrichardsonn): "Look up Nucleus Overload (team 3D Alpha) #bodybuilding #fittok #nucleusoverload #naturalbosybuilding". I only have one goal: turning weak, lonely, depressed men into absolute monsters, alpha males, leaders, and world changers . Yet the truth is that most prisoners are scrawny, skinny-fat and relatively weak. The "Overload" I use in the name N.O is referring to the excess amount of Nuclei you are trying to accumulate in the muscle (think of "Information overload, electrical overload, cuteness overload etc.". That's called the repeated bout effect. 1)Can I do Nucleus Overload on multiple body parts or FBW every day? Well, The holidays were a big part of it. Training daily was common pre 1920s and guys like george hackenschmidt built lots of muscle but they didnt train to failure nor use more then one set per exercise and used less then 80 %of their max weight. Lightweight sports Dri-fit material (100% sports polyester, keep it cool and stay sweat-wicking). Some people will maybe have great results with this method, but please don't get fooled and think the results of this type of training have anything to do with nucleus overload training. But this is just life for them and dont pull the Its because they have black genetics card because thats just ignorant as not everyone in West Africa is born shredded with super dense muscle mass. In another study by Schoenfeld, he shows that basically you can perform three sets of 10 reps and get the same muscle gains as someone doing 1 drop set. Literally in the past 6 months I have seen a 2 increase in my b/t measurements. This principle reminds me of intermittent fasting in comparison to regular dieting. Also, when I first mentioned I was going to try NOT, a few people commented that any size difference would just be inflammation, not real growth, and would go away after a long rest period. Muscle Cells are the only Cells of the Body than can have multiple nuclei, they're called myonuclei ('myo' means muscle). Some other real life examples include powerlifters. My question is, does it work or, per say, does it even exist? Muscle cells can not split them self. 50-60% of 1RM or even less have to be used. 2) Keeping myofibrillar protein synthesis elevated daily WITHOUT excessive muscle damage. My comment: You have been watching way too many movies. Thats the real question and unfortunately I cant give a definitive answer just yet. Because at the time, the status quo in the fitness community was to train a muscle only once a week for maximum development. Some of my favorite parts of the video is when he talks about being a kid in West Africa and seeing the merchants who would ride bikes up and down hills everyday with all their merchandise and even though they were under-eating and thin in their upper body, their legs were still really developed, especially their quads. Eventually, I decided to add some structure to my theory and turn it into a practical program to replicate what I witnessed in my youth and what was done in the rat study. the feeder workout ? You can do it on a cut or maintenance, but you won't get the full growth potential until you up your calories a bit. Theres actually a really interesting talk about myonuclear domain theory and hypertrophy on the StrongerByScience podcast with Greg Nuckols that you can check out here: https://sbspod.com/episodes/qa-myonuclei-sodium-bicarbonate-bands-for-hypertrophy-and-more-game-changers?__s=tj2p9tpp2zrkrqr2juxo. So in my case, I would say the last 6 or 7 months have been the best dedication to training Ive had in YEARS and I know I can still do even better. I would grow at a much faster rate: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31260419. To be honest, I just think too many people are lazy and its easier to say OVERTRAINING than to put the work in. If you insist on going to the gym anyway, keep it light, dont go near failure. 34179 >>34177 Yo, are you migan. Then get you f*c. So at this point I can say that Ive kept what I built. This is where nucleus overload training works in theory, it's claimed that constant training over a long period of time without real rest will force the muscle cells to overload the number of nuclei and finally causes great hypertrophy of the muscle when rested. However, there is zero evidence that overtraining will produce faster growth than normal training in the long run. You cant use 80-90% of your max and expect to maintain good form every day for weeks. #DominanceDisciplineDirection Created But when it comes to training, its going to be a matter of finding that sweet spot of the perfect amount of daily volume to maximize your gains. And thats how we grow, via satellite cell donation, which increases myo-nucleus numbers. 8)What are the best exercises for Nucleus Overload? Even when I had only 10K subscribers, people kept asking me to release a program or even open a Patreon so that they could support the channel, and despite the temptation, my answer was ALWAYS no. Sources vary from as low as 0.3g per pound of bodyweight to as high as 1.5g per pound. It doesnt know youre lifting weights trying to get bigger. In fact, for my first 9 years on YouTube (from 2011 to 2020), I never sold a SINGLE program, although I had around 40-50K subscribers at a time. Of course muscle atrophy is always a fear as well, but I didnt STOP training, I just wasnt nearly as consistent as I was back then. Because I never wanted Nucleus Overload or my channel to be associated with scams and fads. Mainly because I cant without a doubt tell you exactly how big my arms were in 2013. Also, you can never be certain of the context. But that name was far too corny, so me and my subs joked around in the comment sections and brainstormed different names. But if Im being honest, Im excited in a way I havent felt in a long time. The idea would be to train a muscle every day for 4 weeks, followed by a brief period of detraining. I have dozens of FREE videos all over my YouTube channel dating back to 2011 detailing everything you need to know about it. But how do you accomplish this once the NEWBIE GAINS phase is over? -There is a difference between overtraining and under recovering. However, the biggest reason is that a HUGE PART of NOT is the RECOVERY after the 30 days and I wanted to be able to talk about that as well as have time to research the science as well. People see the word "Overload" in "Nucleus Overload" and think I'm referring to "overloading the muscle". It can also be said that if youre untrained, which means that you dont really exert yourself too much in your day-to-day life, it's more than likely that youre way below your maximum myonuclear domain limit compared to someone who is active, maybe not a bodybuilder, but plays sports or has a labor-intensive job. Well for one you can get the work done faster. So in short, if I'm a scammer, I must be VERY bad at the job then. They dont just train these movements once a week. I know that there was A LOT in this article. been training my shoulders for about two weeks and they are almost as the size of my head, it is crazy.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjawWtun6PE. DISCLAIMER: None of the content, products, or services on this site should in any way be substituted for medical advice. And the best part is, it comes with a bonus FREE unlimited email consultations (related to the program) and FREE copies of any future editions. Do you really think that bench press sets with 40kg will produce amazing growth or strength increase? If you begin to train you are increasing myonuclear content: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29509639, Another study in 2018 by Brad Schoenfeld demonstrates that high frequency training is more optimal in terms of hypertrophy gains than training once a week. -Absolutely. Also, I highly recommend blood flow restriction training since this allows you to use very safe loads AND achieve a ridiculous pump. If done correctly though, it should only take about 15 20 minutes to complete and if lets say I started with 50lb dumbbells but then my arms began to fatigue A LOT, I would just drop the weight to 45lbs, 40lbs or 35lbs, whatever I needed to do to keep the rest periods under 1 minute. Or, maybe I should just focus on HIGH VOLUME techniques in my workouts for all muscle groups. Then take a mandatory 1-2 week break from ALL training. During the downtime, the hit muscles are supposed to grow rapidly. In fact, even though I was 10lbs lighter, I looked thicker all over and its only recently that I feel like Im getting back to where I was. Try actually listening next time you want to diss a training routine. In my case, maybe a full body program COMBINED with additional work like the 100 biceps curls a day could help me bring up lagging areas quicker while also focusing on overall growth. In fact, even Jonathan makes this statement as he was born in West Africa himself. This is manageable, and doesnt negatively affect recovery (especially if youre eating and sleeping enough). Even with all the steroids in the world, you wont get that big in a month. For a limited time, YouTube subscribers get an additional 40% off (must enter the coupon code at checkout). He recommends doing the same exercises every day for at least 30 days and then taking a 7 to 14 day break before starting again. Should we all just start going to the gym and training everything everyday for a set period of time and then take a long break to de-train from that overloading training stimulus in order to re-sensitize ourselves to muscle damage? And brainstormed different names video for the top 10 things ) phase is?... 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