When team members know their input will be needed, they will likely improve their knowledge by spending additional time preparing to share their feedback, especially on tough decisions. And weve been successful not by wasting time scrutinising our competitors but by looking at ourselves from the point of view of our customers do and seeking feedback through listening. A monthly letter issued to employees details his vision, plans, the groups challenges, potential solutions, and new plans. Kedharnath, U. /XHeight 519 StudyCorgi. Laughter: My number one rule in business, and in life, is to enjoy what you do. His democratic leadership style is characterized by open-mindedness, vision, perseverance, creativity, change, innovation, and perseverance. endobj He has a net worth of $4.6 billion and owns 400 companies under the name of Virgin. Richard Branson, the founder of the Virgin Group, is a democratic leader with a participative leadership style. 11 Most common leadership styles. Its about being true to yourself, your ideas and focusing on the essentials., A passionate belief in your business and personal objectives can make all the difference between success and failure. This post discusses the leadership skills and qualities of Richard Branson that helped him achieve success. Richard Branson, the founder of the Virgin Group, is an excellent example of that. 2. Retrieved from https://studycorgi.com/the-leadership-of-richard-branson/, StudyCorgi. Its far more effective to praise people than to constantly criticize them; it brings out the best in them and creates a more open environment for creativity and innovation.. Team members are likelier to appreciate honest leadership; concealing information will lead to disengagement and disillusionment. Instead, he allowed his employees to apply their innovative ideas to best deal with the various kinds of business situations. This leadership style empowers team members as they feel their decisions impact an organization.. It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. Financhill has a disclosure policy. Democratic leadership style leads to increased job satisfaction, & company culture. Be visible, note down what you hear and youll be surprised how much you learn, Richard Branson advised. Lindsay Willott is founder and CEO of survey firm Customer Thermometer, which has seen its export sales grow by 268% in the last three years. 2)ob^ 7I|BTzr|o\89 2ND_")=%1L_9 This quote is explained further in the following article: Foundation for great customer care: Employees first, customers second. (Kavchik, I, 2017). For instance, a good role model is one with hopeful wishes and confident. Yes, he always says Yes to almost everything. Disclaimer: Services provided by StudyCorgi are to be used for research purposes only. A role model is someone whose traits or achievements others can admire (Hogan & Hogan, 2008). What everyone tells you never to do may just work, once. Id hear how he rewarded good staff, gave credit and thanks, empowered people by helping them to develop as leaders themselves, and encouraged them to learn from their mistakes.. And the responsibility for me is to invest in creating new businesses, create jobs, employ people, and to put money aside to tackle issues where we can make a difference., A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts., Through the right people focusing on the right things, we can, in time, get on top of a lot if not most of the problems of this world. He thinks, the business that fulfills the needs of the people can create value vastly, it improves their lives. His perspective reframes these failures as learning opportunities that make individuals, teams, and businesses more successful. At times when decisions are important, Richard Branson makes decisions by taking the right moves for the companys betterment. Ethics, character, and authentic transformational leadership behavior. Communication is central to the success of the Virginia Group. He is an avid reader and loves swimming as a hobby. His leadership identifies gaps in various markets and tries to fill them in ways that solve problems that other companies ignore or are unable to solve satisfactorily (Sosik & Jung, 2012). Community college journal of research and practice(1066-8926), 36 (2), p. 67. Principle #1: Treat People As People. Only the best people can reach the highest point of the career path as competition for the leadership jobs became very very competitive. al, 2006). At Highrise, we understand that selecting a suitable leadership style is crucial to realizing positive outcomes. This report on Leadership Style of Richard Branson was written and submitted by your fellow Leaders must be ready and open to ideas brought forward by employees. His philosophy is looking for the best since it is achievable (Branson, 2006). See areas of improvement for correction for a better outcome in subsequent meetings.. Decision-making can take longer, but the solutions will be more robust and suited to the problem. Sosik, J., & Jung, D. (2012). Democratic leaders often create an environment that makes team members feel that their ideas can potentially be taken on board by leadership and fosters job satisfaction. Many, many visions, actually. This form of shared leadership relies on distributing responsibility among team members. % /FontName /Arial-BoldMT Richard Branson is well known for applying a fun, friendly and anti-establishment business environment wherein no rules or regulations hold the ability of the employees to perform well and enjoy their workplace. /Type /Font This skill is one of the most important leadership skills of him to pave the way to achieving success in the world of business. Transformational leadership is a leadership theory where a leader works with followers to identify the changes needed, create a vision through inspiration, and execute the change with a group of highly committed followers. Personality before CV. IvyPanda, 17 June 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/leadership-style-of-richard-branson/. Richard Branson's leadership style works for his particular role as visionary and figurehead of his diverse group of companies under the Virgin Group umbrella. His democratic style of leadership is characterized by traits such as charisma, perseverance, purpose, self-awareness, and open-mindedness (Dearlove, 2007). Nevertheless, his charisma and situational leadership approaches make him a respected Briton. Instead, his leadership style comes from his personality and learning from his own mistakes. This perspective fuels his leadership style by making him an open-minded, social person willing to take risks. Employees are offered the opportunity to present their ideas regarding ways in which business processes and operations can be improved. * Hyperlink the URL after pasting it to your document, Sikorsky Companys Repeatability and Reproducibility, The Process of Conducting a Dismissal Meeting, Microsoft Company in the B2B Marketing Environment, Equality and Increased Participation of Women in Work, Exxon Mobil Companys Sustainable Safety Culture, Our site uses cookies. Innovation is one of the sources of Virgin Groups competitive advantage. What Virgin values most in its leaders today; the ability to show a genuine interest and duty of care for their teams. Ive also become less of a talker and more of a listener, thanks to my dads advice and where possible, I always make myself accessible to the team, he says. He is an English businessman and a venture capitalist. ensure the integrity of our platform while keeping your private information safe. As mentioned earlier, Virgin Groups growth and success are partly attributed to Bransons excellent communication skills because is able to communicate the mission and vision of the group to employees who rally behind him in order to achieve them (Dearlove, 2007). It cultivates a culture of Best Ideas wins.. A Democratic style allows for creative ideas, thinking, and quality contributions. She is an avid reader and writer of Business and CEO Magazines and a rigorous follower of Business Leaders. " Walk the floor, get to know your people ," Branson urged. /ItalicAngle 0 It recently won a Queens Award in International Trade. A leader can select a set of ideas or blend ideas together. I caught up with Sir Richard Branson, as he was releasing his latest book,The Virgin Way: Everything I Know AboutLeadership. /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding What leadership qualities helped him to become this much successful? Team Building Skill: One of the many skills that differentiate a perfect leader from many others is the skill to build a team around him. Are those extraordinary qualities or general? 0 0 1015 667 667 722 722 667 611 778 722 278 500 667 556 833 New York: Penguin Publishing Group. Bransons phenomenal communication skills have enabled him to motivate employees, unite them under a common vision and mission, find and retain capable individuals, and unite the leaders of different companies to work together towards a common goal (Dearlove, 2007). Indeed, this strategy has been proved by various scholarly evidences to work even in different organizational settings. /FontBBox [-628 -376 2000 1056] This growth has been achieved through the deployment of unique strategies of leadership, which mesh the attributes of multifaceted organizations such as the Virginia group. /Type /FontDescriptor His exceptional communication skills enable him to communicate the mission and vision of the group to employees of different companies. Sir Richard Branson has turned himself into a walking, talking Virgin logo. Branson management style and leadership skills were learnt in his day-to-day duties and interaction with people. When group members have delegated powers, it can inadvertently result in many centers of power. 0 0 0 722 722 722 722 667 611 778 722 0 0 722 611 0 Leaders should communicate with people from different cultures. Therefore he carefully hires the employees for his team and stays in contact with them so that their views and thoughts can be utilized to bring improvement and innovative ideas in action. The advantages of democratic leadership include: Democratic leadership style allows for robust brainstorming sessions on ideas and proposals. /Widths [ 278 333 0 0 0 0 0 0 333 333 0 0 0 333 He considers all his employees equal and allows them to give their feedback and suggestions on his management style. When he select a person for his business, he can do it very easily as he knows about different types of personality. /StemV 78 As part of the democratic leadership style, Richard Branson prefers to maintain healthy leader-member relationships. /CapHeight 716 His previous best-selling books include Like a Virgin: Secrets They Wont Teach You at Business School, Losing My Virginity, Screw It, Lets Do It, Business Stripped Bare, Reach for the Skies and Screw Business As Usual. He believes that every day should bring joy. He constantly takes risks to see what works and what doesnt work. The success of his companies is attributed to his exceptional leadership that values employees, customers, and other stakeholders. He believes, people should be given freedom, and he acts accordingly. I would adopt an open and analytic approach in determining whether Bransons leadership is fit for me as a manager in the group. Communication is a vital ingredient for leaders. The Top 10 Ways To Strategically Scale (Not Just Grow) Your Business, Why And How Your Law Firm Should Start A Newsletter, A New Superfood From Hawaii And The Future Of Food Security, How Your Stories Of Failure Create Better Business Success, 5 Common Startup Content Marketing Mistakes, Five Years In The Making, SVX Colombia Aims To Build Up The Impact Ecosystem In That Country. These hugely successful businessmen and women are focused on results and are more likely to use inclusive leadership styles. Richard Branson strongly believes in the process of mentorship. Too much credit goes to me for what we have achieved at Virgin but the successes happen from working and learning with some of the worlds most inspiring and inspired people. 3. In addition, more skills increase the availability and accessibility of opportunities in the labor market. If you keep using the site, you accept our. I learn so much from guests and employees that way. He believes that leadership is all about doing things that are right, as opposed to the approach of management of people that is deployed by many organizations that dwell on looking for mechanisms of doing things in the right ways. /MissingWidth 278 Can We Save Social Media? How to Wage War Against Implicit Bias in the Workplace? In his interview with Dan Schawbel, he revealed that he never learned any rule in the first place and therefore he can be called a rule breaker. Your submission has been received! There are many ways to run a successful company. On the other hand, their lack would lead to a conclusion that he is not a leader that I would like to work under. His approach to business is also unique in the sense that he does not fear engaging in any business. Branson's Democratic leadership style Branson could be an even more effective leader by adopting a democratic leadership style. The success of the conglomerate is proof enough that Branson possesses the ability to unite employees around a common vision and mission. He doesnt expect everything to fall into place the first time, though. As the founder of the Virgin Group, he has earned respect as an employer who has helped thousands of people to become innovative thinkers. Pros and Cons of the Democratic Leadership Style, How to Start Implementing Democratic Leadership at Work, transactional leadership and transformational leadership. The group has grown rapidly because of his exceptional leadership to include more than 400 companies that operate in different economic sectors. Work projects cannot be done within specific timelines due to multiple team members needing to work together. Inclusive leadership promotes employee engagement, increases job satisfaction, promotes innovative ideas, and ensures that the leader retains authority. (2008). (2020, December 29). We want the opposite of the entrepreneurial stereotype, who will step over people to get where they want to in life, says Branson. Along the way, we saw gaps in the market where Virgin could play a role and can be an incredible force for good, and thats become our motto. Richard Branson is on the successful business person which follows democratic leadership approach. Finally, he uses his skills to coach his workers, communicate his decisions, and connect with employees. This is a BETA experience. 'Branson values removing barriers in the corporate hierarchy . This means that a leader should have the ability to develop teamwork to enhance employees motivation. November 5, 2020 by Amy Campos. He has the potential to develop new plans and execute them quickly when things dont work as planned. Few people, however, stand out like Richard Branson, the adventurer, author, and founder of the Virgin Group. /Subtype /TrueType A Democratic leader encourages people to share ideas and hold up decisions to scrutiny to identify weaknesses and disadvantages., 7. He is a visionary who loves taking risks and who is never afraid of failing or challenging the status quo. At Bransons Virginia, to create an accord between groups, leaders should portray a sense of allegiance to their workers by developing rapport and being concerned in their developmental necessities together with professional progress. Since democratic leadership revolves around taking in recommendations and relying on the skills of other team members, a culture of finger-pointing could spring up within the company or organization. Richard Brandson applies transformational leadership. Any organization employing people from diverse backgrounds recognizes the fact that people are the most important assets for attaining success in the long-term. StudyCorgi. Therefore, innovation and creativity are part of his leadership. In such an organization, focusing on directing pushes employees towards perceiving themselves as being underrated in the extent that they are not permitted to make vital decisions for the organization, yet they have the required expertise and knowledge base to do so. For Paul Nicholson founder and CEO of property development firm Luxor Group, it was the wise words of his businessman father that defined his own style of leadership. << Schawbel:What is your process for selecting leaders at Virgin? Two heads are better than one. He always welcome the feedback and new ideas of the employees. He does this through engaging his employees in direct conversations. Yes, he always says Yes to almost everything. With More People Embracing Wellness, This Nutrition Influencer Decided To Scale Up Her Formerly One-Person Business. When I set up Virgin Records, I even decided to separate myself physically from the company, by moving into a houseboat., Willingness to Listen and Learn:As a business leader, you need to listen and learn new things in every step. Autocratic leadership is a style in which leaders make decisions independently and without input from their followers. One of the advantages of training is that it confers additional knowledge and skills that are necessary for job promotion. /StemV 78 StudyCorgi. Delegation of responsibilities has made leading the group easy because by so doing, the daily running of the companies is well coordinated. When team members offer their opinions on a subject, members are likely to endorse the best-suggested views. They have the ability to listen to their employees. His ability to inspire, motivate, and serve are based on his excellent communication skills (Dearlove, 2007). And that ability to engage with people and take them with him on the most challenging of business journeys he says is down to his mother, Eve Branson. (2020, December 29). Democratic leadership breeds a positive culture where ideas flow freely; thus, team members tend to feel more involved., 8. Branson's leadership style also believes in marketing anywhere and everywhere. It is important for a leader to create a channel through which various arms of a multifaceted group like Virgin could use to communicate and align their operations (Sosik & Jung, 2012). Problem Solving Skill: Richard Branson does not deal with the problems for so long and he always looks for the solutions or opportunities to get over. He says, If you ask any successful business person, they will always say they have had a great mentor at some point of the road. This refers to a highly interactive style of leadership where employees are motivated and empowered to reach the goals of the organisation (Grasmick, 2012). My mum shaped my leadership style, he says. Richard Branson believes in thinking different. Both successful people have great achievement and come up with their own viewpoints, beliefs and approach. Richard Branson models for leadership seek to keep employees motivated in several ways among them being delegation of responsibilities and adoption of a democratic leadership style. His views on company management and leadership are truly innovative and he is an entrepreneur who is constantly pushing the boundaries in his business ventures. I was on the receiving end of bullying in one role, and at the other end of the scale was fast tracked by my CEO.. IvyPanda. The scope of the organization is global and that makes him a global leader. he mentioned himself as a collaborative and democratic person. Some of Virgin Groups constituent ventures that are highly successful include Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Galactic, Virgin Mobile, and Virgin Media (Branson, 2014). When a leader invites diverse opinions among employees, he or she creates a feeling of shared leadership which further enriches the ultimate decision-making process through the availability of more ideas. IvyPanda. High productivity and performance guarantees good returns and growth. Branson: Im quite involved in hiring for leadership and I look to hire my weaknesses. The Leadership Quarterly, 10(2), 181- 237. Richard Branson Leadership Quotes "To me, business isn't about wearing suits or pleasing stockholders. An example of Bransons visionary leadership is Virgin Galactic that was started to explore the untapped field of space tourism. (2019, June 17). Grasmick, L. (2012). You can read Branson's blog or follow him on Twitter for more live updates from his extraordinary life @richardbranson. This inadvertently can result in other team members feeling less appreciated. 29 December. 1884 . >> The characteristics of the Democratic leader's style are as followers: Democratic leadership styles are practiced in businesses, governments, academic institutions, and home environments. Democratic Leadership can Lead to a Culture of not Taking Responsibility. Finally, his visionary nature has been a key component of the groups expansion. Branson is as popular as any Hollywood star. A companys workflow will be interrupted and output delayed with a democratic leadership style.. /LastChar 121 Richard Branson also believes that giving ample attention to what his people think helps the Virginia group to move to the next business level. Skill of Understanding the Need of a New Business:Richard Branson understands the need of the new businesses. His inspiration for democratic leadership is that he never learned any rules in his business journey and gladly breaks the rules. Stiff competition and the unpredictability of financial markets are some of the reasons why many companies fail or achieve average success. First, his companies employ people from different cultures and ethnicities and his businesses operate in different countries around the world (Sosik & Jung, 2012). Ability to inspire, motivate, and serve are based on his excellent communication (... ( 2012 ) < < Schawbel: what is your process for selecting leaders Virgin! Fall into place the first time, though more people Embracing Wellness, this strategy has been proved various... This strategy has been a key component of the employees uses his skills to coach his workers communicate! 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