The husband/boyfriend may need to rehome the dog if its interrupting the relationship. For example, every time shed drink water, she would use someones legs as a napkin. One time she pooped on my daughters bed near her pillow. Its difficult for me to understand why anyone would stay in this type of environment. I willingly do all the work for the dog. me and my partner both had dogs before we got together , he had 5 me 2 . And now I have no idea what happened. Well I wonder why? She tried to intervene but it wouldnt stop, biting me a few times. Hes admitted he should have told me and was wrong to keep me under the misapprehension it would be fine to eventually have a dog, and he has tried to apologise but I can barely look at him or talk to him. We now have a 2 month old baby and as you could figure, I am extremely busy with him. It creeped around corners, wouldnt go anywhere without surveying the situation. Doesnt see our grandkids anymore. Hate the smell of dog full stop. Myself and my partner have been in a relationship for just over a year. This is the biggest load of BS. I told her once I leave I will have sorrow the marriage didnt make it, but will probably find relief to have the yoke of that dog taken from around my neck. I see a dark figure standing there and so does my dog. I feel they are the ugliest breed as well as they drool, nasty! The way she treats her dog is how she approaches life in general with no boundaries. On the other hand, Im assuming that the dog isnt vicious, meaning the dog is extremely dangerous because it is medically unwell and cant be cured. For the kitchen, you can use a baby gate in order to restrict access. He has let his own life turmoil set the behavior of this dog. Long story short, it was an extremely stressful weekend, having to watch the little dog around my girlfriends dog 24/7, leash inside the house, etc. With the dog hair it needs to be vacuumed every day, but I dont get to vacuuming daily. Anyway, we both have 3 kids each & mutually decided that 3 dogs in the house along with 8 humans was simply too much to deal with. Instead we come out realizing that there are dog-obsessed freaks out there. Thanks, My husband got a dog this dog is always up his a%s so one nite I told him he should of married the dog he give that dog a lot of attention and yes it get old. He usually tells me, he cant disipline the THING because it can get sick and DIE.seriously? I believe shes jealous but he doesnt seem to see it. If Id known this from the start of my marriage I could have accepted it and possibly reconciled myself to never owning a dog I love all animals, and Id still be able to have pets of some sort but to build my hopes up over 8 years and then suddenly refuse to even consider my wish seems totally unfair to me. True, its not the dogs fault as the animals dont know any better because they are animals. They were part of my family. Either way, that puppy probably should find a new home. Find my story that I posted awhile back. But its never too late to get up on your feet, face the reality, and march forward. I cant take the smell, the constant whining, crying and begging, the accidents and just the overrall attitude of this king dog. Hes vomited so many times and has ruined our outings! Its becoming a problem I really hate this dog :-(. He takes his dog for rides, walks, hunting and to camp with him all the time while my dogs stays at home. At first I had to fight to sit by my husband. Now we are in love and he wants me to dump dogs at a shelter and move away with him. Humans are humans and dogs are dogs. I vacuum and couple hours later theres more hair! A year later, I was asked to foster for a short while a blind cat called Pheobe and my boyfriend, now husband, reluctantly agreed. I will however ask my partner to compromise and find some middle ground if we dont see eye-to-eye. And thats the rub. Its good that there are normal dog owners like you. So..I would consider getting the First Alert Bark, the only problem would be my boyfriend. The wife claims its not fair I came with 2 and she only has one. They do NOT understand human speech. When she says I murdered it shes not being facetious; she literally believes, and has said repeatedly, that putting that dog down was dog murder despite the vet thought it was long past time. I am through! Its gotten to the point of threats: harming them or killing them, and driving me to suicide, as I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. As for your other issue, this is something that will require a serious heart-to-heart with your boyfriend. I always knew the high likelihood of out living my pets and it was always hard for me to say goodbye. Ive given up so much for my wife so she could have this dog and I love her and she acknowledges it, but she doesnt seem to understand how much this has hurt me. OMG that is horrible! As long as an animal isnt being neglected or abused, your significant other always comes first. Its not a human being. For reference, my garden is my sanctuary and my one place I can go to relax. It is all over his work clothes because, of course, the dog rides shotgun in the vehicle. All was discussed prior and she promised all sorts of things regarding there keep, like no begging, toilet training walking etc. Its similar to the theory of our subconscious playing out in our dreams and that its a sign of our innermost desires. We couldnt even cuddle on the couch b/c Fido would get jealous and jump on us and whine, and frantically claw us apart! I know my boyfriend feels that if I just gave her a chance Id change my mind. You would have to question anyone that gives an ultimatum regarding your dogs. I have a dog who is trained, loved and well behaved. My counselor believed it had to do with him having trust issues many years before I came along. I get so mad and my wife just says oh, it is ok, he is old. Dogs are no different than our kids. I bought her the biggest orthopedic bed on the market. I am so glad I found this site because I have nobody to vent to. The thing is we were supposed to be moving in together when he took her on. Does she make a lot of noise(endless licking or snoring)? He would be so proud that she never messed indoors, but would hate her for tearing down a coat when left home alone. Pulls stuff off of counters, poops, pees, tears up the carpet has eaten door jams, broke through doors etc. Im so stressed out in my own home its not fair. He hated the idea of the cat using the litter tray and walking around on the floor and jumping on the sofa, he felt it was unhygienic and that germs were spreading. Shes training them to bark because they bark and get their way!!! I also have serious allergies. Dogs are animals! Get it together. Pls help!!!! I have confronted my husband numerous times with my feelings towards his dog. And I dont at all understand the idea of not liking a particular dog. About a year ago, we got our home renovated and our bathroom upstairs was done beautifully, problem is, we cant really use it because that is his home. As I told her, a dog does not have the capacity to hold space with a human in the same manner of a fellow human being; when my friend has issues in her life, her dog cannot provide feedback and advice on how to navigate through the problem, however, her husband can; her dog does not provide a roof over her head, food, clothing, and everything else that adorns her life of privilege, yet her husband does. I think a lot of the fanaticism has gone so deep now because a lot of the people cant deal with other people or person on their terms. She sits on the furniture which I hate and when she jumps on she lies with her entire smelly body on the cushions that we put our heads on. Let your poor little puppy go to someone who will give him love not abuse. There is a lack of respect of others in a situation like this. Because it is an animal. But not go above the line. If you endeavor with a strong mind, you will be able to turn this offensive dog into an affectionate, kind to kids, loving canine. Says they are family members and hed a family member alive no matter what as well. His dog gets sick also, it throws up every now & then. But, thats just my opinion, please use your mind to choose your answer not your heart. I keep joking saying I want to get rid of her and he hows back hell get rid of me but Im partially not joking. From the actions he does with her, its hard not to feel jealous or a little hurt by all of this. I am an animal lover. It saddens me terribly to think of loosing my dog. 1) their closet room where they sleep (which is big closet) & 2) the screen patio. What is the glue that is holding them together? I want my fiance to be happy again but I also dont want to give up the dog either. Hed spend hours touching the animal while I didnt receive any physical touch. Issues with an introduction: Sometimes, the issue with the introduction to other pets. He in turn is asking me to consider giving up my home, friends, and family to move to a different state to be with him. He gets no exercise, is poorly socialized, and has very little training. The next day she started cowering a lot, like we abuse her. Your task is to re-direct that energy. Was untrained and would also get rewarded for misbehaving. Second, take your dog to a training class and invite your boyfriend to come along. Hi Elena! Anytime you have anything to eat or drink shes RIGHT THERE. Your wife needs to understand that first and foremost, hes a puppy, second, they have lots of energy and if the puppy is not being walked, and I mean a use the bathroom and now lets focus on a strong walk, he will chew more. I was fooled into thinking that my boyfriend could have become more into pets in the aftermath of something he deems traumatic to himself. Peeing in the bed and around the house? I am rarely amused by behaviors that others consider cute (i.e. I have been seeing a man for almost 3 years now. You live your own life and Ill live mine ^_^ Being human doesnt mean I have to cater to the emotional needs of you or others. A dog will stay with you out of need, a partner doesnt rely on you for their basic necessities. My bfs dog has been peeing on my carpet and gets in the garbage even tries to get on the kitchen table if there is food and scratches on it! Which came first the dog humping or the social isolation? Weve tried other toys, but he destroys and eats them. They were shaking so bad and drooling from immense fear. Yes animals can feel! One of them is very dominant and a bully to the other one, most of the time, which can be very frustrating. Trying to force me into doing these things with threats and a bunch of sh*t talking to me. He promised me he would take her downstairs to sleep in his parents bed but tonight he just got into bed and started cuddling her and refused to take her down. I know what you mean about having people out there that understand. Having said that, he is a toy breed, so relatively small, though not tiny. Other solutions that are worth considering. Ill be moving out tomorrow. That may be beneficial to you, and when you find a man who is serious about marriage, you will know because he is willing to spend time reading those same books together with you! I clean it up as soon as I can but the floor is getting damaged. Here it is at 4 in the morning and Beau just got up out of his bed for some reason and his nails were clicking on the hardwood floor. Sorry, pooch, no pups in the bedroom or on the furniture. Before my husband came into my life not liking animals was a deal breaker for me. I was completely unaware of the shedding/stinking issue until we moved in together 6 months ago! She could scarcely walk to her bed and just played there I know now she was depressed, and had been thru 5 homes, and that maybe she was running away because she was in heat, that was another huge annoying thing I was trying to put diapers on her and such and she wasnt willing to hold still that made me mad or she thought she could run back to her old house. She would look at him and then get off the couch and go up a set of steps he made to their bed. It was in kitchen cabinets, on shelves, in every nook and cranny. I love dogs too much to ever let go of them.. I take my dog for two walks a day, he lets his dog out into his backyard. Although, after a few weeks, she started destroying our home. To give you an idea, I thought if the dog and I were drowning, who would he save. Nothing major maybe a couple pieces of clothing in a laundry basket, then an unplugged phone cord and finally she went after the couch :\ my husband was not happy at all. Oh wait.a dog cant do those things so what is the debate then? Humans cannot birth dogs. Because of course, she is such a poor baby. I left my marriage over the dog being his first thought, his first everything along with being stepped on with his snide comments and put downs. What other demands are you going to make of him? My husband and I have been living together for almost two years. I spent the first two months cleaning her hair out of everything. Im having the exact same issue with my dog and my partner hating him. Its to the point that we cant even go out to dinner if we dont have someone dog sit because his new found obsession is digging at the stucco on my house. No thanks! My family however? I live in Germany, so sorry if my gramma isnt so good. Ive had dogs but these arent dogs: theyre living gods. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Walking, playing, feeding, etc and I clean more than he does for the fact that animals shed and I feel it is necessary to accommodate. Later I thought, hed save me and blame me for the dog drowning. The dog is also due for a bath as he has farttles (fecal excrement that clings to the fur immediately surrounding the anus) hanging off his rear, but she will not bathe him. I didnt really realize the extent of how much he hated animals until we got married. Ive grown up with a couple Shih Tzus, birds, turtles, snakes, etc. Animals are pets, not people, and shouldnt be allowed to run the household. Xx. Why are people sleeping with animals? I hope you guys can figure out something that works :). Hes known for being fun, kind, intelligent, and humane. He scratches people, pisses on the floor to get peoples attention. We hired a personal trainer who we did lessons with together as a team and we diligently kenneled her to work on house breaking and we let her sleep in the living room. He sees a dog and he looks SO happy. I was tired of it jumping all over me when I got home from work and scratching my clothes, playing rough in the house, pulling so hard on walks, stealing food off the table, begging, sleeping in the bed, etc. She found her dog and said the shelter never told her how bad he was. Im in an interesting situation where my dog hates my boyfriend. He refuses to go anywhere the dog cant have full reign of. I worry about if I ever left my baby playing on the floor for a minute and his dog were to want her attention would he bite her or scratch her? What magical power does he possess over you? When cooking, the dogs are right there in the kitchen in the way, so you constantly have to make sure you dont step on them. And like I said, its not that Im moving into his place where the dogs already live and we are kicking them out. . Dying to get a dog, but we live in the VERY hot part of the country where it would be cruel to make it an outdoor pet. I am at my wits end. Boom problem solved. See I never knew I wouldnt enjoy living with dogs before I did and I find it so unprofessional of people to say things like divorce them, or they are control freaks in response to a spouse who cannot stand a dog. Taking care of an animal is a good way to gauge how well you work as a team and to find out what makes your partner tick. It isnt about the dog, it is about them being irresponsible. My husband tried and got s ratch pretty bad so he kicked them. How do you get over saying you ended a relationship over a dog? We are also thinking about a baby, but I dont want my children to grow up in a house full with poop and pee and dog hairs. Me. They arent really bad and we dont allow them in the bedroom at night when we sleep. Are you kidding me??? My situation felt so nuts, I felt as though I was going insane to the point I sought counseling because I loved my DH. I am not having any more children and I wanted a little dog to cuddle with and love on and sour in my lap. I hope it happens but another part of me is still unnerved because he really only doing it because he thinks she is treated bad if he makes her do animal things.. He will not read about it or acknowledge it. You cannot compare a dog to a child. I feel bad for thinking this way. My wife decided to get a dog even after I told her I didnt want one because they need more social time than cats and the interruptions would be bad for me and our marriage. I say someone who cant stand dog hair isnt a true dog lover. I will take her out to walk for 30 minutes, come inside and she uses the bathroom all over the house. I have been married for over a year and living with my hubby for over 3 years. A child deserves to be more important to his mother than a dog. Meet a doctor: First and foremost, consult a specialist doctor in order to understand if there is something abnormal going on in the person who has allergies to dogs. He got defensive and started crying and said what do you want me to do?! Its treated better than me. The dog cant stand up for himself but you can. Its interesting that the partners of dog fanatics are a mix of men and women. If he is not an animal person, you have to accept that is who he is. It is stressful for me as well but I seem to handle some things better. Pets are ok when they are in their place, not when they run the home. The first will require much, much more effort between the players but will result in an experience that has immense potential and possibility. She was used to having the dog in her bed, in the kitchen, on the couch. I call her the furry wife and thats exactly what she has been. Dogs are a species of animal. All I can say is, poor dogs, My boyfriend of over a year hates my Pomeranian. I now have to allow one of the dogs to sleep in our bed though she holds it in her arms with her back to me. My bf and I moved in together after 2 years of dating, (at the time I had a Chihuahua & a Shi-poohe had a Maltese mix). I should not have to sneak to pet my dog. Now dont get me wrong I have my human company and my furry company. When I went to Sandpoint, ID, all I saw were BIG I see tons of Chihuahuas. She had the right to sit anywhere! I dont want to hurt my partner but I know if I say anything the solution may possibly be me moving out. He wants her to sleep in the bed with us but she wakes me up every night pulling my cover so I get up and sleep on the couch. An animal, is an animal. A new poll of 3,500 dog parents from . Its possible to spoil a dog and still maintain a respectful relationship. Your family are people and they obviously know you better than your dog; your ex sounds lucky to be rid of you. I just dont feel comfortable living in a situation like that and having children in that kind of unhealthy and potentially dangerous situation. I cant stand it! Sally, you should hear some of the comments I get from dog nutters when I tell them that our dog is not allowed in our bed. About a year and a half after dating we found out we were pregnant. My neatness has turned to total anxiety. My husband has point blank said no more pets. I have been with my partner for about a year and a half. I give up. My Australian shepherd is just a puppy and has done some destructive chewing, which he was properly punished for, but he didnt start this habit until I met my boyfriend. Wow, I can only imagine the nice doggy aroma in there, loloh my god! He is well behaved, obedient i took him to puppy classes i give him love he is not spoiled he listens to me. sorry needed somewhere to vent, and this seemed to be as good of a place as any. For the love of God, DO NOT MOVE IN WITH THIS WOMAN!!! Or I cant give the dog a bath anrd other things my husbands gonna want me to do. They are both 6 months old now, one of them has broken his leg under his watch because he thinks these types of dogs can be left unattended to frolic and have fun with out suppervision, making matters worse, i have kennel trained them both so when I cant supervise them, they are safe- he takes them out of the kennel and lets them loose out in our yard, our dog with the broken leg has now chewed of his cast and his blow off responce was well he would have chewed it off anyway No sir. Then he told me that he didnt like my dog sleeping in the bed. Ive come to believe many large breed dogs have this characteristic. The youngest dog has full access to the $3,000 leather lounge (the first new lounge I ever bought in my 57 years ) . I went to bed and my SO comes back to the bedroom to tell me what a POS I am, threatens some bodily injury to myself, says well never have intimate contact again and that shell cut my hands off if I so much as touch her. Just a thought. He doesnt clean it when he does, I do. Hopefully it last in the long run because whining is one of my pet peeves and bothers me to the core. Dog urinates on my bed which I dont sleep in anymore. You cant change him but you can change yourself. Then my partner came into my life. Animals cannot show spite but I am not 100 percent about jealousy. Of course, an animal cannot hurt you emotionally. Hes very sweet and patient. I kept telling him,Dogs are expenisive, Blah blah HE KNEW I WASNT THRILLED with the idea of a dog. It will only get worse as time goes on and he neglects/takes you for granted. As for me and the dog, we still dont get along, Im trying to make it work but she tends to nip and Yelp at me, so we just leave each other alone. List could go on forever I cut dog out completely once to unbearable. Im tired of fighting over her. I want to have a fresh start together and build a happy marriage and we want to start a family. worse the way he thinks or trys to lie that his behavior wasnt that bad, or shes just a dog and will get over it. This was all up front. When I joined this forum, I realized that Im not alone and that there is actually a need for support groups over this issue. He wakes us up several times a night. Like I said, I love animals. You deserve love, caring, respect, loyalty. I made myself very clear that I would not care for her dog in any manner and that if she wanted to keep it she needed to care for it. Once you can accept that concept you may not have as many difficulties with your SO. He got housebroken and crate trained very quickly, and we taught him quite a few commands. Maybe your husband or children have allergies to dogs. Not a word to me. I find it so upsetting when people equate dogs to children. Today dogs come to me for affection, not him, and I pet them and enjoy them. I told her she could keep the dog if she promises to keep them separate at all times. But it's amazing how often we jump through psychological hoops of self-justification to convince ourselves that things are really working. I wanted to develop a close, strong emotional bond with her but I believe her dogs were a distraction to her and hindered the growth of our relationship. i moved over a series, and after a long-distance relationship, lasting two years, i married my french wiffe. Hes 8 yrs old (blue) and the other one is 7 (Bobbi) aka pig swine and has ADHD. I love bigger dogsand a lab is a great family dog. I love dogs but not wolves. Im I right or wrong ?! Or at least thats why I didnt want the dog on the bed in the first place. Its Disgusting! Shes also not fixed so when she has her menstrual cycle she will bleed spots all over the home. I hope he decides to respect you and comprise. The dog comes first and is his preference next to him other than when I am needed. The dog is so gross, drools everywhere All over the walls, sheds like crazy, snores all the time which is so annoying to me, farts and stinks up the house and on top of it all is super moody and snarls at me at times. I had a dog as a kid and loved it until it disappeared one day. Hire a dog trainer: Sometimes, the issue is nothing to do with socialization. He pees everywhere no matter how many times you take him on a walk or let him outside. The dog is very friendly. It was very depressing for me and now my moving past it has resulted in resentment towards both dog and boyfriend. Just as I clean after his 12 year old son who is completely capable of picking up after himself. Well, with the experience of my husbands 2 dogs, that desire is completely gone! I truly believe that dog owners dont see how selfish and small their worlds become. Tell him that you agree with his decision and ask for another chance. intimate relationship | 12K views, 171 likes, 20 loves, 67 comments, 11 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from LINDA: a couple sleeping together Beau IS NOT ALLOWED to move from his bed at night because it will wake him up. So she peed all night in front of my daughters door. Just have patience. They were extremely thin. So I put the dog in its kennel and turned the lights off. I plan on keeping the mom and the babies will be adopted through the rescue I volunteer for. I treat both equally. After my first wife died I remarried to a woman who had dogs. Once you figure that out the fight wont exist. Each member has a priority level on this pack. He does that too? Johnston, S. (n.d.). They cant see pass their own noses. I fear my the dog will be the death of us.. :( I heard all what you have been hearing from your partner.. it takes work and responsibility to have pets.. Growing up we had dogs but they were never allowed to run in the house never sit on furniture or even go into bedrooms. 5. I strongly recommend reading the following article. We have been having arguments about his dog on and off, Im not happy with this dog, I have been tolerating it for a long time but now Im beginning to despise it, I have tried to make it work and I know its not the dogs fault but I cant help the way I feel towards it. Hi, I really need help, My boyfriend and I got a puppy a couple of months ago. Seriously, dogs do give me anxiety. Oh please Im just stressed that this is going to be the same thing! I dont want to come home to a house that is pissed and pooped and smells worse like a dog shelther and where I will have to be responsible for cleaning. (Saliva most likely). There is a deeper, underlying issue here. I married my husband almost 2 years ago. Only a month would be sufficient. He doesnt allow them in anymore and it KILLS ME. That told a lot. The damn creature will go down, spend an inordinate amount of time staring at blank air, and practically doing anything but what it was crying to do earlier in the house. ), Here's How To Cope Dating If Your Partner & Your Pet Don't Get Along, Here's How To Make Them BFFs by Genevieve Wheeler March 22,. People prefer animals because there is very little emotional work that goes into that relationship and its usually easy to earn an animals affection. not when Im being treated as beneath them! i even know of instances when couples had a kid that they were raised that the dog is their older brother or sister !! Its constant begging is telling them that the dog can assert dominance and our girlfriends will give in. I think in Mistys case all she can fairly expect is for her partner to groom his dog more so that the fur is as little a discomfort or annoyance as possible. I am a light sleeper and cannot sleep with snoring (she is a pug and snores quite loud), not to mention Ive never liked having a dog sleep in my room. Id rather be covered in dirt to be frank. What do I do??? Before we got married we had arguments over our dogs how hers belongs inside since he is small and mine outside cuz there big. Well I was in a toxic relationship for almost a year trying to help my now-ex overcome his addiction. Loyalty and being faithful is deeply embedded in my nature however and to be told in a blanket statement that all humans arent by someone who doesnt know me is incredibly rude. My boyfriend will get up off the couch just to see is beau is staring inside. He is still young and that way will be easily welcomed into a better situation. But weve started talking about marriage and a life together. (He used to tell me on our early dates (together four years), that were dog oriented, how people looking at us giving glances were checking out his dog (not me). What should I do? We want to go travel, also because my family lives overseas, and he sometimes travels for work. Scared she would get ran over.. Then it gets cold and I couldnt do it Kids would beg for her to come in and it was hard for me to sleep of a nite shutting the door for bed knowing Bailey dog wanted inside!!!
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