And tell everyone your dream The goal-oriented will relieve users, particularly novice users, the burden of knowing the exact commands and their sequences to perform for achieving the goal they want to achieve. Some key usability elements include: Simplicity: The best way to keep visitors glued to your site is through valuable content, good organization and attractive design. Clearly, some of the challenges stated above can be mitigated through learning about GIS software and their uses albeit a steep learning curve. 2019). Therefore, it is still complicated for experts and hard for non-experts to obtain a workflow that meets their specific geo-computation needs. How to apply the geospatial data abstraction library (GDAL) properly to parallel geospatial raster I/O? The data division strategy varies as data structure changes (Shook et al. Recommended articles lists articles that we recommend and is powered by our AI driven recommendation engine. In addition, coupled with ‘cyber-enabled’ implementation, ‘easy to compute’ is no longer limited to the computational resources provided in a uniform environment, and is made possible to utilize the heterogeneous computing resources available from different machines and platforms. This means having a clear menu structure and the ability to navigate between pages quickly and efficiently. It enables the inclusion of new processing techniques as well as the utilization of high-performance computing resources. Home / Cities / Phone tariff plans must be easy on mind and on pocket . The visual modelling tools visualize the input data and spatial analysis methods as graphics and connect them by arrows. Parents must take care of their children. An NLP-based Question Answering Framework for Spatio-Temporal Analysis and Visualization, Semantics-based automatic composition of geospatial Web service chains, a loosely integrated data configuration strategy for web-based participatory modeling, Geographical information system parallelization for spatial big data processing: a review, Predictive soil mapping with limited sample data, Digital Soil Mapping for Smart Agriculture: the SoLIM method and Software Platforms, a modular and parallelized watershed modeling framework, Automatic data matching for geospatial models: a new paradigm for geospatial data and models sharing, a similarity-based automatic data recommendation approach for geographic models,,,, It Must Be Easy Lyrics. It´s an easy OE for students to practise the use of the modals CAN, CAN´T, MUST and MUSTN´T. Students will have questions that can't be answered if the teacher isn't friendly and easy to talk to. This complicated process can be simplified greatly in the easyGC platform. This means that the user needs to know the steps for completing the task, the specific commands for each step, and the parameters for each command. It achieved the goal of ‘easy’ in the domain of DSM and DTA by combining intelligent modelling environment and HPC-enabled computation. Or share your social media creations for free! As soon as the user submits the configurations, the workflow and the model settings will be wrapped up as a workflow service and passed onto a high-performance computing service for execution. The users firstly specify the study area and expected results, which is TWI in this case. The geospatial analysis task needs to be automatically chosen according to the geographic nature of the study area, the data, and the goals. 2015CB954102), and the PAPD program of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions. These forms of GIS software have simplified the management and analysis of geospatial data to some extent, yet users need to be trained on these software sufficiently before they can adequately use these planforms/tools to accomplish the analytical tasks the users need to perform. To have an effective Thought Leadership process, it must be easy Lawyers are clever, but they are busy. 2 December 2020 Citizens Advice, in its role as the official energy watchdog for consumers, has responded to the Competition and Markets Authority’s electric vehicle charging market study. They are difficult for non-expert users to use, and even to the level of preventing non-expert users from participating in the geo-computation. But these non-experts, either experts in other fields or the public, indeed have demands for geo-computation, due to the need for interdisciplinary research, decision-making and management, or even simple interests. The second challenge is the efficiency of computation. This is because the chosen command for each step and the chosen parameter for each command in the scripts are fixed. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good() 10 Be devoted to one another in love() Honor one another above yourselves() 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Usually, the computation process is quite complicated for non-expert users. Replies (6) Options Top. Click on the ‘soil environment’ to select the environmental variables to be used for soil mapping and these variables will be added as model inputs in the model building view. They are difficult for non-experts to use and are often slow in completing the complicated geographic analysis. 2011; Lecca et al. We believe that in the process of overcoming the two digital divides in GIS ‘easy’ is the key. To address these problems, future generation of GIS software must be ‘easy’. Figure 4. In addition, the reusability of the scripts is very limited to specific analyses. For example, Belete, Voinov, and Morales (2017) developed a distributed model integration framework which integrates models and tools by searching the lexical database and semantics matching to connect these tools and models and their inputs/outputs, so as to construct a new workflow model. Phone tariff plans must be easy on mind and on pocket cities Updated: Jun 22, 2020 00:02 IST. 1997; Hawick, Coddington, and James 2003; Zhao et al. Geospatial data are highly heterogeneous, that is they exist in various forms and/or formats (Di 2004; Wei, Santhana-Vannan, and Cook 2009). Figure 6. CyberSoLIM (Jiang et al. 2016; Brown, Bennett, and French 2017; Chau 2007; Jiang et al. [Verse 2] Then, he/she is assisted by the platform to expand the workflow to a complete task. Geospatial analysis has become an important analytical tool for a variety of fields which involve the integrated analysis of spatially distributed geographic information. It narrows the user-divide by allowing users with insufficient expert knowledge to participate in geo-computation. This leads to the inefficiency of GIS software in the face of data intensity and computation complexity. The semantic web is recorded in a machine-processable structure like ontology (Lutz and Kolas 2007; Zhao, Foerster, and Yue 2012), which makes it feasible for the machine to connect these elements and build the workflow based on the semantic web (Alameh 2003; Di 2005; Yue et al. Often times, new innovations are made available only when the software companies or some organizations decide to include them in their new releases of the software. This process can be repeated until all input data can be found in the database or be calculated (Figure 9). The platform is cyber-enabled. Thus, knowledge about converting the exogenous data into system native formats is required for bringing the heterogeneous geospatial data into the particular form required by the GIS software. The user-divide in existing GIS software will be much mitigated. Introduction. For example, in a fully sequentially dependent (spatially explicit) hydrological model, the overland flow routing and channel flow routing are performed sequentially from upstream to downstream simulation units. The details of the model such as selecting appropriate algorithms and parameters are furnished by massive data analysis or regulated rules (Qin et al. These software mostly utilize single-core desktop to compute, instead of high-performance computing resources such as multiple cores, clusters computing, or cloud computing. I'm afraid this is impossible to do in a single regular expression, even with backreferences and all the tricks … 2017) uses cloud computing to allow users to conduct the geo-computation with high-performance computing resources over the internet, without the need to set up a local high-performance computing infrastructure. Another aim of the modelling environment is to improve the computation efficiency of the constructed workflows. You must be able to provide a replacement copy of the assignment if this is requested, so make sure you keep a printed copy and an electronic copy as back-up. User starts building the model by specifying his/her study area and goal. Updated Apr 07, 2020 | 19:27 IST Shoaib Akhtar might have been one of the most fearsome bowlers of his generation, but Mohammad Kaif's son reckons it wouldn't have been a tough task to score runs against The Rawalpindi Express. The platform should be able to spontaneously find and integrate the resources of data and algorithms over the cyberspace. This study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41871300, 41431177), the National Basic Research Program of China (No. On the ‘easy to compute’, it is executed over Linux clusters and utilizes parallel computing to accelerate to a complex computing process. The first step in constructing digital soil mapping using the CyberSoLIM platform for a user is to specify the study area and the goal of the geo-computing (in this example it is DSM). The support provided by China Scholarship Council (CSC) during a visit of Fang-he Zhao to the University of Wisconsin-Madison is acknowledged. Modelling environment is a promising approach to ease the geo-computation process. We can use ‘must’ to talk about rules.For the negative, we can say ‘must not’ or ‘mustn’t’. These GIS software systems usually require extensive and complicated setup which includes installation and configuration of the software (Qin et al. Prior to building the workflow, researchers try to use the semantic web to describe the elements that can be joined into the workflow (Lemmens 2006; Brodaric 2007; Jiang et al. On one hand, the spatial extent (scope) for geospatial analyses are becoming larger and larger. To pay you to sing 2006; Abdella and Alfredsen 2010). ‘Cyber-enabled’ means that the geo-computing process should be available over the internet and available over platforms that are able to utilize existing but heterogeneous computing resources across the cyberspace. 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG. In this way, the user can really execute the workflow with one mouse click. Remember! ‘Easy to use’ means that software system should be goal-oriented, rather than the currently procedure-oriented doctrine. They demonstrate the possibility of resolving the user-divide and computation-divide in geographic analyses using GIS. 2013; Jiang et al. Researchers develop different parallelization strategies to divide the computation into different sessions and process in parallel to improve computation efficiency (Healey et al. Clearly, research efforts are still needed to advance geo-computing platforms like easyGC. 2018). The support received by A-Xing Zhu through the Vilas Associate Award, the Hammel Faculty Fellow Award, the Manasse Chair Professorship from the University of Wisconsin-Madison are greatly appreciated. The modelling environment also provides users with the access to high-performance computing resources like cluster computing and grid computing (Huang et al. modals exercise. That other people think. The intelligence of the next generation of GIS should cover every aspect of the geo-computation process, from geospatial analysis task selection, to model setting, and to data provision and utilization. The script tells the ArcInfo what the steps of the workflow are and what the settings for each step are. The user also needs to specify the algorithm for the flow direction between eight-direction (D8), Multiple Flow Direction (MFD), and D-Infinity (D-INF) methods. However, if the user wants, he/she can customize the parameters or choose a different method. Must-Have Kitchen Staples for Fast & Easy 5-Ingredient Dinners. Together with the ‘cyber-enabled’ feature, users can access the functionalities of various platforms online and enjoy the high efficiency of HPC resources on their personal devices. (2007). 2000; Clerici et al. Aside from the sharing of data and algorithms, the content of sharing should also be extended to the knowledge base. Some volunteered data does not even have schema (Elwood, Goodchild, and Sui 2012). It must be easy when they pay you to sing “Dark times lie ahead of us and there will be a time when we must choose between what is easy and what is right.-Albus Dumbledore” ― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Cited by lists all citing articles based on Crossref citations.Articles with the Crossref icon will open in a new tab. The platform is designed with extensibility to allow the user integrates his/her own services. … 2007; Scheider and Ballatore 2018; Škerjanec et al. Identify the study area and select the needed computation (DSM). The modelling environment also provides utilities (simple database management functionalities) to organizes data in terms of data storage and retrieval, data format conversion (Yue et al. IT MUST BE EASY, NEVER HAVING TO STAND FOR ANYTHING BUT EXPEDIENCY AND POWER: I’m not sure how dissenting from an old white guy like Biden is racist, but I’m sure they’ll think of something. For each of these steps, the user also needs to know which command to use and the parameters to specify for each command. Or what you're supposed to need With this type of platforms, the computation divide in existing GIS software can be bridged or significantly mitigated. SNP must stop making it easy for Boris Johnson to deny indyref2. The same rules for extensions and lateness apply as for Assignment 1. The modelling environment is not a constraint to one specific geo-computation platform as scripting and visualized modelling does. ‘Intuitive’ means the process of geographic analysis (workflow) should be intuitive and easy to construct with little knowledge about specific techniques used. To help with the data management, the platform should be able to bring the data into the same spatial/temporal scale and spatial/temporal domain, the same coordinate system, as well as at the same level of spatial granularity. The user-divide is the contradiction between users of GIS and target users of GIS software. It uses a knowledge base (general intelligence on the geographic analysis) to automate workflow expansion and algorithm selection process. To be easy to compute, geo-computing has to be high-performance computing (HPC) enabled and complex computing capable. Until now, no environment has been built to achieve all of the above features. 2013) and beyond the scope of this paper. Configure the soil inference model. To be easy to compute, it utilizes cluster computing to be HPC-enabled and is capable of complex computing with specialized parallel strategy. Two case studies, one in digital soil mapping and the other in digital terrain analysis, are presented to illustrate the meaning of ‘easy’. It is not unusual to see a geographic analysis to be performed over a regional to continental spatial extent. The workflow of calculating terrain wetness index. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. As a result, many of geographic analyses become difficult and even unachievable for existing GIS software to complete. The platform should be intelligent enough to find relevant data from various platforms in various forms and support the utilization of these heterogenous data to acquire more up-to-date and comprehensive information. On the ‘easy to use’, the modelling process is intuitive. When I speak to you about meditation and tranquillity, for a moment your mind will perhaps become still and you will be happy. 2017; Zhu and Yang 2019). So if you want them to step away from their fee work to create content to engage their clients, they must find the process very simple. India Today Web Desk New Delhi April 7, 2020 UPDATED: April 7, 2020 … This practice often requires the innovators not only to understand the data structure and software engineering of the target software but also to obtain permission or acceptance from the companies or organizations to add to the software. About 10 weeks ago, at peak lockdown, Herself went into a Polish deli for flour and was delighted to find 3x1kg of Melvit Mąka Żytnia which, she was assured, was for bread: Look at the picture, and it says "do wypieku domowego chleba" . We believe that the future generations of GIS platforms should be goal-driven, intelligent, high-performance computing enabled, easily accessible, and participatory. The data provision and management free users from the trivial yet cumbersome work of data searching, preparing, and organizing process. No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. The parallelization is task-oriented and only limited geospatial tasks get accelerated. The platform is also able to choose the proper algorithm for a specific task. By designing the platform with these features, users do not have to be experts to conduct the geo-computation. Existing GIS software mainly target at expert users and do not sufficiently integrate resources for efficient computing. The algorithm for pit removing needs to be specified between incremental and decremental methods. By James Kelly @jameskelly Analyst. In addition, it is also a waste of time for users to spend hours and even days waiting for the completion of the computation. But junior isn't too impressed with Papa, says hitting @shoaib100mph must be easy since there is pace in his bowling. Comparing to scripting, the visual modelling makes the building of workflow easier and more visually explicit for users. For example, the Google Earth Engine (Padarian, Minasny, and McBratney 2015; Gorelick et al. The digital divides can generally be grouped into two categories of difficulties: user-divide and computation-divide. Data provision is to discover and retrieve geospatial data over the internet for possible model input (Hou et al. Second, it provides heuristics (intelligence) to automate the modelling process that is also open for users to modify the process with suggestions provided by the platform. Users are able to execute the workflow simply by clicking a mouse button. Otherwise, users have to develop these skills before they can carry out the GIS analysis they need. Then, the user can build the workflow in a visual modelling window with the help of inference engine based on the same intelligence as stated in the CyberSoLIM example. There are three levels of intelligence. Register to receive personalised research and resources by email, Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, School of Geography, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China; State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA; Center for Social Sciences, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China, State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, A GIS toolset for automated processing and analysis of radar precipitation data, Chaining geographic information web services, Designing the Distributed Model Integration Framework – DMIF, Implementing an extension of the analytical hierarchy process using ordered weighted averaging operators with fuzzy quantifiers in ArcGIS, Geo‐Pragmatics for the Geospatial Semantic Web, SDMtoolbox 2.0: the next generation Python-based GIS toolkit for landscape genetic, biogeographic and species distribution model analyses, Models as web services using the open geospatial consortium (OGC) web processing service (WPS) standard, An ontology-based knowledge management system for flow and water quality modeling, Teamwork-oriented integrated modeling method for geo-problem solving, A GIS-based automated procedure for landslide susceptibility mapping by the Conditional Analysis method: the Baganza valley case study (Italian Northern Apennines), Distributed geospatial information services-architectures, standards, and research issues, a Framework for Developing Web-Service-Based Intelligent Geospatial Knowledge Systems, Towards Semantic Geo/BI: a Novel Approach for Semantically Enriching Geo/BI Data with OWL Ontological Layers (OOLAP and ODW) to Enable Semantic Exploration, Analysis and Discovery of Geospatial Business Intelligence Knowledge, Visual programming language in geographic information systems, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), Discovery, management, and preservation of geospatial data using hydra, Researching volunteered geographic information: Spatial data, geographic research, and new social practice, Environmental Systems Research Institute Inc, Location Analytics Software | ArcGIS Insight, Esri and Microsoft Cloud Deployment Options, Asking spatial questions to identify GIS functionality, Google Earth Engine: Planetary-scale geospatial analysis for everyone, Towards a collaborative knowledge discovery system for enriching semantic information about risks of geospatial data misuse, a performance, semantic and service quality-enhanced distributed search engine for improving geospatial resource discovery, Distributed frameworks and parallel algorithms for processing large-scale geographic data, Coupling Knowledge with GIS Operations: The Benefits of Extended Operation Descriptions, From manual to intelligent: a review of input data preparation methods for geographic modeling, Explorations of the Implementation of a Parallel IDW Interpolation Algorithm in a Linux Cluster-Based Parallel GIS, a survey on resource allocation in high performance distributed computing systems, a knowledge-based method for the automatic determination of hydrological model structures, CyberSoLIM: a cyber platform for digital soil mapping, Enabling Digital Earth simulation models using cloud computing or grid computing–two approaches supporting high-performance GIS simulation frameworks, Designing a language for spatial computing, Grid computing technology for hydrological applications, Semantic interoperability of distributed geo-services, a case-based method of selecting covariates for digital soil mapping, a layered approach to parallel computing for spatially distributed hydrological modeling, a two-level parallelization method for distributed hydrological models, CyberGIS Gateway for enabling data‐rich geospatial research and education, Geographic analysis-oriented virtual geographic environment: framework, structure and functions, Rule‐Based Discovery in Spatial Data Infrastructure. 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