Lists,1847-1886 see also SA Add to My Collection. ; J. Downs, 20, do. 23; Ham, Bessie 20; Hehir, Margt. Mr and Mrs Smith, the Rev. On the 23rd Cape Borda was sighted, and at 7 a.m. on the 24th the anchor was dropped outside the Bell Buoy to await the next spring tide. document.write(".com'>"); document.write("mail"); F. Taylor, 38, gardener, wife, and three children; those lists, but have made notations alongside the family name, thus. The following is her passenger list :— Mr. Montgomery and … New Zealand Settler Ships - Lady Jocelyn 1878 The Lady Jocelyn arrived in Auckland on 17 August 1878 with the second party of Katikati settlers. Bower, 34, engine-driver, and wife; Passenger Lists from 1877-1890 available from the GG Archives from the Port of Liverpool, England. T. Millett, 28, farm labourer, and wife; ; A. Kilmartin, 17, do. document.write("to:"); ; H. Turner, 25, mason; J. F. Turner, 24, labourer; G Thompson, 20 agricultural labourer; G. Truan, 21, copper miner; J. Underwood, 18, gardener; R. Upton, 21, farm labourer; H. Voigt, 26, labourer ; W. H. Wynn, 21, engineer's labourer; J. Wheelan, 21, labourer; R. Waterhouse, 25, mason; S. Woens, 21, labourer; F. Winkerton, 18, agricultural labourer;  J. Winker-ton, 17, do. 24th December 1875, The South Australian Register, Monday 27 December 1875 THE VOYAGE OF THE LADY JOCELYN London to Tauranga, Jan 1881 Published in The Bay of Plenty Times, 8 Jan 1881 A passenger on board the Lady Jocelyn has handed us the following which contains a sketch of the voyage with the writer's comments and private opinions on various matters:- The last week of September, 1880, will be ever memorable as marking the departure … National Archive’s micropublication M237, “Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, 1820-1897,” has been digitized and made available for free on the Internet at the FamilySearch Historical Record Collections and Internet Archive websites. J. Nash, 34, platelayer, wife, and child; : MS 201 Notes: working passage as steward. 1855: Troop transport to the Crimean War. ; S. Prior, 23, gardener; S. Ramsey, 21, agricultural labourer; E.Reilly, 21, labourer;    C. G. F. Richards, 23, do. SOURCE TELEGRAM. These papers have been photocopied from the originals held in the Archives Department of Canterbury Museum for use as a resource for school pupils. W. Nelligan, 38, labourer, wife, and four children; women,                                57 ; Anglo Luso Brazilian Royal Mail Steam Nav. Return to SA Passenger Lists,1847-1886 see also SA German Lists. ; E. L Behrends, 22, miller; M. Barry, 20, labourer; J. Batcheler, 26, gardener; T. Bonner, 23, clicker; H. Beauen, 19, shoemaker; G. H. Bosenberg, 30, labourer; M. Boad, 21, upholsterer; J. Backhouse, 34, labourer; A. C. Brand, 26, agricultural labourer; T. Barkla, 19,miner; J. Berriman, 17, groom; J. Bullimore, 28, agricultural labourer; R. H. Bevan, 29, labourer; F. Blake, 18, coachman; J. Burns, 35, mason's labourer; H. G. Belton, 19, labourer; W. Bosenberg, agricultural labourer; T. Brown, 23, miner; P. Brown, 17, agricultural labourer; T. Campbell, 26, labourer;   R. Classen, 18, rail-way labourer; J. Coveney, 21, labourer; C. Curten, 30, agricultural labourer; P. Crook, 25, labourer; J. Crook, 22, do. Passengers are listed by migrant type (for example civilian nominees, farm learners, domestics, agricultural settlers), then by name, age, male or female, married or single, juveniles 12 17 years or infants, occupation, nationality and religion. ; S. Cohen, 20, shoemaker; T. Cowell, 18, baker; T. Casey, 28, farm labourer ; J. Collerton, 21, do. Shortly after the vessel came to anchor Dr. Duncan paid his usual visit of inspection, and the immigrants were at once free to land. 18th April 1854. There are 6 dressmakers, 2 cooks, 2 nurses, 2 housekeepers, 1 parlour maid, 1 dairymaid, 1 matron, and 1 needlewoman. SPONDON, DERBYSHIRE, ENGLAND — GENEALOGICAL RESOURCES | J. Goldsmith, 25, coachman, and wife; J. Ferguson, 29, gardener, and wife; ; H. Lee, 24, general labourer; L. Liepslutz, 23, shoemaker; M. Lynch, 22, Agricultural labourer; M. Lynch, 18, do. 1. The Lady Jocelyn was built in 1852 for the General Screw Steamship Company. J. Kelly, 36, farm labourer, wife, and two children; See the table below for links to the online passenger lists. P. Murphy, 34, carpenter, wife, and six children; J. ; C. J. Keast, 21, do; G. W. Keeping, 12, do. German Lists, ship Lady Jocelyn, do. These records tell us how people moved into and out of Australia. See also further information on the National Archives. From 1901 responsibility for immigration passed from the States to the Commonwealth. London. National Archive’s micropublication M237, “Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, 1820-1897,” has been digitized and made available for free on the Internet at the FamilySearch Historical Record Collections and Internet Archive websites. Records for ship passengers travelling between 1890 and 1960 are available in the UK Board of Trade's collection of original passenger lists. Mare & Co., Blackwall, London | 1857 sold to European & American Steam Shipping Company not renamed, 1859 sold to Anglo Luso Brazilian Royal Mail Steam Nav. 14. See also LADY JOCELYN from the book "White Wings". Using This Item. ; P. W. Pensurik, 34, labourer ; J. Nelligan, 16, do; Thomas Nelligan, 14, do. Two decks also serve to house them, and in addition to the great height the clear space amidships in this vessel is a noticeable feature. BOMBAY - Downs to Auckland 1865.. BRITISH EMPIRE - Falmouth to Auckland 1880. Passenger Lists, TheShipsList®™ - (Swiggum) All Rights Reserved - Copyright © 1997-2019 This was part of a project to digitise the following passenger lists: the microfilm copies of the List of Irish passengers arrived on the ship Sir Joseph Banks, Oct 1828 (NRS 5309); Persons on early migrant ships, 1828-32 (NRS 5310); Persons on early migrant ships, May 1832- Jan 1833 (NRS 5311); Women on the Red Rover and other early migrant ships, 1832 (NRS 5312); Persons on … Pelver, Eliztb. API view . Only when there was mass illness on board are individuals named. W. Noble, 39, agricultural labourer, wife, and two children; ; M. Kilen, 20, do. document.write("s.swig"); Click on the column head to order by ship, year, origin or destination. COD112 (List of passengers on Board the Lady McNaughton, 1837 [Xerox copy of original at ML A1267-15 pp. Transcribed and submitted to TheShipsList George Berty, 37, brass worker, wife, four children; Sailed London 3 November 1874 - arrived Lyttelton 21 January 1875 A Passenger Lists External ; P. Clancy, 19, agricultural labourer; P. Chessy, 25,do. Transcribed and submitted to TheShipsList by Robert Janmaat, Adelaide, from a variety of sources, cited below. ; R. Shaw, 22, labourer; G. Smith, 35, gardener ; W. Smith, 28, farm labourer ; H. Smith, 25, labourer; T. E. Smith, 19, do. Year Title Description Download ; 1876 : Hesperus : 28/1876 - Hesperus : PDF: 1876 : Trevelyan 19; Flewalien, Sarah 28; Forde Mary 20; Gare Phoebe 53, Susannah 16; Whitmore, Phoebe 12; Grey, Elizth. R. Penver, 27, do., and wife; So, if you are initially unsuccessful with a search try again periodically. P. Loughlin, 27, railway labourer, and wife; P. McInerney, 24, labourer, and wife; There is a header, providing details about the ship and its voyage. Passenger Lists from 1877-1890 available from the GG Archives from the Port of Liverpool, England. Thanks to Ellen McCormack for her help with this list. Families are listed alphabetically with their associated ship. document.write("