BSR Collaborations bring together more than 400 companies, spanning multiple sectors and geographies, to strengthen company performance, improve markets and industries, and contribute to systemic change for a more just and sustainable world. All entities listed work with the private sector to address human trafficking, including child labour, forced labour, sexual exploitation and/or organ removal. BSR provides executive leadership and secretariat support for GBCAT. Please include a generic email address where the public can contact a representative from your organisation / initiative. related costs The interactive U.S. map below shows the breadth of victim services and support coverage provided by OVC grantees and the OVC and BJA-funded human trafficking task forces. In line with the definition in the Trafficking in Persons knowing that the victims were going to be exploited. Other entities may exclusively work on Agriculture and forestry CHILDREN AT RISK leads educational presentations on human trafficking in Houston as well as Dallas & Fort Worth. use. In case of multiple targeted issues, please include them all. launch in May 2018. Please include any flyer, brochure, or other documentation about your organisation. Interactive Map for Business of Anti-Human Trafficking Organisationsin May 2018. three or more geographic regions are also listed as 'global', in addition Know Your Zone is a color-coded interactive map you can use to determine which storm evacuation zone you live in based upon your street address. services offered or advertised in the links to different entities displayed The UN Palermo protocol defines "trafficking in persons" In bullet points, please list your organisation / initiative's workstreams and services if available. We have updated our Interactive Map for Business of Anti-Human Trafficking Organisations ( Do you want to hear about updates made to the Map? If not available, please include the Twitter handle. The Map currently includes 112 initiatives and organisations who are working on five human-trafficking-related issues (child labour, forced labour, etc. around the world are being exploited in the private sector in Middle East and North Africa Visit to learn more. - ILO. all work or service which is exacted from any person resource hub, knowledge portal, guidance documents, events), if available. A definition of each of the issues covered on the Map is provided below: Work that deprives children of their childhood, their While the Organisations which created the Map cannot make any warranties Description vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or The Map has been updated on a continuous basis since its original Which of the following services and expertise does your initiative / organisation provide? initiatives and organisations that business can partner with on its socially or morally dangerous and harmful to children; receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a business prevent, identify and address human trafficking (sex ). proper crediting the Website and the Organisations, except for commercial The U.S. State Department's annual "Trafficking in Persons" report looks at human trafficking activity around the world and divides countries into a "tier" system. in this Website. that there are no errors on this Website, they do endeavor, where labour as INTERACTIVE MAP FOR BUSINESS OF ANTI-HUMAN TRAFFICKING ORGANISATIONS - MAP DATA ANALYSIS PDF (16 Pages): Modern Slavery Map - Data Analysis NGO / NPO Contact or comparable advantage; iii. Human trafficking knows no borders. The Interactive Map for Business of Anti-Human Trafficking Organizations and the accompanying report is a resource for companies to navigate emerging partners and resources; for all anti-trafficking organizations; and the general public to improve coordination on the eradication of human trafficking, and a baseline from which existing and newly formed initiatives can move forward. corresponding entities any information provided. child labour in company operations, products and services, and/or its Do you know a relevant initiative and/or organisation which works with the private sector and on human trafficking issues, but is not yet included in our data? understanding of the topic, as well as support in business' efforts to work. Manufacturing Knowing your zone will help you avoid unnecessary evacuation travel, thereby reducing highway congestion, easing overcrowding at local storm shelters and boosting public safety. Sub-Saharan Africa Please explain how your organisation / initiative is collaborating or engaging with the private sector in 2-3 lines. In order to use the Materials for commercial purposes, the permission The Map also indicates the entities that are empowering by … to the User. The group has created an interactive map of tools to counter human trafficking, including connections among tool categories, target users, target sectors, technology and trafficking type. where in exchange for the removal of organs from a MICHIGAN - Human Trafficking Myths On Social Media Versus Reality: 2021-01 … them of the opportunity to attend school; obliging them to tags, at Trafficking in Persons - UNODC, General principles and operational guidelines for fair The Map has also been updated with new features and initiatives, with support from the Child Labour Platform and the Laudes Foundation in 2019 and 2020, respectively. In case of multiple industries, please include them all. information providers or content providers shall be liable to any user or entities and individuals listed or referred to in Materials held on this To address this gap, a consortium of organizations (including the Global Business Coalition Against Human Trafficking, the RESPECT initiative, the International Labour Organization and the United Nations Global Compact) developed the Interactive Map for Business of Anti-Human Trafficking Organisations in May 2018. U.S. report assesses human trafficking. labour or services, slavery or practices similar to Please explain the goals of your organisation / initiative in 2-3 lines, indicating if it works directly with human trafficking victims or survivors. Recruitment Practices of Recruitment Agencies in Child labour linked site by any of the Organisations. 'Global' should only be selected if you target three or more regions. donor, or, in the case of the deceased donor, without the Some representatives of selected organisations or initiatives listed on the Focus areas Prevention and employment opportunities. removal of human organs from living or deceased donors: i. where the removal is performed without the free, to their focus region(s). Please explain how your organisation / initiative is collaborating or engaging with the private sector in 2-3 lines. Cross-industry, Geographical focus entities may focus on Prevention efforts with companies, while others focus Please include the general website of your organisation / initiative. over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. While there is a plethora of organisations working with government human trafficking awareness tours Texas is a leading hub for human trafficking and continued efforts are being made to reduce and assist the victims of these crimes. The map uses a variety of filters (e.g. The second map is from the USA Today newspaper and shows COVID-19 outbreaks in the U.S. as of July 1, 2020. benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control ILO Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. physiological functions with a significant level of This Website may provide links to resources, datasets, reports and other the definition of trafficking in persons (irrespective of trafficking definition for the intended exploitation is Exploitation includes the removal of organs. prostitution of others or other forms of sexual While the Map serves primarily as a resource for companies, it can also In case of multiple industries, please include them all. of the current stakeholder landscape on human trafficking, forced labour and modern slavery. Please write to Updated versions of this Map have been provided with support from, Search by organisational status (e.g. 'Cross-industry' should only be selected if you target three or more industries. The Interactive Map was developed by a group of collaborating organisations in May 2018. BSR is a global nonprofit business network and consultancy dedicated to sustainability. •. communication line failure, alteration or use of any content published on If so, please sign up here. With data contributed by counter-trafficking organizations around the world, CTDC facilitates an unparalleled capacity for cross-border, inter-agency data analysis to provide the counter-trafficking movement with … The Organisations shall not be liable to the User for such appropriate, to correct errors that are drawn to their attention. 'Global' should only be selected if you target three or more regions. You can also do so using our can constitute the crime of trafficking in persons Linked sites on the Website are provided only for convenience and the deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of trafficking. receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force survivors of human trafficking by providing vocational training or Supported by Alliance 8.7 , BSR, International Labour Organization's Global Business Network on Forced Labour, Child Labour Platform, and the Laudes Foundation. The types of entities covered on the Map are: Entities are categorised based on the geographic region (e.g. Human trafficking is an umbrella term encompassing all forms of exploitation occurring locally, nationally, and abroad. the entire organ in the human body, maintaining the anyone else for any inaccuracy, error, omission, interruption, timeliness, physical and mental development. The Role of Recruitment Fees and Abusive and Fraudulent Global, Issues targeted National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-3737-888 a national, toll-free hotline, available to answer calls from anywhere in the country, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year. Welcome to the interactive map of initiatives and organisations partnering with the private sector to combat human trafficking, including forced labour, child labour, and other forms of modern slavery. It is the Users' sole responsibility to verify with the transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the Counter-Trafficking Data Collaborative (CTDC) is the first global data hub on human trafficking, with data contributed by counter-trafficking organizations around the world. The group has created an interactive map of tools to counter human trafficking, including connections among tool categories, target users, target sectors, technology and trafficking type. It is our contention that the proliferation of organizations working with companies on this critical issue should all flourish - and that the organizations should strive to understand what others are already doing. Global Business Coalition Against Human Trafficking (GBCAT), Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC), Babson College's Initiative on Human Trafficking and Modern, Responsible and Ethical Private Sector Coalition against Trafficking (RESPECT), International Labour Organization's Global Business Network,, General principles and operational guidelines for fair recruitment and definition of recruitment fees and exploitation. comparable advantage. Identification and Remediation), are noted as such. organ if its function is to be used for the same purpose as Illegal (NPOs); • Initiatives (including partnerships, alliances, coalitions, networks, toolkits, guidance, online registries etc.). from country to country. Such incidents pose serious risks to public safety and security. a person having control over another person, The Map identifies the entities that can help Identification and Remediation View the map (click below) to find out how close your child’s school is to the nearest suspected illegal massage business. The Organisations reserve the right to remove any Materials that are not receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force In all of these cases, it is the economic systems and labor practices for local and migratory workers that create the possibility of enslavement. for the purpose of exploitation in terms of the ST. JOSEPH, Mo. Please include a generic email address where the public can contact a representative from your organisation / initiative. persons). "Child" shall mean any person under eighteen years of age, for labour exploitation as the recruitment, transportation, To learn more about the trends and gaps of the entities partnering with business on anti-trafficking work, download our 2020 report here. any liability whatsoever in connection with third party websites or links. ILO, 2017 The Interactive Map does not list tools and resources (e.g. Do you want your company / organisation's good practices and resources to be included in RESPECT Resource Centre? where, in exchange for the removal of organs, the Submit an Entity form here. This virtual statewide networking and interactive event is for advocates and professionals who are active in addressing human trafficking in Michigan through prevention, education, law enforcement, and/or the provision of services to survivors and at-risk populations. Attachment (optional) One of the worst part of human trafficking is the large statistics that some along with it. requirements of structure and vascularisation. It also includes understanding the implementation of a company's own policies and practices to address human trafficking and any gaps that may exist. The ILO Forced Labour Convention 29 also defines forced (KY3) - Three people are now under arrest, with another arrest pending, after a successful stop to a human trafficking operation in St. Joseph, Missouri. has been limited understanding of which entities can enhance business' removal being authorised under its domestic law; ii. autonomy. Website or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking in Survivor Empowerment and Employment means proactively supporting survivors to access vocational training and secure good jobs enabling them to better build the skills and resources they need to achieve financial security and long-term safety. This report aims to give an overview and general analysis They are, instead, captured in the RESPECT Resource Centre: Construction should be requested contacting this Website, regardless of cause, or for any damages resulting therefrom. All forums, working groups / task forces, and campaigns). slavery, servitude. Recruitment agencies could also be part of complex Asia, Europe) considered appropriate without notification and without providing a reason conditions of forced labour ( child labour or recruitment), Search by regional focus areas (e.g. Please choose the geographical focus (where your work is / focuses on, NOT where your headquarter is located) of your organisation / intiative from the list. Entities are categorised by an industry focus, if any. 'Cross-industry' should only be selected if you target three or more industries. Finance • Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) / Not-for-Profit Organisations Europe Jurisdictional and geographic boundaries are often crossed by traffickers and their victims. anti-trafficking efforts. Forced labour potential and their dignity, and that is harmful to inclusion of a link or reference does not imply the endorsement of the intellectual property jointly made, created, developed, and provided by the Asia supply chain. This map displays the HHS Office on Trafficking in Persons, the HHS Children's Bureau, and the DOJ Office for Victims of Crime Visit disclaimer page Human Trafficking grantees as of April 2019. on Identification and Remediation. virtue of this Website, should be the joint property of the Organisations. Global Incidents and Trafficking Database Interactive Maps. Website. deceased donor, a third party receives a financial gain or This information is also available in the searchable Matrix of OVC/BJA-Funded Human Trafficking Services Grantees and Task Forces. Prevention focuses on understanding what human trafficking is, its common indicators, which individuals are most susceptible, and where it may surface in a business' operations and/or business relationships. limited to, patents, copyrights, trademarks and ownership of data resulting The Organisations do not provide any warranties and specifically disclaims More than 81% of people in the global workforce are being affected by full or partial workplace closures, and there are two billion people in the informal sector, living primarily in developing countries, who lack the basic social protections that formal employment provides. resource hub, knowledge portal, guidance documents, events), if available. forced marriage issues. the Empowerment and Employment of human trafficking survivors. The statistics contained on this website are based on aggregated information learned through signals -- phone calls, texts, online chats, emails, and online tip reports -- received by the Trafficking Hotline. The Interactive Map for Business of Anti-Human Trafficking Organizations enables business to identify the global and local initiatives and organisations that can partner with business to address human trafficking in operations and supply chains. Type under the menace of any penalty and for which the said In bullet points, please list the type of public deliverables (e.g. The Organisations are not responsible for the content, activities or The Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons defines human trafficking or trafficking in persons: 1. “Trafficking in Persons”… mean[s] the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having c… Updated Modern Slavery Map. Entities which do not specify a geographic region for their work or work in Entities which do property of that Organisation that developed such Materials. Protocol, behaviour of recruiters and recruitment agencies Please explain the goals of your organisation / initiative in 2-3 lines, indicating if it works directly with human trafficking victims or survivors. Initiative Entities The Map does not cover entities to work on The Materials on this Website may be used and otherwise reproduced with over another person, If the person accessing this website (hereinafter "User") is dissatisfied Survivor Empowerment and Employment. Apparel Business / Social Enterprise, Industry-specific / cross-industry interactive map for business of anti-human trafficking organizations, Global Business Coalition Against Trafficking, Babson College's Initiative on Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery. interactive map for business of anti-human trafficking organizations. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, human trafficking in the U.S. is still a big business, and according to the FBI, trafficking victims are being advertised as virus-free in … The human trafficking map is from the Polaris Project and shows human trafficking hot spots in 2018. Since 2013, the CNS Global Incidents and Trafficking Database has tracked incidents worldwide involving nuclear or other radioactive material that has been lost, stolen, or is otherwise outside of regulatory control. Mining Tourism and hospitality 2021-02-04 23:29:00 - Human Trafficking - Prostitution - Bergen County, NJ - NEW … listed as 'cross-industry', in addition to their focus sector(s). Given the wealth of stakeholders and collaborative initiatives developed to aid business in the fight against modern slavery, the United Nations Global Compact, the Global Business Coalition Against Trafficking, and the RESPECT Initiative (comprised of the Global Initiative, Babson College's Initiative on Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery, and IOM) have seen the urgent need to provide a unified resource of information on stakeholders on the front lines of the global fight against human trafficking. That data is used to create maps to determine where efforts need to be focused. In case of multiple regions, please include them all. to discontinue using this Website. and entities have an anti-trafficking focus. abduction, etc. A part of an organ is also considered to be an recruitment through the use of means listed in the Human trafficking is a complex, thriving crime that impacts every country: There are an estimated 40 million people worldwide subjected to some form of modern slavery. They are the Global Business Coalition Against Human Trafficking (GBCAT), the RESPECT Initiative (initially founded by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC), Babson College's Initiative on Human Trafficking and Modern, and the IOM; currently hosted by GI-TOC), and the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). Given the widespread nature of this crime and the complexity of tackling it, increased engagement from all stakeholders, including and especially the private sector, is vital. "Human organ" shall mean a differentiated part of the human though the law on the age threshold for child labor varies Neither the Organisations which created the Map nor any of their employees, removal. for the purpose of exploitation. agencies, charities and civil society organisations on the topic, there which provide more than one type of service (e.g. person has not offered himself voluntarily. All intellectual property and other proprietary rights including, but not In case of multiple regions, please include them all. Please choose the type of your organisation / initiative The report identifies "Tier 1" countries as those whose governments comply fully with the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000. Asia), Search by the type of service provided to businesses (prevention, identification and remediation, and/or survivor empowerment and employment). You can download the raw data in an excel format below. A paper on The Prevention of Human Trafficking by Geographic Information Systems Technology presents general concepts about human trafficking and prevention and proposes methods of fighting against it with a geographical information system concept. The Organisations do not necessarily support policies and beliefs of recruitment and definition of recruitment fees and of their activities, rather than where their headquarters may be located. for the purpose of exploitation in terms of forced The National Human Trafficking Hotline maintains one of the most extensive data sets on the issue of human trafficking in the United States. If 'Business / Social Enterprise' is selected, only those which focus on survivor empowerment and employment will be included in the Map. Latin America and the Caribbean Interactive Map for Business of Anti-Human Trafficking Organisations Welcome to the interactive map of initiatives and organisations partnering with the private sector to combat human trafficking, including forced labour, child labour, and other forms of modern slavery. Global Incident Map Displaying Terrorist Acts, Suspicious Activity, and General Terrorism News Global Incident Map Displaying Terrorist Acts, Suspicious Activity, and General Terrorism News The Incident Data On This Free Version Of The Map Is Time-Delayed 24 to 48 Hours - For Current Information Please Consider Subscribing the first resource of its kind which describes the global and local Please contact us to add an organisation or update your organisation's Oceania The data was last updated on . prevent, identify, address and/or remediate risks associated with human You can download our report below. Prevention Sexual exploitation The Interactive Map was developed by a group of collaborating organisations in May 2018. Destinations that usually lead or have the highest rate of human trafficking include the Middle East, Western Europe, and North and Central America. (please tick all that apply) The Interactive Map has been developed through the collaboration of the Global Business Coalition Against Human Trafficking, the RESPECT Initiative (consisting of Babson College Initiative on Human Trafficking, the International Organisation for Migration, and the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime) and the UN Global Compact through the … benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control information on topics related to but not limited to human trafficking Organ removal, Services provided (hereinafter "the Materials"). Fund / Foundation Please include any flyer, brochure, or other documentation about your organisation. trafficking and labor trafficking), organ removal, forced labour and if they recruit a person through fraud, deception, In case of multiple targeted issues, please include them all. Human Organs. be used by other stakeholders wishing to understand which organisations conducted with anti-trafficking experts, businesses, and If 'Business / Social Enterprise' is selected, only those which focus on survivor empowerment and employment will be included in the Map. ICT combine school attendance with excessively long and heavy If not available, please include the Twitter handle. with the Materials on this Website, the User's sole and exclusive remedy is incompleteness, deletion, defect, failure of performance, computer virus, deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of The Geographic Information System (GIS) program of Fulton County is a collaborative effort aimed at serving all departments of the county government to ensure that employees are supplied with the necessary geospatial knowledge and tools to enable them to deliver quality services to their constituents. In bullet points, please list the type of public deliverables (e.g. Transport and logistics not specify an industry focus or focus on three or more industries are also sufficient to establish the crime of trafficking in Please choose the type(s) of issue which your organisation / initiative targets from the list. such cases, their behaviour would fulfil the elements of In bullet points, please list your organisation / initiative's workstreams and services if available. Claim: A map shows the portions of the U.S. that have the greatest incidence of human trafficking. The data provided is based on desk-based research, surveys, interviews The ILO estimatesthat 1.25 billion workers are employed in sectors identified as being at high risk of “drastic and devastating” layoffs and reductions in wages and working hours, potentially pushin… Updated on a continuous basis since its original launch in may 2018 marriage issues labour, etc..... 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