In a global economy, crop yield data is vital to measure if American crops adequately provide enough food for our internal food supply, livestock, and energy sources. Long-term cereal yields in the United Kingdom were some 500 kg/ha in Medieval times, jumping to 2000 kg/ha in the Industrial Revolution, and jumping again to 8000 kg/ha in the Green Revolution. The analysis of 2 years of pooled data of both locations (Location-I and Location-II) regarding leaf area index given in Table 21.8 revealed that the cane LAI was significantly affected by different ASMD levels than … This measure is more commonly used for legumes, grains or cereal. Crop yield sensitivity of global major agricultural countries to droughts and the projected changes in the future. The traditional calculation of yield is often employed on the final inspection step of a process to measure the effectiveness of the overall process. In most of the cases yield data are not recorded, but are obtained by dividing the production data by the data on area harvested. The unit by which the yield of a crop is measured is tonnes per hectare.. History. Agriculture, as the backbone of many developing economies (especially in Africa), provides a substantial portion of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The U.S. government monitors crop yields of foreign countries to maintain a pulse on their economic health. The U.S. Department of Agriculture provides monthly crop yield reports of 23 products ranging from rice to tobacco. Crop productivity index ratings from the Natural Resources Conservation Service provide a relative ranking of soils based on their potential for intensive crop production. This was particularly important in the 1960s during the height of the Cold War, when the U.S. was using such methods to assess the agricultural health of China and the Soviet Union. Crop production index (2004-2006 = 100) Food and Agriculture Organization, electronic files and web site. The unit by which the yield of a crop is measured is tonnes per hectare.. History. 19 examples: The soil fertility values provided a concise and effective method for including… from The Century Dictionary. See more. The crop production index (PIN) is the sum of crop commodities produced (after deductions of quantities used as seed and feed). crop yield definition in English dictionary, crop yield meaning, synonyms, see also 'crop out',crop up',crop circle',crop rotation'. Accurate and timely information on crop supply and quality is crucial for policy-makers, Definition - What does crop yield mean? Historically speaking, a major increase in crop yield took place in the early eighteenth century with the end of the ancient, wasteful cycle of the three-course system of crop rotation whereby a third of the land lay fallow every year and hence taken out of human food, and animal feed, production. This, in turn, led to the formation and growth of cities, which then translated into an increased demand for foodstuffs or other agricultural products. Each crop has a potential yield value that a farmer can compare his output to. The seed ratio is another way of calculating agricultural productivity. In other words, net harvested production computed as harvested acres times net harvested yield. 2 Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. The USDA supplies many different statistics about crop yields for various agricultural products. values in 1961 are equal to 1.0. The most im-portant use of such an index number is made in the factor analysis of farm businesses, where it is one of several management factors Yp is used as benchmark for estimating yield gaps only for fully irrigated crops. For example, a grain of wheat yielding three new grains of wheat would have a crop yield of 1:3. In agriculture, crop yield refers to the measure of seeds or grains which is generated from a unit of land. A crop year is a period from one year's harvest to the next for an agricultural commodity. yield meaning: 1. to supply or produce something positive such as a profit, an amount of food or information: 2…. In agriculture, crop yield refers to the measure of seeds or grains which is generated from a unit of land. Moreover, since wheat is 27.215 kg/bu, the yield we estimated would be 40 bu/acre (1097/27.215) or 40 bushels per acre. That's a lot of mouths to feed! Area-yield index insurance: Area-yield index insurance was first developed in Sweden in the early 1950s and has been implemented in India since 1979 and in the United States since 1993. In theory, seed germination, vigour and size (three aspects of seed quality) may influence crop yield through both indirect and direct effects. These influence yield by altering plant population density, spatial arrangement, and crop duration. Historically speaking, a major increase in crop yield took place in the early eighteenth century with the end of the ancient, wasteful cycle of the three-course system of crop rotation whereby a third of the land lay fallow every year and hence taken out of human food, and animal feed, production. The actual yield that is captured on farm depends on several factors such as the crop's genetic potential, the amount of sunlight, water and nutrients absorbed by the crop, the presence of weeds and pests. What is CROP YIELD? Simply put, crop yield is the Weather data for modelling crop yield 19 3.3.3. USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Information. Yield and return both measure an investment's financial value over a set period of time, but do it using different metrics. Declassified CIA documents show the U.S. government has used satellite reconnaissance imagery to estimate the crop yields of foreign countries. (1977): Winkler Prins Geschiedenis der Nederlanden Prehistorie tot 1500, Amsterdam/Brussel, —Max Roser and Hannah Ritchie, Yields and Land Use in Agriculture, 2016,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 3 December 2020, at 15:16. The FAO explains the construction of the PIN in detail here. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) produces charts and maps displaying crop yields, crop weather, and crop acreage animations to help U.S. farmers maximize agricultural product output. Relative yield. Understanding worldwide crop yield is central to addressing food security challenges and reducing the impacts of climate change. [citation needed] In parts of Europe the seed ratio during the 9th century was merely 1:2.5, in the Low Countries it improved to 1:14 with the introduction of the three-field system of crop rotation around the 14th century. Crop yield is a measurement of the amount of agricultural production harvested—yield of a crop—per unit of land area. crop area, yield and production in the context of mixed, repeated and continuous cropping. SCR is the abbreviation for the Seychellois rupee, the currency of the island nation of Seychelles in the Indian Ocean off East Africa. Nitrogen fertilization increased weed biomass in 2 of 3 yr, and it also increased crop biomass in 2 of 3 yr, but there was little evidence that the relative effects of crop density and spatial pattern on weed suppression were influenced by nitrogen fertilization. Synonym Discussion of yield. This visualization shows the index of the arable land area needed to produce an equivalent aggregate of crop production, relative to the land area needed in 1961 i.e. At present, NCCPI is used in the National Soil Information System (NASIS) environment and is … DEFINITION: Crop production index shows agricultural production for each year relative to … Production: The total quantity of an agricultural commodity recovered or removed from the field. [...] | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples A definition of absolute values of these is problematic. Often refers to a yield on a security relative to the yield on a benchmark security (i.e. The availability of crop area statistics is an essential requirement of the agricultural statistical system of any country, as it is a key variable in estimating crop production and crop yield. As verbs the difference between yield and crop is that yield is (archaic|obsolete) to pay, give in payment; repay, recompense; reward; requite while crop is to remove the top end of something, especially a plant. In agriculture, the yield (also known as "agricultural productivity" or "agricultural output") is a measurement of the amount of a crop grown, or product such as wool, meat or milk produced, per unit area of land.The seed ratio is another way of calculating agricultural productivity.. REMOTE SENSING, NORMALIZED DIFFERENCE VEGETATION INDEX (NDVI), AND CROP YIELD FORECASTING BY XIJIE LV THESIS ... over the growing season and the final crops yield. 70% less land was needed. For example, if three grains are harvested for each grain seeded, the resulting seed ratio is 1:3,[citation needed] which is considered by some agronomists as the minimum required to sustain human life. Highlights We predict county-level maize and soybean yield in the United States with MODIS data. assessment of crop yield forecasts for corn and soybeans. It can help achieve zero hunger, which is among the top of UN Sustainable Development Goals for the year of 2030. The timeliness in producing these estimates is a vast improvement over the present assessment capability at the county level. The units by which the yield of a crop is usually measured today are kilograms per hectare or bushels per acre. When weeds were controlled with herbicide, no effects of crop density or spatial uniformity on crop biomass or yield were observed. Surplus crops beyond the needs of subsistence agriculture can be sold or bartered. There were insufficient data (n = 19) to provide meaningful insights from site × year averaging. CROP YIELD INDEX NUMBERS The following basic data are assumed: Given Base Given Base Crop yield (yl) yield (yo) acreage (al) acreage (ao) tons tons Soybean hay 1.50 1.00 1 4 Timothy hay .50 1.00 1 1 1.50 .50 The original index is - X 1 + - X 1 1.00 1.00 = 100 percent 2 The reversal (la), in which only the yield data are reversed while Approach 1: high-yielding fields, experimental stations and 23 growers contests 4.1.1. Today, foreign countries frequently publish similar crop yield statistics on their government websites, similar to what the USDA does in the U.S. Investopedia uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. It can help achieve zero hunger, which is among the top of UN Sustainable Development Goals for the year of 2030. Modelled yield 18 3.3.1. Yield definition is - to bear or bring forth as a natural product especially as a result of cultivation. Yield is a synonym of crop. The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which Investopedia receives compensation. 4 As the human population soars well beyond 7 billion people, so does the demand for food. Leaf area index (LAI) is an indicator of the size of assimilatory surface of a crop. Yp is not shown for rainfed crops, although Yp is used for estimating the water limitation index (see definition below). Crop production index (2004-2006 = 100) Definition: Crop production index shows agricultural production for each year relative to the base period 2004-2006. By Yared Ashenafi Bayissa. In short, the notion that higher crop yields is a net positive of increasing CO2 that offsets any negative effects is an extremely weak argument. Incorporating MODIS derived phenology metrics improved model performance. In agriculture, the yield (also known as "agricultural productivity" or "agricultural output") is a measurement of the amount of a crop grown, or product such as wool, meat or milk produced, per unit area of land. In the United States, crop yield is often referred to agricultural output and is measured in pounds or bushels per acre. When more than four years of yields exist, yields used in determining guarantees and premiums for crop insurance typically are based on the insurable unit’s actual yields. Chickpea In the United States, crop yield is often referred to agricultural output and is measured in pounds or bushels per acre. The indirect effects include those on percentage emergence and time from sowing to emergence. Traditionally, yield is the proportion of correct items (conforming to specifications) you get out of a process compared to the number of raw items you put into it. While some crops under some conditions do benefit, overall this is adding a massive stress to the farming infrastructure. Understanding crop yield is central to sustainable development. [1] Each technological advance increasing the crop yield also reduces the society's ecological footprint. Application of Earth observation data for developing a combined drought index and crop yield prediction model 4 book. Crop is a synonym of yield. ABSTRACT- Harvest index (HI), ratio of seed yield to aboveground dry matter, is a very important parameter for estimating seed yield in several crop models. Plant Early, Plant Effectively. 3.3. The National Commodity Crop Productivity Index (NCCPI) model is a "national soil interpretation that is not intended to replace other crop production models developed by individual states. Definition - What does crop yield mean? The bottom benchmark measurement is crop yields from The Great Depression and the Dust Bowl years. Continuing progress in yield potential through conventional breeding is apparent in many crops, and is significant for yield progress at the farm level under a wide range of conditions. The ultimate goal of the thesis is to examine whether the NDVI model can produce accurate and timely yield forecasts. Crop Acreage and Yield Crop Acreage and Yields USDA produces charts and maps displaying crop yields, crop weather, micromaps, and crop acreage animations. What does CROP YIELD mean? Then the harvested crop is weighed, and the crop yield of the entire field is extrapolated from the sample. Crop yield data is important not only in the U.S. but abroad as well. intransitive verb To feed on growing grasses and herbage. Measurement. Traditional yield: Output versus input. By using Investopedia, you accept our. For example, globally in 2014, the index value was 0.3; this means only 30% of the arable land area was needed to produce the same quantity of crops relative to 1961. Thus, yield is a major decision-making tool used both by companies and investors. Yield estimation. ... We have collated data on grain yield, crop dry matter, or harvest index. Crop yield can also refer to the actual seed generation from the plant. Sometimes crop yield is referred to as "agricultural output.". Approaches to benchmark yield and quantify yield gaps 23 4.1. intransitive verb To cause to grow or yield a crop. Book Developing an Impact-Based Combined Drought Index for Monitoring Crop Yield Anomalies in the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia. It is concluded that even though the principal cereal crops appear to be approaching the upper limit of harvest index, and future yield gains will have to be sought by increased biomass production, there will still be a need for the concept of harvest index as a tool in interpreting crop response to different environments and climatic change. Agricultural credit is special credit advanced to farmers, agricultural producers, and others to finance agricultural transactions. for a range of crops grown in Australia. Gross domestic product (GDP) is the monetary value of all finished goods and services made within a country during a specific period. Sample sizes of a harvested crop are measured to determine the estimated crop yield. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary The National Commodity Crop Productivity Index (NCCPI) model is a national soil interpretation that is not intended to replace other crop production models developed by individual states. How to use yield in a sentence. Learn more. For example, if a wheat producer counted 30 heads per foot squared, and each head contained 24 seeds, and assuming a 1,000-kernel weight of 35 grams, the crop yield estimate using the standard formula would be 30 x 24 x 35 x 0.04356 = 1,097 kg/acre. a ratio). Agricultural Yield The Agricultural Yield survey provides farmer reported survey data of expected crop yields used to forecast and estimate crop production levels throughout the growing season. Modelling yield within the context of a cropping system 22 4. The higher the yield and more intensive use of the farmland, the higher the productivity and profitability of a farm; this increases the well-being of farming families. Innovations, such as the use of fertilizer, the creation of better farming tools, new methods of farming and improved crop varieties, have improved yields. The seed ratio is the ratio between the investment in seed versus the yield. At present, NCCPI is generated in the National Soil Information System (NASIS) environment and is reported in the Soil Data Mart and on Web Soil Survey. Other superpower governments now publish their crop yield reports. Preparing NASS Production Forecasts Crop production forecasts and estimates have two components -- acres to be harvested and yield per acre. Agribusiness is the business sector encompassing farming and farming-related commercial activities. yield meaning: 1. to supply or produce something positive such as a profit, an amount of food or information: 2…. Eduardo J. Usunoff”, República de Italia 780, Azul, Argentina. Crop yield is the amount of crop produced per unit or area of land. Crop index definition is - the number that expresses the relative yield of the crops on a particular area with the average yield over an entire region being taken as 100. Understanding worldwide crop yield is central to addressing food security challenges and reducing the impacts of climate change. Bornewasser, J.A. Crop yield determination is a crucial function in planning for food security of the population of a district or even of the whole country. For the collection of crop area statistics, both subjective and objective methods are currently used around the world. One of the metrics used to determine the efficiency of food production is crop yield. The more grain or fodder a farmer can produce, the more draft animals such as horses and oxen could be supported and harnessed for labour and production of manure. intransitive verb To plant, grow, or yield a crop. With this type of insurance, the indemnity is based on the realized (harvested) average yield of an area such as a county or district. Measurement. In this study, the importance, definition, variability and estimation methods of HI in crop models were discussed. meThods for meAsurIng CroP ProduCTIon And YIeld 53 5.1.Collection of production data through personal interviews 55 5.2.Measuring yield through objective measurements 59 5.3.Other methods for estimating yield and production 63 5.4.Comparison of existing methods for measuring crop production and yield 65 ChAPTer 6 crops, water stress results in a decrease of leaf production, a reduction in leaf area index (LAI), an increase in senescence rate,andfinallyyieldreduction(Baretetal.,2007).Inthecase of water stress, actual crop growth and yield are influenced by factors such as the amount and timing of precipitation, Spatial crop yield estimation based on remotely sensed stress index Mauro Holzman1,2, Raúl Rivas1,3, Martín Bayala1,3, Dora Ocampo1,3, Facundo Carmona1,2 1 Instituto de Hidrología de Llanuras “Dr. Continuing progress in yield potential through conventional breeding is apparent in many crops, and is significant for yield progress at the farm level under a wide range of conditions. Yp is location specific because of the climate, but, in theory, not dependent on soil characteristics. USDA strives to sustain and enhance economical crop production by developing and transferring sound, research-derived, knowledge to agricultural producers that results in food and fiber crops that are safe for consumption. The idea for this chart is taken from Ausubel, Wernick, and Waggoner (2013). To estimate crop yield, producers usually count the amount of a given crop harvested in a sample area. Increased crop yields also means fewer hands are needed on farm, freeing them for industry and commerce. Sample sizes of a harvested crop are generally measured to determine the estimated crop yield. We test the ability of MODIS data to capture inter-annual variations in crop yields. Crop yield In agriculture, the yield (also known as "agricultural productivity" or "agricultural output") is a measurement of the amount of a crop grown, or product such as wool, meat or milk produced, per unit area of land. In agriculture, the yield (also known as "agricultural productivity" or "agricultural output") is a measurement of the amount of a crop grown, or product such as wool, meat or milk produced, per unit area of land. YA allows 60% of the T-yield to replace the actual yield, where the T-yield – or transitional yield – is specified by the R… NASS publications cover a wide range of subjects, from traditional crops, such as corn and wheat, to specialties, such as mushrooms and flowers; from calves born to hogs slaughtered; from agricultural prices to land in farms. Crop yield definition: If you yield to someone or something, you stop resisting them. Choosing the right time to plant is often the most important part of … Advancements in farming techniques, utilization of fertilizers, and a robust economy are contributing factors to record crop production in recent years. To shear; cut the nap from, as woolen cloth. [3], The amount of farm product produced per unit area for a given time. In irrigated systems, yield potential or potential yield (Yp) is the yield of a crop cultivar when grown with water and nutrients non-limiting and biotic stress effectively controlled … Sample sizes of a … Dr. Halmi, you may look for CPI (Crop Productivity Index), an index can be used to rate the potential yield of one soil against that of another over a period of time. 4.5. Desirable attributes of models in yield gap studies 18 3.3.2. HI estimation methods are categorized into two groups including: (i) complex Spatial estimates of crop yields at county and sub-county levels offer a major improvement of current capabilities. In certain cases, APH yields can be adjusted using Yield Adjustment (YA), Yield Endorsement (YE), and Trend Adjustment Endorsement (TA). In addition to feeding humans, we also need plant-based crops to feed livestock and use for bio-energy. To cut down needlessly the outer margins of a book. For example, they publish a monthly report of field crop yields for 23 different products ranging from barley to rice to tobacco and wheat. Part of this information is the absolute high and low yield for the entire history of the data series, some of which extend back over 150 years. Crop production index (2004-2006 = 100) from The World Bank: Data Understanding crop yield is central to sustainable development. Regional and income group aggregates for the FAO's production indexes are calculated from the underlying values in international dollars, normalized to the base period 2004-2006. The seed ratio is another way of calculating agricultural productivity. The survey is conducted in all states except Alaska and Hawaii. What is interesting to note is, for many products, the absolute low crop yield occurred in the 1930s during the time of the Great Depression and Dust Bowl years, while the absolute high crop yield has occurred in the last year or two (2016/2017) as fertilizers, farming techniques, and a robust economy have all contributed to record levels of agricultural product output in the U.S. [2] One of the three seeds must be set aside for the next planting season, the remaining two either consumed by the grower, or for livestock feed. Crop yield is the measure most often used for cereal, grain, or legumes and typically is measured in bushels or pounds per acre in the U.S. Ratings range 0 to 100. In a case study, GIIF's Partner ACRE Africa reports that the project has helped Edward and Pauline Mkopi in Kenya protect their crops with weather index, area yield, and hybrid insurance. Harvest index definition, a measurement of crop yield: the weight of a harvested product as a percentage of the total plant weight of a crop. It is weighted by the commodity prices. Crop yield is the measure most often used for cereal, grain, or legumes and typically is measured in bushels or pounds per acre in the U.S. The two-band enhanced vegetation index provided … Harvest index for rainfed crops ranged from 0.14 to 0.70 (mean = 0.46), and for irrigated crops 0.26–0.52 (mean = 0.43). Monitoring crop condition and crop yield and production forecasting are important for agriculture and economic departments at state, national and even international levels. We explore high and moderate resolution maps for isolating agricultural areas. A crop yield index number expresses the average of the yields of various crops on a farm or in a locality relative to the yields of the same crops on another farm or in a second locality. Economics is a branch of social science focused on the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Examples of crop yield in a sentence, how to use it. It includes all crops except fodder crops. After several seasons of drought and excess rainfall, the Mkopis say "they now confidently invest in their maize and sunflower farm because they know they are insured against all kinds of risk." Continuing progress in yield potential through conventional breeding is apparent in many crops, and is significant for yield progress at the farm level under a wide range of conditions. Futures/Commodities Trading Strategy & Education. Learn more. The seed ratio is another way of calculating agricultural productivity. Grain yield varied from 0.8 to 10.0 t/ha for rainfed crops and 2.7–12.4 t/ha for irrigated crops. Cut down needlessly the outer margins of a harvested crop are measured to determine the estimated crop yield Seychelles! 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