We are a certified naturally grown family farm operation whose main concern is growing the highest quality produce without causing any negative impact on the environment. We grow a variety of produce throughout the year focusing on sweet corn and hay in the summer as well as heirloom tomatoes. I produce pure, raw, and local honey for the Burlington, Iowa and Mediapolis, Iowa areas. Over 100 years of farmer knowledge and responsibility goes into each growing season. more... Join our CSA with either a Party of Two (half) or Veggie Lovers' (full) share in 2018 and enjoy 22 weeks of Certified Naturally Grown vegetables grown by lady farmer, Laura Nywening and her crew of Fledgling Farmers, in Chester, NY! Call me at (319)-985-2111, email me at honey… Our family works together to provide you with the best we can grow here in Orange County's Black Dirt region. We are USDA GAP Food Safety Certified (Good Agricultural Practices) Collective focused on providing a healthy, sustainable habitat for pollinators while promoting urban beekeeping and honey bee education. Ponchatoula's Best is a small family owned business, located in the most rural area of Ponchatoula. Pure, raw, local honey, unheated and unfiltered, from treatment - free hives in Northwest Houston. Seasonal, Varietal, Herbal Infused, and Naturally Granulated Honey. Our honey is 100% pure, raw honey; never pasteurized or high-pressure filtered. local honey for allergies ,bee pollen ,wild flower honey,orange blossom honey Welcome to our site, thank you for supporting our local small business We are here for you during COVID-19 STAY HOME, … By supporting our … more... We offer a wide variety of seasonal, local and always fresh fruits and vegetables! ( Pater - meaning father; noster - meaning our) We are a small alpaca farm located about 1 hour northwest of New York City. The thought behind this is that bees pollinate the flowers, trees, and weeds, which are allergen irritants, depositing their pollen in the honey. Ames Farm is nationally recognized for producing single source honey. Products include local vegetables and fruits, pasture raised eggs, chicken, and pork products, local honey and syrup, local cheeses, hand crafted vegan soaps, and various artisan goods. It streamlines the office so you can focus on farming. I have experienced my own health issues and I’m testimony to how using raw honey products have improved my health. For over 20 years, we have been selling our 100% Raw Local Honey… We have Local Produce, Local Raw Honey, Baked Goods, Plants, Goat Cheese and so much more!! We do most of our planting and harvesting by hand. We provide Mentoring Services, … All of our wildflower honey comes from right here … more... We're the Paternoster's. Help keep Texas honey bees alive by supporting your local beekeeper. Find honey and more from local farms, farmers' markets, CSAs, farm stands, ... Local honey near Middletown, NY. Bill's Bees apiaries are located in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains of Southern California. Be sure to stop by you never know what event is going on here at the market!! The Florida Farmers Market, sponsored by the Florida Chamber of Commerce, is open every Tuesday from 10am till 4pm. We are NYS certified. Go Raw Honey sells raw, no-sugar-added, 100% American, unfiltered, unpasteurized, all-natural honey. Showing page 1 of 2, for 53 listings. Explore a variety of our products online or find us at a co-op or store in Minnesota near … Specializing in pure raw honey, gourmet creamed and flavored honeys, honey butters, and honey … We are proud to feature products from many other farms within a sixty mile radius of our farm including tree fruits and more. Bee-Haven Honey Farm, Inc. is a family-owned and operated farm located in sunny Central Florida. more... Just a small farm grown out of a few chickens for personal egg use, we grew fond of our new pets. We are celebrating 80 years of Farm to Table! Raw Goats milk has numerous health benefits and is easier to digest than cows milk. Bulk honey (barrels and larger) Supplier Sells to … more... ALL Family Farm is a small family owned farm on six acres, located in the Southern Catskill Mountain Region of New York. SLEEPING BEAR FARMS We make 100% raw honey products at our farms in Beulah, Michigan and the Florida panhandle. Information. more... We are a family-run farm growing diversified, open-pollinated and heirloom vegetables without chemicals or pesticides. 100% Pure, All Natural Local Raw Honey Ph: 215-804-7608 2000 John Fries Highway - Quakertown, PA 18951 - 721 E. Main St. - Lansdale PA - 19446 We offer a wide variety of fruit, vegetables, herbs, and flowers, including heirloom varieties, throughout the season at our farm stand. We at Huckle Bee Farms, have taken raw Honey to a whole new level by infusing it with different fruits and vegetables to add natural, organic flavors to our Honey. more... Fresh Meadow Farm is owned and operated by Bradley and Cathy Stroll. Ours retains all the pollen! Our raw honey, whether liquid or creamed, is known for its amazingly rich, complex flavor. Specializing in pure raw honey, gourmet creamed and flavored honeys, honey butters, and honey caramel popcorns. Don Popps Honey Farm. Black Radish Farm provides CSA shares to Northern New Jersey. more... Norbury Acres is a small family farm in the beautiful Hudson Valley. Due to its delicate nature, this product is available for online purchase as a pick up option only, unable to ship. Options for the CSA include weekly pickups at the farm or door-to-door delivery to West Point Military Base. The USDA and FDA do not define nor regulate terms to describe honey like raw, local, natural, or unfiltered. Florida Farmers Market offers a diversity of home grown and hand made products. Currently raw local honey is often consumed by allergy suffers. We also grow many types of summer vegetables, winter squash, pumpkins, and the best sweet corn. more... elmhill farm has been family owned and operated since 1993. Here we have been breeding Lamancha and Nubian Dairy Goats for 24 years!! Ladybugs and heirloom and hybrid (not gmo's) variety vegetable plants. You become a partner as we work to maintain a healthy environment. We are dedicated to the production of raw Florida honey. Although, I would be more than happy to sell you some honey wherever you are from! This website helps you to find the type of honey you're seeking, in your own local area; whether raw or boiled, … Adding more breeds to our chicken family, our egg supply grew quickly. more... We are a family owned and operated Orchard and Farm. All of our honey is unprocessed, going from the … more... Royal Acres Farm and CSA offers its members a wide variety of vegetables, herbs, and flowers though the season. more... We provide vegetables that are harvested the same day that we sell them. Just select your area in the list or map below. Pure Caledon Hills Honey is a family-owned and run business based on the simple idea of providing our customers with a quality, 100% Canadian product. If you are looking for local honey, there are more options than ever before. more... We are a growing community Farmers Market in Orange County, New York featuring local farmers and artisan goods. Our pure, raw honey is a natural sweetener with subtle health benefits for your family. We grow everything organically. more... Black Radish Farm is located in the heart of the Black Dirt Region of New York. We grow everything naturally so you and your family can enjoy clean dirt. Growing hundreds of varieties of vegetables we feature some of the most unusual selections of vegetables and fruits in the region. more... Our family farm is located on 170 acres in the mountains of northern New Jersey. By honey form Container size Any container size Honey Sticks Small containers (1 lb. more... Stop by our Farm Market. more... Walnut Grove Farms is owned and operated by Ned and Holly Roebuck and their families. Cox Honey offers many delicious products for you to choose from. Our honey is Raw, Unheated & Unfiltered. more... We are a small producer with hives in and around our home in the Northeast NY. Used straight from the bottle on toast or … Real Local Raw honey contains local pollens. Learn beekeeping with a 1 … Track Order; About Us; Delivery Information Fresh air, sunshine, and rolling hills of lush pasture make for happy healthy animals willing to produce a natural and superior product.  more... Bialas Farms has been family owned and operated since 1939. We operate our hives as if we were an organic/natural farm. more... Shady Acres is a 12 acre NOFA/NY Certified Organic farm situated in the fertile soil of New York's Hudson Valley region. HoneyBear Farms KY, LLC. more... 'Certified Naturally Grown' vegetables from the heart of the Orange County black dirt region. Most people have never had the chance to eat fresh honey… Seed Bombs, and bee friendly landscapes. We and our dedicated crew grow and sell certified organic, non-GMO vegetables and herbs on an isolated pocket of black dirt that is easily accessible on Ingrassia Road in Middletown, NY, 5 minutes from Route 17. We have selected some of the best genetics to begin our herd with. Throughout my journey with Raw Life Farms… Star Thistle Michigan honey, Florida wildflower honey, and the mystical … We grow a large variety of seasonal vegetables, fruit, cut- flowers and plant starts for our customers in New York City, New York State, northern New Jersey and southwestern Connecticut. What an enjoyable animal world. Soons Orchards and Farm Market has been promoting local food since 1910! We use no pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers. We raise 100% grass-fed beef, pasture-raised pork, free-range chickens, and all-natural breed turkeys. more... Eden Creek Farm … Our natural foods market is open year-round. Our third goal is to produce raw 100% pure all natural honey that you can feel good about. Large containers (5 to 60 lbs.) We are an all-natural farm following sustainable agricultural practices. We now have up to 28 dozen farm fresh, free range eggs for sale each week. Fruitwood Orchards Honey in New Jersey is packed in various size containers with nearly 20 varieties available, liquid and crystallized. more... Today, along with raising natural grass fed beef, pasture raised broiler chickens. more... We are pleased and excited to announce the 5th year of the Pine Island Farmers' Market! Our honey is Raw… Our mission is to provide the highest quality organic vegetables and fruit to farmers markets, restaurants, and the community. We also produce free range brown eggs. more... Sycamore Farms has been family owned and operated by the Smith family since 1979. Including raw cheese, yogurt, meat, coffee chocolate, bananas , coconut and much more. The Honey … This is important as it retains the enzymes, trace … more... Great Joy Family Farm was established in May 2018 with the goal to build up a natural, healthy and workable land. The Roebuck family has been involved in a variety of farming activities for over 50 years, having raised chickens, sheep, pigs, horses and cattle. I love helping and educating people about the benefits of eating organic and raw foods which can help you heal your body. Looking for honey from local hives; raw honey with local pollen, Manuka honey, honey in combs or other types of honey in Utah? more... We are a small family owned farm located in Otisville, NY. We pride ourselves on growing fresh conventionally grown vegetables following all of today's USDA food safety standards. We have been in business for 4 generation. We raise pastured poultry and eggs, all natural pork and grass fed lamb! Since 1993, Orange County Land Trust has worked to preserve Orange County's important natural resources, scenic landscapes and working farmland, resulting in the protection of nearly 5,000 acres of land, including twelve working farms. Raw Honey & Royal Jelly freshly harvested from Jupiter, Florida We offer raw honey delectables as well as royal jelly based cosmetics, harvested locally, fresh and full of rejuvenating nutrients from our … Members join with an initial investment of $100.00 plus a $50.00 non-refundable membership fee. We gradually filled our pond with ducks and geese and our pigs.  more... Liberty Ladies is located on 16 acres tucked away on a quiet country dirt road just outside of Montgomery New York. We specialize in Heirloom Beyond Organic, Biodynamic Foods from around the world. February 2021. more... Harmony Farm is a 3+ acre vegetable farm located on beautiful 200+ acres on Broadlea Road in Goshen, NY. more... We sell certifed organic and certified all grass-fed beef in quantity directly from our family farm. The Honey Depot ... We produce and sell Raw Natural Honey, Nucs, Packages, Queens, and sell Beekeeping Equipment and Supplies. As a Veteran Owned and Operated Farm and a member of the Veterans Farmer Coalition, we strive to provide the highest quality meat at reasonable prices. Our honey is 100% Raw meaning that is was never heated and is as fresh as it comes, straight from the hive. more... Rondout Valley Organics is an online marketplace for produce, meats, cheeses and other fine products from the Rondout Valley area. The Market is conveniently located near the junction of Rt94 and Rt17A in downtown Florida, across from the new Quick Chek. And if you know of one I missed and want to add it or correct the information, please let me … Local Houston honey by neighborhood. We are also taking reservations for our 2019 harvest from our own Heirloom Biodynamic farm in Bloomingburg, New York. Welcome to Our Father's Farm! We have 12oz, 24oz, 3lb jars, 1 gallon (12lb) tubs and honey … 100% Raw We Bee Brothers offers wild flower honey from nectar sources in the local Philadelphia area. 11829 M216 Marcellus Michigan. They eat no grain. Un-filtered, many people consume raw honey for the local pollen. Until recently the only way to experience our produce was by shopping at the Union Square Greenmarket in Manhattan. They traditionally begin by taking (1) tablespoon of raw local honey a day, two weeks prior to allergies season. That means no synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, or Genetically Modified Seeds. We offer free shipping on all honey jars & sticks. Our pigs and poultry are given supplemental feed that we make fresh on our farm weekly using 100% non-GMO, locally grown grains, and organic minerals/supplements. 269-303-2718. southworthdiane@yahoo.com We began raising livestock-- cattle, sheep and chickens; they live in such great harmony. This winter-season market is hosted in the farm of the W. Rogowski Farm barn, and features live music, community & chef demonstrations, hot farm meals, and up to 18 of your favorite local farmers & producers! From a flower to natural storage to a container, when you eat pure honey, there is nothing added to our naturally pure and flavorful honey. more... Our 14th Annual Certified Organic Plant and Seedling Sale is going to be all on-line with a drive-through pick up this year! Each jar of our honey has the location, hive number, and floral source printed on the label, making it unique and specific to a time and place in Minnesota. Soons Orchards ... We operate our hives as if we were an organic/natural farm. The cattle are born and raised here; their diet is their mother's milk, organic grass and hay, and supplements such as salt and kelp available when they want it. Weekly orders are deducted from the account balance and members simply add more to their account as needed. We have two different kinds of honey … A field of Pick Your Own vegetables and herbs is included for CSA members. Consider joining our CSA!! We grow a variety of produce throughout the year focusing on sweet corn in the summer as well as heirloom tomatoes. We grow over 75 different varieties of vegetables and, although we are not certified at this point in time, we adhere to both organic and bio-dynamic growing practices. Along with our seasonal produce we offer all natural pasture raised beef, pork, chicken and eggs right from our farm here in otisville ny!! more... Hi. That's because every care is taken to retain our honey's natural state, and of course, sweetness. Our pure, raw honey is a natural sweetener with subtle health benefits for your family. We are now able to offter to the public Raw goats milk! Direct from the Beekeeper to You! We grow conventional and organic produce in natural fields in the open air! Cox Honey offers many delicious products for you to choose from. We do not use any chemical use of products in any of our apiaries or around them. We grow over 50 varieties of apples and many varieties of peaches, including white peaches plus nectarines. To be able to appreciate our remote location go to "google earth" and view the vast undeveloped land that surrounds our small farm.Once you are in google earth, you are at the Honey … 1 00% Raw Honey ~ Just The Way The Bees Made It! or less) Medium containers (1 to 5 lbs.) I am a fifth generation farmer growing a wide variety vegetables on some of the most fertile soil in the world called black dirt . We grow many varieties of Apples, Grapes, Berries,Vegetables, herbs, and flowers. Lighter color honeys are milder in flavor, and darker colors are … more... CSAware is the cream of the crop in CSA management software. We grow and sell flowers in our greenhouses without pesticides. Organic fed, non GMO STOCK RAISED Chicken meat is new this year. Hexagon Gift Pack - 8 oz Clover Honey, 7 oz Cinnamon Creamy Honey, 7 oz Creamy Honey (75019-04002) $14.30 Welcome to Don Popps Honey Farm . Sycamore Farms has been family owned and operated by the Florida Farmers Market offers a diversity home. Of farmer knowledge and responsibility goes into each growing season to be all on-line with a pick. The best genetics to begin our herd with herbs, and rolling hills of lush make! Highest quality organic vegetables and fruits in the summer as well as heirloom.. 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