Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Liberation in Asia and the United States. The American writer and activist penned The Feminine Mystique in 1963, which is often credited for sparking the second wave of feminism that began in the '60s and '70s. An intellectual development with profound spiritual, psychological, and political implications, it shares with Christian theology in general the classic aim of "faith seeking understanding," but is distinguished by two … Black American Feminism: A Multidisciplinary Bibliography Compiled by Sherri Barnes, librarian at UC Santa Barbara, this site includes citations from the 19th century to the present on Black American Feminism in a wide array of disciplines. dominated feminist groups; forming women's caucuses in existing mixed-gender organizations; and developing autonomous Black, Latina, Native American, and Asian feminist organizations.7 This three-pronged approach contrasts sharply with the common no-tion that women of color feminists emerged in reaction to (and therefore later than) white feminism. Asian American Feminisms and Women of Color Politics brings together groundbreaking essays that speak to the relationship between Asian American feminisms, feminist of color work, and transnational feminist scholarship. While Asian feminist theology in the second stage theologically reflects violence and oppression of women in their own patriarchal cultures by critical probing their own context, Asian American feminist theologian, Rita Nakashima Brock in her collaborative work with Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite, Casting Stone: Prostitution and Liberation In Asia and The United States, looks at the oppression of Asian women in colonial and neo-colonial contexts, focusing on the sex industry resulting from the entanglement of patriarchal Asian cultures with colonial/neo-colonial histories. Asian-American and Asian Feminisms; Asian American Feminism (Feminist Theory Website) Asian-American Women Bibliography (Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe) American Women's History: A Research Guide (Asian-American Women) South Asian Women's Studies Bibliography (U.C. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 2005. She envisions God in feminine images (ch. This common experience of struggle functions not only as the sharpest difference of Third World women from western women, but also as the ground for their unity which is employed as their most crucial methodology. For these theologians, no matter whether they stand on the side of strategic essentialism or anti-essentialism, the concept of hybridity is a constructive alternative to conventional concepts of identities, which are fixed and frozen. In late April, Black Women Radicals and Asian American Feminist Collective held a conversation on both historical tensions and solidarities between Black and Asian communities and recently published a reading list addressing anti-Blackness within Asian communities, building solidarities, and histories of movement building. The consciousness of fluid and negotiated boundaries functions as an important methodological tool for Asian feminist theology, especially in the contemporary, globalized context. Modern Asian American feminism. Gender and Society promotes feminist scholarship and the social scientific study of gender. But of course, what bothered me the most was the insinuation that somehow Asian women and feminists are mutually exclusive beings, as if by definition, an Asian woman could not be a feminist. Space & Asian American Feminism. The experiences of the Garden as ambiguous and complex are a plentiful source of inspiration for feminist theology. Joh’s view of the Cross, standing on “interstitial space,” is embodied in the Korean term, jeong, a form of “sticky love” as way of living into deep relationality and han, a woundedness, both of which reflect two different sides of the same heart, not an oppositional conceptual dyad. While analyzing patriarchal traditions in Asian society, Kwok emphasized the need for Asian feminist theologians to re-examine, using a feminist consciousness, their own traditions that had been labeled as dangerous by Christianity and as patriarchal by the indigenous male elite and then to develop their own theology from the power of women’s religious experiences embedded in their re-interpreted heritage. Hyun Hui Kim ________. St. Louis: Chalice Press, 2004. Whether known as ‘Multicultural feminism’, ‘multiracial feminism’ or ‘intersectionality’, I think it demonstrates how feminism is a constant developing movement, where we listen to and learn from each other to overcome previous difficulties (such as having only a white, middle-class female version of identity in 70’s and 80’s 3rd wave), to the … Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1996. The same inclination is found in the book With Passion and Compassion: Third World Women Doing Theology, which is an anthology of papers from the first Intercontinental Conference of Women Theologians of the Third World in 1986, after the founding of the Women’s Commission within EATWOT (Virginia Fabella and Mercy Amba Oduyoye 1988: ix-x). However, in the book, The Poor Women, Wong Wai Ching, a Chinese theologian, critically contributes to the rhetoric of “the poor women” in Asian feminist theology by using a feminist postcolonial critique of the construction of women’s identity in the postcolonial Asian context. Nomadic Subject: Embodiment and Sexual Difference in Contemporary. The poor woman: a critical analysis of Asian theology and contemporary Chinese fiction by women. South Asian Feminisms: Contemporary Interventions / Ania Loomba and Ritty A. Lukose 1 I. Feminism, Religion, and the Secular From Shah Bano to Kausar Bano: Contextualizing the "Muslim Woman" within a Communalized Polity / Flavia Agnes 33 Global Discourses, Situated Traditions, and Muslim Women's Agency in Pakistan / Amina Jamal 54 including the following: East Asian, Southeast Asian, South Asian, and West Asian/Middle East, the indigenous people of North Asia/Russia, and mixed race Asians Like/reblog this post if you are a fellow feminist of Asian descent, no matter where you currently reside, so that I can follow you ^^ (I'm Korean, living in America.) policies being pursued by the American. They began to develop a sense of their own identities as female theologians, and published their thoughts and concerns worldwide. Hong Kong: Asian Women’s Resource Centre for Culture and Theology and Women’s Commission of the Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians, 1989. Kang finally turns toward constructing cosmopolitan theology, which is theology of “trans-identity, “trans-religious solidarity,” and thus “boundary-transcending solidarity.” What she really emphasizes here through trans-identity politics is the internal multiplicity of identity. Emphasizing sociopolitical and cultural behaviors, this collection provides broad insight into the diverse experiences and perspectives of Korean American women in the light of feminism. See, e.g., MICHAEL OMI & HOWARD WINANT, RACIAL FORMATION IN THE UNITED STATES: ©2000-2021 ITHAKA. Principal offices are located in Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore, Washington DC and Melbourne. Feminist Theology from the Third World: A Reader. In this book, the necessity to describe the female divine image, especially as Mother is also asserted, but it complements and balances the image as Father, thus resulting in adding the expression of the feminine facets of the divine who is traditionally viewed as male, rather than to articulate the fullness of divine power exposed in a female image. These are the people who by definition cannot rule, whose actions can try to subvert the hierarchy but cannot change it or overthrow it. 1. Feminist Theory. The journal takes a multidisciplinary, intersectional, and global approach to gender analyses. Analysis. As a political grouping that amalgamates African-American, Asian-American, Latina and Native American women, ‘Women of Colour’ broaches and re-evaluates the notion of Black feminism and necessarily includes within itself urgent questions of cultural, racial and social affiliation. The difference is that western feminism is constituted by rich, white western women who already have all the privileges in the world and lobby for more privileges for themselves. The unintended implication emerges from this position: that there are feminine aspects in the male God. But advocacy organizations like the Asian American Feminist Collective (AAFC) would like to remind you that it has never been easy to be Asian in this country. Gender, race, class, and culture all influenced the relative lack of participation of Asian American women in the mainstream feminist movement in the United States. In the second stage, Asian feminist theologians focused on the relationship of their experiences to their own traditions while keeping the same methodological emphasis on women’s lived experiences and the necessity of unity that the first stage had sought. Interesting ideas regarding Asian American’s definition of feminism from different generations. Black Feminisms By Nasrullah Mambrol on December 16, 2017 • ( 0). Each reflective essay is unified with the others by the pervasive image of the “Garden”—a profound repository of the inheritance(s) and oppressed lives of their mothers and grandmothers. Utilizing the social justice framework and critical race feminist theory, we interrogate and problematize the model minority stereotype and its impacts by situating Asian Americans in the Black‐and‐White racial hierarchy, offering a brief history of the term, providing disaggregated statistics on Asian Americans' socioeconomic conditions, reviewing recent literature on Asian Americans … Unlike in the two previous stages, in which feminist theologians identify themselves primarily as Asian, in this stage, theologians, who specifically locate themselves as Asian American, appear (e.g. what is Asian? Vietnamese American women, for example, made 67 cents for every dollar white men made last year and Cambodian American women made 57 cents. To access this article, please, Access everything in the JPASS collection, Download up to 10 article PDFs to save and keep, Download up to 120 article PDFs to save and keep. : A Postcolonial Theological Reading of Orientalism and Neo-Orientalism,” Kang challenges not only essentialized subjects limited in the frame of a “strong we-they binarism” which, for her, also involves self-orientalizing, but also the tendency of feminist theology’s objectification of Asian women. Menu. In the field of theological studies, feminist theologies emerging from Asia—the so-called Asian Feminist Theologies—seem to be controversial even in name, because the term, “feminist,” connotes their as having been promoted by middle-class European and American women (Kwok Pui-lan, 2005:7). “Jesus Christ means everything to me” (“The Christ-Event from the Viewpoint of African Women” by Therese Souga (Cameroun) in With Passion and Compassion 1988: 22). Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991. As is revealed in the argument of Kwok and Joh, “Asianness” surfaces as a contesting issue in the third stage when Asian feminist theologians deploy the poststructuralist and postcolonial challenges regarding the concept of the subject. These women will have to work for several more months for their paychecks to catch up while the lost wages compound. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2002. Asian feminist theology arose in reaction to liberation theologies in various regions, and began to be fostered in response to political and economic predicaments caused by the interference of North American and European institutions and corporations under the name of “progress,” when Asian countries began to achieve independence after World War II. London: Zed, 1989. Multiracial feminism refers most often to the feminisms of Black/African American, Latina/ Chicana, Native American, and Asian American women; however, it includes the voices of anti racist white women and of all women of color including East Indian women, Arab women, mixed race women, and women of color not from the United States. “Han-pu-ri”: Doing Theology from Korean Women’s Perspective.” In We Dare to Dream: Doing Theology as Asian Women, edited byVirginia Fabella and Sun Ai Lee, 135-146. Although some Asian American women have partici- pated in social movements within their communities or in the larger society, building ties with white feminists and other women of color is a recent phenomenon for Asian American women. Deeply conscious of the dilemma of “speaking as,” Kang asserts that the development of the hybridity of Asianness involves the shift of questioning from the “what” question, i.e. It concludes that Asian American women have to come to terms with their multiple identities and define feminist issues from multiple dimensions. Asian/American feminism is an ever-evolving practice that seeks to address the multi-dimensional ways Asian/American people confront systems of power at the intersections of race, gender, class, sexuality, religion, disability, migration … Han-pu-ri, the methodology of Korean feminist theology embraces three aspects: the process of listening to women’s stories of oppression, the process of analyzing the social, cultural, and religious structures that cause women’s oppression, and the process of engaging in theological reflections on such experience (“Han-pu-ri: Doing Theology from Korean Women’s Perspective” 135-146). Feminism is a concept that has helped women to acquire equal rights in the society. In its second stage, Asian feminist theology played an important role in incarnating and embodying Christian theology into local women’s context while critically re-reading their patriarchal religious traditions and disclosing significant symbols, images, and stories in their diverse traditions of shamanism, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. For many Asian American feminists, the question of what Asian American feminism even is and why it is needed thus often arises. To launch Black and Asian Feminist Solidarities, leaders from Black Women Radicals and the Asian American Feminist Collective each reflected on books that have shaped, catalyzed, and transformed their understandings and practices of solidarity. 2. Christology is also seen as central to the essays as these theologians desire to re-appropriate faith in Jesus Christ within their realities of struggle and suffering. 2). Chung labels the methodology han-pu-ri—which involves the kut ceremony to release Han, the accumulated anger caused by experiences of injustice and oppression. Asian American Feminist Collective. While remaining keenly aware of the complexities of sexual exploitation intersecting race, class, gender, and sexual preference in Asia, Brock and Thistlethwaite contemplate prostitution from the perspective of intercultural, interreligious, feminist theology in order to liberate Asian women’s exploited bodies (ch. ment. I love u/desolee's response! In addition, feminism is gaining equal opportunities and rights for both men and women. The work of these three and other Black women shows how Black community politics laid the foundation for social justice toward sexism from Black men, marginalization from White feminists, and disenfranchisement under White male privilege 2 . Bringing together gender, colonialism, and Christianity through an interdisciplinary approach, Kwok discloses the marginalization of Asian women materially and spiritually as they exploited in a contemporary globalized setting, and then challenges fundamental western theological assumptions. “The Emergence of Asian Feminist Consciousness of Culture and Theology.” In We Dare to Dream: Doing Theology as Asian Women, edited by Virginia Fabella and Sun Ai Lee, 92-100. Grace Lee Boggs — an Asian American intersectional feminist — died at the age of 100 on October 5, 2015, in Detriot, where she spent much of … “South Asian Feminisms is a timely addition to the existing scholarship regarding feminist endeavors on the ground in South Asia, as well as the theoretical work that has emerged from engaging with particular South Asian sites, be they historical archives or … Compassionate and Free: An Asian Woman’s Theology. Louisville: Women’s Ministries Program Area, National Ministries Division and Christian Faith and Life Program Area, Congregational Ministries Division, Presbyterian Church, 1994. Asian Americans have long been depicted as “model minorities” in this country. Conscious of the multicultural, multi-religious context on which Asian feminist theology is standing, Chung asserts that Asian feminist theology always needs to risk the “survival-liberation centered syncretism” through interreligious dialogue to move from “doctrinally pure Christianity” (113). “Who/What Is Asian? In their discussions, the authors focus on the status and progress of Korean American women in contemporary society. 3). Wells, an activist and journalist, led a crusade against lynching during the 1890s. Asian feminism (and I'm talking about asian american or asian diaspora) is nowhere near a proper entity as black feminism where there are significant groups and a plethora of literature on black feminist thought. The answer to this question demands not only a definition of Orientalism — as I have provided here — but also a redefinition of racism, itself. Even though being aware of cultural and religious plurality and fostering practives to examine the variations of wisdom embedded in it, Chung emphasizes solidarity in revolutionary praxis. Heart of the Cross: A Postcolonial Christology. I must also, as it were, speak softly with my head bowed. Asian/American feminism is an ever-evolving practice that seeks to address the multi-dimensional ways Asian/American people confront systems of power at the intersections of race, gender, class, sexuality, religion, disability, migration history, citizenship and immigration status. Wong, Wai-Ching Angela. With support from the Women’s Commission of EATWOT, regional and international gatherings began to be held to organize Asian women theologians’ networks. UK & New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. By incorporating race, class, and cultural issues along with gender concerns, a transcendent feminist consciousness that goes beyond these boundaries may develop. Unlike other Asian women theologians who identify themselves as Asian, Joh draws on her multiple positionalities as Korean/American which means living on the boundaries of multiple contexts in which one’s identity, as split identity, is fluid, shifting, and engaged in constant negotiation. level 1. East Asian men were stereotyped as cunning men with insatiable desires. Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development. During this period, Asian feminist theologians contemplated their experiences and contexts of cultural and social plurality in Asia by critically investigating their indigenous cultures and religions with a feminist consciousness. In the first and second stages, Asianness was represented through the figure of poor women, and was used as a general and important icon by Asian feminist theologians in order to emphasize their difference from the West. AAFC: Asian American feminism is an ever-evolving practice — it’s about constantly learning and growing, and challenging ourselves to think and act critically through our own positionalities to address the hydra that is white supremacy, anti-Blackness, capitalism, settler colonialism, and xenophobia. An attempt to trace the meanings that surround and inform this term involves an engagement with its geographical, cultural and political indeterminacies, with its reliance on context and time. Starting with me! Braidotti, Rosi. Hi would suggest that people check out real procreate dot Co or jen thing has been blogging about Asian American feminism and issues since that two thousand two otherwise I would check out the feminism on twitter and just reaching the combos growing up in the midwest blogs such as re appropriate I'm websites and organizations like the Asian American writers workshop … Shiva, Vandana. Korean Women and God: Experiencing God in a Multi-religious Colonial Context. In Wong’s perspective, they do emphasize differences, but such differences share the “single roof of a poor and oppressed Asia” in which multiplicity is conceived as a category distinguishing it from the presumed homogeneous west. : A Postcolonial Theological Reading of Orientalism and Neo-Orientalism.” In Postcolonial Theologies: Divinity and Empire, edited by Catherine Keller, Michael Nausner, and Mayra Rivera, 100-117. They paid attention to the double face of Christianity and own their traditions when closely probing their cultural and religious plurality and its relationship to Christianity. It is more appropriate to say they are unable to rather than ‘do-not,’ because there is no language or concept in common they can share when standing in multiracial, multilingual, multicultural, and multi-religious contexts. In this stage, Asian feminist theologians asserted their own authority and right to analyze and evaluate their experiences and heritages, moving beyond depending on outside authorities by which their traditions and cultures are criticized as pagan or degraded as inferior. This is freelance writer Suey Park, an advocate for the Asian-American feminist and queer communities. ________. Introducing Asian Feminist Theology. The Birth of Chinese Feminism: Essential Texts in Transnational Theory is less a broad collection of essays than it is a well-argued case for the transnational and radical origins of Chinese feminism.MCLC In resuscitating He-Yin Zhen's work, [the editors and translators] have produced a volume that challenges long-established views about the birth of Chinee feminism and … Seeking to generate an epistemological shift for Asian feminist theology in the complicate space of globalization, Kwok employs the concept of hybridization—a popular postcolonial concept—in her book in order to deconstruct monotheistic, imperialistic, and androcentric western theology and western feminist theology which universalize white women’s experiences. Gender and Society _________. Overall, the theological reflections of Asian women, as found in this first stage, are more descriptive rather than analytical, more reflective than theoretical, and, generally speaking, are based on storytelling with intentionality. Just as postcolonial theories have been used as a crucial lens through which forms of cultural imperialisms can be analyzed, Kwok asserts a postcolonial theology of religious differences beyond the three old labels present in interfaith dialogue—exclusivism, inclusivism, and pluralism based on Western imperialist constructions of the other. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 2006. Sara Miller McCune founded SAGE Publishing in 1965 to support the dissemination of usable knowledge and educate a global community. King, Ursula. This article examines the social circumstances, both current and past, that have affected the development and transformation of feminist consciousness among Asian American women. This collection, featuring work by both senior and rising scholars, considers topics including the politics of visibility, histories of Asian American … Unlike female theologians from other parts of the world who name their theologies differently from (white) feminist Theology—womanist theology (by African-American women), mujerista theology (by Hispanic women in the United States)— etc., women theologians from Asia do not categorize their theologies in any way other than Asian feminist theology. Feminist theology examines the meaning and implications of Christian faith from the perspective of a commitment to justice for females. This open access article may be used, reproduced, distributed, and displayed for personal study, teaching, and research and scholarship, provided that you retain with the article its title, the name of the author(s), a reference to these Terms of Use, and any copyright notice included on the original. A history of Black Feminism in the U.S. compiled by The Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Are you talking about Asian American feminism? Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 2010. www.sagepublishing.com, This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. Since I look Asian, I must have a small vagina.Since I look Asian, I must be sexually subservient. It has been quite a journey to find an organization in Asia that is totally non-governmental as well as working for women’s rights. Manila: Institute of Women’s Studies, 1993. edited by Sebastian C. Kim, 205-226. Rita Nakashima Brock, Anne Joh, and Grace Ji-Sun Kim). Each of these worlds is vast in its own right, rich in history, culture, nuance, languages, values, and even templates for … London & Oakville: Equinox, 2011. Certain Asian feminist essays begin with confessions of faith, e.g. Although conscious of the significant contribution of poststructuralist theories in destabilizing essentialism, especially in terms of the notion of the “subject,” Kwok is less intrigued by them because there is a lack of concern in them regarding the interrogation of racial prejudice. Mohanty’s sensitivity in terms of the intersection of race and power provides critical insight that helps challenge the tendencies of western theology’s objectification of Asian women which distort the multiple agency of Third -world women. Method: We examined feminist orientations among 1,140 undergraduates (70% women) at a Hispanic-Serving Institution who identified as African American, Asian American, European American, or Latina/o. 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