That’s a great story about the surfer. I guess he is a very confident person. Complexion definition is - the combination of the hot, cold, moist, and dry qualities held in medieval physiology to determine the quality of a body. Some examples from my own writing, submitted for your consideration. Never refer to them or address them as a black (noun). She always greets me with a big smile. Learn English Basics. From top to bottom: She has very clear eyes, she has deep-set eyes, she has big eyes, he is doe-eyed. The adjective emaciated describes someone who is dangerously thin, usually through illness or extreme hunger. People rarely use it to describe others as it may imply that they are unhealthy. Change ). I have fair skin that you could describe as being porcelain, dark blue eyes that have a hint of gray in them, and medium dark brown hair that gets hints of red in the sunlight. Talking about Different Topics in English. If someone is old or they are just losing their hair colour, then we can say this: After we describe someone’s general appearance in terms of their body, we then begin to describe their face. Mouths can be big, sexy, beautiful, small or wide. The other day, I started filling out an application for a Queensland driver’s license. 1 you yourself 3 a neighbour 2 your best friend 4 your ideal of a handsome man / a beautiful woman Now, in the same way, describe somebody very famous, give some extra clues about them, e.g. See more. If someone is very tall we might say the following: Again be careful when using these terms. Many girls look at him in the street. She is such a happy person. Not surprised that people are still seeing this question on the form. And using similarities and differences is another useful method. He often bites his nails because he is a very nervous person. The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it's like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). The transmission of the "color terminology" for race from antiquity to early anthropology in 17th century Europe took place via rabbinical literature.Specifically, Pirke De-Rabbi Eliezer (a medieval rabbinical text dated … You can describe someone as an English rose if they have fair hair and fair skin. See 4 authoritative translations of Complexion in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. Fishbelly? People might use the following terms instead: For someone that is neither good-looking or ugly, we might say ordinary looking. Okay: Light? I’m not very excited about it because the licenses here in Queensland are lame. Now I want to do one of my own. Nor a positive term. How can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe, or how delineate the wretch whom with such infinite pains and care I had endeavored to form? Her skin was perfect and glowing 2. He looks great! Physiognomica, a Greek treatise dated to c. 300 BC. We might say “He is a big guy”. They’re like the library card your little country-town library gave you in 1975. DESCRIBE COMPLEXION. In which case we say: Telling stories are also a good way to describe someone – I wrote about that technique, And using similarities and differences is another useful method. But it could also mean a man that is overweight. ( Log Out / Porcelain skin is smooth and alabaster skin is creamy. Beady-eyed — we use this to talk about someone who has eyes that make someone look untrustworthy! An example from BBC News. We usually refer to whether or not someone is attractive. And always remember the system when describing someone: Follow this general rule and you will be fine! Source(s): Filipina American with light beige skin. An adjective is a kind of word that describes a noun (a person, place or thing). It makes absolutely no sense. At the very least because ‘brown’ isn’t a complexion. We use this word in English to describe a woman, especially a young woman if she is short and of a small build. Sometimes people might describe someone as a ‘redhead’ — this means someone with red hair. Use included in psychoanalytic contributions to psychohistory and biography, with, for example, Fritz Wittels using the term about Sigmund Freud in his 1924 biography and H. E. Barnes using the term about George Washington and Andrew Jackson. But you can describe a person’s unique points. The first thing we usually notice about someone is their eyes. When talking about the colour of someone’s skin be careful. When talking about the colour of someone’s skin be careful. Even then we have to be careful as it can be seen to be a negative comment to make. In English, we have to be careful about how we talk about someone’s body. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window). An adjective is a kind of word that describes a noun (a person, place or thing). Complexion? We grow old by deserting our ideals. Model, Khoudia Diop: 2. Alabaster is used when referring to a very light, glass-like skin. The first thing to talk about is the body of the person. This could mean that he is short but maybe also quite thin. Words used to describe skin colour - thesaurus. A woman we describe as beautiful or good-looking. Not surprised that people are still seeing this question on the form. People from Asia, the Middle-East or from Central America we may describe as being brown. Lucy has quick movements, always moving her hands or head very quickly. So essentially you can say three things to describe someone’s height: She is medium-height/He is average height. She looked at him, looked at the ID, looked back at him, looked back at the ID. He’s mixed. People can be the following colours: White. I’d much rather have them come out and ask you to check a racial category, but then again this isn’t the States, so who knows. Your email address will not be published. This could mean a man who is tall and very strong. Some of them are synonyms, or words that mean almost or exactly the same thing. But I also just felt like sharing. Lol. Dark? 10 years ago. In some cultures, people are very direct when describing other people’s bodies. It tans relatively easy, but can burn with too much sun exposure. B to W beaver-toothed, crocodile-toothed, dragon-toothed, horselike, piranha-like, reptilian, saber-toothed, shark-toothed, spider-fanged, vulpine, wolfish . He is a black man. A fun and easy way to find out how you can polish your look without taking drastic measures. This paints a very clear picture of the kind of person they are in the world. From there they can expand into other more subtle forms of description. The beauty of black skin comes in its diverse and radiant nature. Lame. #bodylanguage #descriptivewords #random #writing #writingtips How to describe someone in English. Both your skin tone and type play a role in your overall complexion, or the look and feel of your skin. This book contains -Words to use instead of said, says, went, etc -Personalities -Characteristics - words to describe movement, looks, body language and more. Describir la piel , los ojos , el pelo, altura y complexión. He looks like an iron man! Again be careful when using these terms. The most common factor to note here is that Indian skin is prone to pigmentation … While playing around with word vectors and the "HasProperty" API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Petite is a French word that means ‘small’. If I describe a grocery boy as a “ruddy Irish lad” I’m pretty sure everyone knows what I mean. If you have a medium skin tone … you can’t describe your skin as super light or super dark — you’re caught in the middle. Or if someone has very bad, unattractive teeth. Perfidious is a literary word that describes someone who is deliberately dishonest and cannot be trusted. You can use the word muscular to describe someone who regularly goes to the gym and has big muscles. extremely pale. Describe a Person; Word list Research. When she is lost in thought, she always puts her hand to her face. It’s the short hand descriptions of characters of color that trip me up. He is a really handsome guy. 37.2 Write one sentence to describe each of these people, giving information about their hair and face, their height and build and general appearance. Just describe the skin color. Fit is more appropriate. What are the most common skin concerns faced by Indian skin?. positive, negative and more words list from research to use for your personal daily tasks ... 57 Words related to COMPLEXION, COMPLEXION Synonyms, COMPLEXION Antonyms. Definition of complexion. It is a negative term. Complexion refers to the color of a person's skin, especially the face. Mike always seems confused about something, always rubbing his head like he has forgotten something. This is very impolite. SER will be used in two forms: ES for a single object and SON for many. Love your story. We might describe a man as small. bloodless adjective. Find more ways to say complexion, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Hair? He is a black man. His limbs were in proportion, and I had selected his features as beautiful. According to Dr Sharad, pigmentation like melasma, periorbital melanosis (under eye circles) and periorial melanosis (pigmentation around the mouth) are the most common skin concerns faced by Indian skin tones. But there are many other things you can talk about when describing someone. If someone has light-coloured skin, we do not say: If someone’s skin has a darker skin colour, we do not say. It’s a color. I did a Google search for “How to describe your complexion” for – guess what – the Queensland Drivers Licence Form and this was the first hit. Telling stories are also a good way to describe someone – I wrote about that technique here. You would say “I like cats.” To express this in French, however, you do use the article: “J’aime les chats” (zhem lay shah). Brown. Read Words That Describe Body Types from the story Writing tips by Reannah1204 with 9,585 reads. Black. Students often describe this colour as ‘golden’. In the IELTS test, the examiner might ask you to describe a family member or a friend. Here are some words and phrases you can use to describe a person’s appearance. Catherine Pickavet says: October 9, 2013 at 10:55 pm. It really makes me wonder when that kind of question will finally be erased from forms like that, as it is so irrelevant. Their body language is an extension of their personality. Ugh. After we talk about someone’s body — and their height and body shape we can then talk about their head and face. If the color is similar to caramel, write that. If we describe a woman as big, it usually means she is overweight. John goes to the gym almost every day, so he is very muscular. Unless they have a huge or tiny head! I did a Google search for “How to describe your complexion” for – guess what – the Queensland Drivers Licence Form and this was the first hit. a complexion as bright red as a boiled shrimp; a complexion as pocked as the moon's surface; a complexion as smooth and white as a mushroom; a complexion like the frothy skin on oatmeal; a complexion pale and white like a choir boy’s; a complexion that shone as if it had been polished; a delicate blush of pink like that of a bride being kissed I asked him what my complexion was and he said ‘medium Caucasian’. Translate Complexion. According to Dr Sharad, pigmentation like melasma, periorbital melanosis (under eye circles) and periorial melanosis (pigmentation around the mouth) are the most common skin concerns faced by Indian skin tones. The only people we describe as black are people from Africa or African origin — African-American. Figures. If you do describe someone as thin, it means they are very thin and possibly unhealthy. Good to know I’m not the only person who paused at that question. Then I’m thinking they’re looking for stuff like “olive-skinned” or something. Native Americans along the east and west coast have a pale brown color. He always taps his fingers on the desk if someone is only one minute late. People always comment to each other how attractive she is. Brown. And yeah, this is in part inspired by a certain very lengthy discussion of race, representation, and respect in the SF/F community that took place recently in the blogosphere. So just answer it, I thought to myself. And I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks so. People can be the following colours: White. If we use language that is too direct it can be considered offensive or impolite to some people. How would you describe your complexion? They may believe that their skin is only clean when it feels tight and “crisp” after washing. This word can also have a negative meaning. Everything starts with the physical even when it is ‘non’ physical — “a hungry look”. I know you wrote this ages ago but I’m also currently filling out my driver liscence form for QLD and had to google to find out what my complexion is, and your post came up. If, however, the scene is tense and dramatic, skip the silly metaphors in your descriptions. This covers most of the things you need to say when talking about someone’s physical appearance. Describe things you like. And we should not use these expressions to describe a very tall woman. I was at a dinner party at a restaurant in Florida, and one of the tanned, surfer guys had given his ID to the waitress as he ordered his drink. Or, describe physical characteristics in an abstract way — that is, use similes and metaphors. 6 Answers. Your email address will not be published. Describing a person in English is a common task to talk about. 10 years ago. James often tilts his head to one side when he is thinking about something or lost in thought. In Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, Dickens does not describe Scrooge as a Christmas-hating miser. They look good together. It depends with the region. someone who has a high colour has a rather pink or red face. And maybe that’s because the only link to my skin color is, well, my skin color and not. No one wants to be described as very short. American someone who is dark or fair complected has dark or fair skin. Kalamata? This will help you remember the words and phrases you can use. Just my way. “Creamy.” I hate people sometimes. -- Great God! Some might not consider this a big deal. Complexion/Texture. Jehovah complex is a related term used in Jungian analysis to describe a neurosis of egotistical self-inflation. If someone is rapacious, they want more money or goods than they need or have a right to. Mon (mohn) or ma (mah) are used as possessives, when you wish to indicate that you like something that belongs to you. It is very simple to describe. Often a very tall woman is conscious of being too tall and may not like people to make direct expressions about her height. ( Log Out / Benefit of the doubt. We grow old by deserting our ideals. I’m assuming I’ll have to present it at a window to a personn, so I’ll just tell them to fill it in if they insist. Body language is the way a person uses their body when communicating with others. 2 thoughts on “ 450+ Ways to Describe Legs: A Word List for Writers ” Michael on Jan 9/18 at 11:33 pm said: Nice! Words used to describe skin colour - thesaurus. The same goes for thin. Starlightkitty12. Here's a link to show you how to describe people. Do not use the word strong to describe this kind of person. It’s different from porcelain skin in terms of the quality of a person’s complexion. We have a lot of ground to cover so let’s dive in. Pop-eyed — to describe someone with prominent eyes that appear to be popping out of their head! After describing someone’s eyes we then might talk about their nose. Learning your undertone … Brown. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Then I got to that question — “Race” — which was followed by a whole bunch of words that were preceded by boxes. Sometimes a person might have a red-coloured skin. April 11, 2009 at 6:27 pm. If you have light skin, for example, you might be said to have a fair or pale complexion. So I wanted to create the master plan that you can refer to from top to bottom. It reminds me of one of the most awkward exchanges I’ve ever witnessed. Bill has a very slow way of moving. A good way to start is to write sentences in your notebook. If someone has red patches on his skin, he is dealing with the ruddiness. And there’s more. In which case we say: He has a bump in his nose. Complexion definition, the natural color, texture, and appearance of the skin, especially of the face: a clear, smooth, rosy complexion. ” It’s usually much more difficult to estimate weight accurately than it is to estimate someone’s height. John is very impatient. Model, Khoudia Diop: 2. Related words. The only people we describe as black are people from Africa or African origin — African-American. We can either say a person is tall, medium-height or short. We can describe a man as handsome or good-looking. ( Log Out / As a result, they get used to the idea of having rough patches on the backs of their hands, itchiness in the winter, or an uneven, dull complexion. I don’t remember what I put. It makes absolutely no sense. Women might describe their own hair colour as being mousy-brown. Related Questions. . How to describe people - Appearances. I would be very glad to hear from you so let me know in the comment below. I only made it halfway down the first column of the application before I was met with the usual physical characteristic requests: Eyes? Stupid question, I’m going to leave it blank. Aborigine mother and white father. Almond. That means you describe two things — the person’s height and their body shape/size. Brown, then write it as light brown, then write it as light brown question on the size a... Or, describe physical characteristics in an abstract way — that is direct... For stuff like “ olive-skinned ” or how to describe complexion brother or sister, and backgrounds from all walks of this.. Person as a little less hard same if someone is their eyes hungry look ” natural, and friends..., los ojos, el pelo, altura y complexión anything of the body: some of them synonyms. How attractive she is hands — very soft and gentle, we might someone! Day, so he is good with his hands are born with a reddish tinge to hear from you let... 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