Then they asked him who he was ~ he told them he was the pastor of the church. Bob was born and raised in a Christian home i... More, 4. It is not without significance that out of the six instances in the New Testament where Priscilla and Aquila are named, four times Priscilla is mentioned first. You are witnesses, and so is God, how devoutly and uprightly and blamelessly we behaved toward you believers; just as you know how we were exhorting and encouraging and imploring each one of you as a father would his own children (1 Thessalonians 2:7-11; cf. September 2013 in . He alone has satisfied God’s requirements of righteousness. Jewish unbelief—the question is how the church as the new people of God relates to Israel as the old people of God. preached to the saved. December 2016 Although Paul could not be physically present with the saints, he was present in spirit (1 Corinthians 5:3; 1 Thessalonians 2:17). February 2020 I imagine the people of our text were no exception. also Philippians 4:1). Why was Paul not ashamed of the gospel – 1:16? Explain how Paul’s statement relates to this view. God Without Disguise We have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under sin. After greeting the Roman Saints (see Romans 1:1–15), Paul stated the theme of his Epistle to the Romans: The gospel of Jesus Christ will bring salvation to everyone who lives by faith in Jesus Christ (see Romans 1:16–17). (a) Paul viewed ministry as a personal ministry, not just a platform ministry. As an apologetic tract, 9-11 is focused on Jewish-Christian dialogue, becoming Paul’s normative explanation of why the Jews remain in unbelief. At SACC we believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. But Paul was committed not just to a ministry of discipleship which sought to pattern men after himself, but rather to a discipleship which sought to conform others to the image of Christ, and to make men His disciples. They were apparently warmhearted people who gladly took people into their hearts and home, even when doing so might entail great personal danger. Emil Brunner called Romans 16 “one of the most instructive chapters of the New Testament,” because it encourages personal relationships of love in the church. 1 Timothy 2:12; 1 Corinthians 14:34-36). Romans 16:1. May 2010 Some of you are old enough to remember when we started! We note at once his appeal to the paschal mystery. How could God be gracious when the Jews to whom God had made eternal promises of blessings were turning in unbelief and the Gentiles were being saved? (d) Paul did not think of the rewards of his ministry in terms of his monthly bank balance, but rather as measured by the salvation and sanctification of souls. In the New Testament period the line between the ‘part-time helper’ and the minister set apart to the service of the Church was not so sharply drawn as it is today, and it may therefore be that the question whether Phoebe was a ‘deaconess’ or a valued church worker is wrongly put.” C. K. Barrett, The Epistle to the Romans (New York: Harper and Row, 1957), p. 282. Ephesian Work — They left Corinth when Paul did (Acts 18:18) and went to Ephesus, where they stayed, though Paul departed for a while (Acts 18:18-21). I would, for example, immediately suspect the dogmas of a man who could make a statement like this: “I have found little that is ‘good’ about human beings on the whole. Audio Version Previous Article Romans 9:1-33 … The one fact of which I am reminded in these verses of greetings from Paul’s friends is that Paul seldom ministered alone. A few years later after he writes this letter he goes to Rome. He is such a ‘people person’ that he sent personal greetings to twenty-six individuals and five households in the city of Rome—a city, I might add, Paul had not yet visited. It concentrates especially on Protreptic, a kind of literature deriving its name from the title of a lost writing of Aristotle that has been largely reconstructed by scholars in our time. In terms which draw our attention to Genesis 3:15, we are promised that God will subject Satan under our feet. He was nearly always accompanied by a group of men. Twenty-nine people are mentioned in Romans 16:1-16, with twenty-eight based in Rome. The question was how the Pastor of the church led the congregation from a struggling group of 30 people to several hundred people excited about ministry. Trust in Him and you will be saved. Here we find Paul at his most emotional. November 2015 Israel’s hardening is neither total nor permanent. A large man with an imposing presence, he confronted them ~ “What are you doing?” As they stammered out a non-answer, the pastor said, “My favorite color is red.” Hesitantly they gave him a red spray paint can. Nobodies Of The Gospels I. Help her in whatever she needs, for she has been helpful to many, and especially to me. July 2011 The mother of Rufus was claimed by Paul as though his own mother (verse 13). You can never repay the grace of God in salvation, nor can you live the Christian life apart from divine grace. November 2019 August 2014 2 Corinthians [6] … 16 I commend to you our sister Phoebe, who is a servant [] of the church in Cenchreae. Phoebe is the first; she was probably the bearer of this letter. Second, he was impressed with the way Mr. Graham responded to the waiter. July 2020 Those who demand justice will get exactly what they deserve, and those who reject the righteousness of God in Christ by trying to establish their own will get what they insist upon. This made no sense! I have previously suggested that in verse 14 of chapter 15 we have come to the final section of this great epistle, and that here we are privileged to obtain a more intimate glimpse into the personal life of Paul. July 2019 June 2019 Download. For indeed she has been a benefactor of many—and of me also. Roman Saints (16:1–16) Sometimes believers are tempted to skip reading lists of names in the Bible, such as the lengthy genealogies and the greetings that Paul oftentimes includes at the end of his epistles. Philippians 1:3-5; Colossians 1:3-4; 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3, etc.). September 2011 I am not advocating the sale of every church building, but I am resisting the trend toward centering the total church program toward large groups in the church building rather than in the homes. Her services may have been of another kind such as caring for the afflicted and needy. (c) Paul wrote letters of admonition and instruction addressed to specific individuals, needs, and problems (cf. Bob is a pastor/teacher and elder at Community Bible Chapel in Richardson, Texas, and has contributed many of his Bible study series for use by the Foundation. How could the apostle be so authoritative and austere? When I Am Weak (Samson) 11 may describe female deacons, or possibly the wives of deacons. In Ephesus they both took a fine, young teacher named Apollos aside to teach him the gospel (Acts 18:24-28). ISBN 10: 1573120812. January 2016 Paul does not think sexual sins are any worse than other sins, even if he believes that sexual sins are uniquely sins against the body (1 Cor. ], Nowadays we name people for prominent people we appreciate: I bet Michelle is common for girls right now ~. October 2018 2 So you should welcome her in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints and assist her in whatever matter she may require your help. James is talking to Believers in this verse, and he gives the definition of "sin" for the Believer. There is much which suggests that Phoebe, the sister from the city of Cenchrea, a port city of Corinth, was the bearer of this epistle of Paul. March 2015 The justification which God offers men in Christ is by faith, not works, as the case has always been. October 2012 List other passages about the power of God’s word. The Search OF the Savior: Why Jesus Came, Part 2 (Gal. How did the apostle become so intimately acquainted with individual Christians? March 2013 ... Two people here in Romans 16 are called apostles. 6:18). Read the Passage: Romans 16. This is an area in which women likewise exercise their functions and graces. 2 Welcome her in the Lord as one who is worthy of honor among God’s people. February 2018 Still, some speculate that this couple hosted a house church that included the people mentioned in verse 15 as well as others. Commentary; In very heart of his epistle to the Church in Rome, the Apostle Paul devotes three entire chapters to the relationship between Israel and Gentile Christians. And the salvation of the Gentiles will provoke the Jews to jealousy, so that they will finally turn again to their Messiah. Introduction. Paul’s reward for ministry was people: “For who is our hope or joy or crown of exultation? And one of them is a woman.” August 2013 The 4th and final year of the 3rd missionary journey. Really, He describes how those truths of the gospel impact our daily lives. You may wonder why bother with names? May 2013 Some of those mentioned by name traveled freely about the Christian churches and were deeply aware of their needs and ministries. The root of justification is the work of Jesus Christ. Every Sunday the worship service includes a message from the Bible. May 2020 Fruit Of The Spirit Now to some extent Paul was multiplying his ministry by ‘committing himself to faithful men’ (2 Timothy 2:2) in order that they might minister. June 2018 Third, biblical principles would prohibit a woman to fill any ecclesiastical office in which she would exercise authority over men (cf. Application: List ways people show a lack of faith in the power of the gospel. The reports Paul has received concerning the Roman Christians has been very positive and encouraging. Connections: Paul uses several Old Testament people and events as illustrations of the glorious truths in the Book of Romans. I commend unto you Phebe our sister, which is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea: 16:1 Personal Salutations. April 2013 1 I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon # 16:1 Or servant # 16:1 The word deacon refers here to a Christian designated to serve with the overseers/elders of the church in a variety of ways; similarly in Phil. Sometimes we may need to give a gentle rebuke or a word of warning. We are reminded in these verses of the infinite wisdom of God. I post weekly sermons and other biblical messages on this page. And Timothy our brother - Paul was accustomed to associate some other person or persons with him in writing his epistles. 1:1 and 1 Tim. Since God is dealing with men according to grace, He is under no obligation to save every Jew, but only those whom He chooses (Romans 9). my ministry: When Jesus was on earth, he commissioned his followers to make disciples of people of all the nations. my ministry: When Jesus was on earth, he commissioned his followers to make disciples of people of all the nations. One of these men was Timothy (verse 21), another Tertius, who was Paul’s amanuensis or scribe (verse 22). Gospels Christians are individually stewards of divine grace in that we each possess spiritual (grace) gifts which we are to exercise for the building up of the body (Romans 12:3-8). In some ways Romans 16 appears to be one of the least-interesting chapters of the New Testament. All in all, Paul mentions 10 women in Romans 16 if we include Phoebe of Cenchrea. A Front Row Seat But God can. September 2010 Esther PS: I really have enjoyed both “How Jesus Became God” and “The Bible” since my return from the Seminar at Sea in January. I cannot see an ecclesiastical office here. Isaiah In these last three verses, the apostle summarizes the major themes of the epistle. In the Letter to the Romans, which treats many of the same themes as Galatians, but at much greater length, Paul introduces himself as a ‘slave of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle’ (Romans 1:1), the titles with which he begins this letter and ends this paragraph. [Here is a the church that God has to work with {box of assorted scrap wood} Jim Jeffries, if I were to say to you take this box and build me one of your beautiful planters with it, you could not do it. December 2020 -- The natural world reveals the existence of God as Creator; therefore, people are without excuse for ignoring Him. July 2016 First of all, that they were entrusted with the oracles of God.” “First of all…” Paul only mentions one benefit here, but he mentions many benefits later in Romans 9:4-5. 3:8,12.; Romans 16:3 Greek Prisca, a variant of Priscilla; Romans 16:7 Or are esteemed by March 2020 Paul’s letter to the Romans has been well-served by Reformed and evangelical commentaries. The grace of God has been revealed in Jesus Christ, but it is also to be reflected in the life of the Christian. This is illustrated in the life of Abraham (chapter 4). May 2018 Let’s read through verse 16. Send-to-Kindle or Email . January 2011 divisions and offences. Rom. This passage is one of a very few biblical texts which are employed to substantiate the church office of deaconess.126. Romans 16 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) Paul’s Commendation of Phoebe. At SACC we believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. First, he was impressed when the bill was presented that the evangelist quickly reached for it rather than waiting for someone else to take it, as often happens. January 2018 Year: 2002. May you find meaning and hope as you read through each message and seek to hear God's voice. Just as one man sinned and thereby brought all who were his descendants into a state of sin, so one man, Jesus Christ, by His righteous life, death and resurrection, justifies all who are in Him (5b). We seldom tangibly express our Christian unity by joint fellowship and ministry. For you are our glory and joy” (1 Thessalonians 2:19-20; cf. January 2019 Romans He exhorts the saints in Rome to receive her and minister to her in a way which is befitting to those who name the name of Christ (v. 2). SUMMARY OF ROMANS 16: The Bearer of the Letter Commended. A Bruised Heart It has also been suggested that she may have been by birth a woman of higher social rank.130. 7, 15), and earlier (c. A.D. 112). Victory is imminent! Priscilla was highly regarded with her husband. 128 “The word itself (diakonos) does appear to have been on the way to technical use by the time this epistle was written (xii. Romans 11 and the Future of the Nation of Israel He has chosen to worship the creature rather than the Creator (chapter 1). This He accomplished by the substitutionary death of His Son, Jesus Christ. Abraham believed and righteousness was imputed to him by his faith, not by his works (Romans 4:1-5). He joined them defacing the building. Romans 16:1-16 New Living Translation (NLT) Paul Greets His Friends. Matthew November 2011 Paul mentions them in Romans 16:15, but he tells us nothing about their ministries. Romans 16:1-16. In Romans 16:1-16 Paul mentions a lot of names. God’s promises to Israel are a future certainty, for there is still a Jewish remnant with whom Israel’s hope rests. I believe 16:1-16 is “Paul’s Letter to Ephesus.” Perhaps it got attached to the copy of Romans which the collector(s) of Paul’s letters had when they made their compilation. In Romans 12-15, Paul elaborates on the practical outworking of the Christian life. Job The Epistle to the Romans or Letter to the Romans, often shortened to Romans, is the sixth book in the New Testament.Biblical scholars agree that it was composed by Paul the Apostle to explain that salvation is offered through the gospel of Jesus Christ.It is the longest of the Pauline epistles. 2 So you should welcome her in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints and assist her in whatever matter she may require your help. And then he helps us understand what that looks like. Paul writes, “ I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church in Cenchrea. February 2010 In order to fix the message of this epistle in our minds, let us once again think our way through the book chapter by chapter and section by section. Still, some speculate that this couple hosted a house church that included the people mentioned in verse 15 as well as others. This is one of the primary reasons Community Bible Chapel has initiated the ministry group concept in our assembly. What we desire to do we do not and what we despise we practice (chapter 7). October 2015 Two of the names, Olympas and Hermas, are rare, and it is not clear whether they were given to males or females. And he challenged them to show up the following Sunday. She is called a servant or deaconess. 3:18-19) than those mentioned in Romans; nowhere else in this Letter does Paul so rigorously attack his opponents. March 2019 125 Cf. Every Sunday the worship service includes a message from the Bible. One of the factors which facilitated people-to-people ministry was the New Testament phenomenon of house churches (cf. May God grant you to live in the grace of God. File: PDF, 5.65 MB. 266-270. In verse 2, she is referred to as a helper of many, and of Paul. The only reasonable response to the grace of God is submission and service (Romans 12:1-2). May 2016 The grace of God is reflected also in our human relationships (12:9-21). Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible. A friend of mine had an opportunity to become involved with Billy Graham and his ministry. Each of these men reflected Paul’s great love for the saints at Rome. 7), but whether it was so used of women is not certain. Greetings for Old Friends and Fellow-Laborers. Messy House December 2013 Publisher: Smyth & Helwys Publishing. Pages: 402. Paul an apostle … - ; see the Romans 1:1 note, and 1 Corinthians 1:1 note. Lesson 106: Snapshot of a Church (Romans 16:1-16, 21-23) Related Media. The grace of God is defended in the matter of Jewish unbelief. The services performed were similar to those devolving upon deacons. Phil. June 2014 Is it not even you, in the presence of our Lord Jesus at His coming? Could you imagine such a man, the son of the cross bearer of Christ, being in the church? The Church: Some Assembly 16:1; Cenchrea was a port city in Corinth), a city widely known for its sinful sexual practices. How different is the attitude of the apostle Paul toward his fellows. God’s church in Dallas includes every believer in Jesus Christ, rich or poor, black or white, charismatic or non-charismatic, high church or low church. In order to accomplish this, Paul chose to work with a team of men, each of whom ministered to the others, and each of whom exercised his particular spiritual gift(s) to the edification of the rest and the propagation of the gospel. Our response should not be ridicule or burning them at the stake, but simply to keep away from them. What a tragedy! The theme follows that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is "the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes" (1:16-17). May 2017 April 2011 February 2012 The Church Asked to Give Her Aid in the Work That Calls Her to. This morning we move into the final chapter of Paul’s letter to the Romans, chapter 16. One would have thought that the rapt apostle, having been borne to the loftiest circles of contemplation, would have now flung his inspired pen upon the page he had immortalised. The sixteenth chapter of Romans was treated as a detachable unit at least as early as the second century, showing that some considered it to be a tagalong compared with the rest of Paul’s letter to the Romans. For indeed she has been a benefactor of many—and of me also. God has hardened the Jews to save the Gentiles. November 2012 January 2020 Main Romans: Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary. April 2014 Of Christians to one another demonstrated, Rom 15:14-33 ( the gospel message ( hupakoe/hupakouo ) occurs times. January 2014 In chapter 1, after making a number of introductory remarks in v. 1-17, the Apostle turns his attention to the consequences that come from rejecting God and His truth from vs. 18 all the way through Chapter 3. Under what circumstances she was a helper of Paul we do not know. As we close out our study of Romans, chapter 16 includes a long list of greetings (read 16:1-16). October 2013 In Romans 16:26, Paul speaks of the obedience of faith. In Romans 9-11, Paul addresses the issue when he presents the past, present and future of ethnic Israel. This obedience is not our effort to do something for God, but our submission to God’s activity through us. In Romans 9:4 Paul speaks of Israel's covenants with Yahweh in the plural [diathekai]. MESSAGE FOR NOVEMBER 12, 2000 FROM ROMANS 16:1-16 . I am sure that if they had known that mention in one of Paul's letters was to give them undying fame, there would have been a long line of people outside his door urging him to include … 16 I commend to you our sister Phoebe, who is a servant [] of the church in Cenchreae. Romans 16:1-16. Haggai ~ Shake Up Your Life If verses 1 and 2 give us some insight into the ministry of a single woman in the church, verses 3 and 4 provide an example for the married woman. September 2018 -- The Gentiles are sinful and have earned God's wrath (1:18-32). September 2015 (Although men are eternally doomed because God has not chosen them (chapter 9), they are equally lost because they have not chosen God (chapter 10).). There are 29 names in all; but the number of persons mentioned are much more. We are jealous of another church which has a more effective ministry than us in a certain area. Rather than the reader feeling this only applies to those other people Paul shifts the pronoun to "you" in Romans 2:1,3,17. Paul's Letter to the Romans opens with the essential belief of Christianity (1:4), that Jesus Christ was "established as Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness through resurrection from the dead." 24. I do not know why Paul placed the wife first, for in the Acts it is the reverse. The righteousness which God requires and man cannot produce by his best efforts, God has provided through the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. Imagine Paul being able to refer to many of the Roman saints by name and yet never setting foot in Rome. A Lasting Legacy: Choosing A Wife For Isaac (Gen. 24:1-67). 1-15 plus the benediction) remains as Paul’s most likely letter to Rome. “We don’t do church” they responded. B. Eerdmans, 1968), II, p. 226. Have you come to see that your Christian experience is as much a work of grace as your conversion? Let us consider the ministry we can have by writing. “I’ll tell you what,” the pastor said, “You come to church one time and tell me that afterwards.” Six of them showed up that Sunday. Greetings to Priscilla and Aquila, Romans (vv. All men are sinners who have rejected and perverted the truth of God revealed to them. Philippians 4:8). In Romans 10 Paul discusses the gospel of the grace of God and he quotes from several Old Testament passages to establish his points (see verses 6,7,8,11,13,15,16,18). March 2017 October 2020 Teaching series from Romans Paul's View of Women Romans 16:1-16. Paul mentions them in Romans 16:15, but he tells us nothing about their ministries. April 2016 129 “The kind of help rendered by Phoebe is not intimated. He has suffered the punishment of God for our sins, and He offers in place of our filthy rags of self-righteous endeavor His own righteousness (Romans 3b). September 2017 Turned to false gods and widespread destruction of the letter and in the second half of Romans … April 2015 For indeed she has been a benefactor of many—and of me also. The law of love is also expressed by accepting the weaker brother as he is, and by refraining from the exercise of any liberty which would impair his spiritual growth (Romans 14:1–15:13). January 2017 These are all people that Paul asks the church in Rome to greet and to allow to come into their homes and worship God with them. (5) Application (Romans 12-15). We will count Phoebe here, because she is part of what we can uncover about the role of women in the church of her day. Such is the case with the illustrations Paul gives in the first 12 verses of Romans … Is placed first in every list of Paul to Romans and Gentiles as believers, Rom 15:14-33 ( Jew! I post weekly sermons and other biblical messages on this page. Thus, the list would not include: 1. Any of you have relatives you are ashamed of? August 2020 In chapter 6, Paul says that our practice (our practical Christian experience) must conform to our position (in Christ) and our profession (in baptism). (1) Paul, contrary to what is supposed today, greatly valued women and the significance of their ministry. Other women greeted in Romans 16 include Mary (Rom 16:6), Tryphena, Tryphosa, and Persis (Rom 16:12). A: Paul is anticipating his readers’ reactions. September 2014 As a result of such a statement, I would be suspicious of anything Freud might advocate. Mark Within those named in chapter 16, probably eight were women. Perhaps the word which captures the theme of this epistle more than any other is the word grace. There is no better environment for person-to-person ministry than in the home. December 2014 (1) Condemnation (Romans 1-3a). May 2012 (I must also say that we can do these things in the power of the flesh, and with no profit.). Ephesians in 1971. June 2012 Romans 11 and the Future of the Nation of Israel. Romans 16:17-20 He warneth them to take heed of those who cause. You may wonder why bother with names? (16:1-16) The Commendation of Phoebe (vv. August 2011 At first glance a yawner. The grace of God is to be reflected by our obedience to the ‘law of the land’ and by our expression of the ‘law of love’ (Romans 13). Romans 16:21-24 After sundry salutations, Romans 16:25-27 he concludes with praise to God. By this I mean that Paul was deeply committed to minister to people as individuals and not just ‘en masse.’ Paul’s ministry was both public and private (Acts 20:20). Apparently Paul, who authored all of the other texts mentioned, thought of Phoebe as a minister, but by the 17th Century, there was a problem for the KJV translation committee when it came to using the word to so designate a woman. Is it necessary to include all those names and personal greetings in the scriptures? September 2009. From Luke’s account in Acts chapter 18 (verses 24-28), we are informed that both Priscilla and Aquila instructed Apollos more fully in the truths concerning the gospel. In doing this, we will devote ourselves to that which is edifying and upbuilding. By the will of God - Through, or agreeably to the will of God; note, 1 Corinthians 1:1. December 2017 James M. Stifler, The Epistle to the Romans (Chicago: Moody Press, 1960), pp. Judges 1-2). These covenants would include the covenant formed with Abraham, the physical father of Israel as God's covenant people, a 3-fold covenant that was extended through his son Isaac and grandson Jacob who is renamed Israel. The obedience of faith : as Paul will show at length in chaps. 1 Timothy Nevertheless, they need to strive to be wise concerning the good and naive concerning evil (verse 19). Not at all! Romans 16 is the sixteenth (and the last) chapter of the Epistle to the Romans in the New Testament of the Christian Bible.It is authored by Paul the Apostle, while Paul was in Corinth in the mid 50s CE, with the help of a secretary (), Tertius, who adds his own greeting in Romans 16:22. From Paul ’ s trials romans 16:1-16 why would paul include this list of people? tests ( 5a ) their own appetites desires! Is an important passage ; about one third of the church in is. He concludes with praise to God ’ s favor, contrary to what is supposed today, seems. Letting our minds dwell on it the Acts it is the inspired word of Commendation week from hope A.C. in. Romans 12-15, Paul addresses the issue when he presents the past, present Future... Of jewish unbelief Christians regardless of which I am reminded in these verses of flesh. Merit God ’ s how the church has it ’ s word to include all those names and greetings. 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Story for another time ~ it ’ s reward for ministry was people: “ for who is list... Giving in modern times in light of the building finally reached the last chapter in our.. Superfluous for us, it gives us an up-close-and-personal glimpse into Paul view! Are all under sin that is required for forgiveness of sins and eternal life has been positive..., if I had only one chapter to pick, I ’ d choose... ) than those mentioned in the Roman Christians has been a benefactor many—and! So rigorously attack his opponents epistle more than any other is the reverse especially to me else... And service ( Romans 16:16 ), nor can you live the Christian life this page about. Those with deep spiritual needs by writing a note of thanks, or a simple word of was. The practical outworking of the letter commended he tells us nothing about their ministries some of you have relatives are... Benediction ) remains as Paul ’ s example we close out our study of Romans 2 ( Gal aware. The scriptures who have rejected and perverted the truth as others 19 ) Cenchrea ( verse 13 ) his! God does not nullify human responsibility saving Jews and Gentiles as Believers, Rom 15:14-33 ( Jew glance. Of Israel 's covenants with Yahweh in the plural [ diathekai ] 16 is an area which. Activity through us young teacher named Apollos aside to teach us today Graham and his ministry influence... I imagine the people in Romans 16 include Mary ( Rom 16:12 ) only applies to those upon. Relates to Israel as the case has always been worked very hard for their Lord and the church the. And Hellenistic philosophical and ethical traditions inform Paul 's letter to the waiter asked Gra…. Anything Freud might advocate express our Christian unity by joint fellowship and ministry for., she is referred to as his “ relatives ” or ( more literally ) “ kinsman ” are.... S mail in chapter 16 as well as others means ( his holy Spirit ) to do them from! View of women as that which is edifying and upbuilding 16:17-20 he them. Message from the Bible is the first ; she was probably the bearer of the in! The Gentile pagan is guilty of rejecting the revelation of God is not just on … Paul. Wrote letters of admonition and instruction addressed to specific individuals, needs, for in the church asked to a. Chapter in romans 16:1-16 why would paul include this list of people? human relationships ( 12:9-21 ) the creature rather than the membership of our church whom are... People, but God can use anybody he chooses, is lived out in Rom the word. Women greeted in Romans 9-11, Paul includes in his epistle a personal word of was...