8 pages, 3877 words . Mining 5. Weaving 7. I don't cook like a French chef. In the Filibusterismo, he returns after reinventing himself as Simoun, the wealthy jeweler, and hastens social decay by further corrupting the social fabric till the oppressed react violently to overthrow the system. So when these parts of life were put into peril and risk Filipinos began to strike back. Liberal ideas, in time, broke class — and, in the Philippines — even racial barriers (Medina). I am unique. After the arrival of the Spanish, Catholic missionaries employed indigenous peoples as translators, creating a bilingual class known as ladinos. Also, the Spaniards were late in instituting a public educational system, which … Spanish colonial motives were not, however, strictly commercial. In the eighteenth century. The conquistador, especially its ecclesiastical arm, destroyed whatever written literature he could find, and hence rendered the system of writing (e.g., the Tagalog syllabary) inoperable. The post-colonial literature covered a literary period typified by experimentation with a new language, particularly the forms and imagery that are offered by English and American literature. This spurt continued unabated until the Cavite Revolt in 1872. Agriculture 2. This long poem, original and folksy in its rendition of a humanized, indeed, a nativized Jesus, is a milestone in the history of Philippine letters. The Spanish colonial strategy was to undermine the native oral tradition by substituting for it the story of the Passion of Christ (Lumbera, p. 14). Long before the Spaniards came to the Philippines, Filipinos had a civilization of their own. He set up friendly relations with some… Printing overtook tradition. The existing literature of the Philippine ethnic groups at the time of conquest and conversion into Christianity was mainly oral, consisting of epics, legends, songs, riddles, and proverbs. Doctrina Christiana (1593), the first book to be printed in the Philippines, was a prayerbook written in Spanish with an accompanying Tagalog translation. Literature started to flourish during his time. Liberalism led to education of the native and the ascendancy of Spanish. I would prefer not to be one-sided here, the Spanish expansionism needed to confronts, the great one and the awful one. Yet his appeal to the non-literate was universal. Philippine Literature and Texts (Pre-colonial Times and Spanish Colonizations) 11. Filipinos since the beginning of the Spanish colonization of our nation demonstrated trust and benevolence to the colonizers. 4. ALIBATA 2. The Spanish colonial strategy was to undermine the native oral tradition by substituting for it the story of the Passion of Christ (Lumbera, p. 14). Story of the Passion of the Christ Church Doctrines Doctrina Christiana it was the first printed book in 1593.-prayer book Ladinos bilingual natives - published their own book with devotional poetry. The first Philippine literary period was the pre-colonial era. Philippine Literature in the Spanish Colonial Period Essay Sample. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. European legends and traditions 5. The church authorities adopted a policy of spreading the Church doctrines by communicating to the native (pejoratively called Indio) in his own language. The first Filipino novel was Ninay, written in Spanish by Pedro Paterno, a Philippine-bornilustrado (Medina p. 93). But the crucial element in Balagtas’ unique genius is that, being caught between two cultures (the native and the colonial/classical), he could switch codes (or was perceived by his compatriot audience to be switching codes), provide insight and information to his oppressed compatriots in the very style and guise of a tradition provided him by a foreign (and oppressive) culture. But the native oral literature, whether secular or mythico-religious continued. the Spanish Period. G. KARAGATAN - A poetic vehicle of socio-religious nature celebrated during the death of a person. Thus, religious themes dominated the culture of the Christianized majority. Philippine Literature in the Spanish Colonial Period; Summary: Pre-Colonial; Legend of the Dancing Lady Flower The existing literature of the Philippine ethnic groups at the time of conquest and conversion into Christianity was mainly oral, consisting of epics, legends, songs, riddles, and proverbs. ( Log Out / Although Christ was by no means war-like or sexually attractive as many of the heroes of the oral epic tradition, the appeal of the Jesus myth inhered in the protagonist’s superior magic: by promising eternal life for everyone, he … With these great material changes, social values were transformed, allowing greater social mobility. These are inalienable qualities of Filipinos, no big surprise, here and there these had been utilized as the foes own weapon to cheat us and put us under their “spell”. I am imperfect. I don't always do what people expect of me. Philippine Literature in the Spanish Colonial Period, http://ncca.gov.ph/subcommissions/subcommission-on-the-arts-sca/literary-arts/philippine-literature-in-the-spanish-colonial-period/. Long before the Spaniards and other foreigners landed or set foot on Philippine shores, our forefathers already had their own literature stamped in the history of our race our ancient literature shows our customs and traditions in everyday life as traced in our … Jacinto wrote political essays expressed in the language of the folk. Lumbering and Shipbuilding 6. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. The Spanish colonial strategy was undermine native oral tradition RELIGION- the use of faith to substitute the existing tradition. Significantly, although either writer could have written in Spanish (Bonifacio, for instance, wrote a Tagalog translation of Rizal’s Ultimo Adios), both chose to communicate to their fellowmen in their own native language. Through the researches and writings about Philippine history, much can be reliably inferred about precolonial Philippine literature from an analysis of collected oral lore of Filipinos whose ancestors were able to preserve their indigenous culture by living beyond the reach of Spanish colonial administrators. Post-colonial literature. Filipinos even before the Spaniards came have their own particular type of government, economy and religion. The metrical regularity and rhyme performed their age-old mnemonic function, despite and because of the introduction of printing. Following the sentimental style of his first book Sampaguitas (a collection of poems in Spanish), the novel endeavored to highlight the endearingly unique qualities of Filipinos. Francisco Baltazar (1788 – 1862), popularly called Balagtas, is the acknowledged master of traditional Tagalog poetry. Of peasant origins, he left his hometown in Bigaa, Bulacan for Manila, with a strong determination to improve his lot through education. Summary: Philippine Literature in the Spanish Colonial Period. During this time, folk songs, epics, narratives and sung narratives were popular. He steeped himself in classical studies in schools of prestige in the capital. This development marked the beginning of Indio literacy and thus spurred the creation of the first written literary native text by the native. Never have been. During Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Until the 19th century, the printing presses were owned and managed by the religious orders (Lumbera, p.13). Philippine epics from the pre-colonial era told mythological stories, and often reflected on community ethics. A poet of prodigious output and urbane style, de la Cruz marks a turning point in that his elevated diction distinguishes his work from folk idiom (as for instance, that of Gaspar Aquino de Belen). In the 18th century, secular literature from Spain in the form of medieval ballads inspired the native poetic-drama form called the komedya, later to be called moro-moro because these often dealt with the theme of Christians triumphing over Moslems (Lumbera, p. 15). I don't look like a fashion model. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. His narrative poem Florante at Laura written in sublime Tagalog, is about tyranny in Albanya, but it is also perceived to be about tyranny in his Filipino homeland (Lumbera). This article is taken from http://ncca.gov.ph/subcommissions/subcommission-on-the-arts-sca/literary-arts/philippine-literature-in-the-spanish-colonial-period/. Gregoria de Jesus, wife of Andres Bonifacio, wrote notable Tagalog poetry. But the insurrection is foiled and Simoun suffers a violent death. Literature had started with fables and legends made by the ancient Filipinos long before the arrival of Spanish influence. In a sense, Rizal’s novels and patriotic poems were the inevitable conclusion to the campaign for liberal reforms known as the Propaganda Movement, waged by Graciano Lopez Jaena, and M.H. The oral literature of the precolonial Filipinos bore the marks … In short, he was a child of the global bourgeois revolution. The two novels so vividly portrayed corruption and oppression that despite the lack of any clear advocacy, they served to instill the conviction that there could be no solution to the social ills but a violent one. Spanish Colonial Period (Mid-16th – late 19th century) – The Spanish culture, as reflected in the works of this literature period, showed a clash with the pre-colonial Filipino literature in the beginning. Philippine literature in Spanish (Spanish ... late 19th century sent their children to Spain and Europe to take advantage of the educational opportunities offered to them by the liberalized Spanish colonial policy at that time. System of Writing 3. Pilippine is a country rich in diversity and language heritage. ( Log Out / This civilization partly came from the Malay settlers and partly … Choosing Spanish over Tagalog meant challenging the oppressors on the latter’s own turf. By writing in prose, Rizal also cut his ties with the Balagtas tradition of the figurative indirection which veiled the supposed subversiveness of many writings at that time. Never will be. Learn history spanish colonial philippine with free interactive flashcards. later to be called moro-moro because these frequently dealt with the subject of Christians prevailing over Moslems. history of the Philippines. They embraced the Catholic religion, changed their names, and were baptized, the Doctrina Christiana which was the first book to be printed in … See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. My memory sometimes fails me. SPANISH INFLUENCES ON THE PHILIPPINE LITERATURE 5. Even among the Christianized ethnic groups, the oral tradition persisted in such forms as legends, sayings, wedding songs such as the balayan and parlor theater such as theduplo (Medina, p. 32). But Spanish was undermined by the very ideas of liberation that it helped spread, and its decline led to nativism and a renaissance of literature in the native languages. Philippine literature in English came to a halt. Great social and political changes in the world worked together to make Balagtas’ career as poet possible. However, the native tradition survived and even flourished in areas inaccessible to the Spaniards. ( Log Out / Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Ironically — and perhaps just because of its profound influence on the popular imagination — as artifact it marks the beginning of the end of the old mythological culture and a conversion to the new paradigm introduced by the colonial power. Published on March 8, 2016 by kcmalanog. Philippine Literature during the Spanish Colonization 40. Following closely on the failed reformist movement, and on Rizal’s novels, was the Philippine revolution headed by Andres Bonifacio (1863 – 1897). Filed Under: Dissertations Tagged With: Philippines. Also, the Spaniards were late in instituting a public educational system, which contributed to … Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Although Christ was by no means war-like or sexually attractive as many of the heroes of the oral epic tradition, the appeal of the Jesus myth inhered in the protagonist’s superior magic: by promising eternal life for … As man is blessed with body and soul, keenness and will, reason and volition, one can’t be bound and abused in his or her inalienable right and nobility as man. Except for the TRIBUNE and the PHILIPPINE REVIEW, almost all newspapers in English were stopped by the Japanese. These educated young men, also called ilustrados, would later become the spokesmen of the grievances and the aspirations of their people. Literature 4. These writers, called ladinos because of their fluency in both Spanish and Tagalog (Medina, pp. Carillo I am human. The educated women of the period produced significant poetry. ( Log Out / But Spanish was undermined by the very ideas of liberation that it helped spread, and its decline led to nativism and a renaissance of literature in the native languages. Despite the foreign influence, however, he remained true to his native traditions. At the conclusion of theNoli, his efforts end in near-death and exile from his country. Among the great novels in Philippine literature, Noli Me Tángere (Touch Me Not) is the most controversial and widely-known – it’s included in the current education curriculum of Filipino high school students.Written by the country’s national hero, Dr. José Rizal, this novel sparked the social awakening of Filipinos during the Spanish colonial era. Mahal Na Pasion ni Jesu Christo, a Tagalog poem based on Christ’s passion, was published in 1704. 6. Although Christ was by no means war-like or sexually attractive as many of the heroes of the oral epic tradition, the appeal of the Jesus myth inhered in the protagonist’s superior magic: by promising eternal life for … Magellan landed on the island of Cebu, claiming the lands for Spain and naming them Islas de San Lazaro. Notes on Philippine Literature in the Spanish Colonial Period The Spanish colonizers wanted to undermine the native oral tradition by substituting for it the story of the Passion of Christ. The Spanish colonial strategy was to undermine the native oral tradition by substituting for it the story of the Passion of Christ (Lumbera, p. 14). Pre-Colonial Philippines D. Economic Life 1. Japanese Period of the Philippine Literature, PHILIPPINE LITERATURE DURING PRE-COLONIAL PERIOD, Philippine Literature: The Contemporary Period, Literary History of the Philippines (Pre-Colonialism Period), Philippine literature during american period, No public clipboards found for this slide, Philippine literature during the spanish period. Spanish colonization in the Philippines started in 1565 during the time of Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, the first Spanish governor-general in the Philippines. It is to be emphasized, however, that the native tradition survived and even flourished in areas inaccessible to the colonial power. I am a miracle. The figure of Rizal dominates Philippine literature until the present day. Bonifacio’s most important work are his poems, the most well-known being Pag-Ibig Sa Tinubuang Lupa. Livestock 3. - It is a ritual based on a legend about a princess who dropped her ring into the middle of the sea and offered her hand in marriage in anyone who can retrieve it. Free public education made knowledge and information … The epics that have survived are important records of the ancient customs of tribal society before the arrival of Islam and Christianity. The Spanish colonial strategy was to undermine the native oral tradition by substituting for it the story of the Passion of Christ (Lumbera, p. 14). Art. Change ). 55-56), published their work, mainly devotional poetry, in the first decade of the 17th century. The figure of Rizal dominates Philippine literature until the present day. It was, however, for the exclusive use of the missionaries who invariably read them aloud to the unlettered Indio catechumens (Medina), who were to rely mainly on their memory. Liberalism led to education of the native and the ascendancy of Spanish. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. I am not perfect. The Spaniards colonized the Philippines for more that three centuries. You can change your ad preferences anytime. Both were admirers of Rizal, and like Rizal, both were writers and social critics profoundly influenced by the liberal ideas of the French enlightenment, about human dignity. Spaniards took a gander at the Filipinos as slaves not as siblings whom they ought to love and regard. His verse plays were performed to the motley crowd. And I don't always use the right shoes. These individuals, notably … Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. We can group the rebellions that happened during the Spanish imperialism into three reasons, individual, political and religious rebellions. Literature started to flourish during his time. Balagtas was one of the first Indios to become a Filipino. The figure of Rizal dominates Philippine literature until the present day. Fishing 4. Humans aren't perfect. The spurt continued unabated until the Cavite Revolt in 1872. One common theme of the epics is a hero who is aided by benevolent spirits. Literature started to flourish and expand during his time. Trade E. Culture 1. Historical Background Philippine literary production during the American Period in the Philippines was spurred by two significant developments in education and culture. Sorry for that bad explanation in the last part A Requirement for 21st Century Literature in St. John Fisher School The Spanish colonial strategy was to undermine the native oral tradition by substituting for it the story of the Passion of Christ (Lumbera, p. 14). The popularity of the dramatic form, of which he was a master, was due to it being experienced as performance both by the lettered minority and the illiterate but genuinely appreciative majority. During these times, many changes occurred in the lives of Filipinos. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. Webbing the two themes together is made possible by the correspondence between the country’s historical periods and literary traditions, namely, Pre-Colonial (Native and Islamic), Colonial (Spanish and American), and Post-Colonial (Nationalist) respectively.1 According to Northrop Frye, litera-ture is like a looking glass through which “the … The Spanish colonizers wanted to undermine the native oral tradition by substituting for it the story of the Passion of Christ. The word Filipino, which used to refer to a restricted group (i.e., Spaniards born in the Philippines) expanded to include not only the acculturated wealthy Chinese mestizo but also the acculturated Indio (Medina). Philippine Literature during Spanish Period The Philippine islands first came to the attention of Europeans with the Spanish expedition around the world led by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan in 1521. But Spanish was undermined by the very ideas of liberation that it helped spread, and its decline led to nativism and a renaissance of literature in the native languages. The turn of the century witnessed not only the Philippine revolution but a quieter though no less significant outbreak. Christian Doctrine 3. But there is no one else like me in this whole wide world. Jose de la Cruz (1746 – 1829) was the foremost exponent of the komedya during his time. Although Christ was by no means war-like or sexually attractive as many of the heroes of the oral epic tradition, the appeal of the Jesus myth inhered in the protagonist’s superior magic: by promising eternal life for everyone, he democratized the power to rise above death. But by far the most gifted of these native poet-translators was Gaspar Aquino de Belen (Lumbera, p.14). The Spanish at first viewed the Philippines as a stepping-stone to the riches of the East Indies (Spice Islands), but, even after the Portuguese and Dutch had foreclosed that possibility, the Spanish still maintained their presence in the archipelago. The printed page, by itself, became the mnemonic device, the stage set for the development of prose. Eventually, the native translator learned to read and write both in Spanish and his native language. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Among the earliest writers of note were Francisco de San Jose and Francisco Bagongbata (Medina). The turn of the century witnessed not only the Philippine … It is an accepted belief that the Spanish colonization of the Philippines started in 1565 during the time of Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, the first Spanish governor-general in the Philippines. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. So I don't always wear the right clothes. The main themes of Philippine literature focus on the country’s pre-colonial cultural traditions and the socio-political histories … The existing literature of the Philippine ethnic groups at the time of conquest and conversion into Christianity was mainly oral, consisting of epics, legends, songs, riddles, and proverbs. One is the introduction of free public instruction for all children of school age and two, the use of English as medium of instruction in all levels of education in public schools. Historical Background Between 1941-1945, Philippine Literature was interrupted in its development when the Philippines was again conquered by another foreign country, Japan. 1. Liberalism led to education of the native and the ascendancy of Spanish. Philippine Literature So I would concentrate on the terrible things that they showed upon us as the reason for various rebellions that rose all through the Philippines. Philippine Literature In The Spanish Colonial Period. Spanish colonization of the Philippines started in 1565 during the time of Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, the first Spanish governor-general in the Philippines. Although Christ was by no means war-like or sexually attractive as many of the heroes of the oral epic tradition, the appeal of the Jesus myth inhered in the protagonist’s superior magic: by promising eternal life for everyone, he … Many of the folk songs featured simple rhythms, while narrative songs were used to tell historical stories. Among the only native systems of writing that have survived are the syllabaries of the Mindoro Mangyans and the Tagbanua of Palawan. National Hero Jose Rizal (1861 – 1896) chose the realistic novel as his medium. During pre-colonial times, there has been … If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. His poems were sung by the literate for the benefit of the unlettered. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. del Pilar. But the task of translating religious instructional materials obliged the Spanish missionaries to take a most practical step, that of employing native speakers as translators. Philippine Literature in the Spanish Colonial Period. secular literature from Spain in the signifier of mediaeval laies inspired the native poetic-drama signifier called the komedya. 1. Rizal’s two novels, the Noli Me Tangere and its sequel El Filibusterismo, chronicle the life and ultimate death of Ibarra, a Filipino educated abroad, who attempts to reform his country through education. It is known that the Spanish were able to colonize of the Philippines started in 1565, during the time of Miguel Lopez de Legazpi who was the first Spanish governor-general in the Philippines. Music and Dance 5. As demonstrated by The Child of Sorrow (1921) written by Zoilo Galang - the first Filipino novel in English - the literary output began with the articulation of the Philippine … Some of the notable literatures are a general reflection of the influence exerted by Spaniards during the colonization of Philippine. Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. To support his studies, he worked as a domestic servant in Tondo. The industrial revolution had caused a great movement of commerce in the globe, creating wealth and the opportunity for material improvement in the life of the working classes. Spanish language became the literary language this time 4. Other epics known to most Filipinos are the Ibalon of Bikol, Darangan which is a Muslim epic, the Kudaman of Palawan, the Alim of the Ifugao, Bantugan of the Maranao, the Hinilawod of Panay, and the Tuwaang of Manobos. The privilege to life, right to religious opportunity and right in political try. The conquistador, especially its ecclesiastical arm, destroyed … I live on the planet Earth where humans live. They changed our arrangement of government and they got to be rulers that mishandled, misused and attacked the Filipinos particularly the ladies and youngsters. , wrote notable Tagalog poetry spurred by two significant developments in education and culture Philippine revolution but quieter! 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