I feel so numb. i'm 22 now and it still bothers me from time to time! False attraction. This thread is archived. The obsessive thoughts are unpredictable and provoke extreme anxiety that leads us to believe we'll never have control of our thoughts. Posted by 3 months ago. 0. 3 comments. It doesn't matter what he looks like. It was so distressing I was so pissed at myself. like every girl i interact with i have to check out and i feel disgusted by that, like my brain keeps on telling me yeah you’re attracted and want to kiss her but i know i’m not! I can recognize when a guy is good looking but I don’t feel that same attraction I used to. She is really great and supportive and I do love her as a friend but I'm just scared!! Homosexual OCD – HOCD Treatment. And sadly, that filter never fails to twist and distort everything to make it appear as “evidence” that you’re really gay after all. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. Essentially, it tries to trick us. HOCD (homosexual obsessive compulsive disorder) is a subgroup of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). ... more false attraction, more anxiety. hal133 . There is usually an accompanying obsession that is disturbing, but the patient may be unaware of it. For men, this can be just a feeling, or having an erection. I keep telling myself that if I was bi or a lesbian, I would have a specific type of who I liked (just like I did with men). I also find myself more hyper sensitive to females. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Join. Hey guys! Even bad ppl. Press J to jump to the feed. I know who I am". I think the best help would be to disregard. There are days when this thing seems stupid and there are days I am convinced I am a lesbian. And sadly, that filter never fails to twist and distort everything to make it appear as “evidence” that you’re really gay after all. You seem to know the difference between a genuine crush and false attraction, so I would say to focus on that and don't go into analyzation mode. One of the most difficult parts of this has been my loss of attraction. Every thought, feeling, and physical sensation you experience that has even the slightest connection (or seeming connection) to sexuality or attraction is scrutinized through your HOCD “filter”. thank you. Online. You have new feed items. Sort by. I get this too. saw a youtuber. This sub is for anyone with OCD who have sexual orientation or gender related obsessions including HOCD, TOCD, and Sexual Orientation OCD. 100% Upvoted. I don’t know who I am anymore. Now I dunno due my current stage I am not able to feel the same anxiety I use to feel. I think I had a false attraction as well. at night especially i feel so awful, i cry a lot but then numbness takes over again..to add to that, my only relationship i had (which lasted for three days lol..i guess it was more of a first try, i really liked the guy, not loved, the relationship was kinda rushed and i didn’t feel ready)but he had no idea how to kiss and it felt so disgusting, i enjoyed him being around and stuff but not the kissing, which just added more to my anxiety and apart from that i’m afraid that now it’s going to be the same for every boy i like in the future, in fact i have a crush on this guy but he rejected me, and i still love him, but i’m just afraid it’s all a mask and that i’ll never enjoy my future relationships and kissing, i never thought this before until my (what i hope is)hocd started.. If you have HOCD and are feeling aroused, this is not evidence that your thoughts are true, it is just the nature of HOCD. This sub is for anyone with OCD who have sexual orientation or gender related obsessions including HOCD, TOCD, and Sexual Orientation OCD. HOCD and loss of attraction. This is embarrassing to write but I’m not sure where else to turn for support. Just yesterday I made eye contact with a girl while talking and the dreaded attraction feeling hit and I suddenly felt really anxious and wanted to leave. I’ve been dealing with HOCD for a little over a year now. Jan 28 in HOCD. 1. False attraction? now i’m convinced i’m in love with her when i used to find her annoying ♀️ what helps false attraction? Thought I would share the dialogue. I’ve been dealing with HOCD for a little over a year now. Your brain wants to bully you, and this stress causes low libido hence why you can't get aroused like you want to, causing you to stress out more when you can't get aroused over what you want. you are far more mature than i was at 15 when i first developed this. Feeling aroused down there – in your groin. When we fear something, we start to see it everywhere/all the time. Of course, like most subtypes of OCD, it’s a lot more complicated than that. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Hi everyone. incase you couldn tbe bothered to read all i will ask again here, does hocd give weird attractions to the same sex? In the case of HOCD, the mind fabricates “false attractions” and lies. Bisexuals with HOCD have the false fear that they are attracted to only one sex, usually the one they are not currently involved with. SLJ94. HOCD Support Group. Members. HOCD related thoughts are just thoughts. I made a similar post yesterday, but i didn't really get any answers, so here i go again. Homosexual OCD can be … Homosexual Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (HOCD) is categorized by intrusive thoughts revolving around one’s sexual orientation.People with HOCD suffer through uncontrollable and unwanted intrusive thoughts and images that leave them in a state of fear and anxiety about whether they are truly straight. I hope to god I never see her again because it only cause me anxiety. A doctor will give you prescriptions that statistics show only have a maximum capacity to treat 30%-50% of your OCD. Also I have a question about the groinal aspect as well. Then u will see it won't bother to again. is great to know that i’m not the only one. And that thought never came back. 27 May 2015 - 15:04. It makes me sad and worried that I’ll never feel that way again. share. It is just a thought that I am capable of thinking. I'm properly worried that I'm attracted to my best friend!! Has anyone else had this problem or have any advice?? You just have to accept your attractions, but not give them focus. Laugh at the HOCD, tell it 'lol, you can't fool me. absolutely. But then I remember I also used to get this with family members, strangers, friends and I once again remember it is ocd and not me. Unfortunately, the numerous myths and misconceptions surrounding HOCD lead to this condition being poorly understood, under-reported, and ineffectively treated. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. I appreciate a beautiful women and sometimes her personality, now I can't feel anything it's numb. You are at a party - you cant tell the difference between real attraction and hocd? Today's video is all about false attraction and why it happens when dealing with HOCD. I’ve been taking my meds and talking to my therapist but I just feel this lack of motivation inside me. hocd false attraction towards friend!! HOCD stands for Homosexual Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, also known as Sexual Orientation OCD, and is a form of OCD where the person experiences intrusive thoughts in relation to their sexual preference.These unwanted thoughts, which are known as obsessions, cause distress to the person and result in the compulsion to check that … deleted_user 01/18/2014. The other hard part has been finding every female I pass attractive. Hi friends I know the feeling believe me i used to be there the false attraction the constant analyzing of past and the checking wooh it's been a hell for nearly 9 months but i've beat it in a month and half and i'm proud of myslef now i can enjoy life, there is simple tricks yet very effective i applied it found it in a book on the internet called 'Beat HOCD the easy way'. I can think I am a multi billionaire if I want, but unfortunately that’s not true. Leave A Reply. Like say yes u like her. save. its not sexual but its definatly an attraction none the less. Question. False attraction? good on you! So glad I found this group! If you have HOCD and are feeling aroused, this is not evidence that your thoughts are true, it is just the nature of HOCD. I feel so empty. It has been incredibly hard and caused me to lose my sense of self, my confidence, and my hope. like when this all started a few months ago my anxiety level was waay up, now it scares me that my anxiety isn’t there, you get me? Tell your brain, you know it's full of shit. then looked at my phone. I find myself checking out their bodies more, something I never used to do. It happens to me alot of times. i was and am the same age as you. For men, this can be just a feeling, or having an erection. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. What is HOCD? That's what I have started to do. Focus on what your ego prefers, then you'll feel good. You just have to accept your attractions, but not give them focus. Discussion. It has been incredibly hard and caused me to lose my sense of self, my confidence, and my hope. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Due to this hocd I started to feel something for ppl I hated before this hocd shit. Now that I think about it i dont feel that way about that girl. Likewise, a history of being sexually abused as a child does not mean you will automatically … How I started looking at HOCD: There’s plenty of things that are out of our control. I've had hocd for a few months now, the thoughts aren't as frequent as they used to but now instead of "maybe I'm gay" it's like sometimes I'm certain of it. False attraction - attraction that your ego does not prefer. That puts us in a constant state of worry – a defense mechanism set up by our mind. HOCD is the shortened name of a rare form of obsessive-compulsive disorder, termed homosexual obsessive-compulsive disorder, or sometimes called “gay OCD” or "sexual orientation OCD.". I lost my attraction to females and looking back I never had a "preference" in women I enjoyed looking at all them. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment … One of the most difficult parts of this has been my loss of attraction. OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is a psychological condition that hijacks the brain, forcing us to think unwanted, 'obsessive' thoughts and perform behaviors to reduce anxiety associated with these thoughts called 'compulsions.' This false attraction kills me :( I don’t like it and it’s only make me really bad and anxious but still it feels real. report. Close. ... False attraction - attraction that your ego does not prefer. Well, why would you only want 30%-50% cure for OCD? Attraction being one of them. If you are gay, your gay thoughts will be associated with pleasure rather than with fear (although you might experience anxiety about the social repercussions of “coming out”). i would also like to point out that inbetween the 2 last times ive suffered the same sex attraction was completely gone. Due to this hocd I started to feel something for ppl I hated before this hocd shit. Feeling aroused down there – in your groin. For women, this can be feeling sexually aroused. I hope we all get through this! You are at a party - you cant tell the difference between real attraction and hocd? It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment … I notice I feel attracted to every single guy on the street. The biggest problem in my opinion with hOCD is that it can really mess up things such as who do you ACTUALLY find attractive and when being anxious it is completely normal to lose sexual interest. Request group membership. I’ve done so much research and haven’t found much on false hocd attraction. Hey, false attractions are the worst for me too. So I applied my HOCD thoughts to food and it seemed so funny to me. I don’t even feel an attraction when I do this, I think it may just be a compulsion to see whether or not I like it. Ugly or good looking , I never used to do this. Thanks: 3. i just woke up and i looked at the tv and a beautiful actor was there. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Members: 36355 and Growing! I’m worried this feeling will never pass and I’m alone in these compulsions and hopelessness. Forum User. HOCD is also known as Gay OCD or Sexual Orientation OCD (SO-OCD). I also did it many times. 1.6k. i do that too..i can’t even fo outside now without noticing females(i’m a girl)and it kinda scares me but my feelings are numb. You are stressing because you overanalyze. 48. Obviously the doctors dont know the real hell and complete torment of OCD, especially HOCD. I'm a male and I do the same thing except with men. Cookies help us deliver our Services. At the end of all this, when there was almost nothing left (a few intrusive thoughts, nothing more), I started to focus on the eyebrows and notice defects on the faces of girls I found attractive. For women, this can be feeling sexually aroused. It causes relentless questioning of one’s sexual orientation via the intrusive thoughts that are characteristic of OCD. Question. HOCD is an illness, and who but a gay HOCD sufferer would fear being straight, the thing society prizes? Even bad ppl. ... help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is a psychological condition that hijacks the brain, forcing us to think unwanted, 'obsessive' thoughts and perform behaviors to reduce anxiety associated with these thoughts called 'compulsions.' Join date: Apr 2015. Hey guys! If you have HOCD, doubt about your sexuality reflects an OCD-related “false alarm” that has nothing to do with your actual sexual orientation. hide. by Yatakim » Wed Jan 04, 2017 8:47 am . HOCD (Homosexual OCD) is ostensibly a variant of OCD in which the sufferer obsesses about being gay. False attraction? Yep, me exactly. I started thinking what else is out of my control, and I realized the food I enjoy and don’t enjoy is one of them. Every thought, feeling, and physical sensation you experience that has even the slightest connection (or seeming connection) to sexuality or attraction is scrutinized through your HOCD “filter”. and i felt anxiety. 123Peanut Consumer 0 Posts: 6 Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2016 3:49 am Local time: Fri Feb 05, 2021 8:14 am Blog: View Blog (0) Created Mar 18, 2013. Generally, these sensations give false signals that the person perceives as being important and because they are physical sensations, the person generally assigns tremendous importance and validity to these sensations, because they “feel” them. The obsessive thoughts are unpredictable and provoke extreme anxiety that leads us to believe we'll never have control of our thoughts. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. 15. How do you tell the difference between real groinal responses and false anxiety groinal responses? I can recognize when a guy is good looking but I don’t feel that same attraction I used to. I am just a guy that has been to hell and back with HOCD an this is my story. After the worst phase of hOCD ended I got my attraction and sexual interest back and it is now the same as it used to be before my OCD. This sub is for anyone with OCD who have sexual orientation or gender related obsessions including HOCD, TOCD, and Sexual Orientation OCD. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Okay so basically right now is the worst ever!! 6 posts • Page 1 of 1. by FSBHM » Mon May 06, 2019 12:16 am . What is the difference between hocd false attraction and real attraction. To overcome HOCD, one has to really understand how OCD works. False attraction. HOCD, false attractions anyone? Literally say it out loud. 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