You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. It’s taking His Word and living it out every day. He sees the entire layout and knows just how and when all the pieces need to come together. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. So much truth here! There are many different voices fighting for our attention so we need to train ourselves to hear the voice of God. 3. “The secret counsel of the Lord is for those who fear him, and he reveals his covenant to them.” It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. As an Amazon associate, I receive a percentage of qualifying purchases. Your email address will not be published. Check out my interview with Tammie Codwell diving deeper into these scriptures on discerning the voice of God. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. After this experience, I learned to hear God and discern the voice of God in different cool ways: A still small voice, through dreams, through situations, through the Bible, wisdom, and people. Discerning the Voice of God - Bible Study Book: How to ... One of Priscilla’s bestselling titles, Discerning the Voice of God is now completely revised with updated content and reflection questions. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Learn how your comment data is processed. I wake up early, have some quiet time and worship through music. God’s voice will lead, guide, and still. Discerning The Voice Of God. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. One sure way to know if you’re hearing God’s voice is to line up what you hear against the Word of God. Having a personal relationship with Jesus and being in constant communication with God is a huge part of that mission. Yes His wisdom is what keeps us in His will. The Discerning the Voice of God Online Bible Study started on January 18th, 2018.. Click the links below to catch up on sessions you may have missed and join the discussion: Session 1. They can speak into our lives and keep us accountable. In 1 John 4:1, we are told not to believe every spirit but to test the spirits to see if they are from God. Oct 1, 2020 - Hearing God's voice is pivotal to a Christ led life. As a follower of Christ, the Holy Spirit is always speaking to you. Hi, I love these scriptures because they impart wisdom on hearing Christ’s voice. We are outgrowing current house, but my husband won’t listen, I think I heard God’s voice, not sure, but it said she doesn’t belong here. After reading each passage, use the space in the margin to record how it connects willing obedience with discerning the voice of God. We hear God’s voice, the enemy’s voice, our voice, and other people’s voices. While this can be used as an individual study, there is also a DVD and study guide that can be used in a Bible study setting, which is how I went through the book. His character, language, and tone of voice. Lori. It often brings tears and conviction. 1. We bring ourselves into a deeper relationship with God when we pray. It’s not the fact that God hasn’t spoken to you, it’s because you want a different answer. Good advice ! We all want to know how to hear God’s voice when making a decision. “Hearing God’s voice gets at the heart of what it means to be human,” writes David Mathis. If you don’t, you won’t know the Truth. He knows everything I need and He reveals it to me in His Word. Arabah Joy is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Here are the 40 most uplifting Bible scriptures on hearing God’s voice. The Bible is filled with examples of Him speaking and He still speaks to people today. 4. Click to accept or reject our cookie and Privacy Policy. Privacy Policy | Disclosures | Contact | About Me, This post contains affiliate links. I had read another book by this author late in 2017 and really enjoyed it, so I was excited to read something else from Priscilla Shirer . 2. If we don’t tune into the Word of God we will struggle to hear the Voice of God! Rent any one or more of these segments at times you can't be at the group sessions. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. What are some scriptures that help you discern the voice of God more clearly? We are so blessed to be in contact with God. The world is cluttered with so many distractions and mis-directions that we cannot hear from Him. Discerning The Voice Of God. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. Session 2. I think the answer is that there will be peace as well even if I am afraid to take the step of obedience. You can be sure they are not hearing from God. 7 Days. 2. James 1:5 tells us that if we lack wisdom, we should ask God. This is such an important point and one that should be practiced daily. When you step out in faith and take action, this is pleasing to Him… even if you don’t get everything “perfect.” ie.e, It’s okay if things are messy. I have been praying for a long time for God to guide me in the right direction, whether stay at current location or not. Designed to be used in conjunction with the 7-session DVD study, this newly revised and updated edition of Priscilla Shirer's Discerning the Voice of God Study Guide provides four days of study and insight followed by a fifth day of listening to what the Holy Spirit has been teaching you throughout the week.At the start of each week's study is a 'Viewer Guide' for taking notes during the weekly group meeting or … Thank you for the feedback I need it and more, I go all over the Bible, where should I start, I want to study the Bible. Renewal is an extremely intentional act. This is what pleases Him (see Heb 11) If you wait until everything makes sense or until you “feel” a certain way before acting, you’ll likely be waiting a long time! This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Prayerfully consider the following verses. If you don’t hear God, follow Him and you will find your way to His voice. Pretty scary and hard sometimes! But unless we regularly acknowledge God and His desires, our lives will count for little. To discern the voice of God, you must take active steps to renew your mind. How do we know when God the Father is speaking to us through His Holy Spirit? His will for our lives is written in the Bible. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. This Bible study book is designed to be paired with teaching videos from Priscilla Shirer. The enemy will push and rush. Hope you understand what I am asking, I search my bible by a specific word, is that what you do? Learn how surrender unlocks His many blessings intended for us, centers us in His will, and helps us discern His voice in everyday life. So far, the Lord has not brought an individual mentor into my life. In order to not do the same, we obviously need to know His word. Hi Bekah, this is a great question. It sometimes takes some time to learn to distinguish God’s voice, but over time you’ll become more accustomed to what His “voice” sounds like. He’s always speaking no matter what! Click the image below or here to watch! 4. Allow the Lord to work this into your life. Many people want to hear God’s voice when they are in a trial or in the midst of a big decision. When it comes to discerning God’s voice, if I think I hear from him but I am afraid because maybe what he asked me to do is scary or hard, how do I know that it really is him? It speaks to you in every situation you are facing. Grab Your FREE Bible Study Printable Sheets HERE! View our disclosure policy. God bless! Bible and the study book Discerning The Voice of God. Sometimes one will say, “God told me it’s okay to do this,” when the teaching of Scripture is contrary to what God is supposedly saying. Studying the Bible When Jesus came to earth He spoke many words. How to discern God’s voice The definition of discernment is “the ability to judge well”. We should always look to the Bible when we are seeking to hear from God. Thank you so much for sharing the Word Thanks for sharing on the #LMMLinkup this past week. It’s always a good idea to get counsel from someone who is trusted and biblically grounded. I make sure that the worship music I listen to is scripturally sound. 2:5). To discern the voice of God, you must take active steps to renew your mind. I can take in so much garbage in a day and forget the importance in having a renewing mind that focuses on God’s perspective and not that of the world. God does not yell or scream at you for attention. 6 Scriptures to help you Hear and Discern the Voice of God about Your Life. We don’t need anyone except for Jesus because He is the mediator between God and man (1 Tim. Let's review the materials from Priscilla Shirer's Discerning the Voice of God Bible Study! After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. These are a few ways you can discern the voice of God. He is the Word of God; so the Bible is filled with His voice. Eliminate any internal mind clutter and external noise so that you can discern the voice of God. Often we want to turn God’s “no” into a “yes”. The enemy’s voice will bring chaos and compromise. In addition to that, there are many more bible verses that confirm His identity. Make it your daily practice to renew, replenish and refine your mind with the Word of God. This website is an accumulation of material for the purpose of helping people figure out how to hear God speak. The post title references the book, “Discerning the Voice of God,” by Priscilla Shirer which is a 6 week devotional designed to help you recognize when God speaks to you. Join Priscilla Shirer for this 7-day reading plan in Discerning the Voice of God as she explores the root to clear and daily communication with God—humble obedience. After I heard God’s voice booming loudly and audibly, I never heard it the same again. Hearing the Voice of God Scriptures. Discerning The Voice Of God. We are to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ (2 Corin 10:5). First off, it’s important to understand that God frequently asks us to do things that are scary and/or hard! Having a group of people (or even one or two mentors) to run things by is really important. God has already spoken. Through this study you will become more familiar with God’s Holy Spirit. That’s a lot to hear so we need to filter out what we want to hear every day. Example, if you have an issue with someone and you need to take a stand not only for yourself but for others, how do I show that person the wrong they are doing? Join Priscilla Shirer for this 7-day reading plan in Discerning the Voice of God as she explores the root to clear and daily communication with God—humble obedience. We are all stay at home moms that homeschool our kids. I have to be intentional about doing this before the kids get up so I can pour my heart out to Him. The most important thing is to know His Truth. Because He created us and redeemed us, God doubly owns us. Getting to know the Scriptures by daily reading helps us discern God's voice from other voices, to distinguish the acts of the flesh from the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:19-23), by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2). Here’s how this will work: The definition of discernment is “the ability to judge well”. Discover the Daily prayer is another way to hear God’s voice. A group of advisers may discern that the person seeking to hear God’s voice concerning a particular plan is in reality seeking approval of his own personal agenda. Discerning the Voice of God provides participants with practical help in knowing what you hear is from God. Session 1: Anticipating the Voice of God. Priscilla draws insight from the Scripture and provides practical steps for how to know the voice of God. We need to know His Word so we can recognize His voice. I’ve been so blessed to be part of a woman’s Bible study group for the past 8 years. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Apryl has been married for 17 years and is a mother to 3 children. With Biblical study resources and Scripture on how to listen to God, you will quickly learn tips on how to hear God's voice. A decade ago, Priscilla Shirer authored Discerning the Voice of God, and since then God has continued to grow, teach, and challenge her in her walk with Him.This revised and expanded edition reflects that growth through new stories, illustrations, exercises, and teaching videos. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. This revised and expanded edition reflects that growth through new stories, illustrations, and exercises. IT is all about being intentional isn’t it? You need the Truth from the Bible to be fed. At the brink of death you reflect upon the years of wasted time and wonder how you allowed yourself to minimize the things you knew were important by becoming a slave of routine. That is ideal because He tells us in Isaiah 55:9 that His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. How’s your Bible Study Routine? (see John 10). There’s so much to learn about who He is. I was reading my Bible this morning and talking to my Lord I have a doctor’s appointment this morning and ask the Lord to speak to me about today and he said stand still and wait for the Salvation of the Lord,isn’t he WONDERFUL. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. Thanks for stopping by Lori! • Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer, led by Joyce Shobert & Suzanne Jerrell, Women’s Ministries – – Having a hard time knowing what God is saying versus what others are saying? This revised and expanded edition reflects that growth through new stories, illustrations, and exercises. Not a devotion or a book. God’s Voice Reveals His Plan (Week 5) As we complete the fifth week of Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer, I felt like we could look at our life like a box containing all the pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle, and only God can see the picture on the lid. I'm married to Jackson and am the bio and adoptive mom to four littles. God still speaks and you can hear His voice. Most people pray only when they have difficult circumstances. Why would we be any different? Bible Study Methods: 7 Ways in 7 Days Course. A lot of people claim they hear God’s voice but in the end, they find that their own thoughts and emotions have led them in the wrong direction. We are to test everything that sets itself up against God’s Truth (2 Corin. Hi there, I have a question. This blog occasionally uses affiliate links. He spoke the world into existence and that includes us. Session 5. The prophet had sought God in the great and mighty catastrophic acts which God performed. I received Jesus into my life 10 years ago and I’m still learning. Many people have heard God’s voice audibly but that’s not the only way He speaks to us. God will never tell you to do, think or say anything contrary to His Word. Abraham, Moses, and Noah are just a few of the people that heard the voice of God. Blessings! Your time in the Bible should be a priority at all a times but especially when you need to discern the voice of God. 3. If you are like me, at some point you’ve wondered what God’s voice is like and if you’re really hearing from God or your own thoughts! Have you ever wondered how to discern God’s voice from your own? 2. The fact that you want to hear from God is an urging of the Holy Spirit. Through Other People Check out my interview with Tammie Codwell diving deeper into these scriptures on discerning the voice of God. John 10:27 “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” John 8:47 “Whoever is of God hears the words of God. It’s inviting Him into your life so you can have a personal relationship. This Bible study book is designed to be paired with teaching videos from Priscilla Shirer. He prayed. One thing I struggled with as a new believer was the fact that Jesus is God in human form. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. You can learn to recognize His voice. We need to let His Word work through us so we can be more like Him. Being intentional, deliberate and fervent about hearing from God means you must seek Him out in the same manner. Look at the kinds of things He told people in Scripture to do. Amen, Neca! A decade ago, Priscilla Shirer authored Discerning the Voice of God, and since then God has continued to grow, teach, and challenge her in her walk with Him. Trusting people can be hard. Here are four things that will help you discern the voice of God. Studying His Word is not a chore or another checkmark off the list. Yet Elijah ultimately heard God speaking to him in a quiet gentle voice (1 Kings 19:11-18). The Spirit testifies to who God is, who Christ is, and what God’s Word says (John 15:26.) God speaks in many different ways so we need to learn how to discern God’s voice. I love the experience of digging into my Bible knowing that God is speaking directly to me. Finding a trustworthy mentor in your life can take time. This board is filled with tips on discerning the voice of God. When she’s not homeschooling her children, she is blogging about her love for Jesus and being a good steward of money. Purchase the Discerning the Voice of God Leader Kit for small groups, or follow the directions for purchasing the personal use videos inside of the Bible study book. 33 Top Christian Encouragement Posts You Need Right Now - SunSparkleShine, 6 Scriptures to Help you Discern and Hear the Voice of God, 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting for Career Change. It must line up with scripture so I can worship God through His Word. The Bible tells us that God spoke directly to them. Although discerning the voice of God can be a challenge sometimes, discerning is a big part of Christianity. There are a lot of misleading songs that lead us away from Christ into our flesh. These cookies do not store any personal information. We need quiet time with our Father. Imagine the tragedy of waking up at the end of a self-centered and meaningless life. Studying God’s Word is the most common way God speaks to us today. In 1 John 4:1, we are told not to believe every spirit but to test the spirits to see if they are from God. Discern Through Studying the Bible But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. All Rights Reserved. A decade ago, Priscilla Shirer authored Discerning the Voice of God, and since then God has continued to grow, teach, and challenge her in her walk with Him.This revised and expanded edition reflects that growth through new stories, illustrations, and exercises. Copyright ©2021, Arabah. Hi, I was wondering how do you find in the Bible the verse that it answering a question or looking for God’s guidance? Let me give you a brief overview of what you may hear from each voice: Now that we have a good understanding of what each voice is, we are going to focus on hearing God’s voice. Discerning the Voice of God - Bible Study Book Revised - How to Recognize When God Speak by Priscilla Shirer Paperback $16.99 In Stock. If you want to hear from God, get in His Word! Join the 40 Day Praying the Promises Challenge Here! Our family currently lives on the 26th floor of a hi-rise in Asia. 6. The enemy will make us obsess and worry. This new revised version of the book, Discerning the Voice of God: How to Recognize When God Speaks, by Priscilla Shirer, was a very timely Bible study for me. God’s voice will calm us. It’s been a blessing to me because I can hear God’s voice through the situations they share. So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. I love this website may God bless you all. If you are looking to be part of an iron-sharpening-iron online community, I highly recommend Sojo Academy! Jesus said the Spirit proceeds from the God the Father. In order to discern God’s voice, you must be seeking Him. If you have a thought and you don’t know if it’s God or not—you can look it up in the Bible and settle it right away. Session 3. Discerning the Voice of God - Video Rent Sessions by Priscilla Shirer are 7 individual, rent sessions. 10:5). I also think we can ask God for confirmation, like with the story of Gideon or Samuel. 5. My friend Apryl is here today to share why it is important and how to know if you’re hearing God’s voice. 1. Knowing Christ and making Him known is my mission in life. Knowing the voice of God requires allowing Him to speak to your spirit in a gentle way as He did with Elijah. It is so important to spend time in God’s Word. When Jesus was walking on earth, He prayed. God puts biblically sound people in our lives that can help mentor us. 7 Days. Hi Mary! Ships from and sold by This is critical! We each have a different role in the body. God’s voice always agrees with scripture. Now that we know the concept behind discerning the voice of God, let’s take a look at some additional Bible Verses about discerning the voice of God to help guide us in a path of better understanding. The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. Here are a few tips: 1. Mar 6, 2018 | Spending Time with God | 15 comments. Discerning the voice of God requires the Word of God. In order to discern God’s voice, you must be seeking Him. God wants us to act in faith. You do have to be discerning of the worship music you are listening to. Discerning God’s voice through worship has been huge for me in this season of my life. 1. Absolutely Tona! The world is cluttered with so many distractions and misdirections that we cannot hear from Him. 1. Yes, and AMEN! 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