Multiflash stroboscopic illumination thus allows visualization on each frame of well-defined successive positions of a same moving spermatozoon at time intervals ranging in milliseconds. (2015). 2. Nevertheless, the recent analysis conducted by Liao et al. Spermatozoa velocity and longevity are generally supposed to be important traits for the outcome of the fertilization process (especially for external fertilizers; e.g. A common feature of all externally fertilizing freshwater fish is that they expel their gametes into the aqueous environment. Recent studies on genes and protein expression of fish sperm cells show that both are controlled by various factors of the external milieu such as salinity or timing during the reproductive season [122, 123]. By continuing to browse this site, you agree to its use of cookies as described in our, I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of Use, Sperm motility in fishes. The differences in the fluid composition among species could differently affect the characteristics of sperm motility, for example, cause a chemokinetic effect. This is the only site where egg–spermatozoon contact is possible because the chorion is normally impermeable to sperm cells. In the case of turbot‐sized eggs (more precisely, all the eggs with radii smaller than 1.8 mm), the ‘guidance cue’ will not be strong enough to retain the sperm cell (Ishimoto et al. A full evaluation of the storage of energy in fish sperm cells needs the determination not only of the internal content of ATP but also that of other energetic compounds that are able to exchange high-energy phosphate bonds able to be transferred to ADP and allow to reconstitute the intracellular ATP store. 2015). Finally, we present some findings on post‐copulative female control over fertilization, the so‐called cryptic female choice, which may confirm the data on the specific encounters of gametes, and make the conclusion summing up the egg–sperm interactions framework. (2017) in a fertilization trial performed with O. tshawytscha; it was found that the observed effects were strongly associated with female–male relatedness. The precise dependence between protein phosphorylation and microtubule sliding and movement initiation is still under investigation. In wider sense, this control may be even termed ‘gamete‐mediated mate control’ because it requires ‘a complex chemical dialogue between the gametes from both sexes’ (Kekäläinen & Evans 2018). Many broadcast spawners like salmon or trout reproduce in highly turbulent water, which certainly influences the sperm/egg meeting chances and thus the fertilization success. 2011). Mathematical models attempt to incorporate key biophysical interactions driving the sperm flagella movement. As for Na+ channels, Tanimoto and Morisawa [54] supposed that Na+ channels do not play an important role in sperm motility in rainbow trout, although they did not exclude its possible involvement in sperm motility control, for example, through Na+-H+ exchange. Moreover, fish spermatozoa can be classified into two forms, aqua sperm and intro-sperm, according the external or internal mode of fertilization, respectively [2]. 1997). 1974; Billard & Cosson 1988). (1993) concluded that some other factors, presumably of a chemical nature, are involved in the spermatozoa guidance; nevertheless, the role of the peri‐micropylar depression was not excluded. The micropyle is key to permit a non‐acrosomal sperm to enter the egg without requiring an acrosomal reaction (Jamieson 1991). In case of sturgeon species, it was shown that spermatozoa are not able to become activated at simple contact with external water [30]; sperm cells need a transient contact with urine, the latter getting mixed with milt prior to ejaculation [31] which is enough to render spermatozoa fully motile. Resistive force theory based on the hydrodynamic forces experienced by motile spermatozoa as a sum of local contribution of small ‘rod‐like’ sections along the flagellum. These suppositions led to a suggestion that males will prefer to invest less in each spermatozoon along with the increase in their number (‘tiny’ sperm); nevertheless, this was not confirmed in comparative studies, where sperm size was found to be highly labile across the taxa (Pitnick et al. 2016). However, after reception of the signal, a transduction pathway initiated by these mechanisms must lead the information to the flagellar motility apparatus (axoneme). In particular, the study in the internally fertilizing guppies P. reticulata showed that ovarian fluid may slow down the male gametes when mating with sisters occurs but that the ovarian fluid does not slow down the unrelated male gametes (Gasparini & Pilastro 2011). The external forces arise solely from the external fluid friction for free‐swimming sperm (Brokaw 2002). (2008) showed that motile cells approaching the surface are attracted to the surface due to hydrodynamic forces and reorient and swim in their close vicinity in a parallel direction. I. Derivation of equations of motion and their simulation, Beobachtungen zur Aktivierbarkeit von Forellenspermatozoen mit Fruchtwasser, Bachwasser und destilliertem Wasser, Fertilization dynamics in sockeye salmon and a comparison of sperm from alternative male phenotypes. 2016). This fluid is very high in fructose, which provides energy for the sperm to swim. Freshwater/brackish water/salt water populations. In another group of marine fish species collectively named flatfishes, the main signal perceived by the sperm membrane is the CO2 concentration [34] that is high in the genital tract but very low in sea water. These phenomena could underlie the success of fertilization and the prevention of crossbreeding (Yoshida et al. 2016). 2008); this influence was attributed to the differences in the chemical composition of the ovarian fluid. Video 5 can be viewed at We begin by discussing the spermatozoa flagellum hydrodynamics. Although the mechanism of motility activation in zebrafish spermatozoa is quite different from that of sea urchin sperm (osmolarity‐ versus pH‐dependence respectively), the principal CNGK function, which is to provide a hyperpolarization event that triggers a Ca2+ signal, was evolutionarily conserved. We finish this section with another fine example of simple but yet powerful mathematical model used to understand the rheotactic response of mammalian spermatozoa (Bukatin et al. Two other examples of high-speed video records of fish spermatozoa are presented below. The fish can, of course, makes it smell fishy. Composition of the ovarian fluid in 4 salmonid species: Structure and function of the ovarian cavity and oviduct and composition of the ovarian fluid in the bleak, The hydrodynamics of swimming microorganisms, A wave of free cytosolic calcium traverses zebrafish eggs on activation. To date our community has made over 100 million downloads. (2005) stated that the motion of flagellated cells near the surfaces could be described by relatively simple hydrodynamic models; their mathematical simulations revealed that at low concentrations, the flagellated cells, for example, the spermatozoa, tend to move towards the confining walls. Spermatozoa often show a spherical nucleus with homogenous, highly condensed chromatin, a nuclear fossa, a midpiece of variable size with or without a cytoplasmic channel, and one or two long flagella [2]. [1]. All these results clearly point out to the fact that ATP level can be rescued by the CrP generated by the mitochondrial metabolism. This modelling framework is now used as a testbed of hypotheses for different external fluid flow conditions. Try this for 15 days and then write back to us. In this species, the water efflux via aquaporins would determine a reduction in the cell volume, which would raise the intracellular concentration of ions. The half wave amplitude is represented as “A” and the bend angle of each wave as “a”. 2017). In salmonids, the eggs lose their fertility after 1 min of contact with water (Billard 1983), whereas in the ovarian fluid, they remain fertile for more than 10 min (Lahnsteiner 2002). (1992, 2013, 2017). This process was particularly shown in zebrafish; if no spermatozoa enter the egg during the 30‐s period post‐activation, later fertilization will not be possible (Lee et al. 29 s in Salvelinus namaycush) to several minutes in acipenserids (373 s in A. dabryanus). The wavelength is defined as the distance “L” between two inflection points. We briefly describe each of these interactions and provide a few examples of how the theoretical modelling was exploited together with experiments to study sperm guidance in other model organisms. In addition, a higher viscosity could contribute to partly slowing down the diffusion process, thus holding the ion concentration in the vicinity of the egg surface (Elofsson et al. Characterization and partial purification of sperm‐activating substance from eggs of the herring, Roles of pH and cyclic adenosine monophosphate in the acquisition of potential for sperm motility during migration from the sea to the river in chum salmon, Requirement of Ca2 + on activation of sperm motility in euryhaline tilapia. All these findings emphasize several limits of the application of these CASA systems when used to predict quality of sperm regarding the fertilization rate. The very first stage of natural selection takes place even before the gametes meet. Nevertheless, the exact way that the representatives of various species do this differs depending on their reproduction strategies. This circumstance makes the need for a specific promotion of cell encounters even more apparent. Gray and Hancock showed that the portion of the undulating tail movement that contributes to the progressive sperm swimming is the portion that moves perpendicularly to the swimming direction (see Fig. Despite the evidence for ovarian fluid–sperm interactions, Evans et al. Activity of membrane channel cascade involves the synthesis of cyclic monophosphates, which act as mediators and affect function of dyneins. Video 3 can be viewed at Maturation is the step following the end of spermatogenesis and that provides to the spermatozoon its ability to respond to motility-activating factors [27]. Under the action of an external fluid flow, the swimming direction tends to slowly align against (or in favour of) the flow direction via an effective hydrodynamic torque potential acting on the sperm head. The sperm move into the vas deferens, and are eventually expelled through the urethra and out of the urethral orifice through muscular contractions. 2018). Evaluation of fish sperm swimming performances needs at first good quality video records so as to measure the distance covered by each sperm head for a time period corresponding, for example, to the time separating two successive video frames, such as 20 ms for the European video standard (Figure 3). 1993) or by a specific structure covering the animal pole of the egg of the jellyfish H. hippopus (Cosson et al. The involvement of K+ and Ca2+ transport through ion channels at the plasma membrane of spermatozoa in the triggering of the motility initiation has also been shown for rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) spermatozoa [54]. Nevertheless, in the presence of aquaporins in the head and flagella plasma membrane of the seawater fish, gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) spermatozoa and their involvement in cAMP-mediated phosphorylation of axonemal proteins were established [45, 46]. Cyclic changes in the ovary of the rainbow trout, Fluid flow and sperm guidance: a simulation study of hydrodynamic sperm rheotaxis, A simulation study of sperm motility hydrodynamics near fish eggs and spheres, Coarse‐graining the fluid flow around a human sperm, Human sperm swimming in a high viscosity mucus analogue, Fertilization in Protozoa and Metazoan Animals, Movement of spermatozoa and changes in micropyles during fertilization in medaka eggs, Evolution of gamete attraction molecules: evidence for purifying selection in speract and its receptor, in the pantropical sea urchin Diadema, Fish Evolution and Systematics: Evidence from Spermatozoa, Biochemical composition of the ovarian fluid and its effects on the fertilization capacity of turbot, Sperm navigation along helical paths in 3D chemoattractant landscapes, An improved slender‐body theory for Stokes flow, Flagellar hydrodynamics. Our team is growing all the time, so we’re always on the lookout for smart people who want to help us reshape the world of scientific publishing. Such low but substantial respiration is enough for basal metabolism to maintain ionic exchanges and balances across the plasma membrane [8, 76, 79]. Fish Sperm Physiology: Structure, Factors Regulating Motility, and Motility Evaluation, Biological Research in Aquatic Science, Yusuf Bozkurt, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.85139. Therefore, most of the physiological activity of fish spermatozoa is motility oriented. When they are not breeding, adult male sperm whales live on their own. In case of carp spermatozoa, the cell volume increases several times as a result of the influx of water . Such features were observed in microorganisms, such as bacteria and amoebae, and in mammalian immune cells, such as leucocytes (Kretschmer & Collado 1980). In a cyprinid representative, bleak A. alburnus, proteins are also a main component of the ovarian fluid, and their concentration equals 1.58 mg mL−1 (Lahnsteiner et al. ) acting on the use of CASA systems when used to predict of... By cyclic AMP-dependent protein phosphorylation and remains in a fish aquarium will feed on algae in... Encounters may also be predicted and/or explained by mathematical and chemical signals are not breeding adult. Similar hydrodynamic modelling framework is now used as a part of this step‐by‐step procedure is described Gaffney! Or by a transmembrane Ca2+ influx ( Cosson 2004 ) very low active concentration range that measure the beat... Mitochondrial inhibitors have little effect on sperm swimming performance in many fish species, and the model! Marine teleost species, whereas the former authors suggest that the motility starts with fully developed waves along axoneme! Thankful to the fact that ATP level can be rescued by the sperm sacs or testes contain! 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