I had just started. well, get like 5 critical jewel but only have 1 attack jewel that was given by login.. Hey the Coalescence "Phoenix Jewel 3" is actually require level 3 slot. Hex's Adjusted Decoration Drop Rateについて. Bow Charge Plus is a Skill in Monster Hunter World (MHW).This skill is activated by Set Bonus: Legiana Favor and Legiana Ambition. M onster Hunter always had various hidden mechanics regarding how attack is determined, the percentage of drops and much more. Obviously I know nothing even at this point, I tell him what I get, he loses his shit. Decorations in Monster Hunter World (MHW) can be placed into Weapons and Armor to gain or enhance Skills. Is it possible to get another expert jewel 4 or do you only get the one they gave you for free? The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Regardless of whether this is the true final list or not, its a lot of decos. These can be obtained in a number of ways, including clearing main story quests and crafting them in the elder melder’s pot. Monster Hunter World players looking to acquire decorations (jewels) in the rarity 7 and 8 ranks might want to focus on different investigations for better drop … Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a. I personally trust the … I suppose this helps explain why I've only ever gotten one Handicraft Jewel in over 500 hours of playtime. This mod adjust the decoration drop rate of MHWorld to make the hard to get ones by default drop more and the trash ones drop less. Could you please update the list. My amateur translation of the tables there The site is the original source of all level 4 decorations. Visit her for Warped Streamstoned, but this requires high commendations and research point. Im begging someone please update this list, no drop listings for MR decos is driving me insane. For example, if I am looking for the Marathon gem, I see from the bottom table that it is in category S. According to Monster Hunter Japanese Official, there is a jewel drop rate issue with First Wyverian Ritual.They are planning to fix the issue in the coming update. Found a Hard Defense Jewel 4 that ups defense by 3. Recently Capcom has published miniature guide books explaining these various hidden mechanics that affect players. actually, i got a heat guard jewel. Why do people still strive for max attack if the bonus is just 20+ damage on 1700 damage weapons?I could understand +4 (5% affinity bonus) but why waste a +4 deco slot for this? Mhw iceborne elder melder in monster hunter iceborne all possible level 4 monster weakness hunter world. I got Frost Jewel 4 yet on the table it doesn't say which stone gives you it. I can send you screenshot for proof. The new level 4 decorations in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (MHW:IB) are broken up into four rarities: Rarity 9 (R9), Rarity 10 (R10), Rarity 11 (R11) and Rarity 12 (R12). When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. , Level 2 , Level 3 , and Level 4 . ), Intimidator Jewel 4+2 Intimidator (skill max 3), Mirewalker Jewel 4+2 Aquatic Expert (skill max 3), (obtainable once; complete Jyura In My Way), Warming Jewel 2+1 Coldproof (skill max 1), (only obtainable once, given by the commander during the Iceborne story), (only meldable at the Elder Melder after unlocking Guiding Lands). The Dragonseal Jewel 3 is actually a rarity 7...rarity 9 does not exist in base game, and I have image evidence here. Copyright © 2021 Robin Scott. The game released on consoles back in September, 2019, and … First decoration I go from Mud Skippy dude, mysterious fey stone, turned into Tenderizer 2. There is no official drop rate percentage for decorations, but more often than not you are granted a decoration at the end of an investigation. ... (MHW ver 3.0 onwards), the drop rates changed as T1 can now also drop warped feystones, T2 can now drop hero streamstones and T3 will drop streamstones more often. All rights reserved. Below are the official drop percentages for gems and other rare materials that have been frustrating players in addition to damage thresholds that will benefit all hunters. EVERY LVL 4 DECORATION! Feystones follow a similar pattern in that there are Ancient Feystones (R9), Carved Feystones (R10) and Sealed Feystones (R11). Moreover, the rarest 7's have almost as low a chance to drop as the rarest 8's. so ill see if i can get it added to the list, here's a deco spreadsheet I made that tracks all 401 decos aswell as drop rate for each one, make a copy to be able to edit it, also let me know of I missed any. This table is sorted alphabetically, click the header to sort by column. Consider using "adjusted decoration drop rate" mod ... European and NA players defend this scarce drop rate w/o even consideration how it's the first game of the series launched in the West and how the authors didn't adjust anything specifically for the new auditory and its mentality. When found in quests, Capcom has released the following official information about drop rates: Each decoration will fall under a tier consisting of: C , B , A , S with C being the most common and S being the most rare. The actual decoration drops rates monster hunter world you mhw feystone drop chances fandom mhw pc hex s adjusted decoration drop rate pcgame的関係 better decoration drops iceborne edition at monster hunter world. + The good ones. on ps4 confirm please. Some say you need to complete the optional quests tied to a certain monster before you can get its mantle, but we have no way of checking that within a reasonable time frame. Decorations can only be obtained by completing high rank quests or by using the melding pot. After spending 1k+ hours on the console version just to have 7 attack boost decos, and manage to find the drop rate table in the PC version, I decided to release this mod to make farming for decos, more fair. Gaijin Hunter provided a video for the decoration tables on the drop rates and categories of decorations/jewels from tempered monsters. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account, A complete redesign of decoration drop rates. MHW Decorations Drop Rate Table — Feystone Appraisal Antidote Jewel 4+2 Poison Resistance (skill max 3), (only obtainable once; complete A Queen At Heart), Antipara Jewel 1+1 Paralysis Resistance (skill max 3), (only obtainable once; complete Bugger Off Bugs! Nameless King. Slot level, for example, doesn't sort up or down properly. Aside from being granted by armor, skills are acquired by slotting your equipment with decorations. In other words, Melding and Feystone Appraisal are the only 2 ways to get Decorations. ), Ice Res Jewel 4+2 Ice Resistance (skill max 3), (only obtainable once; complete The Great Jagras Returns! Completing investigation unlocks decoration and in MHW Iceborn you will find more of these. Lucky bastard, even if you're using the decoration drop rate mod. I've made a decorations checklist on Google spreadsheets for all 401 decos, it will tell you how many of each needed to max every skill aswell as the % chance of a deco to drop from each Feystone, make a copy to be able to edit it yourself, also let me know if there's any I've missed. Requires stracker nativePC loader found here. This is a video of the type of decorations to expect from the event quest "The name is Lavasioth". Critical Jewel+ 4 does not exist (at least on PC) and I feel bad for whoever has spent hours looking for it. I had neglected to consider that the MHW Kiranico actually has a lot of misinformation on it elsewhere, so the decoration table couldn't be trusted. #2. //