Neston High School is an 11-18 rural comprehensive school of over 1700 students. We will ensure all students develop an appreciation and knowledge of the language of history and write with increasing sophistication. By continuing to use this site, we will assume that you accept this policy. This continual assessment of progress is used when students are set the following year. They will also learn how to develop recipes and the functional factors of food ingredients. Extend school learning; 4. We also have cross-curricular units of work which tie in with topics from Math’s, Science and History, as well as giving students a potential pathway in to dance at Key Stage 4. Learn 2 Learn ; October 2007; 2 Parallel Developments. I hope you find our website informative. Events See All Events . In order to achieve mastery, the four strands of mastery run like a thread throughout all mathmatical learning at Bridgewater … Are humans equal? Topic areas include self, family, where you live and school. Parents/carers are strongly advised to engage with our school app for immediacy of messages (although any messages sent via the app will be emailed to parents who do not utilise the app). Students are challenged to extend their thinking and questioning of important issues within the study of religion. This will help students to develop their moral, cultural, social and political understanding. Pupils will gain knowledge and understanding of historical and contemporary artist, crafts people and designers and use their understanding to create individual and creative artwork. The History department’s INTENT statement: Pupils are placed in ability groups ensuring the most able work together and are pushed and challenged accordingly. Given ‘jobs’ when devising – such as ‘Director’ to get the scene started. Students develop their use of vocabulary through class discussions and listening and appraising exercises. For the History department’s Knowledge Organisers click here. Some students, such as Music Ambassadors, are also encouraged to bring their grade material with them to their lesson, if this is relevant to the topic that they are studying. It was a delight to take sixth form and year 9 pupils into schools to deliver Drama and Languages workshops. Topic areas include talking about past visits, personal tastes and festivals in the target language country. Bridgewater, New Jersey 08807. Students also learn to improve their performance technique and approach to generating initial ideas for composition. – This enquiry covers issues such as human rights, social justice, prejudice and discrimination enabling students to examine some of the big issues within our society. Bridgewater High School Vitual Learning Environment. BRIDGEWATER-EMERY MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL PO Box 265 130 N. 6th Street Emery, SD 57332 Phone: 605-449-4271 Fax: 605-449-4270 Students will continue to develop their programming skills and creative talents through a variety of projects designed to help them decide which route they wish to follow at KS;, including studying the development of game design and the more advanced elements of programming in Python. Over the three years we ensure pupils learn the formal elements (line, tone, texture, pattern and form) while producing 2D artwork, 3D sculptures and textile outcomes. For this reason, you should start by looking at a pupil’s effort grades. – Year 8 starts with students examining the nature of God in three religions; Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. They will also understand how CAD/CAM can be used to design and manufacture items. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Students also cover the basics of HTML and software & hardware design. Purchase your 2020-2021 Yearbook and Ad! Finally students will have freedom to research a historical topic of their own choosing. Registered Company No.9286883. Encourage your child to watch a History documentary or Historical film occasionally to help develop your wider knowledge and understanding of History. Pupils who select GCSE PE as an option in Year 9, start the course after Easter to prepare them for the September. Physical Education at Bridgewater High School develops pupils’ competence and confidence, enabling them to take part in a range of physical activities that become a central part of their lives, both in and out of school. To finish we will see how this ties in with the issues of forgiveness and reconciliation. Parents/carers should be aware that our AWOL process is primarily about measuring gaps in skills, knowledge and understanding based on a statement broadly tailored to your son/daughter’s ability. Bridgewater High School is a coeducational secondary school & sixth form for pupils aged 11 to 18, located over two sites in Appleton, Warrington, Cheshire. For this reason, you should start by looking at a pupil’s effort grades. At Bridgewater Park School we aim to ensure that all children develop a deep understanding of mathematics. For all of the letters from the Prinicpal, go to our Coronavirus page here. We moved into a new, purpose-built building in September 2017. This is very much part of every pupil’s responsibility, as is learning the correct spelling of any corrections. Close reading skills are developed throughout the Year 7 and 8 Programmes of Study, focusing on reading for pleasure but also skills of retrieval, inference and deduction. ... Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School by STB . In RE, students are participants in not simply recipients of learning. Governors. It is the lone secondary school of the Bridgewater-Raritan Regional School District serving students in ninth through twelfth grades from Bridgewater Township and Raritan in Somerset County, New Jersey, United States. At Key Stage Three, whilst we want pupils to make progress and develop important skills, we want them to engage fully with their learning, bringing enthusiasm, effort and energy to their studies. Bridgewater-Raritan High School (commonly abbreviated as BRHS) is a four-year comprehensive public high school. In particular, students will be required to test and evaluate their work regularly to guide their progress. Most performance pieces at Key Stage 3 have a more difficult option and students are encouraged to work towards this. This can also be found under News at the top of this page. Pupils are taught in ability-related sets (3 broad sets in Y7; 4 sets in Y8) which provide varying levels of differentiation, support and independence, appropriate to pupils’ needs. Alan Iachini. Students will then study the Victorians; the actions and significance of Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King; before finally learning about the First World War. All students are provided with high quality worksheets and information and teacher demonstrations showing the correct use of various hand and powered equipment plus, examples of work to be completed. Ways in which our highest ability students are challenged in this subject (KS3): Our highest ability students are encouraged to:-. Our pledge is that all children will achieve their full potential and become life- long learners and take an active role in the local community. – Students start the year by studying ‘Religion is …’ which introduces various elements which religion encompasses such as worship, prayer, symbols, sacred texts and festivals. The overall intent is that History will ultimately allow students to experience success, to develop their confidence and for them to be allowed to develop the ownership and personal drive to want to succeed. Again, as I suggest in the TES article, few teachers have been involved in any discussions as to how the VLE will change teaching and learning. KS3 science is concluded in Y9 with pupils studying the following units: Fitness and Health; Genetics; Chemical reactions; Metals; Energy and electricity and Gravity and Motion. In 1998, whilst working as a French and German teacher at Bridgewater High School I developed a successful Performing Arts and Languages’ transition project between the high school and its feeder schools. Broomfields Rd, Appleton, Warrington, WA4 3AE. Jennifer Hammel, Athletic Director 155 West Center St West Bridgewater, Massachusetts 02379 508-894-1220 Generally students embark on GCSE courses when they enter Y10. Our #wbwildcats... READ MORE > 1 2 3 Jump to Page Find Us . We provide independent education for boys and girls aged 3-18 years in an inspirational setting that is inclusive, stimulating, supportive and totally focused on achieving every student's personal goals. We also provide lots of extra-curricular opportunities. We want all our students to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, develop perspective and judgement as well as write accurate narratives of the past. – RE in Year 9 takes a more philosophical approach and following an introduction to ultimate questions and belief we examine two out of the three enquiries below in more detail: The final part of the summer term in Year 9 is spent ensuring all of our students are prepared for the GCSE in Key Stage 4 by looking at the basics of Christianity and Islam. Students are given the opportunity to deliver a starter activity or part of a lesson on a given topic. Get them to discuss why events might be significant or relevant to their learning. Pupils have the opportunity to work individually and in groups and through choreographic tasks develop their critical thinking and problem solving skills as well as developing their overall bodily skill and fitness level. Inspection report: Bridgewater High School, 23–24 November 2011 3 of 14 Introduction. 5 A consistent differentiated scheme of work on ability across the key stage, 1 Effective deployment of teaching assistants to support those pupils that need it Year 8: All pupils study French with the highest ability set in both the Appleton and Stockton bands also studying German. – This enquiry looks at religious beliefs about life after death as well as developing students own response to this ultimate question through creative tasks and their own research. At the same time we were delighted to accept designation of a second specialism of Science including Mathematics. – This enquiry examines this ultimate question which has puzzled and intrigued human kind since the dawn of time. This work will include both imaginative and non-fiction based writing. Phone: (908) 231-8660 In Chemistry: Chemical reactions; Particles and Acids and Alkalis are covered and in Physics: Forces; Electrical circuits and the Solar System. Please check junk mail if this does not appear to have arrived. Students produce a project on China, investigate volcanoes and earthquakes, gain justified opinions on ecosystems and environmental issues. One is to have a strong group to enable a benchmark, or two, to split up high ability in order to build skills of others through using their leadership skills. All pupils will reflect on their work and the work of other people, making judgements that can be articulated in verbal and written terms with the aid of annotation and evaluation guideline sheets. Mid-point assessments allow students time to gain teacher feedback which in turn allows the students to stretch their ability level for the second half of the units of work. SEF REVIEW UPDATE SECTION 5 Pupils are formally assessed during each term and complete assessed tasks throughout the year. A basic understanding of properties of materials, industrial processes, environmental issues and design concepts will be introduced to prepare them for the new GCSE content. Students have to be able to explain the significance of events or be able to identify turning points in a period of time as opposed to just describing a narrative. Our new Knowledge Organisers have been divided into each subject, year group, term and topic, and can be found here on the VLE (pupils should know the username and password):*. We offer a variety of extension tasks, leadership opportunities and further differentiation methods throughout our lessons to push all learners. For information on how to access your parent Canvas Observer account, please visit 2 Challenging questions and discussion is common Year 9: Year 9 is a preparation for study at GCSE level. Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) EXPERIENCE. Pupils who show a particular strength in a certain sport that we don’t offer extra-curricular provision for, are signposted to local community clubs. Encourage your child to read – it does not have to be anything to do with History – to help their grasp of literacy. The current Principal is Tim Long, with Tracey Hatton, and Keiron Powell as Headteachers. Those pupils in Y7 with the greatest needs, follow our ‘Fresh Start’ phonics programme, which develops literacy skills through explicitly taught lessons as well by addressing misconceptions. Pupils who require support spend longer on objectives until they master them whilst more able pupils are extended through problem solving. This has meant that both school and … Christmas Assistance for Families This inspection was carried out by one of Her Majesty's Inspectors and five additional inspectors. In Y9, pupils begin work on their GCSE English Literature course by studying ‘An Inspector Calls’, ‘Romeo and Juliet’ as well as a selection of poetry from the EDUQAS Anthology. If a pupil is putting in Excellent effort but didn’t quite Master all of the content then this indicates that they were trying their best to, but that the challenge of the project was slightly out of their grasp at that moment. E-Portfolio style schemes of work allow for rapid independent progress at the students own pace. A fresh set of invites for non-users of the app has been sent. 3 The offer of science STEM club Bridgewater High School Broomfields Road Appleton Warrington Cheshire WA4 3AE Dear Mr Marks Ofsted survey inspection programme – ICT ... of the school’s VLE and growing provision of computer white boards to present information in lessons and enhance learning. student engagement with History and focus on different skills – one competition will be focused on photography, one focused on literacy and one focused on multi-media. District Information Show submenu for District Information Within English lessons in Years 7 and 8, pupils are taught to develop their skills in reading, writing and speaking and listening. See All News . Enrichment –students can engage in a variety of activities including History in the media, creative History, exam café and History in a Nutshell. Broomfields Road, Appleton, Warrington, Cheshire, WA4 3AE, Hall Drive, Appleton, Warrington, Cheshire, WA4 5JL, © Bridgewater High School. Students explore a variety of themes during schemes, giving them opportunity to put themselves in the position of others. More Headlines . At Priestnall, we put our students at the centre of everything we do. Discuss your child’s learning with them in school to check they understand what they have been studying. High ability students at KS3 are challenged through differentiated resources. This means that enquiry is at the heart of teaching and learning in order to actively develop curiosity, investigative and questioning skills and an enquiring mind. A variety of activities delivered within the curriculum, A flexible approach to activities allowing staff to deliver activities which meet the needs of all the group, A fully inclusive curriculum with additional sessions of PE and Sport provided (swimming etc), A rich and varied extra-curricular programme, Attendance at Warrington School’s Partnership Inclusion events, A thriving intra-school competition programme allowing opportunities for pupils to take part in competitive events (inter-form football, netball, swimming, etc.). Bridgewater High School is a coeducational secondary school & sixth form for pupils aged 11 to 18, located over two sites in Appleton, Warrington, Cheshire. Year 7: All pupils study French with the highest ability set in both the Appleton and Stockton bands also studying German. BRIDGEWATER-EMERY MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL PO Box 265 130 N. 6th Street Emery, SD 57332 Phone: 605-449-4271 ... Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School by STB . Pupils study Food &Nutrition throughout the whole of key stage 3 at Bridgewater. At Priestnall, we put our students at the centre of everything we do. Higher ability students are challenged by encouraging them to work independently on practical projects, adding higher level, challenging skills to these pieces and also, acting as experts to others in the class by demonstrating techniques and key skills. Design by, Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG). If you would like to know why your son/daughter did not quite Master the content, then this will be evident in your child’s book work for example on a “QMA” sheet. Attendance Awareness. This could be Horrible Histories. They also reflect on their own and others performances and find ways to improve them. Year 8: Starting the year with world sport, students consider this global industry and its impact. Preventing Covid in Schools. Pupils are supported through individual intervention in classes and engagement is encouraged through making sure that pupils feel able to speak the foreign language in class. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The school is a specialist arts college and has Appleton College and the Broomfields Leisure Centre and sports complex on the upper Broomfields Road site. The school is a specialist arts college and has Appleton College and the Broomfields Leisure Centre and sports complex on the upper Broomfields Road site. Pupils are selected by the school to attend regional trials for their sport. Bridgewater, SD 57319 Phone: 605-729-2541 Fax: 605-729-2580. Supervisor of School Counseling. Pupils develop a wide range of skills and the ability to use tactics, strategies and compositional ideas to perform successfully. An after school art club for all abilities. Through its use of homework, Bridgewater seeks to: 1. This will be good background information for all students whether they have opted for the full course GCSE or are completing the short course GCSE in the Core allocation. There is also a food club offering students the opportunity to cook more elaborate recipes and ones that are not covered in the curriculum. Staff & Student Portals If you are a current Bridgwater & Taunton College student you can find links to online resources, including the College Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), College email, Remote Desktop and more. Students then investigate units on weather, globalisation of the fashion industry and urbanisation. Your individual journey starts here. Pupils follow a programme of study that includes different styles of dance, such as: street dance, capoeira, contemporary, lindy hop, musical, theatre and country dance. There will be two sessions, ‘Creative History’ and ‘History in the Media’ on a rotational basis which all students can join in if they wish. Bridgewater Park School is a delightful Primary school nestled in the heart of Castlefields, Runcorn. Citizenship is also taught mainly through Religious Studies and History although this is supplemented by some cross-curricular days. Much is new this Our collective philosophy is to provide an ‘education for life’, ensuring that our students are fully prepared – in terms of knowledge, skills, qualifications and confidence, in mind and body – for whatever their next step may be. KNOWLEDGE ORGANISERS Students will finally study the different culture and lifestyle of the Native American tribes. The emphasis is on extended project work, bringing together a range of skills and tools for a specific business purpose. 600 Garretson Road. In addition in Year 7 we offer Route 67 which is a course aimed to bridge the transition from primary to secondary for some of our students. AWOL Explained Poster (pdf), “What should I expect on an interim – how can I gauge if my child is doing well or not?”. Welcome to Sir Thomas Boteler’s VLE. Students will then assess how far JFK met his promises before deciding which turning point of the modern period was the most significant. SEF REVIEW UPDATE SECTION 3. We also run a STEM trip in year7 where students make links between subject areas and programme robots. Bridgewater High School is a coeducational secondary school, located over two sites in Appleton, Warrington, Cheshire. On occasions access resour… We are an oversubscribed school and many of our students travel from Chester, Wales, and The Wirral to be a part of our thriving community. In 1998, whilst working as a French and German teacher at Bridgewater High School I developed a successful Performing Arts and Languages’ transition project between the high school and its feeder schools. See All Events . By continuing to use this site, we will assume that you accept this policy. We enter pupils for a variety of individual and team competitions to showcase their talents. Broomfields Rd, Appleton, Warrington, WA4 3AE. The lower sets are kept deliberately small in order to provide pupils with maximum opportunities for individual help from the class teacher and available support staff. The lessons are a mix of theory lesson or a practical one where they will make a product and bring it home. They undertake a range of design and make projects where the focus is on improving their practical skills to create high quality outcomes in wood, metal, plastics, fabrics, electronics, paper and card. The skills that are begun in Year 7 continue to be developed with more focus on another tense. Five Ways to Help Your Child – Key Stage 3. Bridgewater Ms » School Information 5600 Tiny Road, Winter Garden, FL 34787 Phone 407-905-3710 | Fax 407-905-3858 | EEO Statement It is not a means of predicting GCSE grades at too early a stage in a child’s education, nor is it a way to rank order pupils’ performance levels within a class. The aim of this syllabus is “to support pupils’ personal search for meaning by engaging enquiry into the question ‘What does it mean to be human?’ – exploring answers offered by religion and belief.”. © Bridgewater High School. For the History department’s Assessment Without Levels (AWOL) statements click here. Consolidate and reinforce the skills and understanding developed by pupils while in school; 3. Bridgewater High School Broomfields Road Appleton Warrington Cheshire WA4 3AE Dear Mr Marks Ofsted survey inspection programme – ICT ... of the school’s VLE and growing provision of computer white boards to present information in lessons and enhance learning. Nova Scotia Homework Hub. I wish you a warm welcome to Tarporley High School and Sixth Form College. Year 8 – Enquiry – Where can we find guidance? At Bridgewater School, we celebrate, support and nurture individuality. At Bridgewater Park we have recently invested in the Charanga Musical School Scheme. Bridgewater High School is a highly successful 11 to 18 (Secondary) mixed comprehensive school in Warrington, Cheshire, UK. History. Pupils are also assessed on their spoken work, which will be produced in groups and individually. Tarporley High is a very well-regarded, high achieving and popular school at the heart of a rural Cheshire community . Vision of the Graduate. At KS3 students develop their knowledge, skills and understanding in 5 main areas: ‘number’, ‘ratio, proportion and rates of change’, ‘algebra’, ‘geometry and measures’ and ‘statistics and probability’. All Key Stage 3 units of work have assessment style activities at their core. While many students will have seen some skills or applications before, the emphasis is on the depth of understanding. Dance at KS3 enables pupils to develop skills, knowledge and understanding of dance through choreography and performance. Teacher selection of groups – works two ways. Consider would everyone think the same way? More able pupils will also focus on the ability to comment on writers’ language choices using appropriate, technical terminology. The aim of the History curriculum is to ensure all students, regardless of prior ability or circumstance enjoy their History lessons and thrive in the History classroom. The current Principal is Tim Long, with Tracey Hatton, and Keiron Powell as Headteachers visit.. Pupils for a specific business purpose s knowledge Organisers students will finally study different... On China, investigate volcanoes and earthquakes, gain justified opinions on ecosystems environmental. Discussion is common year 9: year 9 pupils into schools to deliver a starter or.... READ more > 1 2 3 Jump to page find Us 1700 students they have been studying develop... Of progress is used when students are challenged through differentiated resources knowledge Organisers students will be produced groups... 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