,,,, The Nilgiri langur (Trachypithecus johnii) is a lutung (a type of Old World monkey) found in the Nilgiri Hills of the Western Ghats in South India.Its range also includes Kodagu in Karnataka, Kodayar Hills in Tamil Nadu, and many other hilly areas in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Nilgiri Langur: Biology and Status Taxonomy Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Cercopithecidae Scientific Name: Trachypithecus johnii Species Authority: J.Fischer, 1829 Common Name/s: Manthi (Tamil), Karing korangu (Malyalam), Turuni Kodan, Pershk (Toda), Kurri Korunga Shankar Raman/Creative Commons. They are most vocal when expressing dominance or subservience within their social groups, or when establishing territorial boundaries with neighboring groups. Semnopithecus vetulus (Erxleben, 1777) – Purple-faced Langur, purple-faced leaf monkey. It is a vulnerable species by the International Union for conservation of Nature. Mostly these interactions are contained to physical and verbal altercations, but can sometimes escalate to one dominant male usurping another dominant male, taking over his group, and killing his offspring. . Nilgiri Langur. . It has a glossy, dark brown coat and long, thick golden to brown fur on the head. Some even argue the species warrants its own genus. The figure on the board is Nilgiri Langur. Its range also includes Kodagu in Karnataka, Kodayar Hills in Tamil Nadu, and many other hilly areas in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. However, it is not a legal authority for statutory or regulatory purposes. Sometimes there is only one male, other times there are many—but there are always a high number of females. Niligri langur geographic range. They are also protected under the Indian Wildlife Protection Act, and have been since 1972. Beyond sounds, they use gestures and facial expressions. The Nilgiri tahr, Nilgiri langur, slender loris, blackbuck, tiger, gaur, Indian elephant and marten are some of the animals found here. Your Name. ID: 32319. They only occur in the Western Ghats of southwestern India, next to the Mudahalli Elephant Corridor. Babies are born one at a time. The gestation period for this species is between 140 and 220 days, similar to the Hanuman langur, and most babies are born in the months of May and November. They are social and typically live in troops of nine to ten monkeys. Nilgiri langurs are arboreal and diurnal creatures. Message in details. Playing can often be an expression of dominance, or a form of aggression. These monkeys are generally large in size but their size can vary by location. A 2013 study reveals that a majority of the seeds they consume are destroyed in the process. Pteropus giganteus ! Gray Langur. While active, they spend approximately half of their time eating and the other half resting. Macaca silenus ! Aside from being used to make crude medicines, their skins are also used to make drums. The name hanuman comes from the monkey-god named hanuman, which was sacred to the Hindu religion; this is also where the name sacred comes from. The Nilgiri langur reaches sexual maturity at between three and five years of age. . It is found in Silent Valley National Park. They do not shy away from other sources of sustenance, though, and are known to eat nuts, fruit, seeds, and flowers. Semnopithecus schistaceus Hodgson, 1840 – Nepal Gray Langur, Nepal Sacred Langur. LIFE SPAN: 29 years. Its range includes Kodagu in Karnataka an aw, Kodayar Hills in Tamil Nadu, an mony ither hilly auries in Kerala an Tamil Nadu. Nilgiri langurs are territorial … The Nilgiri langur ( Semnopithecus johnii) [3] is a langur (a type of Old World monkey) found in the Nilgiri Hills of the Western Ghats in South India. There are efforts being made to encourage the Indian government to restore rainforests after they’ve been degraded by industry. Since they are an arboreal species, they seek out habitat with trees, and are known to inhabit secondary moist deciduous forests and evergreen forests. names though the most common names are that of the gray langur, the hanuman langur, the sacred langur, and the nilgiri langur. Males and females express dominance in different ways: males do this by deciding which sites they travel to, and when; females with a higher position within the group typically show their status by claiming preferred spots for resting or feeding. Answer: a. Your Email Id. This primate has glossy black fur on its body and golden brown fur on its head. Bonnet Macaque ! Species. Disclaimer: ITIS taxonomy is based on the latest scientific consensus available, and is provided as a general reference source for interested parties. Nilgiri langurs are a social species and often engage in activities such as grooming and playing within their groups. Scientific Name: Trachypithecus johnii Description: The Nilgiri langur is a species of primate found in Nilgiri Hills of the Western Ghats in South India. This is a diurnal species, meaning they are active during the day. The Nilgiri langur is classified as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List and it is endemic to Western Ghats. India is a large residence from the beginning for diverse species of monkeys and nearly more than 20 species of primates are found in India – including Macaque Primate, Langur, Western Hoolock Gibbon and … The Nilgiri langur plays a role in seed dispersal, although not nearly as significantly so as once believed. Typically this species measures between 19 and 27 in (49–71 cm) from their head to the base of their tail; their long tails are anywhere from 27 to 38 in (69–97 cm) long. The higher up an individual is in the hierarchy, the more often he or she will display dominant behavior. Nilgiri Langur ! Contrarily, DNA testing reveals the Nilgiri langur to have a more likely relation to the gray, , which would place them within the genus. An open mouth, for example, is a threat used mostly within the social group. c. Wildlife is our treasure. They have been affected by habitat loss due to crop plantations, mining, dams, and human settlements but they are good dispersers and are able to colonise new areas, which makes them better adapted than primates like the lion-tailed macaques. It also appears at Kodagu in Karnataka and Kodayar Hills in Tamilnadu. The rump and base of the tail are white, and females have white highlights on their inner thighs which are present from an early age. Adult male Nilgiri langurs are larger than females at a ratio of 1.2 to 1. © 2017-2020 New England Primate Conservancy. Groups are typically female-centric, but have varying structures. Each troop may inlude several males and several females, one male and several females, or one or more solitary males. true langur, Asian leaf-eating monkey is the sacred animal of India named under the Hindu … They face a myriad of threats: poaching, habitat loss, the pet trade, fires, and more. Little is known about the Nilgiri langur’s lifespan, but they have reached the age of 29 years in captivity. Naseer/Creative Commons, Photo credit: Bharath Sambasivam/Creative Commons, Photo credit: T.R. . Water resources. It belongs to the specie of the Daisy family and is a flowering plant. The Nilgiri Langur, also known as Indian Hooded Leaf Monkey, John’s Langur and Black Leaf Monkey, is an attractive black Colobine monkey with a pale gold mane. Higher-ranked males also have more social mobility, and are permitted to interact with all other members of the group, while lower-ranked individuals are not granted this same ability. Semnopithecus entellus ! Semnopithecus johnii(J. Fischer, 1829) kingdom Animalia- animals» phylum Chordata- chordates» class Mammalia- mammals» order Primates- primates» family Cercopithecidae- old world monkeys» genus Semnopithecus. The Nilgiri tahr, Nilgiri langur, slender loris, blackbuck, tiger, gaur, Indian elephant and marten aresome of the animals found here. A Nilgiri Langur from nearby forest, that has strayed into few areas of Kulasekaram in the fringe localities of Kanniyakumari Wildlife Sanctuary, keep screaming at the sight of women and children scaring them by trying to bite. Being folivores, Nilgiri langurs mainly eat leaves. Langur, general name given to numerous species of Asian monkeys belonging to the subfamily Colobinae. 1 ! How You Can Help Wildlife; What You Can Do, But a lack of scientific research has left us with very little information regarding this endangered langur’s biology or ecology. It is found in the Western Ghats, particularly in the Nilgiri Hills from which it derives its name, but also in other hilly areas in that region. The majority of wildlife destinations of Tamilnadu are in Nilgiri, Coimbatore, Dindigal and Ramnathpuram Districts. Viverricula indica ! The Case of the Disappearing Habitat: The Candy Culprit-Get Started! Other considerations include proximity to water and distance from humans. The Nilgiri Langur, also known as Indian Hooded Leaf Monkey, John’s Langur and Black Leaf Monkey, is an attractive black Colobine monkey with a pale gold mane. 5 ! Golden Langur. Nilgiri langurs eat soil. These troops move through the forest feeding on leaves of about 100 plant species (which gives rise to their name ‘Black Leaf Monkey’) as well as fruits, flowers and seeds. Give reason. Due to it being the original classification. Good Detective Strategies and Helpful Hints, 10 of the most well known primate species, 10 primate species you probably never heard of, 10 of the most endangered primates species, The Alphabet Soup of Conservation-Video and Introduction, Life in Tropical Rainforests Introduction, Grivets, Tantalus, Malbroucks, and Vervets, The Nilgiri langur, also known as the hooded leaf monkey, b. is a species of Old World monkey endemic to South India. Indian Flying Fox ! It is a lutung found in the nilgiri Hills of the Western Ghats in South India. Vocalisation plays a major role in establishing and maintaining the social hierarchies of groups, with female-female interactions escalating into long screeching and squealing exchanges that are reconciled only when the male gives a specific call. The sounds made by the Nilgiri langur are often described as barks, and they are a highly vocal species. Species. Genbank common name: Nilgiri langur NCBI BLAST name: primates Rank: species Genetic code: Translation table 1 (Standard) Mitochondrial genetic code: Translation table 2 (Vertebrate Mitochondrial) ... please consult the relevant scientific literature for the most reliable information. The term is often restricted to nearly two dozen species of leaf monkeys but is also applied to various other members of the subfamily. Nilgiri Langur The scientific name is Trachypithecus johnii. Family: Cercopithecidae. The forests where the Nilgiri langur lives are patrolled in order to protect them from poaching. “The Nilgiri Langur” I covered two National Parks, 2 wildlife sanctuaries and good numbers of forest reserves and bird-sanctuaries during my 3 months’ project. Gee’s Golden Langur, or Golden Langur, is one of the most beautiful primate species in India. Nilgiri Mountains in the state of Tamil Nadu, and part of Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve has 24 of the Nilgiri mountain peaks rising above 2,000 meters (6,600 ft). Macaca radiata ! Within the group, verbal altercations are typically started between females, and the high-ranking males ultimately intervene. They can weigh anywhere from 22 to 30 lb (10–14 kg). COMMON NAME ! The Nilgiri Langurs are hunted for their skin to use for drums, and other parts of their bodies are used for traditional ‘medicine’, which has led them to be classified as Vulnerable by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as there may be only 5,000 left in the wild. Lion Tailed Macaque ! Small Indian Civet ! The troops mainly move in the late afternoon because the langurs begin to head to their sleeping areas, where they engage in social activities like play, grooming and infant-mother association as well as rest. Their diet is made up of a variety of plant species—over 115 types of shrubs, vines, trees, and more. Common Name: Nilgiri langur. SCIENTIFIC NAME ! The Nilgiri marten is the only species of marten found in southern India. 2 ! The home range of Nilgiri Langurs is between two and six hectares, which varies according to how concentrated the sources of preferred food are and the density of langur troops in the area. This primate has glossy black fur on its body and golden brown fur on its head. It grows between the month of September to November. Give the scientific name of the animal. The adult male is also the chief defender of the group’s territory when they come into contact with other groups. This is a result of increased breeding during times where food is more abundant, but this species breeds year round. Hanuman Langur ! As native trees are supplanted by introduced “fuel wood” trees, these primates continue to face challenges. The Nilgiri langur ( Trachypithecus johnii) is a lutung (a teep o Auld Warld lug) foond in the Nilgiri Hills o the Wastren Ghats in Sooth Indie. The present population of the Nilgiri langur in the wild is estimated to be around 15,000 only, and about 30 are believed to be in captivity in zoos across the country. It is the only native of the southern western ghats.It’s scientific name is Adenoon Indicum. 6 ! The Nilgiri  Biosphere Reserve is one of the critical catchment areas of peninsular India. Infants are nursed for a year, but mothers are less doting than other species. Map credit: Chermundy & IUCN, Photo credit: N.A. Some people believe that the Nilgiri langur’s flesh and glands can be used to treat ailments such as asthma, and some drink the blood of this primate. Groups can be anywhere from 1 to 27 in size, but most often fall somewhere in the middle of that range. It inhabits tropical wet evergreen, semi-evergreen and riparian forests as well as teak plantations, at altitudes of between 300 – 2,000 m above sea level. Scientists believe it serves as an antacid, and aids in digestion. Since there is a hierarchy within the group, this dominates the way interactions play out between individuals. The Nilgiri langur, also known as the hooded leaf monkey, b lack leaf monkey, Indian hooded leaf monkey, John's langur, Nilgiri black langur, and the Nilgiri leaf monkey, is a species of Old World monkey endemic to South India. Indian biodiversity has been fully supportive variety of flora and fauna and monkeys are one of them. Like many folivorous primates, this species will also occasionally eat insects, but that remains an insignificant portion of their diet. Occasionally they are lignivorous, and eat tree bark. 3 ! Leaf monkeys and other langurs are gregarious, diurnal, and basically arboreal monkeys with long tails and slender bodies. It’s leaves are 5-8 cms long and dark green above and pale beneath. 4 ! Mothers also will, eventually, allow other females in the group to interact with their offspring, but it is rare for the infant to be nurtured at all by sexually mature males. Different parts of the animal are said to serve different purposes—some are even believed to be aphrodisiacs. The Nilgiri langur is classified as Vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN, 2015), appearing on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Low-ranking members, contrarily, might only rarely get the opportunity to assert themselves over other members of the group. Send. They are- Northern Plains gray langur, Kashmiri gray langur, Tarai gray langur, Black-footed gray langur, Tufted gray langur, Nepal gray langur, Purple-faced langur, and Nilgiri langur. They prefer to live between 980 and 6,500 ft (300–2,000 m) above sea level, and typically settle in at around 4,600 ft (1,400 m). These langurs form groups with one dominant male and around 20 females, with the sub-adult and subordinate males forming bachelor groups. It is a primate facing extinction. studies indicate that Nilgiri and Purple faced langur are more closely related to Hanuman langur rather than leaf monkeys of South-east Asia and hence should be placed under genus Semnopithecus . Category: Monkey. Resultantly, in scientific literature, you might find this species referred to as any of the following: , as it was first dubbed in 1829; and where, is used, it is often with the disclaimer that the species was formerly known as. Semnopithecus johni ! The rump and base of the tail are white, and females have white highlights on their inner thighs which are present from an early age. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya (CSMVS)Mumbai, India. Scientific Name: Trachypithecus johnii. Believe it serves as an antacid, and more they can weigh anywhere 1. To ten monkeys https: //, http: //, https //! 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