Just as important, or more so, than finding a domain name that fits your business is ensuring that your business name is available for use across social media platforms. Step 2: Search your Business Name Enter the name you would like to use in the “Search by entity Name” field. Search the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s. Required: You must enter an entity name. You will sometimes be able to find the names of an LLC's members by doing an Internet search. The name of your LLC must be distinguishable from the names of other LLCs and corporations. Simply enter your business name into the “entity name” field to check whether the title is already taken. Certain decisions will need to be made before filing the articles of organization, like how the LLC will be managed and its intended duration because these details must also be included in the articles. Conducting a trademark search of your business name and associated slogans or logos before registering can help prevent costly litigation in the future. Name Requirements. Resources and Tools for Starting a Business . Whether you're in the process of picking a name for your business or simply wish to check the status of an existing business entity, using the Michigan Business Entity Search can get you the information you need. Once you've decided on a name for your LLC and ensured that it's available for use, you'll need to follow a few more important steps before you can officially start doing business. PO Box 5616 Montgomery, AL 36103-5616. (nationwide search of all 50 official Secretary of State databases, $25 fee for unlimited searches for one day) Find more info on a Michigan company Use public corporation web search tools. Michigan Business Entity Name Search Before you start an LLC, you should make sure the name is available for use by searching for it and checking it against existing entities on Michigan's online database. Acquiring an EIN (Employer Identification Number) if the LLC will have more than one member. An employer identification number (EIN), used to identify a business, is also called a federal tax identification number (FTIN). Michigan requires LLCs formed in the state to create operating agreements. Corporations and LLCs. Some states require certain business entity types to distribute shares that are directly proportional to a shareholder's capital contribution. Many companies have found themselves in an awkward position after becoming a success and then finding out that their company name is infringing on someone else's trademark. It’s easy: just use the Business Name Search Tool and enter your proposed LLC or corporation name. While searching the LARA database in Michigan may be enough to let you know if your desired name is already in use, you should also perform a search of trademarked names. Search the identification number of the company using the name in question. No other LLC or corporation in the same line of business may use that company’s name. Before filing your name reservation request, you can use the Michigan Business Entity Searchto check available LLC names in Michigan. You’re simply going to enter the name of your desired LLC name here. The online search tool for finding registered business entities in Michigan has proved to be very helpful when forming a new LLC. Each state has different requirements for Limited Liability Company names. Not sure what to name your business? Another strategy is to highlight that your company is of the highest quality. let’s look at a few examples. Make sure that you convey what your business does with the name. Business names can be reserved for 6 months following the month of filing. Just as important, or more so, than finding a domain name that fits your business is ensuring that your business name is available for use across social media platforms. Your last name does not convey any of these things, and if it's hard to spell, then you probably shouldn't be using it. To perform the most effective search, type in the name you would like to use, excluding identifiers like “LLC”, and leave all other boxes blank. To reserve a name for an LLC for six months, you just have to pay a fee. Those license requirements are met to form a Professional LLC (PLLC). The name of your LLC cannot refer to select services like attorneys, medical practices, or banks, without first obtaining the necessary permissions and/or licenses. Choose A Name For Your Michigan LLC. When reserving your name, you will have to pay a filing fee. You can call the owner of a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Michigan to find out what the LLC's EIN is, or do research on online sources. Share it with your network! Now that you have your name, it's time to take the next steps to establish your LLC. LLCs in Michigan can also continue to do business even if members die or leave the business. If there are multiple members in the LLC, you may also want to bring an LLC resolution to open a bank account that states that the person going to the bank is authorized by the members to open the account in the name of the LLC. This way, if your customers try and look you up on the internet, they will be able to find you. Choose a Name for Your LLC Under Michigan law, an LLC name must contain the words "Limited Liability Company" or the abbreviations "L.L.C." This creates great opportunities for jobs in the state, which is also one of the top states in the country for gross domestic product. You can do this by simply searching your business name on each major site, or use a tool such as Namecheckr to search across all platforms at once. This will return all entities using the same or similar names. State License Search. Results from Microsoft . "Providing actionable and accessible guides and tools to help you succeed", This guide is designed to walk you through the technical steps involved in choosing and registering the name of your, Conducting a trademark search of your business name and associated slogans or logos before registering can help prevent costly litigation in the future. Every LLC in the state must have a unique name and by using the database, you can save considerable time as LLC paperwork will be returned should a name be requested that is already registered. Business Entity results LARA FOIA Process; Transparency; Office of Regulatory Reinvention; State Web Sites Other states create provisions for LLCs that do not form their own operating agreements. All LLC names must end with Limited Liability Company, L.L.C., or LLC (most companies use the abbreviation LLC). by going to the Secretary of State’s Website (LARA). Online, you can search for Michigan businesses entities for free via the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) website (click here to visit). Checks must be made out to the “State of Michigan.”, Mail to:Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing Bureau Corporations DivisionP.O. How to Do a Corporate Name Search. The LLC’s EIN. Some business owners choose to create classes of members with certain share percentages and voting rights. Box 30054Lansing, MI 48909. This process can be done online through the LARA's Corporations Online Filing System. The members or shareholders of an LLC can be given differing distribution percentages based on their managerial duties or otherwise, not simply based on their initial contributions to the business. The name of your LLC cannot refer to other types of legal entities. Step 1: Open Michigan corporations division search page – Link (opens in new tab). MICHIGAN CORPORATION total only $149.00 Including Michigan State Initial Filing fee $60.00 and $89.00 fee for checking name availability,preparing Michigan state-approved Articles of incorporation, filing Articles with state, sending Articles to you. Contact Information. Find Michigan Llc Name Search if you are Looking Now. As such, avoid words like "Incorporated," "Corporation," or any abbreviation like "Inc." or "Corp.". Your LLC’s name must be distinguishable from the names of other business entities already on file with the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. An active entry for the ID number will appear in your search along with business details. Another important consideration to make when selecting a business name is whether or not your desired web domain name is available. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. A name like Quality 24-Hour Plumbing is going to be remembered by many more customers than a name like Sztruch & Sons. It will need to cover various issues like: If you need help with filing for an LLC business name in Michigan, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. An operating agreement for an LLC should lay out in detail how different aspects of the business should be handled. An LLC, or limited liability company, may operate under any name allowed or authorized by the state in which it is formed. A name for a Michigan LLC must contain the words “limited liability company” or the abbreviations “LLC” or “LC,” with or without periods between the letters. Search by Name The online search tool for finding registered business entities in Michigan has proved to be very helpful indeed for collecting information on any business entity in the state. We’ll search the business name registry for your desired state and tell you if there are any matches. This allows for some members to play a more hands-on role in the business and others to remain at a distance if they desire. to find any federally registered trademarks associated with your business name. MI.gov; Close Search Box. The LLC operating agreement. Find out if your own LLC has been officially formed in your state. To perform the most effective search, type in the name you would like to use, excluding identifiers like “LLC”, and leave all other boxes blank. Discovering that another entity has trademarked your business name does not automatically disqualify you from using it. Remember to follow these steps if you find that the name you want to use has already been registered. Use that data to ensure that the business is still in operation and what filings have been done by that business. Searching the United States Patent and Trademark Office Database, use the LARA database to search for business entities by name, name cannot be the same or substantially the same to an existing service mark or trademark, United States Patent and Trademark Office. You can search through the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) database to get a sense of what regulations you'll need to follow in naming your LLC. Naming a Limited Liability Corporation, 4. This guide is designed to walk you through the technical steps involved in choosing and registering the name of your Michigan LLC. Not every state has this requirement. You'll also need to include the main address for the LLC's registered agent. Suggestions. Also, it's important to ensure that the name is memorable and easy to spell and pronounce. That provides you with search results that are the most refined. The state of Michigan has many stipulations about names. Discovering that another entity has trademarked your business name. 2. Physical Address. Was this document helpful? The most popular way to look is by name, although, make sure to use as many matching terms as you can to slim down the results. This seemingly small step can make a big difference in how prospective customers find your business. Michigan has an intelligent database that is very easy to use. Conduct online research of business name directories, or hire a research firm to determine whether the name is … When an LLC (Limited Liability Company) is formed or a business is incorporated, its name automatically becomes protected within the state in which it is registered. If you email or fax an application, you must create a MICH-ELF account using this form. The name of your LLC must include the words limited liability company, or the abbreviation LLC or L.L.C. We have a simple business name search tool that searches the business registry of LARA. Bank, Attorney, University). Michigan requires the name to be “distinguishable upon the records”. With your name secured, you will be ready to take the next steps to formalize your Michigan LLC. Following search filters are available to narrow down the results: Begin with (your search string) Exact match; Keyword (recommended) You can search through the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) database to get a sense of what regulations you'll need to follow in naming your LLC. Preform a Lookup By: Name, Key Word, or Identification Number. You may want to try searching for an individual or company by using only part of the name plus an asterisk(*), which works as a "wildcard". Sometimes, the owner may be open to selling the name. State Licenses . These steps include: LLC articles of organization must include some basic information like the name of the business and its purpose. Unlike other kinds of business entities, LLCs are allowed to distribute rights, duties, and profits to their members however they want. No need to spend hours finding a lawyer, post a job and get custom quotes from experienced lawyers instantly. One thing that people don't often consider when naming their company is trademark law. Search for Michigan Llc Name Search Faster, Better & Smarter Here at Kensaq.com. He visited the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs name search page and found that “Addicted to Glove” was an available company name. Hire the top business lawyers and save up to 60% on legal fees. If the business is defunct (or perhaps never actually did any business), you may still be able to use it. Some of the common requirements include: Designator – A designator is a unique identifier used at the end of a corporation or LLC’s name to identify what entity the business is.For LLCs the common designators that are available include; Limited Liability Company, Limited Company, LLC, L.L.C… Search the United States Patent and Trademark Office database of trademarks and service marks to ensure that your name does not infringe on a name already in use. When this happens, there are steps to ensure that the name is, in fact, not available. The most common rules you should keep in mind are: The name of your LLC must include the words limited liability company, or the abbreviation LLC or L.L.C. Ask questions 10am - 5pm EST, M-F, All services. This will return all entities using the same or similar names. Be sure to follow these naming guidelines: For a complete list of naming rules in Michigan, you can visit the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs website. Look up your new business name to see if it's free for you to use. Name Search Search Individuals If your business name is several words, you can even search just the first two words to ensure you pull up all possible similar names. Having a URL that clearly matches your business name is important. This guide contains the following sections: Choosing a company name is the first and most important step in starting your LLC. You may want to do a Trademark and Social Media search for your name to see if it's available for use across the internet. Simply put, this means the name for your MI LLC should be different from other registered entities in the state. You may want to find a qualified patent/trademark researcher to ensure your search results are accurate and organized. Search for any type of business entity (corporation, limited liability company, limited partnership, etc.) Thanks to the Michigan LLC Act, it is quite simple to form and maintain an LLC in the state. Members or owners of LLCs are free to manage their businesses how they see fit. Michigan’s Secretary of State Corporations Division handles all LLC naming questions and requests. When you discover a company that has the name you'd like, take the following steps: In Michigan, you can use the LARA database to search for business entities by name. The name of your LLC cannot refer to other types of legal entities. Free Nationwide Business Search (free commercial database of 28 million U.S. business locations with addresses and phone numbers) • By Company Name • You should start naming your business by completing a Michigan business name search. • Corporations Division Business Entity Name Search: Want High Quality, Transparent, and Affordable Legal Services? Reserving your name with an Application for Reservation of Name will help you stand out from the competition. Name Availability Search . Look up an existing business entity to check its status with the state and access basic business info. By Business Name. Michigan LLC name search is one of the steps to becoming an LLC in the state of Michigan. 1. Step 2: Choose ‘Search by entity name‘ option and enter the search string in the ‘entity name‘ text box. This will help ensure you have full, unrestricted use of your business name. For your search to continue, you need to have the entity name or the corporate ID handy. Your business name cannot be the same or substantially the same to an existing service mark or trademark. Michigan LLC name search is one of the steps to becoming an LLC in the state of Michigan.5 min read. Tribal Business Development . If your business name is several words, you can even search just the first two words to ensure you pull up all possible similar names. ... State License Search; Alphabetical Listing; Limited Liability Company. If you are a plumber, plumbing should appear in your name. The best way to determine if your desired URL is available is to search for it using your preferred domain registry, such as GoDaddy. Reasons To Do A Business Name Search Check if the name you want for your LLC is available for use. In short, people should be able to distinguish and differentiate the name of your Michigan LLC from the names of existing businesses in the state. Check out our LLC Name Generator. While reserving the name for your LLC is straightforward, there are some other things you should think about when choosing the best name for your business. Once you have found your preferred name using the Michigan Business Entity Search, you'll want to secure your domain name so that your customers will be able to find your business online. Before filing your name reservation request, you can use the Michigan Business Entity Search to check available LLC names in Michigan. Check out our full guide on how to form an LLC in Michigan, where we can guide you every step of the way. • You can search your Michigan LLC name via the Entity Name Search link below or by calling the Corporations Division at 517-241-6470. Bryce started forming his LLC by picking a name for his baseball company. A copy of the Michigan LLC Articles of Organization. Once you've filled out your articles of organization, you'll need to file them and pay the $50 fee. Voice: 334-242-7200 Fax: 334-242-4993 Mailing Address. Sometimes a name has already been registered by another company. If not, good news — you can form a business with that name… Michigan SBDC offers no-cost services to individuals not yet in business. If you are unsuccessful using free resources, you can pay for a search service. An LLC's creators are able to handle their capital contributions and profit sharing without state intervention. Finding a suitable name for your LLC is the first step to starting. Regardless of if you’re checking name availability or looking for a specific business, use the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs’ Business Entity Search. To reserve a business name, you must file an application online or by mail. However, it is important to know who is using the name, what industry they operate in, and where they are located to be sure you do not inadvertently infringe upon anyone’s intellectual property rights. Click on the state below to see how. Applicants may also file by email (CDfilings@michigan.gov) or fax (517) 241-0538. Here you’ll find a few different search bars, but if you’re just hoping to see if a name is in use, you’ll only need the first one. The most common rules you should keep in mind are: To ensure that you are naming your LLC appropriately, you must do some thinking. to see if your business name or associated slogans, logos, or others are in use by another business in your state. How to Perform a Michigan LLC Name Search. 11 S. Union St, … Having a name for your business is an important first step for creating a successful LLC, and one that is incredibly easy to do. In this example, we will look up “Sew What” and click “Search.” Visit the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs website. Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Entity name: Search type: Michigan Llc Lookup State Of Michigan Business License Lookup Michigan Limited Liability Company Lookup Llc … or "LLC." Reserve a new LLC, partnership or corporation name with DELEG before making filing a certificate of amendment to ensure that you can legally use the new business name. You can do this by simply searching your business name on each major site, or use a tool such as, Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs website, does not automatically disqualify you from using it, Restricted words (e.g. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law, and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with, or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb. More than 300,000 LLCs are currently doing business in the state of Michigan, and over 40,000 are formed every year. If you are filing for an LLC in Michigan, choosing a name is an important step. A qualified attorney in this area can help you navigate this somewhat thorny issue. Be sure to choose a name that complies with Michigan naming requirements and is easily searchable by potential clients. The name chosen often will not include or even give a clue as to the names of its members. We’ll complete a search on your behalf and let you know if another LLC or corporation is already using your desired business name. LLC Name Search Learn how to properly search business name availability for a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or corporation in each state through their business name database. under the word “Type”, you’re going to select “LC” which for their database term stands for a Limited Liability Company, and then click the search button. Resources for Michigan's federally recognized tribes. Month michigan llc name search filing and most important step in starting your LLC can be... Business may use that data to ensure that the business registry of LARA search check if the business name associated! At Kensaq.com of your desired state and access basic business info are directly proportional to a 's! That your company is of the steps to becoming an LLC in the state in which is. Thorny issue step 2: search your Michigan LLC Act, it is quite to. 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