They will allow you to create many 3D prints, without having to worry about changing the spool.With the large filaments spools, the risk of lacking filament during printing is considerably reduced.. Large filament spools . It should fit perfectly into your printer. rev 2021.1.8.38287, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, 3D Printing Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. This used to be one of my biggest frustrations. The FlashForge Finder and Inventor II series are compatible with 1.75 mm PLA filament. In this article we'll cover why you may want to fuse filaments together, why you perhaps shouldn't do it - and we'll cover our top 3 methods if you really still want to do it anyway. Posted by 3 years ago. You’ll need to put a small dab in the hole of the hinge, slide it into the spool, then jam in the filament. This is supposed to be 1.75mm filament, but the bulges measure over 2.25mm. How many times have you finished a 3d print, and the leftover filament on the spool isn’t quite enough to complete your next print. 3D Printing Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for 3D printing enthusiasts. -- What's a good strategy for managing this kind of issue? And it’s a shame to just discard them (even if they are destined for the recycling bin) – after all, recycling itself uses resources to melt down and reform plastics. - the spool holder is defininatly better than the prusa one in regards that only as much filament as needed is unwound. The weight of the empty spool There was a time when the spools of 3D printing filaments looked alike, and an estimate of around 250 to 260 grams seemed reasonable. $\endgroup$ – BrainSlugs83 Oct 8 '16 at 19:28 level 1. 3D printer filament spool sizes Tweet Whilst filament spool dimensions appear to be converging on a standard, there is still not complete uniformity so please take a look at the below table to ensure that the filament brand will work with your 3D printer. If necessary, could build a guide (such as a small ring or tube for the filament to pass through) to keep it centered. defcon3d - Just because it won't fit the holder on the back of your Rep 2 doesn't mean you have to re roll it to a spool that does. Did Trump himself order the National Guard to clear out protesters (who sided with him) on the Capitol on Jan 6? I did 25% for the filament holder, and 10% for the spool holder. I've seen a guy use a small lazy-susan to set the roll on it side and let the filament feed gearing pull the spool. best. Use MathJax to format equations. Convert Your Empty Filament Spools to Part Bins With This Clever Mod. -- Also guides, etc are probably a good idea. What filament … I'm thinking even if I completely unwrapped and rewrapped all of my spools so there was no trace of a tangle, what's to stop it from happening again? that I printed. I do this w my 20lb spools. Zombies but they don't bite cause that's stupid, Deep Reinforcement Learning for General Purpose Optimization, How to learn Latin without resources in mother language. I accidentally submitted my research article to the wrong platform -- how do I let my advisors know? Hello everyone! Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Also the orientation of your spools -- like on the Z axis -- is 90 degrees offset from mine -- I was just thinking that that probably makes a big difference too -- as my X train moves horizontally, it's probably what's causing the filament to become overlapped!! I love the stuff. Here you can find big spools with a lot of filament. You could print a carriage for it to ride on and loop around an empty spool to keep tension, or build a larger holder. Could all participants of the recent Capitol invasion be charged over the death of Officer Brian D. Sicknick? What worked for me was to stop the spool from "racing ahead" of the rate of draw and loosening up enough to snag. Also the orientation of your spools -- like on the Z axis -- is 90 degrees offset from mine -- I was just thinking that that probably makes a big difference too -- as my X train moves horizontally, it's probably what's causing the filament to become overlapped!! What is the right and effective way to tell a child not to vandalize things in public places? "nec sit terris ultima Thule" - how should terris be interpreted? Archived. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. -- Like something that, will let me pull the filament off the spool, but if it becomes slack, will not let that slack translate back up to the spool? In fact, unwinding typically worsens the problem as the knot simply becomes more and more tightened through pulling the filament off the spool. 2. Snags happened frequently. I really like ASA. ... and the standard Dremel Frog print requires approximately 5 meters of filament, so each spool should be able to print approximately 35 frogs. The increased amount of slack between the machine and the spool seemed to absorb the "overshoot" of the filament draw and the spools became much better behaved. The problem is during printing is when it becomes tangled. No matter how stubbornly filament is tangled, one can always undo a knot without unwinding the whole spool. Senior Editor for Make: I get ridiculously excited seeing people make things. A storage box (Amazon – has many sizes), make sure it fits your specific filament spool. There are many different sizes of filament depending on the material but most are 1KG so we will use 1KG as our default size for the math. If you happen to have a large build volume 3D printer, then you will definitely be needed BIG filament spools in order to have enough material to feed your machine! I am using Octave filament and just made some large diameter cardboard discs (with holes for the spool rod to go thru) about 9" in dia. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. I put more physical distance between the spool and the machine. I am using flashforge inventor, and trying to use 1kg filament, placing it inside the printer. The XL filament spool contains a larger amount of filament than the standard spools. It would be romantic of us (as a filament producer) to take back old filament spools for reuse. Summary This thing allows to save some space on your desk by hanging filament spools under a bookshelf. Good methods to clean extruder gear (hobbed) from filament pieces? I'm using a modified SD spool mount which raises the spool and turns it 90 degress. Use the M8 bolt to then attach the spool holder to the filament holder. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The filament spools come in two sizes- small, that is, 0.22 kg and large, that is, 0.9 kg. Here's my current setup for reference (filament removed): Consider using some kind of retaing clip to hold the spool in place, so it doesn't move back and forth on the post. 7. This filament spool is way too big. It's either in your extruder, or fixed to the spool (either with a clip or clothespin or just by threading it through the holes which are usually in the rim of the spool, provided for just this purpose). This roll should keep me going for a while anyhow. Gizmo Dorks is proud to introduce bigger spools in a 5kg net weight filament size for large format 3D printers. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Monoprice Maker Select Plus | D-Bot CoreXY, Prusa MK2S, NEVA, FT-5, MOD-t, MSV2 (x3), A8 (x4), etc. What are the options for a Cleric to gain the Shield spell, and ideally cast it using spell slots? The bandsaw blade did have some oil from cutting metal on it, which was transferred to the spools. Thanks for contributing an answer to 3D Printing Stack Exchange! Sealing material – door or window gasket; Bag of silica gel or dessicant – to absorb moisture; Filament spool holder – 8mm smooth rod with 3D printed holders to keep filament suspended. try to get the spoolholder next to or in top of the printer. MathJax reference. that I press against the sides of the spools using split spool locator rings (that fit on the spool rod.) When I put the spool on my Ultimaker 2 Go I immediately noticed a problem, the hole in the spool was too big so the spool could just slide of the holder during a print. The filament stopped bunching up in loose coils on the surface of the spool, and the snags went away. Where can I buy one of these and what is the price? -- It looks like many people have their spools at about 90 degrees from mine (rotated relative to the Z axis of the printer), so that the travel of the X carriage won't have that affect. A significant portion of this waste comes from empty filament spools that tend to get discarded once a spool has run out. Take 23 of them off the spindle and leave the lid off. Unfortunately, I'm halfway through the first spool and have had three print failures due to bulges in the filament. Let's see how that works out for me :). Sustainability is a big thing in today’s market, especially in a field like 3D printing that tends to generate a lot of plastic waste. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. One person found this helpful I ordered this spool from Formfutura for $164 EUR shipped to Canada. - however the spool holder does not wind the filament again if you move the extruder to the top, if you do think it does. You MAY need to use a different type of spool holder since this is too big to fit properly on the Replicator2. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Filament lifts from the hot bed while printing, Clicking noise from the extruder and no filament coming out, Passing from nozzle diameter 0.4 mm to 0.2 mm causing filament jamming in heater. Looks like you ordered a 3kg roll instead of a 1kg, they're a bit larger and can be problems for some because of size. This will attach to the top of the machine, through the same hole that the filament tube comes out of the top. Image. For this reason, using an estimate with no basis will no longer be acceptable. Interesting. -- maybe something that ratchets? – Especially with a new roll of filament -- because it will always want to come off the spool sideways when printing, and that can create really bad tangles. It only takes a minute to sign up. I also was able to run the spool down to the end more consistently than before. Your Machine may be different. I'm not sure what your requirements are, but you may not like ASA. Yeah, my spools can rotate freely, but I think I will need a guide, and also I'm going to consider remounting them at a 90 degree angle on the Z axis -- (I'll edit the post to include a picture). Filament was making loose coils on the outer layer of the spool. What now? NOTE: These parts can be printed at much lower density. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Though not technically tangled your filament can also get stuck if the spool does not properly unwind (and the filament gets wrapped around the axle that supports your spool). Caleb Kraft. This is 3mm semi-translucent PLA, you can clearly see the bruising of the filament as it's very tightly wound around a 50mm diameter core. Best regards, Thomas Cookies help us deliver our Services. It's perfect for larger builds. 100% Upvoted. Step 2: Cut Spools In Half Our filament spools have a large solid center core, so we cut the spools in half using our machine shop bandsaw. These bulges are so big they get stuck in my filament detector sensor which prevents filament from feeding and causes print failures. Print a spool holder from thingiverse! Do as me use one of you bad watetcooling attempt petg pipe and some sting and ductape. I edited my answer. MakeShaper Spools for 3D Printing. The only way a spool can get tangled is if you let go of the loose end of filament. I believe a guide or some sort of dampener would serve the same function, if the underlying problem is the spool loosening up enough to where loops of filament get caught under others and then snag. report. Always keep track of the loose end of the filament. How are you supposed to react when emotionally charged (for right reasons) people make inappropriate racial remarks? The holder's axle is hollow to accommodate one or more units of the Universal Filament Filter and Lubricator. My favorite thing in the world is sharing the hard work of a maker. A model will be red if it is too big for the build area, floating above the build platform, or part of the model is positioned outside of the build area. The larger amount of filament allows continuous prints without the need to swap out spools. When I first set up my printer, the spool was able to spin freely. Got the ASA directly from Formfutura. Press J to jump to the feed. I just want to revel in the creativity of the masses! The hanger bars can be also fastened vertically to a wall - I didn't try this configuration but it should works :) They are really tough and should be able to hold a big and heavy spools too. This worked for me. This thread is archived. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Which 3 daemons to upload on humanoid targets in Cyberpunk 2077? Make sure that your printer pulls on the middle of the spool, and not sideways. Big printers, big nozzles, big spools! That's a big roll to pull filament from. I know of guys that have made holders out of toilet bowl or broom handles. /r/3DPrinting is a place where makers of all skill levels and walks of life can learn about and discuss 3D printing. You could mount a rod above the printer and feed it from above. Where did you get that much filament by the way? The filament will still get a bit more loose on the spool. Another weird thing is that the filament has a diameter of 3mm instead of 2.85mm this caused some over-extrusion problems during my … However, the size of the print has led to problems with filament spools running out prior to completion. The larger spools still carry our top notch Gizmo Dorks filament but will require less filament changing with the printer. Hello I have a ff adventurer 3 purchased jan 2020 and I know the spool holder is a issue but my spool holder is different to the ones shown on the internet , I’ve purchased the specific flashforge branded filament for the adventurer and it won’t fit :( the size of the middle holder is too big to fit the spools on , I’ll try and attach some photos for assistance Sort by. Exporting QGIS Field Calculator user defined function. There are some that require metal bearings and i find them to work the best. Make sure your spool can rotate on its holder easily (ball bearings are not needed, a simple round axle is enough). My printer prints non-stop really. Does not offer sustainable practices for filament spools. This is something I've ignored for awhile, but it keeps cropping up, and occasionally, if the filament snags real good, it can mess up a great print half way through, etc. Make sure that the size of your spool is in line with the printer. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. I've started designing my own, using 2 inch bearings. Do not supply a spool that is too big or too small for your printer. share. Another thing that can help is to make sure you are pulling the filament from the middle of the spool. It prints great, is strong, and UV resistent. Make sure to pivot the drawer to make sure that the glue only dries on … save. A bigger spool is ideal for a larger build that required more 3D printer filament. Used spools can soon pile up if you’re printing quite a bit. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. This was especially so for the fatter 2.85mm filament format: the increased rigidity of thicker filament would cause frequent cracking on an older spool, particular towards the end of the spool, where its natural tight curve around the spool hub could not survive being bent into a smoother filament … Image. That's not technically "tangled" - at least, it's not the kind of tangle you can fix by rewrapping spools. Edit: From some of the answers below, it seems that maybe the travel of my X carriage back and forth could be why my spools keep getting tangled. Even users who are tired of changing spools will be able to use these 5kg spools on any open 3D printer. I had to unscrew the built-in spool holder in order to replace it, But I’m having trouble screwing back the screws to the same wholes they were screwed to. Took a couple of days to arrive, but worth having a bunch of filament. This may even be ideal for smaller prints if you are tired of having to change out spools so often. -- Is there... like an equivalent of a one way "valve" for filament? Signora or Signorina when marriage status unknown, SQL Server 2019 column store indexes - maintenance. Get the dimensions right and one that fits smoothly. I decided that not allowing the spool to spin faster than the rate draw of the filament might improve the way the filament was feeding. Right, I put the filament through that hole and tie it off when I'm not using it. The 3rd party filaments will most likely come on a reel that is too big to fit inside the Da Vinci Jr. This worked for me. hide. I love the experimental filaments but they often come unwound with no spool. Basically I have my filament spools hanging on a PVC pipe mounted directly above the printer, and the printer just sucks it in from the spool, but occasionally it becomes knotted at the spool, or becomes otherwise tangled. Could the US military legally refuse to follow a legal, but unethical order? This filament spool is way too big. Close. Can you legally move a dead body to preserve it as evidence? This spool holder will allow you to hang the spool on the outside of the machine. Podcast 302: Programming in PowerPoint can teach you a few things, Useful things to check for when cleaning up posts. Not everyone has extra room to use, and not all extruders are conveniently oriented, so moving the spool further away from the machine won't work for everyone. I printed a new spool holder, a higher one to fit the 1k spool height. The filament holder needs the other four skateboard bearings, just stacked one on top of each other. Thanks for the tip. Feel free to contact us if the material or size you are looking for is not available. What now? I hang all my filament from scaffolding above my printers and I’ve literally had a printer lift itself into the air on a tangled spool because of my crappy rewind job. Step 3: Grinding Our next step is grinding. 18 comments. Today there are way too many brands, some of which use spools made of clear plastic or cardboard. If you happen to have PLA spools that don't fit inside the build-in filament casing, then this external spool holder makes it easy to fit them on your 3D printer. That's not a bad idea. This is the large format spool. The last 1/3 of the spool contents are useless due to being deformed and much too tight to feed into an extruder resulting in really nasty things like lifting the entire Z axis away from the object being printed. Simply wiping off the spools with a rag removed the oil. Keeping my filament spools from getting knotted? Under any circumstances, do not try to forcefully push a spool into the printer. This spool holder is custom printed in PLA plastic on a Printrbot Metal. Next to or in top of the Universal filament Filter and Lubricator makers of all skill and! Still get a bit much lower density attach to the wrong platform -- how do i let advisors... Printing Stack Exchange is a place where makers of all skill levels and walks of life learn... 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