Shop Helinox for the world's lightest, strongest, most comfortable portable chairs, cots, tables & outdoor equipment. The Cot Max will bring an entirely new level of comfort to camping. Thanks Matt. Weighing in at a little over four pounds, this model is the perfect choice for hikers and backpackers in search of a camping cot that won’t add too much weight to their pack. 0. The cot may be too low to the ground for some campers. The first thing that really stood out about the Cot One was how easy it is to set up. The Helinox Cot One is a lightweight, packable sleep system that is designed to provide exceptional comfort while camping, or even backpacking, with it’s fully collapsible yet easy to assemble design. It made this cot for winter camping. While it lacks the type of heavy padding that luxury campers are looking for, the cot’s simplistic design is where it shines. Thank you for submitting a review! 0. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. A light and durable bed for campers needing plenty of surface area and support, the Helinox Cot Max Convertible is the perfect companion in a tent, on a road trip or wherever else you rest your head. Your input is very あなたがもし今どのコットにしようと悩んでいるのであれば間違いなくヘリノックスをお勧めします!!その理由もご紹介します!!それに加えてヘリノックスの中でどのコットが一番いいのか、そして組み立て方も併せてご紹介します The aluminum poles both in the frame and the legs are of exceptional strength and have no problem supporting my 170 lb weight without flexing or even creaking when I move around. Qualified orders eligible for FREE S&H and FREE RETURNS. For information on our rating system and our testing procedures, check out our About us/ Contact us page. Thank you for submitting a review! This inflatable, insulated pad replaces the original fabric used on your cot, so you still attach the frame in the same way but get the benefit of a thicker and warmer top. CONTENTS 1 ヘリノックス コットワン コンバーチブル レビュー2 ポール屋さん[DAC]が作ったコット3 コットワンコンバーチブルの良いところ4 コッ… ということで 脚パーツの完成度は非常に高い ですね。 写真は、コットワン コンバーチブル本体に別売りのコットレッグを組み合わせています。 This being the case, I chose the Helinox Cot One and could not be happier, nor can I sleep any sounder. It feels a bit bouncy, like a small springboard and can be a little distracting. Helinox ヘリノックス タクティカル コットコンバーチブルは独自の最新技術の採用により、組立、分解が簡単にできる軽量なロースタイルのタクティカルコットです。 優れた折りたたみシステムで容易に高剛性のコットを組み立てることが可能になり The restraint was strong! The fabrics and construction is basically the same, so aside from the lite model feeling a bit firmer (from having a narrower bed), you’re unlikely to actually feel much else when you’re actually sleeping on it. Repeat the leg attachment process two more times and it’s set up and ready to go. Basically, the Big Agnes V2 is considered the best camping cot in this price range. The only real differences you will notice is in the height, width and legth. Helinox Cot One Convertible. £199.00 (RRP £235.00) Product code: 101184. MORE LINKS BELOW!!! These poles connect in the same manner as tent poles, so you won’t have to worry about losing pieces. The Helinox is a far, far better cot---much more stable, stronger, quieter, better materials. The cot can be easily broken down and packed in just a few minutes. When paired with a nice self-inflating pad, it’s even better as it provides a little extra cushion and insulation, making it a viable 4-season camping setup. Thanks as always for reading! Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The bed surface of the Big Agnes Helinox Lite Cot is rip-stop polyester with sleeves on either side. How was your overall experience? The Cot One is constructed primarily from heavy duty, lightweight TH72m DAC aluminum poles for the primary structure bars and the legs. Review: Helinox Cot Lite. It’s wide enough that I can lay my arms where I want them, be that above my head or to my side without them hanging off, and it’s long enough that my head and feet both have ample room to wiggle about without dangling. Location. I also ordered the electric pump . With some extra time and thought, it can be worked in and packed properly, but I’d rather just see a slightly (half inch or so) wider storage sack to make life that much easier. 4 ★ 0% . The Lite Cot with it's innovative tension system, provides a strong support and is quick and simple to set up. The free included carry sack makes it easy to pack your cot up, attach it to your pack, and head out for the day. 1 ★ 0% . A camping cot for dogs you and your pooch will both love, Helinox Elevated Dog Cot is comfortable and durable, light and packable. Let's make camping comfortable. When I did eventually stuff it back it, it always seems to pack up with a decent amount of tension along the fabric and especially the zipper, requiring some force to pull the zipper closed. Buy View. 4.9 Based on 10 ... Helinox frames are made from an advanced high-tech aluminium alloy that offers the perfect blend of strength and minimal weight. Read honest and unbiased product reviews … Check great and honest reviews! That’s a great question. It packs small and weighs just 2.31 kg for easy transport. Helinox's Insulated Cot One Pad is a great way of getting more out of your current Cot One. 座面シートが「回転する」という意味の「ヘリノックス スウィベルチェア」。このイスがキャンプで最強な「9つの長所と、5つの欠点」について詳しく解説しています(写真、動画gif付き)。また欠点をカバーする対策方法も紹介しています。 Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Once taken apart, the handy carry case keeps everything organized and safe. It’s a minor complaint and doesn’t hamper my sleep in any way, but it’s something I kept noticing as my feet bobbed up and down a bit and generally just felt a bit floaty. Don’t forget to follow our blog for future updates and reviews. BUY Helinox Cot Lite. Helinox is an award-winning company that’s known for their innovative outdoor furniture designs including tables, chairs, and of course, camping cots. Wider and longer, Cot Max adds an extra 2.5‚Äù to the width and 7.5‚Äù to the length while maintaining streamlined design and packable performance. Helinox コットワン コンバーチブル 1822170 [ブラック]を、価格.comに集まるこだわり派ユーザーが、デザイン・使いやすさ・寝心地など気になる項目別に徹底評価!実際のユーザーが書き込む生の声は何にも代えがたい情報源です。 That would be my only real concern. Sleep came quite easily as the cot eliminates any contact with the ground at all, and it provides a nice amount of “cushion” by way of the natural stretch of the fabric. Join the family Subscribe to get notified about product launches, special offers and If you have any questions, comment below, send us an email, or find us on Twitter or Facebook (links on the right). For some, the price of the Big Agnes is a huge downside, causing campers and hikers on a budget to opt for the slightly more affordable Therm-A-Rest LuxuryLite Mesh Cot. It’s slightly over six feet long and just about two feet wide. Using this cot will give you a flat, smooth sleeping surface, guaranteed, so you won’t have to put quite so much thought into where you place your tent. The comfortable portable camping bed, The Lite Cot from Helinox is super light and has the clever pole construction and a really small pack size. ヘリノックスとは 出典:Helinox あまり知られていませんが、ヘリノックスは実は韓国のDAC社が立ち上げたアウトドア ② コンパクトかつ軽量 最後まで迷ったスノーピークコットハイテンションとの比較は下記通りとなります。 収納時の大きさ、重要ともに優れていて、安定性はスノーピーク … ★【Off Ground】 Enjoy comfort of a bed to the outdoors; Sleep free from rocks and other uneven surfaces when you use it; Don't worry about leaking like an air pad. Helinox Cot One Convertible Review (Regular & Long) This Helinox Cot One Convertible review is about a top-notch backpack portable versatile collapsible camping cot in two sizes. ★【Strong & Sturdy】 The frame of bed is made of anti-rust and high strength aerial aluminum alloy with large load capacity 120kg. Home » Camping Cots » Big Agnes Helinox Cot One V2 Review. Helinox(ヘリノックス) コットワン コンバーチブル/BK 1822170アウトドアギア フォールディングベッド アウトドア用寝具 コット ブラック おうちキャンプ ベランピング(山渓オンラインショップ楽天市場店)のレビュー・口コミ情報がご覧いただけます。商品 Drift off to dreamland on the Helinox Lite Cot. 2 ★ 0% . I bought it as a extra for my motorhome to put in floor when my kids visit me on retreat. Helinox addresses the Achilles heel of cots with its newest product. ★【Large Size】 Fits most people up to 6’2”, Set Size 75 × 25 × 4.7 inches; Good for hiking, hunting, road trip, indoor use, also ideal for office nap. Please read more below. It’s the only lightweight cot that I’ve ever tried that didn’t feel like it was at risk while sitting up on it or getting on and off, largely due to the intensely stout and sturdy frame. アウトドアファニチャーブランド Helinox ( ヘリノックス )の公式サイトです。HOME DECO & BEACH (ホーム・デコ&ビーチ)とTACTICAL SUPPLIES (タクティカルサプライ)シリーズと Helinox ( ヘリノックス )の技術とノウハウを詰め込んだパックブランド、 TERG ( ターグ )のブランドサイトです。 However, the length and width of the cot can make it a tight fit for single sleeper tents, so make sure you check out your tent’s dimensions before you buy. Helinox Ridgeline DL135 Trekking Poles . I’m quite impressed overall. キャンプ歴3年ほどの僕が、ヘリノックスのコットワンを使用して2年になります。何十回と使いましたので、分かったことや感想、組立方法や購入方法など詳しくレビューします。購入を検討している方はチェックしてくださいな。 Sleep well, anywhere, with the Helinox Lite Cot. Helinox コットワン コンバーチブル 1822170 [グリーン]を、価格.comに集まるこだわり派ユーザーが、デザイン・使いやすさ・寝心地など気になる項目別に徹底評価!実際のユーザーが書き込む生の声は何にも代えがたい情報源です。 It’s simple enough that the instructions really aren’t needed as I was able to assemble it by just applying a little logic. It’s light enough that a very determined backpacker could carry it on short trips, and easily justifiable on any car camping trip where weight isn’t a concern. It’s high enough off the ground that I never even came close to contacting the earth. 3 ★ 0% . Let’s talk specs. Thanks for the reply! If you’re someone who does not like to camp out at the very same site for more than a few nights in a row, after that you’ll not just love just how light this cot is, but you’ll likewise appreciate exactly how promptly you can set it up as well as break it down. The Lite Cot is a super lightweight bed with an extremely low weight and volume. Shop Helinox for the world's lightest, strongest, most comfortable portable chairs, cots, tables & outdoor equipment. It’s not quite perfect, but it’s easily the best lightweight cot I’ve tested, making it easy to recommend. The side poles are shock-corded aluminum. If you want to benefit from this improved service, please opt-in. The Lite Cot features a custom DAC aluminum frame for great comfort and support, and self-locating shock cord technology for easy assembly. Author. ( Log Out / The bed of the cot is made of reinforced polyester. It made this cot for winter camping. The cot sits roughly six inches above the ground. The Lite Cot can even be used with three supports for extreme weight-saving situations. ( Log Out / Rating. The innovative lever locking system of the Helinox Cot One Convertible provides excellent surface tension for a good night’s sleep, without sagging. While the cot is mainly designed for warmer weather use, with the best resting bag placed on top, this cot can easily be made use of year-round. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The very end of the cot, just under the feet doesn’t have much support and flexes a bit under the weight of my feet. Should you add it to your gear closet? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Dutch outdoor equipment manufacturer Helinox is known for uncompromisingly high-end lightweight outdoor gear at a price, and the Cot One is no exception. A quick roll over and I’m good to go, but it’s still an issue I kept running into. You’re right, 3” is quite a bit (there’s a joke to be made here) and I’m a fairly big guy, so I may just go with the Cot One. Their innovative designs tend to go above and beyond in regard to meeting the needs of campers and hikers. Packing smaller and lighter than a pair of hiking boots, it keeps your tired bones off the cold, hard ground without adding much weight to your gear. They were the Helinox Cot 1 and Therm-a-Rest ultralight Cot. From there, they slide effortlessly into sleeves of the polyester sheet that makes up the sleeping surface. 0. Brand: Helinox. Helinox apparently makes a down-insulated attachment that velcros to the underside of the cot for cold weather use. But wait, Helinox, a company that’s been creating some amazingly light and comfortable camping gear such as the Chair One, has created a matching cot, the Cot One. Keep up the great reviews. The Cot One from Helinox is and exceptional lightweight cot. Straight out of its tough little fabric storage bag, the Lite Cot dazzles, literally, with its trademark Helinox blue anodised DAC TH72M alloy poles glinting in the sunlight. Full review. It also features a width of twenty-six inches, a length of six feet, and a user weight capacity of three hundred and twenty pounds. Let's make camping comfortable. The legs are also shock-corded with the attached feet sturdy plastic. X. Title of Review. This mattress has a built in pump but I am not patient to pump it. As a backcountry hunter I love the idea of a packable cot, but would prefer the lightest version available. There are even helpful thumb tabs that help pull them into their final position. The polyester bed does a good job of distributing weight and and relieving any pressure points without slumping in or rolling the shoulder forward. For some, the only real drawback with this version is how reduced to the ground it rests, which can make it difficult for bigger users or individuals with handicaps to conveniently hop on as well as off it. The V2 is an upgraded version of the past Helinox camping cot. Qualified orders eligible for FREE S&H and FREE RETURNS. What are the joining hubs made of? Lightweight (about 2kg) and most easy installation under 1.5 min with good design. I do find that placing a foam mat or self-inflating sleeping pad on top helps a lot, however. I’ll try to get a hold of a lite to compare directly, but I wouldn’t hesitate unless you’re wide, heavy or just prefer the wider sleep space. Video review of the Helinox Cot Max that I use for moto-camping. Weighs 2960g (excluding bag) Now £369.99 RRP £399.99 | Save: £30.00. So in a nutshell, this cot (and the Helinox ground chair before it) has forced me to reevaluate my backcountry strategy. In this case, the central frame must be fitted in the middle cut-out position. Helinox recommends the 3 leg setup only be used for children not adults. 3″ is a lot of space though, and would likely to make it feel a bit cramped for stomach sleeping. The two primary poles snap together just like abnormally burly tent poles, complete with shock cord to keep them arranged. It's incredibly comfortable and a luxury I take whenever I go camping. This height may make the cot a bad choice for campers who have chronic back pain or arthritis, as it may be too low to the ground to allow them to easily get on or off the cot. ヘリノックス チェアツーの特徴 座面高低め(34cm) 座面高は低め(34cm) です。 焚き火を囲んでチルアウトする、なんて場合に最適。 また、背もたれの部分が長いいわゆる「 ハイバック 」タイプですので上半身を椅子に預けることが出来ます。 Change ). I want to extend a huge thanks to Helinox for providing this product for review. Helinox - LITE COT - Ultra-light, Compact, Collapsible, Portable Camping Bed (Black, One Size) 4.3 out of 5 stars 64 ratings LITE COT features a feather-lite (1.3 kg), compact design (12.5 cm W, 53 cm L packed). Big Agnes Helinox Lite Cot Review. 1 review - Write/Read reviews for HELINOX LITE COT. This cot is very light, durable, and made from high-quality materials. Our full disclosure can be found here. Has held up well. Lite Cot Reviews. 1 inches, this camping cot is highly portable and space-saving! it’s my go to at the moment, and mine has been holding up great also. Rating. The legs attach by simply placing the plastic end cups against the main poles and pressing against the tensioning pedals to engage them. 0. A better way to sleep The One Cot is also built exceptionally well, for the most part. If the dimensions of the lite are good for you, I’d say give it a go it. It can be done, but it takes more effort than I prefer. Your input is very much appreciated. ★【Ultralight & Portable】 Only 4. The cot holds 320 lbs, weighs just 4 lbs 11 oz, and retails for $299.95. ヘリノックスにそっくりなのに価格が4分の1程のハイコスパ!そんな夢のような格安コットがあるんです。それがハイランダーのコット。思わず購入してしまったこのコットを本家ヘリノックスと比較!いろいろと発見があったので、その様子をレポートします。 Cots have the reputation of being heavy, bulky and not always all that comfortable. I'd been looking for a light and easy cot and found two of all. Top material is 420D polyester fabric, anti-tear and breathable. A little extra weight is worth a better night’s sleep. ヘリノックスコットレビューでコットのすべてをまとめてみました。ヘリノックスの卓越した技術は、コットの軽量、コンパクトと快適性を実現しました。キャンプで安眠できます。極上のリラックス空間を演出するコットです。 Shop Helinox for the world's lightest, strongest, most comfortable portable chairs, cots, tables & outdoor equipment. Let's make camping comfortable. This cot is definitely on the narrow side, and it's so low to the ground that it can be a bit cumbersome to get on and off of. I think that’s a solid decision. Luckily, case is built great so it’s not been a problem (water resistant coated polyester), but it takes some practice to get it packed away just right. Available at REI, 100 Helinox Cot One Convertible Insulated . It’s well ventilated for hot weather as the fabric breathes great, and also handles stacking a pad on top of it for a little extra squish or insulation, extending it’s usability into the winter months. Home Cots Cot Max Convertible Wider and longer, Cot Max adds an extra 2.5” to the width and 7.5” to the length while maintaining streamlined design and packable performance. Email. Let's make camping comfortable. 5. The light-weight mesh design as well as aluminum structure make this cot a wind to carry from camping site to campsite, and it fits nicely inside its own lug bag. Helinox Cot One. If the legs don’t seem to reach the side bars when assembling the cot, you likely slid the legs into their connected crossbars incorrectly. Even in the biggest gusts of wind, ones strong enough to flatten this umbrella, it bou… I didn’t have any issues with back or side sleeping. It’s quite intuitive, fast, and leaves little room for error. Available at REI, 100% This site uses cookies to provide and improve your shopping experience. 商品名 コットワン コンバーチブル ブランド ヘリノックス Helinox 重量 2.19kg(2.32kg) ※()内はスタッフバッグ込みの重量です。カラー ブラック(BK)、ブラックアウト(BKOUT)、コヨーテタン(CTN)、グリーン(GN)、レッド(RD) サイズ 1 × 5. There aren't any frame components that pass under the head and foot of the bed, so no chance of hitting your head or ankles there. 2 reviews. Motorcyclists traveling across the country, backpackers, hunters, and campers, will fall in love with a cot that was designed with convenience in mind. It’s the perfect portable raised dog bed for dogs who love camping, days at the park, traveling, and sleeping comfortably at home. Helinox makes an assortment of high-quality outdoor accessories, from lightweight chairs and tables to cots and this outstanding line of umbrellas. Big Agnes is known for their top of the line camping cots and tents. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The frame features a couple of sets of poles complete with a shock cord inside. It’s by far the easiest lightweight cot I’ve ever assembled, and is hugely appreciated when working in the limited confines of a tent or with cold tired hands. The cot comes in at 72.8″ x 23.6″ x 5.1″ when assembled, or roughly 21″ x 5″ x 5″ when folded up within the handy carry case. It sleeps so flat that I was actually able to stomach sleep on the thing, without feeling like I was being folded in half. Me, I believe the use of a regular sleeping pad will give you the same results at a fraction of the price. Manufacturers code: Lite Cot. Questions Photos. It has just a bit of stretch, enough to absorb most of the shape of a shoulder, hip or elbow, but it still provides plenty of support for a tired back, easily keeping the vertebrae aligned while side or back sleeping. ★【Winner of the World-renowned Award】 Thanks to its unique design, good quality, convenience to use and simple to assemble; The cot was awarded ADI COMPASSO D'ORO INTERNATIONAL AWARD in 2017. Hah, I was tempted to go there myself. First off, the thing is extremely lightweight, coming in at just 2 lbs. It provides the best sleeping surface I’ve ever tested in the category, with a wide, flat sleep surface that largely accommodates any sleep style. Once you have connected both side poles, simply slide them into their respective sleeves located on the sleeping surface, then just add the support bars and your camping cot is ready for use. Learn how your comment data is processed. Glad it’s working out for you. Customer Reviews . Despite the sleeping surface being exceptionally flat, I did have a little trouble with my arms falling asleep when stomach sleeping on the cot. The Lite Cot camping bed from Helinox is a full 185 cm (6 foot) camp cot in just 1260 g (2.78 lbs). Shop Helinox for the world's lightest, strongest, most comfortable portable chairs, cots, tables & outdoor equipment. This model is all about style, portability, and ease of use. Big Agnes Helinox Cot One V2 Review by Kenneth Craig June 30, 2018, 2:55 am Edit – The Big Agnes Helinox Cot is currently unavailable but we found this model to be just as good or better! Support the site by using our Amazon Affiliate Link: For more information on Big Agnes and and their wide range of gear, check out their website, Wherever your adventure is, this smart light camp-cot can be stored in your backpack. 135cm Max. Helinox addresses the Achilles heel of cots with its newest product. 我が家では悩みに悩んだ結果。最強コットと言われる、【ヘリノックス タクティカルコット】を購入するに至りました。今回は、その選択するに至った経緯と、実際使って見たレビューも含めてレポしてみたいと思います。 It’s slightly over six feet long and just about two feet wide. Share it with your friends so they can enjoy it too! This model features an easier setup, a highly breathable sleeping surface, and a sturdy lightweight design. ( Log Out / I opt-in to a better browsing experience. While the lightweight design gives off the impression that this cot is very flimsy, the higher than average user’s weight shows us that this cot is built to last. This special alloy is a higher specification than aircraft-grade aluminium and goes through over 70 production processes from raw billet to finished pole section. Yes, to make the cot even lighter it can be used with only 3 leg frames. Set up is a breeze. Curious if you’ve had a chance to compare the cot one to the cot lite? The cot’s mesh sleeping surface promotes air circulation, allowing you to rest more comfortably at night, while the six inches of cleara… I found that packing the cot back into it’s deviously narrow case to be a real challenge. Not really something that you want to take into the backcountry, right? Big Agnes Helinox Cot One V2 Review Posted on June 3, 2020 November 9, 2020 by admin Helinox is an award-winning company that’s known for their innovative outdoor furniture designs including tables, chairs, and of course, camping cots. You deserve a good night’s sleep when you’re camping. Proprietary aluminium alloy legs and frame ensures maximum strength with minimum weight; holds up … Big Agnes Helinox Cot One V2 Review - The Best Outdoor Gear It’s quite sturdy, sets up wonderfully easy, and has provided me with an overall great experience, aside from trying to shove it back into it’s stingily small storage sack. I’m not particularly sold on the relatively thin plastic connectors that place the legs to the frame, but so far they’ve held up well. The polyester is impressively durable, resisting stretching or fraying under weight, and the frame is happy to accommodate my flipping and flopping through the night without me having to worry about it snapping in half or giving out. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Helinox Cot One Lightweight, Compact, Collapsible, Portable Camping Cot, Regular, Black at Additionally, the bars of the frame and the legs also feature shock cords inside. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. I haven’t compared them directly by actually spending nights on them both, but, they are very similar cots. Helinox(ヘリノックス)とは、ギリシャ神話に出てくる太陽の神「Helios」と夜の神「Nox」を組み合わせた造語。昼はくつろぎを、夜には休息を。ヘリノックスのアイテムは昼夜を問わず活躍します。ブランドロゴは「total eclipse(皆既 The sleeping surface is made out of a highly breathable nylon material. A look at the Helinox Cot Lite: a real lightweight backpacking cot weighing only 2lbs, 10oz. 5.0 Based on 5 Reviews. Sounds like a winner. BUY Helinox Cot Max Convertible. I’m not exactly sure if it’s the cot or pillow I was pairing with it, so I’ll continue to test and update when appropriate. Where other cots flex and wobble, groaning under the weight while getting situated, this one always holds it position and maintains a solid, stable feel. The Helinox Lite is far from a bargain buy, meaning you should consider another cot or a traditional sleeping pad if you are shopping with limited funds. The Helinox Lite is far from the most comfortable cot we have seen to date. The bed surface of the Big Agnes Helinox Lite Cot is rip-stop polyester with sleeves on either side. It’s wide, taut, and provides and exceptionally flat sleeping surface. The legs also have a tensioning handle located on one side, which will allow you to adjust the support. This product is a bit more expensive than similar trekking models, but it might be well worth it for the avid through-hiker or just for someone who is really hard on umbrellas: this has no metal stays to bend or break, no telescoping shaft to bend, and no deploy button mechanism to fail. Write a Review. The width of the cot may make it unsuitable for some one-person tents. 楽天市場トップ > ヘリノックス(Helinox) ベッド・コット ライトコット マット 寝具 キャンプ アウトドア > 安いのも考えましたが愛着持ってずっと使えるヘリノックスにしました。まだ組み立てただけですがちょっと力入りますが簡単に組み立て収納できます。 Application: Camping, Color: Black/Blue, Packed Size: 20.9 x 5.1 x 5.1 in / 53 x 13 x 13 cm, Weight Name. Sleeping on the cot was a real treat. More Info. ( Log Out / Be the First to Review the Helinox Cot Max Convertible. 5 ★ 100% . Last update on 2021-02-10 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API, KingCamp Ultralight Compact Folding Camping Tent Cot Bed, 4.9 Pounds (Blue), The Best Hammocks for Camping Tents and Backpacking, The Best Camping Mattresses Of February 2021, ⭐️Hiking and Camping Tips: Packing Light on Your Next Adventure, The Tips Ultimate Camping Gear List of Camping, Chinook 29250 Heavy Duty Padded Cot Review, The Best Camping Cots for 2020: The Epic Buyer’s Comparison Guide, KingCamp Ultralight Compact Folding Camping Tent Cot Bed Review, KingCamp Camping Cot Double Two-Person Cot Review. Small metal buttons located at the end of the legs release the tension for disassembly, and the poles slide out and fold up with minimal effort. 9.6 oz. Helinox(ヘリノックス) アウトドア コットワン コンバーチブル 1822170 コヨーテタン (CTN)がチェアストアでいつでもお買い得。当日お急ぎ便対象商品は、当日お届け可能です。アマゾン配送商品は、通常配送無料(一部除く)。 Helinox(ヘリノックス) アウトドア コットマックス コンバーチブル 1822175 ブラック (BK)が折りたたみ式ベッドストアでいつでもお買い得。当日お急ぎ便対象商品は、当日お届け可能です。アマゾン配送商品は、通常配送無料(一部除く)。 Facebook Twitter. Its dimensions make it a perfect fit for vertical attachment to my bugout bag and once assembled fits like glove inside my solo tent. Subscribe to get notified about product launches, special offers and Helinox news. Check that the blue bar is bending in towards the polyester bedding and not towards the ground and you’ll be good to go (as above). The Helinox Cot One Convertible What it really means to camp comfortably. I’ll do my best! They use only the best materials to design their extensive product line, so it came as no surprise that their Big Agnes camping cot is a very popular model in the camping and hiking community. アウトドアファニチャーブランド Helinox ( ヘリノックス )の公式サイトです。HOME DECO & BEACH (ホーム・デコ&ビーチ)とTACTICAL SUPPLIES (タクティカルサプライ)シリーズと Helinox ( ヘリノックス )の技術とノウハウを詰め込んだパックブランド、 TERG ( ターグ )のブランドサイトです。 Cots are a comfortable choice for campouts but with one weak point: They’re cold. Big Agnes Helinox Lite Cot Review Let’s talk specs. The Big Agnes is made out of TH72M aluminum, a type of material that offers superior strength, yet also works to keep the cot’s weight down. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Customer Reviews . 0. Only the price is slightly high. Cots are a comfortable choice for campouts but with one weak point: They’re cold. They’ve done it again with the introduction of this Helinox aluminum cot, designed for camp outs in warmer weather. Conclusion If you are shopping for a new cot that you can take on your next backpacking trip, then we would recommend the Helinox Lite . Helinox Chairs, Cots & Trekking Poles available now from Ultralight Outdoor Gear with FREE UK+EU Delivery, reviews, full tech specs & helpful buying advice. Accept Cookies . The Snap-Fit legs of the cot attach via small cups that slide that slide against the main poles, and attach firmly by pressing against the textured tensioning levers, locking the legs in place. We couldn’t do it without their help. 9 lbs and packed Size: 14 × 5. Outstanding line of umbrellas with your friends so they can enjoy it too cord keep. This special alloy is a great way of getting more out of your current Cot is. Does a good job of distributing weight and and relieving any pressure points without slumping in or rolling shoulder... And retails for $ 299.95 for cold weather use I kept running into strongest, most Cot! 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Providing this product for review 3 leg frames feature shock cords inside velcros. Contact us page on either side stored in your details below or click an icon to Log in you... With good design also feature shock cords inside your current Cot One Convertible What it really to.