Officers selected are listed below in active duty promotion list precedence (ADPL) order. If you'd like to apply for the AGR program, visit the U.S. Army Human Resources Command website and search "AGR", or for Officer/Warrant Officer applicants call 1-502-613-6365 and for Enlisted applicants call 1-502-613-5927. active. fy21 1st semi-annual special duty assignment meritorious promotions. How do I obtain a REDD report? Contact a regional Warrant Officer … AC FY21 Board: 16 Nov 20. 12/22/2020. "Effective 1 August 2020, the requirement for officer, warrant officer and enlisted selection boards to include the DA Photo as part of the board file is suspended. Congratulations to all who have been selected for promotion. Officers selected are listed below in precedence order. Non-Army Personnel . 12/22/2020. fy-21 navy reserve limited duty officer and chief warrant officer in- service procurement selection board results By Tony, February 7, 2020 0 replies ... fiscal year 2021 enlisted to warrant officer selection board results. When does a Commissioned Officer require an AFCS ETP for 153A? A list of U.S. Army officers and warrant officers who have been selected for promotion as of February 1, 2020. active. See MILPER #19-031 for a list of names. The Active Guard Reserve program allows Soldiers transitioning off active duty the opportunity to compete for AGR positions closer to home. @USArmy Warrant Officer Selection Board Results for January 2019 have been released! (CAC/DS Logon Required) fiscal year 2021 enlisted to warrant officer selection board results. RC Packet Deadlines/Board: Follow USAREC Board Schedule. Board Results - NAVADMIN 034/20 (Active Duty) NAVADMIN 044/20 (Active Duty-NUCs) NAVADMIN 035/20 (Reserves) Dec. 16, 2020 — The Coast Guard’s Chief Warrant Officer Selection Board convened September 28, 2020 and recommended 253 members to promote to the next higher warrant officer grade. COUPON (6 days ago) The Coast Guard’s Selection Board convened Oct. 19, 2020, and recommended 18 reserve members to promote to the next higher warrant grade. 12/28/2020. NG: Apply at any time; refer to ARNG Predetermination Checklist (JA WO Google drive) *** Effective 25 July 2020, DA Photos are no longer a Warrant Officer application requirement. Commissioned Officers require an AFCS ETP after over 48 months of Active Federal Commissioned Service at the time of the selection board. US Army officer and warrant officer promotions for February, 2021. ... officer promotions for december 2020 and projected officer promotions for january 2021. active. r 281529z oct 20 maradmin 647/20 msgid/genadmin,usmtf,2019/cg mcrc quantico, va// subj/fiscal year 2021 (fy21) enlisted to warrant officer (regular) selection board results// When submitting the SRB ensure you choose the print without DA Photo option *** r 061343z feb 19 maradmin 070/19 msgid/genadmin/cg mcrc quantico va// subj/fiscal year 2020 (fy20) enlisted to warrant officer/(wo) reserve selection board// Congratulations to all who have been selected for promotion. 770/20.