Please do not copy without permission. BBCODE: To link to this page in a forum post or comment box, just copy and paste the link code below: Here's the info you need to cite this page. Goodess of Well-being, Health and Prosperity, [These pages use text from Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. 1 Aesir 1.1 Gylfaginning 1.2 Skáldskaparmál 1.3 Thula 2 Armenian 3 Celtic 3.1 Gaulish and Brythonic 3.2 Welsh 3.3 Irish 4 Egyptian 5 Greek 5.1 A 5.2 B 5.3 C 5.4 D 5.5 E 5.6 G 5.7 H 5.8 I 5.9 K 5.10 L 5.11 M 5.12 N 5.13 O 5.14 P 5.15 R 5.16 S 5.17 T 5.18 U 5.19 V 6 Hindu 7 Islamic 7.1 Elamite 7.2 West Semitic 8 Roman … 1 History 2 Capabilities 3 List of Gods and Goddesses 3.1 The Dii Consentes 3.2 Minor gods Formerly known as the gods of the ancient Greeks, the Roman gods took on new names and forms during the time of the Trojan war, long before Rome was founded. Some may also add the Roman goddess Ceres to that list. Examples: JUPITER, JUP, JUPI. Her Roman virgin priestesses, the Vestals, were vital to the fortunes of Rome. Most of the Greek Gods and Goddesses were adopted by the ancient Romans, although in most cases there was a change of name. Domiduca. Felicitas was the goddess of success. In Roman mythology, Disciplina was a minor deity and the personification of discipline. As the personification of fortune, Fortuna is said to bring … Enter the numbers and characters shown below, Last Quarter 6 Jan 09:37 She known particularly from the second century BCE. Goddess and personification of poisonous gases and volcanic vapours. Disciplina is a Goddess and personification of discipline. In Roman mythology, Disciplina was a minor deity and the personification of discipline. We have sent our Data Dwarves off to find more nuggets of information. (Copyright notice.) Later, in 1898, Viennese artist Gustav Klimt notably recreated the classical Greek version of the goddess … Meaning of disciplína. Goddess of the hunt. Free Newsletter. The goddess embodied these qualities for her worshippers. Being disciplined in duties is to give example of what is taught, a Roman believes that what is taught is possible and learn from honored example best. The personified Roman goddess of strife and discord. Egeria. Come play the forum games or chat with us. Brigid. Disciplina, personification of … S… An ongoing project with detailed historical information about the more obscure Goddesses: this page features Disciplina, the Roman Goddess of Discipline and Order worshipped by Roman troops on the frontiers of the Empire. Roman Goddess of Discord. In 1633, Rembrandt van Rijn produced a powerful depiction of Bellona, the Roman goddess of war. We have sent our Data Dwarves off to find more nuggets of information. Female: Neptune: Triton (half man, half fish) Amphitrite: Salus (Salus Semonia) Roman goddess of safety and well-being (welfare, health and prosperity) of individuals and the state. Here is where we share interests and get acquainted. Roman soldiers who worshipped Disciplina hoped to acquire her characteristics to prepare them for battle. Past Issues. In Roman mythology, Disciplina was a minor deity and the personification of discipline. Copyright © 1999-2020 Godchecker, Inc. All rights reserved. Pronunciation: Coming soon HTML: To link to this page, just copy and paste the link below into your blog, web page or email. The word disciplina itself, a Latin noun, is multi-faceted in meaning; it refers to education and training, self-control and determination, knowledge in a field of study, and an orderly way of life. Disciplina. Phallic god who protected from envy and the evil eye. Cel (Cels, Cilens, Celens) is the Etruscan goddess of the earth. Ancient Egyptian Sundial Found: An ancient sundial has been discovered in an Egyptian... Family Targeted By Bullies For Being Witches, The Witches God - Janet and Stewart Farrar, The Witches Goddess - Janet and Stewart Farrar, A Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses - George Hart, Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia - Jeremy Black and Anthony Green, Maori Religion and Mythology - Edward Shortland, Encyclopedia of Goddesses and Heroines, 2-Volume Set - Patricia Monaghan, Asgard and the Gods: The Tales and Traditions of Our Northern Ancestors - Wilhelm W�gner Macdovvall, The Mythology of all Races - Vol 1-12 - Louis H Gray, The Ancient Gods Speak - Edited by Donald B Redford, Aradia, Gospel of the Witches - Charles G. Leland, Myths of the Norsemen From the Eddas and Sagas - H. A. Guerber, The Theogony of Hesiod - translated by Hugh G. Evelyn-White 1914, Encyclopedia of Ancient Deities, 2-Volume Set - Charles Russell Coulter and Patricia Turner. Goddess names are found in all of our ancient cultures. Cunina was the goddess of infants. Goddess of dawn and childbirth, patroness of mariners. Roman God of Oaths and Swearing. Dius Fidus is of Sabine origin. A minor Roman goddess, the personification of (martial) discipline, and significant in the legions. "Know the power of Disciplina, the Roman goddess of discipline." Disciplina is also the Latin noun meaning education, self-control and knowledge. Goddess of nature, fertility, childbirth, wildwood, moon, forests, animals, mountains, woods, and women. The Roman equivalent of Artemis [Greek goddess] Discordia, personification of discord and strife. The earliest inscription to this goddess is from an altar at Chesters, Hadrian's Wall. Goddess to whom soldiers sacrificed captured weapons. Popularity index: 1620. New Moon 13 Jan 05:00 Febris was the goddess that protected people from fevers. It does so through a mixture of research, exploration of its environment, study, training … Domiducus She known particularly from the second century BCE. Article by Thalia Took. The Roman goddess who escorts the child safely back home. The Roman goddess who escorts the child safely back … The Roman Empire was a primarily polytheistic civilization, which meant that people recognized and worshiped multiple gods and goddesses.Despite the presence of monotheistic religions within the empire, such as Judaism and early Christianity, Romans honored multiple deities.They believed that these deities served a role in founding the Roman … The Goddess Disciplina in turn had three chief virtues to impart to her warriors: Frugalitas (Frugality), Severitas (Sternness), and Fidelis (Faithfulness). Updates coming soon. We are often asked about mythology merchandise. The word disciplina itself, a Latin noun, is multi-faceted in meaning; it refers to education and training, self-control and determination, knowledge in a field of study, and an orderly way of life. Do we sell Disciplina graphic novels, books, video or role-playing games (RPG)? Goddess who protected breastfeeding mothers. In Roman mythology, Disciplina was a minor deity and the personification of discipline. Enter your email to subscribe to the TWG Newsletter. The goddess embodied … Folklore and Mythology Forum. Goddess who relieved people from pain and sorrow. The cult of Disciplina was promoted in Africa and Britain by Hadrian and Severus, and she is likely a creation by Hadrian. Dius Fidus is of Sabine origin. God of male fertility, viniculture and freedom. Her chief virtues were frugality, sternness, and faithfulness. Dis Pater or Dispater, god of wealth and the underworld Domitius, god who preserves the home (domus) of newlyweds Roman Gods and Goddesses Names and Functions. Not sure of the spelling? Disciplina is the Roman Goddess of Discipline. This is a list of Roman gods and goddesses that are in Roman mythology.. Apollo- The god of light, music, and healing; Aurora- The goddess of dawn; Bacchus- The god of agriculture and wine; Bellona- The goddess of war; Caelus- The primal god of the sky and theology, iconography, and literature; Ceres- The goddess of agriculture and grain; Cupid- The god of love; Cybele- The goddess … Disciplina, personification of discipline. The personified Roman goddess of strife and discord. Name: Disciplina Both a virgin goddess and an earth goddess, she was identified with the Greek Artemis. What does disciplina mean? This site is named after Disciplina, the Roman goddess of discipline and training. The Gods have provided us with a robust privacy and cookie policy which all mortals are advised to read. The Roman god of oaths. Allow Voting Cookie. Dia Lucrii were the gods of profit. Disciplina is … The goddess embodied these qualities for her worshippers. Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present, In charge of: Order Alternative names: Gender: Female Discipline is not a very glamorous attribute. Also known as Discipulina, a roman goddess of of orderly conduct used for propaganda purposes in the later empire to help maintain order within the legions. New Historic Site Page Added - 29/03/2012, River Uncovered After 100 Years - 29/03/2012, Block Voting Cookie The Newsletter is due to be published in -44232 days, on the . Consus was the god of grain storage. Godchecker™ is a trade mark used under license. Meaning of disciplina. To purchase such goodies we suggest you try Amazon, Ebay or other reputable online stores. 1 Also Called 2 Capabilities 3 Applications 4 Associations 5 Known Users Discipline Incarnate/Personification User embodies discipline, the idea that mankind should master its environment and itself for the betterment of society. Simply to accept the reality of this force (whether internally or externally) is a primary step in resolving a condition which has been exacerbated by denial, repression, and lack of development. Please mention when praying to the Gods. She is often considered to be the counterpart to the Greek Gaia or the Roman Tellus. First Quarter 20 Jan 21:01 Di inferi, deities associated with death and the underworld. Disciplina ("discipline"). How Goddesses Are Depicted in Art. The word disciplina itself, a Latin noun, is multi-faceted in meaning; it refers to education and training, self-control and determination, knowledge in a field of study, and an orderly way of life. Area of expertise: Order, Good/Evil Rating: NEUTRAL, may not care Discordia. Also known as Discipulina, a roman goddess of of orderly conduct used for propaganda purposes in the later empire to help maintain order within the legions. ENTARABUS - Variant spelling of Intarabus, from a German inscription. If you wish to use our material in your essay, book, article, website or project, please consult our permissions page. Copia was the goddess of wealth and plenty. She is known to have one demigod child: Casey, who is an Archer of Apollo. Disciplina ("discipline"). site design/coding �2021 The White Goddess:  v4.0.0 β:  21/08/2012. Here is where we share interests and get acquainted. God of the underworld and punisher of broken oaths. Goddess and personification of discipline. Name: Disciplina What does disciplína mean? Disciplina is the Roman goddess of discipline. The earliest dedication to this goddess appears to be an inscription on the altar found at Chesters, Hadrian's Wall, England. Brigid, the Celtic goddess of fire, poetry, healing, childbirth, and unity, is often shown … Discordia. Recent Articles. The goddessembodied these qualities for her worshippers. Egestes was the goddess of poverty. - Roman Goddess. Information and translations of disciplína in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. DOMESTICAE - See Matres Domesticae. In Roman mythology, Disciplina was a minor deity and the personification of discipline. The Roman pantheon The Gods, Goddesses, Spirits and legendary characters of Roman mythology. GodNote: Sorry this Disciplina article is a bit short. DISCIPLINA - Roman goddess of orderly conduct, used to maintain order within the Legions. The goddess embodied these qualities for her … Disciplina Etrusca September 16, 2019 The Etruscan Cel. She may be known at Camp Rome and may have children or even descendants there. For all media enquiries please contact us here. Deities that are considered female. Updates coming soon. She is known to have one demigod child: Casey, who is an Archer of Apollo. She may even be on disc by now. The word disciplina itself, a Latin noun, is multi-faceted in meaning; it refers to education and training, self-control and determination, knowledge in a field of study, and an orderly way of life. The word disciplina itself, a Latin noun, is multi-faceted in meaning; it refers to education and training, self-control and determination, knowledge in a field of study, and an orderly way of life. Di inferi, deities associated with death and the underworld. In Roman mythology, Disciplina was a minor deity and the personification of discipline. Disciplina - Goddess and personification of discipline. Discordia. Disciplina is a Goddess and personification of discipline. Dius Fidus. Full Moon 28 Jan 19:16, Imbolc - Feb 2ndOstara - Mar 21st/22ndBeltane - April 30th/May 1stLithia - June 21st/22ndLammas - July 31st/Aug 1stMabon - Sept 21st/22ndSamhain - Oct 31stYule - Dec 21st/22nd, Imbolc - August 1stOstara - September 21st/22ndBeltane - Oct 31st/Nov 1stLithia - Dec 21st/22ndLammas - Feb 1st/2ndMabon - March 21stSamhain - April 30th/May 1stYule - June 21st. Recent Articles. Deities that are considered female. Domiduca. 23 July Neptunalia festival with Neptune. Kronos: Saturn: A very ancient god, the father of many of the others. The eleventh sign of the zodiac, Aquarius, is represented by the image of a man pouring water from a large jar. Disciplina. Roman goddess of salt water who presided over the ocean depths and was the personification of calm and sunlit seas. Disciplina is the Roman Goddess of Discipline. Welcome to the Folklore & Mythology forum. ... Disciplina. She is the Greek Eris. Disciplina Facts and Figures. Roman soldiers’ Frugality covered not only the careful spending of money, but also conservation of energy and actions--perhaps better captured by the term Efficiency or even Precision. For official Godchecker merch please visit our God Shop where a wide range of items are available to buy. The power and influence of female goddesses is a cornerstone of both Eastern and Western iconography. Goddess of Fertility, Hunting, and the Moon. In Roman mythology, Disciplina was a minor deity and the personification of discipline. Goddess of thieves, con men and charlatans. Folklore and Mythology Forum. Definition of disciplina in the dictionary. Disciplina. The cult of Disciplina was promoted in Africa and Britain by Hadrian and Severus, and she is likely a creation by Hadrian. Eight dedications to this goddess are known from England. Thesan. Sea nymph. Information and translations of disciplina in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Disciplina, personification of discipline. Variation of Power Manifestation. Type: Goddess The Roman equivalent of Eris [Greek goddess] Dius Fidius, god of oaths, associated with Jupiter. DISCIPLINA Roman Orderly Goddess Goddess of Discipline. In Roman art Diana usually appears as a huntress with bow and arrow, along with a hunting dog or a stag. Disciplina is the Roman goddess of discipline. Definition of disciplína in the dictionary. This area of my site is dedicated to unravelling the origins and meanings behind these ancient names. Power to embody discipline. She may be known at Camp Rome and may have children or even descendants there. Come play the forum games or chat with us. 1 History 2 Appearance 3 Persoanlity 4 Abilities Disciplina refered herself to education and training, self … ], Quote Of The Day: Friday, 05 February 2021, Colour and Incense of the Day:Friday, 05 February 2021, Todays Colour is: ChocolateTodays Incense is: Opium. The list contains Goddess names from many different areas of mythology including: Celtic, Egyptian, Nordic, Hindu, Roman and Sumerian Goddesses. Article last revised on September 09, 2018 by Rowan Allen. Goddess of agreement, understanding, and marital harmony. Goddess of fountains, wells, and springs. In the table below is a list of the Greek Gods and Heroes and their Roman equivalents: Greek Name Roman Name Role Zeus Jupiter King of the Gods Hera Juno Goddess of […] She is the Greek Eris. Editors: Peter J. Allen, Chas Saunders. In Roman mythology, Disciplina was a minor deity and the personification of discipline. Fortuna, the Goddess of Fortune. The goddess embodied these qualities for her worshippers. Disciplina was the goddess of discipline. Dius Fidus. The word disciplina itself, a Latin noun, is multi-faceted in meaning; it refers to education and training, self-control and determination, knowledge in a field of study, and an orderly way of life. The word disciplina itself, a Latin noun, is multi-faceted in meaning; it refers to education and training, self-control and determination, knowledge in a field of study, and an orderly way of life. Goddess who presided over the system of sewers in Rome. She belonged to the retinue of Mars and Bellona. We have tried to collect as many Holy Aliases as possible. The goddess embodied these qualities for her worshippers. GodNote: Sorry this Disciplina article is a bit short. Past Issues. Subscribe for free weekly updates from this Folklore and Mythology site. Subscribe for free weekly updates from this Folklore and Mythology site. She was commonly worshipped by imperial Roman soldiers, particularly those who lived along the borders of the Roman Empire. Welcome to the Folklore & Mythology forum. 1 History 2 Appearance 3 Persoanlity 4 Abilities Disciplina refered herself to education and training, self-control and determination, knowledge in a field of study, and an … The goddess embodied these qualities for her … Dius Fidus. Try entering just the first three or four letters. The Roman god of oaths. Goddess associated with snakes and Medea. Disciplina - Goddess and personification of discipline. The word disciplina itself, a Latin noun, is multi-faceted in meaning; it refers to education and training, self-control and determination, knowledge in a field of study, and an orderly way of life. Disciplina. A minor Roman goddess, the personification of (martial) discipline, and significant in the legions. She belonged to the retinue of Mars and Bellona. 1 Aesir 1.1 Gylfaginning 1.2 Skáldskaparmál 1.3 Thula 2 Armenian 3 Celtic 3.1 Gaulish and Brythonic 3.2 Welsh 3.3 Irish 4 Egyptian 5 Greek 5.1 A 5.2 B 5.3 C 5.4 D 5.5 E 5.6 G 5.7 H 5.8 I 5.9 K 5.10 L 5.11 M 5.12 N 5.13 O 5.14 P 5.15 R 5.16 S 5.17 T 5.18 U 5.19 V 6 Hindu 7 Islamic 7.1 Elamite 7.2 West Semitic 8 Roman 8.1 A 8.2 B 8.3 C … Free Newsletter. The earliest dedication to this goddess appears to be an inscription on the altar found at Chesters, Hadrian's Wall, England. The first god to reveal herself was Venus, known to the Greeks as Aphrodite … Just copy the text in the box below. In Roman mythology, Disciplina was a minor deity and the personification of discipline. Roman Goddess of Order. The Roman equivalent of Eris [Greek goddess] Dius Fidius, god of oaths, associated with Jupiter. The word disciplina itself, a Latin noun, is multi-faceted in meaning; it refers to education and training, self-control and determination, knowledge in a field of study, and an orderly way of life. Gods are often known by several names. It was important to keep the hearth fires burning and the hearth was the domain of this stay-at-home goddess. The Roman gods were immortal beings. This information formed a large part of the Etrusca Disciplina texts, which priests studied and consulted. Goddess of the measurer of the thread of life. The Roman equivalent of Artemis [Greek goddess] Discordia, personification of discord and strife. Thanr (Thanur) A birth goddess and protector of children who was especially popular at Chiusi and Cerveteri. Aquarius, is represented by the ancient Romans, although in most there... Are advised to read measurer of the Greek Gods and Goddesses were by. People from fevers three or four letters the earliest dedication to this goddess to. 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